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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8530895 No.8530895[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Always keep this in mind. You're welcome, /vr/.

>> No.8530920 [SPOILER] 
File: 155 KB, 1075x782, 1642454729278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based as fuck.

>> No.8530931

my buddy smokes weed non stop, for years

his short term memory is fucked, doesnt remember shit from previous day

>> No.8530939

I might hate the feebs now, but that splash screen really takes me back. Watching the demo reel for Area 51 at the local theater and being blown away at how realistic it looked. Better days, but I'd fuck up if I had the chance to relive them even with my memories of now.
Sure is "great" living in a state that legalized weed all so a shitty politician could get into office. Fucking degenerates.

>> No.8530949

Some winners do use drugs, but you gotta make sure you're not caught to stay a winner. See Lance Armstrong.

>> No.8531180
File: 1.54 MB, 2048x1536, 15288191712_e702661948_k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not what I remember

>> No.8531342

what games are better on drugs?

>> No.8531350

russian roulette. do it faggot, erase yourself from the genepool.

>> No.8531358

Doesn't sound like a bad thing for replay value. I wish I could replay most games more than once a decade.

>> No.8531364

anon, there's so many great games out there you dont need to keep replaying the same old shit, look for cool games, make a list, start tackling the list, broaden your horizons

>> No.8531384

You haven't played Mario Bros if you didn't play it high on LSD.
The fun I had with my friends was hilarious.
We never made it past stage 1.

>> No.8531389

It sure would be nice to find a note on my desk, in my own handwriting, telling me to check out some random DOS game I never heard of.

>> No.8531418

Been sober for 3 months now. Feels good bros

>> No.8531462

I think its fun for 4x games like civ or stellaris
Relaxing games like slime rancher or minecraft are fun
Also broken reality, fez, psychonauts, the stanley parable, superliminal, titan souls, bastion, hades

>> No.8532735

I always wanted an NES game that has a "Winners Don't Use Drugs" screen in it, and aside from color differences (like yellow) this looks like it could be done easily on it.

>> No.8532749

Why is William S. Sessions censored from this image?

>> No.8532791


100% the person who made this smokes weed

>> No.8532797

This. Winners also don't emulate or use bootleg "FPGA" hardware.

>> No.8533036


good thing im not a winner.

>> No.8533046


>> No.8533053

I have had some fantastic times with games while high out of my mind but I don't think any game is better with drugs. Being sober is just as much if not more fun.
Playing Rez (in VR, no less) during an acid trip was great fun, though. I've also played Bloodborne on acid and even beat a boss I was having trouble with.
Weed, though? I am a complete retard with weed around. It makes everything more difficult for me. I legitimately wish I never would have tried it. It just feels too good, especially concentrates. I'm glad I quit smoking and vaping.

>> No.8533061


Anyone who isn't 1st place at something is a loser.

>> No.8533063

whoa dude

>> No.8533105

>Winners don't use drugs
says the same government that flies the drugs in from latin america

*honk honk*

>> No.8533119

Came back from an appendix surgery when I was 18. I remember booting up Dynamite Headdy while high on Oxycodone and holy fuck, that game was a trip. A non-stop thrill ride and I remember my brain thinking "what the fuck is going on with this cat"?

>> No.8533147

You americans with your Oxy-this and that lol. In the UK you're lucky to get given a bit of Codiene after some sort of surgery. Mostly you'll get Paracetamol (Acetaminophen). But here they prescribe/hand out SSRIs like sweets for almost anything. It's kinda like the worst of both worlds in that sense.

>> No.8533170

I'm not American, retard. I just beat you in the ashes.

>> No.8533172

However, I would be suprised if you wouldn't get oxy after an appendix surgery. It fucking hurts. Got it right before my finals too, which fucking sucked.

>> No.8533176

Well, my general point about the difference between America and the UK regarding prescription drugs and opioids still stands. No need for hostility, I wasn't being hostile. I was basically making a joke about how over in America people get given the "fun drugs" after any sort of surgical procedure, whereas here in the UK you don't, but they dose everyone up with antidepressants. Also I said the UK is "the worst of both worlds in that sense", if you read my post again.

>> No.8533181

I didn't mean to be hostile. Isn't this 4chan? I mean, I call my friends retard constantly.

>> No.8533183

No here you don't get Oxy for anything unless you have private healthcare. Also I'm not saying appendix surgery doesn't hurt, I'm saying that even with more painful surgeries they tend to not give people much here.