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8529026 No.8529026 [Reply] [Original]

Wat playing at the moment? Any translation patches coming this year? Share your SS love & stories below --->

>> No.8529059
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> Saturnchads RISE UP

I want to do an FRAM mod, but I don't trust my soldering ability. Does anyone have a recommendation for places in the US that do the installs?

I want to start playing some of the more involved RPGs (especially Shining Force 3), but I am incredibly paranoid that I'll lose my save, either from my CMOS battery dying, or my save cart wiping itself (this has already happened once, I think it was from from not inserting it properly after switching back from the RAM cart). I have a MODE so I can just back my saves up to a MicroSD card, but it seems like a pain in the ass to do that after every single play session.

>> No.8529249

The new Bulk slash translation is great.
New Castlevania patch is good they just need to change the rest of the japanese to english.

>> No.8529262

>New Castlevania patch is good they just need to change the rest of the japanese to english.
Is it really that much faster?
I just started playing the vanilla english patched version and I can tolerate the slowdown and load times. Only place its been bad so far is in the library when all those 3D books start chasing you.

>> No.8529271

It’s not just that, a whole host of issues have been fixed

>> No.8529387
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>fucked up 3 times doing both the region free and fram mods
>last attempt was clean, zero bridges, zero cold joints, genuinely fucking stumped as to why it didnt work
honestly not worth the trouble, made me feel like shit for ruining the first saturn i tried it on.

>> No.8529408

That is why I want a more talented person than myself to do the job for me.

I know I could practice with junk electronics until I got good, but I still think I would be far too nervous and would fuck something up.

>> No.8529413

I wasnt even nervous and still just couldnt get it. Bought an atten desoldering station for the job and the saturn is just too finnicky for me to work with. and i've now worked with ps2's for modbo modding, done minor recapping work, various sorts of jobs. Hope you find someone lol.
This guy right here on youtube might take commission work, worth asking him he's pretty talented. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNcal5Xcw06oKWo6lVIeV6g/videos

>> No.8529431

that's such a cool colour scheme.

>> No.8529479

That is the sexiest looking console that is still really bad.

>> No.8529491

Hold the L or R shift when booting up the console, it'll instantly drop you to the memory manager and you can tell if the backup cart is plugged in or not.

Also clean the fucking pins on the cart. Most of the time that's what is causing the issues. The pins are too thin, so even a tiny bit of dirt can prevent contact.

>> No.8529515

I'm playing Sakura Wars.

>> No.8529526
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>> No.8529571
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Genesis 6:9
In the begining there was sega.

>> No.8529643

Just started Panzer Dragoon Saga for the first time. Wish I’d bought it at the EB Games I saw it at 22 years ago, but oh well.

>> No.8529728

Finally got around to playing the Saturn version of Tomb Raider, its the first time I gave the older games a chance.
It's pretty fun though, I like that you're actually exploring tombs as part of the game instead of as a mostly unrelated side quest in the reboots. The environments actually feel kind of dangerous too and want players to take things nice and slow, the puzzles are more interesting, and I like that the game doesn't really hold your hand. Controls ain't that bad either like some people say, though I'm still not great at combat. I don't know, I feel a weird sense of fun when playing it, and I'm not blinded by nostalgia since I never grew up on it.
That said, the framerate fucking bites, nearly as bad as Saturn Quake when the action really begins to heat up or there's too many props on screen.

>> No.8529976

I like how claustrophobic Tomb Raider 1 is. And in retrospective its really a little bit too ambitious for the slim 32bit SS/PSX hardware it was on.

>> No.8530013

>the framerate fucking bites
it was a saturn game first, so being the first means it would have been the least optimised
plus the saturn was not exactly the ideal platform for a fully 3D game
the only reason to play TR on a SS is really just for the novelty that it was the platform it was originally made for

>> No.8531212

Replaying Alien Trilogy. An amazing FPS that deserves to be along side games like Doom, Quake, Duke Nukem etc.

>> No.8531316

The playstation version wasn't any better, really. It performs better in some areas, and worse in others.

>> No.8531328

Why did they never release this sexy silver version?

>> No.8531381

Its called "champagne gold" at least one prototype exists at Sega HQ Shinagawa, Tokyo. I suppose they ultimately decided against releasing this version because it was too goddamn sexy.

>> No.8531669
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Tomb Raider's movement is literally Prince of Persia but in 3D.

> Press forward, walk forward two steps
> Press jump, jump two blocks straight up
> Press jump and forward, jump forward two blocks
> Run and press jump, jump forward three blocks

Once you understand how Lara moves, you'll instantly know whether or not you can make any jump in the game. You'll also instantly know which ledges can be grabbed on to and climbed up on or shimmied across, unlike modern 3D platformers where they have to put big yellow objects or shining golden lines to tell the player what random arbitrary objects in the game world that they can climb on.

> Framerate

The Saturn version takes a hit, but part of that is because the draw distance is much longer than the PS1 version. Both versions have some serious drops in several areas, and god be with you when you get to the Cistern.

One of the nice things about playing the Saturn version is you get to use the Saturn controller, which helps a lot since you have to use the D-Pad for precise movement and the PS1's D-Pad is a mushy wet far in comparison.

>> No.8531683

The PS1 version originally was running similarly to the Saturn version if not a little worse according to interviews from Core. Apparently Sony's performance analysis tools helped them optimize it to get better performance. Sega didn't really have anything like that at the time.

>> No.8531690

> Combat

You can cheese most of the animal fights by jumping on top of something and shooting them to death with your pistols while they run around like retards. Whenever you come into contact with Larson his AI is set to shoot at you and then as soon as he takes enough damage to start running away. Once he starts running away he will disappear as soon as he is out of your sight, so once he gets to that point let him run away and disappear instead of following him and continuing to get the shit shot out of you.

> The environments

I love the sense of isolation that you get from the first Tomb Raider. These huge, empty caverns or underground structures, the sparse use of music, and the long involved puzzles really come together to give the game an atmosphere that no other game can really match.

>> No.8531706

It's far more performant on average and you know it...

>> No.8531709

Alien Trilogy was fantastic. The only thing I didn't like was the weird difficulty spike toward the end. I played through it on Normal and absolutely breezed my way through the game (I didn't mind though, because I was having fun exploring the environments). I was regularly finishing levels with like 200 health and armor up the ass, and tons of ammo.

Then, I get to the second to the last level and it just shatters my balls. Between the acid pits, facehuggers running up and down ramps that are super hard to target, and all of the Company soldiers in bio suits just wrecked my shit. It took me a few tries but I barely got through it. Then you get dropped into the final Queen fight and its a walk in the park.

Great game though. Runs better and has a slightly better draw distance on the Saturn, but its missing a couple of little details (mainly stuff like shell ejection when firing a weapon), and the lab sections are filled with mesh effect glass walls that look like complete ass if you're playing it on anything higher than a composite connection.

>> No.8531717

The PS1 version's framerate is actually lower on average than the Saturn's, the problem is the Saturn has more areas where the framerate will take a massive dip compared to the PS1 version. For some reason they used two of these areas as part of the game's attract mode, which I thought was kinda dumb, but eh.

>> No.8531727

If I wanted VNs and Bomberman I'd play PC-98

>> No.8531754

The isolation is steep, between musical cues all you have is cavernous ambience. The game just makes you fully take in all the space around you, it's got some amazing 3D level design.

>> No.8531797

Yeah, you don't get that sense of isolation anymore. Modern games give you huge GO HERE arrows and tooltips and some retard NPC constantly yammering into your earpiece.

If you want more classic Tomb Raider after you're done with the first one, skip 2 and 3 and go straight to The Last Revelation. It's much closer to the original game than any of the other ones in the classic series.

Chronicles is made up of 4 side stories, two of these are good (Rome, which is a fairly classic style TR experience, and Ireland, where you play as Lara when you play as a 16 year old Lara with no weapons who has to deal with Irish folklore creatures and an ancient ghost on an island) and two are pretty mediocre (Russia, where you kill a bunch of thugs and sneak onto a submarine which later sinks, and the Von Croy building, where the developers tried to shoehorn stealth gameplay into the TR engine and it doesn't really work). If you still want more TR after TLR than the half of Chronicles that is good might be worth checking out.

>> No.8532042

My disc drive is going so I'm in the market for an ODE. I know there's a few. What are the pros and cons of each of them?

>> No.8532076

they're all pretty much the same honestly
and they are all good

>> No.8532079

fenrir and satiator stinks

>> No.8532096

why's that?

>> No.8532102
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>> No.8532129

ignore him, he posts bait every saturn thread

>> No.8532146

i have a satiator, it smells really nice actually

>> No.8532205

Shining The Holy Ark. Godlike dungeon crawler.

>> No.8532215
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Saturn is based. Any recommendations for arcade ports/compilations?

>> No.8532226

i was thinking more the PC version, i didn't get a 5th gen console until 2000, so i played TR1 on PC
now at the mine my PC was shit and ran it worse than either... but eh, why would play the console version today?

>> No.8532230

Steallar Assault SS is neither but play it anyway

>> No.8532238

I don't like that controller because it feels worse than the black one despite looking better

>> No.8532249
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Sega Ages port of Outrun is arcade perfect, if not better. Has a 60fps mode (in 1996!), a bunch of customisation options including switching between US and JPN track layouts, and features the choice to hear an arranged version of the soundtrack, done by Hiro himself. Highly recommend it

>> No.8532284


Arcade conversions/ports to the Saturn are still the best if you're playing actual hardware due to the controller and RAM cart for fighters.

Street Fighter Alpha 3: Still the definitive version of the game with the fully fledged world tour, complete animations thanks to the RAM cart and overall polish. DC/PSP versions can't compare.

Vampire Savior: Animation is intact from the Arcade and you get 3 bonus characters from DS2.

Layer Section/RayForce: Essential shooter. Arranged soundtrack for home consoles.

Capcom Generations 2: Makaimura series without slowdown.

Hyper Duel: Has exclusive arranged modes. Fantastic port but incredibly expensive if you're not using ODE.

Salamander Deluxe / Parodius Deluxe: Definitive ports here as well with a lot of the slowdown removed and richer music w/ CD format.

Thunder Force Gold Pack 2: The best version of Thunder Force IV.

>> No.8532367

The SS 60fps mode is pure bliss.

>> No.8532438

i've only recently in the past year or so been getting into the saturn library but here is what i really like so far:
Radiant Silvergun
Guardian Heroes
Bulk Slash
Thunderforce V
Blast Wind
Legend of Oasis

Panzer Dragoon 1 and 2 are next and then burning rangers after that

I tried to get into In The Hunt but it was a bit to hard for me to crack into

>> No.8532445 [DELETED] 

Honestly, you're better off playing the Arcade version honestly

>> No.8532449

Honestly, you're better off just playing the Arcade version

>> No.8532458


>> No.8532625
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>Fantastic port but incredibly expensive if you're not using ODE.

>> No.8532756

Can't comment about the others, but Street Fighter Zero 3 on Saturn, while having almost perfect animation, is borked in other ways, like sound and combo timings. Its "arcade perfection" is a myth.

>> No.8532773

PSP's Double Upper/Max is not very good.
But the Dreamcast version is basically the Saturn version with almost no load times and no sound compression.

>> No.8532776

I know that level you're talking about. I had a hard time getting 100% secrets on this because many of the secret areas are in those pits that hurt you. Took several tries.

It's one of my favorite games, my only real complaint is i wish the queens you fight were actually a challenge. All of them can be cheesed pretty bad, but even fighting them fairly poses no real challenge.

>> No.8532827

I've never played a single arcade port on the Saturn desu. I don't know why saturn haters keep saying it has no library out of arcade ports. I'm glad the people that enjoy them though have turned that around on them and embraced them, they probably are decent ports.

>> No.8532975

Zoomers and Nintenyearolds who have never actually played one like to hate on the Saturn because they watched some fag on youtube who has never actually played one smugly shit on it in a desperate attempt to drive video views.

The Saturn did have a lot of arcade ports though, but that's because arcades had a massive impact on gamers in the 90s. With the Saturn we had finally gotten to the point where you could start to see home console versions of arcade games that actually looked and played like the arcade version. Now you could play Virtua Fighter or Moto GP or Sega Rally AT HOME(!) without having to scrounge up quarters and take the bus to the mall. Some of the ports were pretty rough (like The House of the Dead), but then you had games like Die Hard Arcade and Street Fighter Alpha that were incredible conversions.

The PS1 had a similar push early on (launching with Ridge Racer, NBA Jam, and Toshinden for example).

Later on you started to see the original games that would go on to add a lot of quality to the system's library.

>> No.8532984

Uh huh

>> No.8533083

That’s the beauty of the Saturn. A lot of people tend to rag on it nowadays because a lot of its library consisted of arcade ports, and you can easily play them on MAME now instead, but that’s not the point. There’s a lot of charm in these home ports and it’s amazing to see them pull off ridiculous amounts of animation and speed on something like Marvel vs Street Fighter (one of the best Arcade conversions of the pre-Ps2 era, bar none).

Obviously, the amount of arcade ports is a bit of an issue in hindsight and the general library is heavily skewed towards these kind of games as well as RPGS, but you have to put yourself in the mindset of someone back then, where arcades ruled the roost and having the best ports possible was a godsend. Saturn has a lot of issues. The transparency meshes, a library that’s heavily skewed towards imports and fighting games, bizarre and complex architecture that made it a pig to develop for, etc. But looking past those issues and embracing its library for what it is, the Saturn ranks out as one of the most beautiful and magical consoles ever. Sure it didn’t really have anything as groundbreaking as Mario 64, or the sheer amount of masterpieces like the PlayStation, but what you do have the S a library full of amazing arcade conversions, lovely hidden gems and some crazy ass experimental shit. When you have Sega Saturn, nothing else matters

>> No.8533802

I really should buy a Saturn, looks like the coolest console. Also, bit annoyed that the New 3DS XL cradle like you have there is $70+ these days for some reason.

>> No.8533806

All of the Sega Ages ports are, surprise, great. I love the Vampire Savior port on there too; it's my favorite version of the game.

>> No.8534301

If you're near the North East I think Brooklyn Games and Arcades are very good. I know one of the guys personally and he's done a lot of work on console mods, arcade machines and CRTs for decades and is very professional.

>> No.8534602

I refuse to play any Saturn games until Bakuretsu Hunters gets a translation

>> No.8534843
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I last played Saturn when I was playing the Resident Evil port, which was really cool. I played through as Chris, and it was challenging but fair. Overall I didnt' think it was as good as the PS1 version, but had some cool features, and stuff like the second Tyrant was neat.
I might get back to it and play some Burning Rangers. I played it a lot when it came out, and managed to get to the very last level but not beat it. Wouldn't mind trying again. That game had a crazy amount of polish for 1998, I thought it was so impressive you could get emails from the people you saved!

>> No.8535070
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Just got a Model 2 Saturn with a Fenrir and running through an OSSC + SCART cable, this is bliss, been replaying Silhouette Mirage (English patch/WD script injection fucking when) and I finally want to play through PD Saga. Kinda wanna get a 3D pad but I don't know of any other big applications for it beyond Nights.

I also wanna play D and Enemy Zero but the lack of disc hotswapping on the Fenrir is gonna be an issue

>> No.8535108

3D pad works wonders on Burning Rangers, basically the only way to play the game as using the regular pad is really not the best for the type of game it is. A few games support it but only Nights and BR are directly built around it, I think. I’m not too educated on Fenrir but can you even swap discs on it at all, or is it some hellishly cumbersome task

>> No.8535148

I used my 3D Pad for games like Deep Fear and Powerslave. The direct compatibility isn't excellent outside of the Sega releases.

>> No.8535251

I think it's good for driving games, but I've mostly used mine for Nights too.
I'll definitely try it with Burning Rangers though.
Can you save and restart each time you need to swap discs for those games?

>> No.8535426

same with marvel super heroes and X-Men vs sf. still better than psx. Dreamcast sfa3 is better

>> No.8535472

It's not even that good. I love the anime and manga so I appreciate where you're coming from but the game is the epitome of phoning it in

>> No.8535783

Based taste though

>> No.8535878

>same with marvel super heroes and X-Men vs sf
Pretty sure all multidisc games on Saturn save between disc swap

>> No.8535912
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bro it ain’t worth it

>> No.8535942

Appreciate this thread making me look up the show. Doesn’t look like my cup of tea but the op and ed themes are really high quality stuff

>> No.8535952

Dreamcast Alpha 3 has more problems. The hit boxes are off and the timing on combos is even worse.

The main changes in the Saturn CPS2 ports is more along the lines of final revisions that fix broken infinite combos and other jank in the arcade versions. Some like X-Men vs Street Fighter actually had later arcade board revisions that had similar changes.

>> No.8535972

The thing is, the Saturn version is an upgraded version of the CPS2 arcade version. The Dreamcast version is a port of the NAOMI version INSPIRED by the Saturn version. It's not based off the CPS2 game anymore, so the changes are still arcade accurate, but not for the original, but for Upper.

>> No.8535995

It's a pretty decent enemy of the week type anime. The manga is better though. Classic case of the anime finishing before the manga, with the anime ending on a wtf note. But the individual episodes are still really good because they're all episodic and can even be watched out of order, it doesn't really develop an arc until the last 10 episodes or so, and they're worth watching too but the ending was super disappointing imo. The first half of the show is solid though.

The Saturn game Bakuretsu Hunters R is slightly better in my opinion, but it's not a true RPG. It's like a simulation of an RPG. But at least it's more fun to walk around and explore in it.

>> No.8536031

Aight good shit, thanks for the heads up

>> No.8536032

Is there a difference between models to look for? Looking to get a Jap console and AR

>> No.8536069
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There aren’t many big changes with Japan Saturns (US got a redesigned controller but they quickly jumped back to the Japanese design). There’s two main models. The black box which was the one released at launch. You can tell it’s an original by the color (obviously) and the fact that the power and reset switches where hard buttons you’d press in the shape of an oval (it’s hard to describe but bare with me here). Second run is the white one edition which very slightly changes the design of the console (reset buttons are now full circles, just look at the photo, it explains it better than I can). They’re identical hardware wise except that Sega Ages Outrun and Space Harrier don’t work on it, but those are the only two games that are affected and even then, they repressed the game to fix any issues. You’re fine with either version though the white one is arguably better looking. There’s also the Hi-Saturn which has a built in VCD card that let you play Video CDs and even use it as a goddamn GPS but this is rare and pretty damn pricey. There’s also the V-Saturn, made by JVC which alters the boot up screen and nothing else.

>> No.8536089

>Pretty sure all multidisc games on Saturn save between disc swap
D outright does not save, and Deep Fear is also a hotswap

>> No.8536092

>can you even swap discs on it at all, or is it some hellishly cumbersome task
Nah, you gotta just load the next disc as a separate game. Apparently the creator wants to add discswapping but it's gonna be a while
>Can you save and restart each time you need to swap discs for those games?
Most games on the Saturn yeah, but I know D doesn't. Enemy Zero might, though

>> No.8536120

pretty sure it auto saves to the internal memory on both games, just most people don't change the battery

>> No.8536129

Oh shit, okay that's a game changer
I wonder if D does something similar, then

>> No.8536135

just make sure you use charged battery before playing it and test it out
it says it's compatible on their site

>> No.8536389

The anime feels like a generic 90s fantasy anime but that's not necessarily a bad thing. Plus it has Megumi and BDSM outfits. And the opening is catchy as fuck.

>> No.8536552
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Blessed Sorcerer Hunter chads

>> No.8536751
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>dunka dunka dunka dunka dunka


>> No.8536758

Dota a cute

>> No.8536827

Get a floppy drive. You can get them for less than $50 off YAJ for just the drive. They take a model 2 Mega Drive plug. Very few games have direct support for the drive, but you can burn a copy of the Floppy Operator CD.
For me, it's the undub of Burning Rangers

>> No.8536854


>> No.8536972

>They’re identical hardware wise except that Sega Ages Outrun and Space Harrier don’t work on it,

This is only for units made after 1997 or so that use VA10 or later motherboards.
Anything before that will run those two games fine, including model 2s. In fact a large part of model 2s are just model 1s with a new case.

The Hi-Saturn and V-Saturns are also just cosmetic changes, plus they have a different BIOS animation and had a video cd card bundled (not built in). The GPS thing is only for the Hi-Saturn NAVI which is a special unit that you won't buy because it is a stupid expensive limited edition console.

>> No.8536980

burning rangers would have been a cool dreamcast game, but i think it's visually too ambitious for the saturn

>> No.8537023

Seems like a predecessor to Gun Valkyrie

>> No.8537027

In the hunt is one of the ones you really just have to give to the psx. Its got less slowdown. Saturn version feels like kirbys adventure levels of slowdown when theres lot of enemies and that doesnt work in a shooter. Really neither is as good as the arcade.

>> No.8537032


>> No.8537037

Hey guys. I've never played the Saturn so I'd like to know what I'm going into if I decide to get one? What genres does it excels?

>> No.8537038

it's more of a 2D powerhouse
expect lots of fighters and wacky japanese games (it was popular in japan, not popular in the west)

>> No.8537041

oh and arcade ports, some of the best of the generation, actually

>> No.8537069

What about JRPGs? Any killer apps?

>> No.8537071

Fighting games
Old school FPS
Rail Shooters
Arcade style racing
Not so good at 3d platforming or Adventure games or 3rd person shooters
Not many good puzzle games either

>> No.8537073

Panzer Dragoon Saga
Shining force is a tactical rpg
Lots of japanese import stuff I havent played

>> No.8537310


Shining The Holy Ark
Shining Force III Scenario 1-3
Vandal Hearts
Panzer Dragoon Saga
Sakura Taisen 1+2
Dragon Force
Albert Odyssey
Lunar 1+2
SMT Soul Hackers

>> No.8537421

Sorry lads, I’m a homosexual so the bdsm tits don’t draw me in but I can appreciate some good music, visuals and Hayashibara

>> No.8537423

Fighting games, shmups and arcade ports. Lot of RPGS too (a lot are JPN only though). It reigns supreme in that regard, so if you’re okay with not many Bing bang wahoo platformers or whatever then you’re good to go

>> No.8537903
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Best version of Linda Cube Again and Princess Crown

>> No.8537961

I can see that revisiting it now that it struggles a lot, but at the time of release I was really impressed with the game and thought it was great.

>> No.8537976

>Linda Cube Again
Sounds interesting. Someone is working on an English translation for this one?

>> No.8538016

>Give Burning Rangers a try because the music is top notch
>Camera sucks, controls are awkward and the framerate is painful
>Wait months for the Bulk Slash localization, finish the game I was playing when it was announced too so I can make it the next game to focus on because it looks really fun
>Bosses move around at random and constant crash into you because you can't stop moving forward while in flying mode; the plot and cute girls that make up the entirety of the game's marketing are barely elaborated on in the game itself; the game only has 7 stages and ends in less than an hour (that's it?)
>Look up Policenauts because it looks kinda cool
>It's a 9 hour long interactive movie
It's kind of a shame that such cool looking titles feel either like throwaway pasttimes or full-blown Kojima extravaganzas. Nonetheless I'll continue to give the Saturn a fair chance. Is Stellar Assault SS any good?

>> No.8538030
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It and Princess Crown have been in fantranslation hell for years but supposedly they're both approaching completion. There's also the Tengai Makyou Apocalypse game but I don't know if that's getting a translation.

>> No.8538060

What are some good Saturn games that aren't arcade ports? Not trying to make a dig about it focusing on those, just genuinely don't know too much about the systems Library and am curious.

>> No.8538256

>Not many good puzzle games either
You're just trolling i hope.

>> No.8538265

bruh that was the point of the saturn,its like saying you bought a neo geo AES but hate fighting games lol

>> No.8538285
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>> No.8538315

Shmups are a meme genre, get better taste, Saturn has great platformers and adventure games

>> No.8538335

No Layer Section?

>> No.8538341
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Gateau has got you covered, faggot. He's also more explicitly bi in the manga if the anime doesn't do it for you. Watch the OVA for more manga accurate characters

>> No.8538354

I don't plan on buying one, I never owned a Turbografx either but I've had a blast playing it's games through other means.
I know Sega tried to make their thing over their competitors be that they could run arcade games 1:1, But there has to be something else the Saturn had that was cool. While I personally didn't like the Panzer Dragoon remake, it's still an original Saturn game that was considered good/classic. There's got to be more.

>> No.8538563

The Saturn has a lot of games worth giving a chance too, but I also find a lot of the mythical Japan exclusive games and some of the more popular ones aren't my cup of tea too.
I'm not sure what genres you enjoy, but some personal favourite exclusives of mine are;
Shining Force III Trilogy
Deep Feer
Athlete Kings/Winter Heat
Panzer Dragoon Zwei

>> No.8538571

You’re a meme poster. Do better.

>> No.8538582
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Non arcade port games that are notable;

Shining Force III Trilogy/Wisdom/Holy Ark
Legend of Oasis/Story of Thor II
Burning Rangers
Panzer Dragoon/Zwei/Saga
Deep Fear
Sega Worldwide Soccer '98
Steep Slope Sliders

I haven't played but heard good things about;
Enemy Zero

I'm sure there's more, but this is my top of the head list of exclusive non-arcade ports.
And yes, like >>8538265 said, you have to bear in mind that the Saturn was the king of arcade ports in the late 90s. It's not as relevant now, but back then it certainly meant a huge deal to be able to play nearly arcade-pefect ports of Virtua Fighter 2, Sega Rally, Street Fighter Alpha, Marvel Super Heroes etc.

>> No.8538583

I'm 100% sincere anon.

>> No.8538584

Cheers, Anon. I appreciate that

>> No.8538602

>Bulk Slash
>Shining Force 1-3/Shining the Holy Ark
>Nights into Dreams
>Panzar Dragoon/Zwei/Saga
>Dragon Force
>Albert Odyssey
>Dark Savior
>Saturn Bomberman
>Psychic Assassain Taromaru
>The Legend of Oasis
>Shinobi X

>> No.8538616

>Princess Crown approaching completion
Ultra based. I've been waiting on this one for years

>> No.8538623

Cool, I'll keep an eye out for them! Are they both JRPGs? I'm usually not a big fan of the genre, but if the battle system or story is interesting I'll give it a try.

>> No.8538627

Really hoping someone gets around to translating Devil Summoner, Soul Hackers and Ronde. I’m aware DS is getting its PSP version translated, Soul Hackers got a remake and Ronde is total fucking ass but I want to experience these games regardless (and preferably on a Saturn)

>> No.8538632

Princess Crown is like a side scrolling hack and slash kind of action RPG. Linda is a straight up turn based RPG

>> No.8538640

> Ryo having a Saturn in Winter of 1985

I know that they did this because Yu Suziki wanted to have some of his arcade games playable in Shenmue, but it should have been a Mark III/Master System instead. They could have thrown a bunch on ROMs on the disc and sold them as individual cards and carts in the stores.

>> No.8538678

The Saturn is so powerful it exists in multiple different periods of time all at the exact same moment

>> No.8538748
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> Ryo has a Saturn in 1985
> Martin Luther King Jr. has a Dreamcast in the late 1960s
> Professor Farnsworth has a Sega Genesis 1,000 years in the future

Can Sega consoles transcend space and time? Segabros... what is happening?

>> No.8538948
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Princess Crown is basically a Vanillaware game from before Vanillaware was a thing. It's gorgeous and the combat is hack and slash with rpg elements.

Linda Cube is closer to a standard JRPG, but it mixes up the formula in a lot of ways. There's not much out there like it really.
>planet of Neo-Kenya going to be destroyed by a giant meteor in 8 years
>giant space ark appears one day from an unkown god calling himself Anubis
>main character Ken and his slightly crazy tomboy gf have to run around collecting one male and female of each animal on the planet and put them in the ark before blasting off into space on it
>animals have same names as Earth animals but look like bad acid trip versions
>seasons and years pass in-game, changing what animals and people appear in different places
>uploading animals into the ark buffs Ken and Linda, unlocks special abilities
>collected animals can also be turned into weapons, armor, and food
>four-directional combat
>if you hit an animal too hard you will splatter them instead of collecting them
>half your party are dogs that will act on their own unless you use a skill that gives them a command

It's also filled with ridiculous NPC conversations and dramatic events that keep hitting the main characters over three different scenarios. It may not be the best looking game for its time, but it's definitely worth checking out.

>> No.8538958

>The Dreamcast version is a port of the NAOMI version INSPIRED by the Saturn version.
The Dreamcast version came out 2 years before the NAOMI arcade version and almost half a year before the Saturn version.

>> No.8539065

Oh wow, they both sound really cool. I'll make a note of them and keep an eye out for translations.
Linda sounds impossible to play without a translation, but Princess Crown might be okay? Either way I can be patient.
Thanks for the detailed rundown, anon!

>> No.8539247

The day of reckoning is approaching, anon. Soon, the promised time will be upon us and the collective Sega consoles will begin to manifest into godlike entities that we cannot begin to fathom, leading we feeble mortals into the next plain of existence. At first, it will not be recognisable. You’ll spot what looks like an SG-1000 in a photo of the Hindenburg disaster. Then you’ll start seeing Game Gears in the Sistine chapel paintings. Soon after, the collective consciousness will break down as the Master System begins the Quickening. Then the Genesis will begin its final mission. It begins to tear apart the fabric of reality, existing in every conceivable time and location, from the Big Bang, to the discovery of fire, the birth of Christ, the fall of Rome, the rise and dissolution of the Islamic golden age, the founding of America, both world wars, the JFK assassination, man walking on the moon, 9/11, the creation of the segway (can’t spell segway without Sega) and far into the future. It does this at a speed that we can not even fathom, a number so high our brains would melt trying to process it. That is the true power of Blast Processing. The Saturn will activate its 2D powerhouse drive and envelop the universe entire universe. Our bodies will crumble and turn to dust as our souls gather in a collective hive mind mass, forming a singular being that has the power to create and destroy galaxies at will, effectively making us a God. The Dreamcast has awakened. It’s thinking. We attain mass enlightenment and ascend to the second tier of reality, finally achieving our true forms as the ideal being. The universe will then implode on itself due to the sheer raw power on display, before detonating and creating a second Big Bang, restarting the process anew as we watch over the galaxy, content with our new form. It will
be a long and painful process, but a vital one in our evolution. After all, To be this good takes ages, to be this good takes SEGA

>> No.8539264

Princess Crown has guides you can playthrough with but I don't believe Linda Cube has the same, although someone did dump the main conversations from Scenario A. No prob anon hope you enjoy.

>> No.8539345

> Neil Armstrong sets foot on the Moon for the first time
> "That's one small step for (a) man... one giant leap for Mankind"
> Suddenly, in the dust next to hit feet, he sees something
> He bends down to pick it up
> It's a NOT FOR RESALE copy of Sonic 2

This is the real Moon conspiracy

>> No.8540090
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Last thing I played was Sakura wars because the translation patch dropped. Now I'm sad I did so because I can't carry over my save to 3 and 4 like I could have if I played on the Dreamcast.

>> No.8540143

You can’t edit a save file with your choices?