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/vr/ - Retro Games

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852816 No.852816[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why has the state of the gaming industry gone to fucking shit?

Look, the developers who exist now are the same generation as you and me. Most of these guys were probably born in the '80s and '70s, thus they liked the same shit we did.

Why now then has it all become so terrible when they shared the same gaming 'philosophy' as we did?

>> No.852826

It's not about the developers. It's about who's in charge, who's writing the checks, and who's buying.

>> No.852830


This, this so much.

Also, Sony is still pumping out some halfway-decent stuff, imo.

>> No.852832


exactly. developers which can't sell games don't survive and developers which investors don't have faith in don't get funds.

doesn't matter what they played as kids.

>> No.852835

Yeah, okay, but hear me out.

They didn't have to 'casualise' it like this out the ass.

I'll use GTA as an example. Granted, GTA was not really a 'hardcore' series (excluding the first two original titles) but there was still a noticeable drop in difficulty between San Andreas and IV. Why did they have to do that? San Andreas was their highest selling GTA (17 million+ on PS2 alone). Had they maintained the difficulty, it's very unlikely that they would have had less sales for IV. It would have still sold very well regardless.

The DLC released for IV apparently was not up to Rockstar's expectations. I'd argue this is because most people found IV to be a ridiculously boring game, and how easy it was only added to that. Had IV posed more challenge than the pathetic hand-holding-fest it turned out to be, maybe more people would have been interested in the DLC.

Anyway, that's just using GTA as an example. There were a shit-tonne of harder games for PS2 that sold very well. The MGS games for example were harder on PS2 and sold more than MGS4 did. Developers don't HAVE to make games easier for sales, they just have to make a GOOD game.

>> No.852846

PS2 isn't retro.

>> No.852845

Because the industry has been hijacked by special interests like feminism and SJW.
Our only hope is that Japan will remain strong. Otherwise I'll become exclusively retro.

>> No.852847

Gah, I'm only using it as an example of how this gen has gotten so much easier. We can go back further than that.

MGS1 on PSX is undoubtedly harder than MGS4 and yet look at its sales:


6+ million.

>> No.852853

>Our only hope is that Japan will remain strong
Too late


>> No.852854
