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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 150 KB, 1280x1600, Vectrex-Console-Set.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8525393 No.8525393[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Be fucking real with me, you can't possibly sit there and say you enjoy vectrex or ataro 2600, intellivision/colecovision, anything pre-NES is fucking garbage let's be fucking real now lads.

>> No.8525395

C64 and MSX are good

>> No.8525402


Okay kojima

>> No.8525423

I like some 2600 games, legitimately. Outlaw, Tanks, and Warlords are a lot of fun with 2-4 players, even if they’re not the best versions of the type of games. Cosmic Ark and Atlantis are both really fun single-player games, too.

Most of the library hasn’t aged well, though, of course.

>> No.8525438

if you had a colecovision back in the day, you had friends. simple as that.
colecovision was like stealing quarters from the arcade; that's how good the games were.

i used to talk to a guy who worked at colecovision. he was working on the adam computer of their's and always lamented that, had they waited a few extra months, the computer would've been perfect. but management wanted to ship it out for the christmas holiday season and that's why it was as fucked as it was.

as for the vectrex, there was a guy at a flea market selling one of those things. it is amazing to see in real life. you kids are missing out. go see it in person if you can.

>> No.8525489
File: 3.19 MB, 1853x2698, 20171117_090821-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shitting on Vectrex ludo
Just leave this board kid

>> No.8525507
File: 54 KB, 420x420, lowqualitybait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8525521


>> No.8525541

Boomers who grew up on NES/SNES/Genesis say this kind of thing, "no one can honestly say they enjoy games from the pre-nes era like atari, intellivision, colecovision, vectrex, etc" and then another day ramble on about "ugh 3D killed gaming, fuck n64 and ps1" and are retards who never adapted their brains to 3D space and using cameras. Constant reminders of how much of nostalgia bitches they are and people still entertain their retarded opinions.

Your feelings about "how could anyone enjoy those games genuinely?" is how I feel about NES/SNES/Genesis era of video games. Garbage arcade copies of beat ems and shoot em ups which are god awful genres to begin with. Then all thats left that people jerk off are platformers or action platformers, of which only a select handful were ever worth playing. All the games on those consoles have been utterly decimated by their 3D successors in quality

>> No.8525563

I woulda play more on the Vectrex if it weren't for the loud annoying buzz

>> No.8525601

There's a mod board to fix that.

>> No.8525624

Intellivision and Coleco are as old as I get. C64 is awesome and the MSX is just a souped up CV. Too bad the Adam bombed; if it hadn't we might have gotten more Konami computer games in the West. Adam had a thriving scene well past 1983.

>> No.8525636

Vectrex had better graphics and far smoother framerate than any NES game.
>anything pre-NES is fucking garbage
Pre-1986 NES was utter fucking garbage. Before the 128KB banked cartridges, the NES was the worst 8-bit console in existence with more expensive and less diverse games than ALL of its competitors. Without super mario, duck hunt, and fucking rob the shitbot, the NES would disappear within a few months.

Chad64 is the best 8 bit system in history, but MSX is pretty lame.

>> No.8525648

Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of 4channel are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

>> No.8525654

The Adam was an absolutely excessive add-on. It was sold for an outrageous $725 and had a fucking printer. The tape drive, an innovative technology at the time, was unreliable. It should've been nothing but a RAM expansion with a cheap conventional cassette tape deck, and the printer, keyboard, and other expansions should've been optional.

>> No.8525658

If people could sit there and enjoy it back then, they can do it now too.
Granted, not many games are that fun, but there are some. Some are only fun with friends. Others were mere curiosities that people had few alternatives, and many were bad even for their time. But River Raid is still just as good as any shooter, Enduro as any racer, Pitfall as any platformer, and so on

Kids who grew up on NES, SNES, Genesis were the primary target for early 3D consoles. The ones who can't stand them are those who were already adults and have been playing since the era of Atari 2600. Or were too poor to afford them. Or are too young.

>> No.8525669

>Garbage arcade copies of beat ems and shoot em ups which are god awful genres to begin with
This is how I feel about Nintendo and Sega games. They've got tons of samey looking, sounding, and feeling games that autists on this board endlessly jerk off to. I don't see the point of having more than 1 Megaman game. Not to mention these games were sold for 40 US dollars each back in the day. Yes renting was possible, but I don't see the point of playing these generic games all summer. Before the PS1, console gaming was frankly terrible.

>> No.8525671

Worse, you needed the printer to even power on the machine. It having a tape drive wasn't unusual; but the C64 had Datasette and those took standard tapes. The absolute worst thing about the Adam was the fact that you risked wiping a DDP if you left it in while powering the machine on.

>> No.8525675

yeah not just here but anywhere (4chan, youtube, twitch, etc) people go like WHOA I FOUND THIS HIDDEN GEM NES GAME and then its completely identical to the other 500 platformer/shoot em ups just like it

>> No.8525681

>Kids who grew up on NES, SNES, Genesis were the primary target for early 3D consoles.
The majority of Jaguar, 3DO and PS1 games resembled computer games more than 8/16 bit console games. Many of them were ports or spiritual successors of computer titles too.

>> No.8525692

>It having a tape drive wasn't unusual
It used a "wafa drive" instead of normal tape drives. It had higher capacity and speed than normal audio tapes while being cheaper to manufacture than floppy. The seek speed wasn't as fast as floppy disks, but data transfer was really fast. The high speed was also the reason the reliability was poor and it was soon abandoned.

>> No.8525897


>> No.8526035

anything pre-SNES is garbage. you can tell this by the fact that nobody makes cute little indie games in the style of NES and earlier consoles. they make them look fourth-gen.

>> No.8526154

I had a Coleco Adam as a kid. I loved it. It came with a BASIC programming tutorial, and that's how I first learned to program.
Many years later, I learned that the Adam was an infamous failure. I'm still not sure why; it worked fine for me.

>> No.8526159
File: 72 KB, 460x215, stem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eh i got this on steam and i play random games sometimes. most of them are boring but some of them have been fun.

>> No.8526196

NES has a big homebrew scene and there are tons of indie games that are designed off NES games.

>> No.8526210

I consider Solaris, Keystone Kapers, Wizard of Wor and Pitfall to still be playable on Atari 2600.

>> No.8526221

Played on a real Vectrex. You literally can't emulate the feeling without a vector display at the bare minimum. It is beyond compare. Another level of fun that punches beyond its period weight.

>most are boring, some are fun
Every library in existence.

>> No.8526236

I like the games that the 2600 ported poorly. Now that good ports of those games are widely available though it's just the few original games that are of interest

>> No.8526332

mhm. less are fun for me with atari but there are still a couple games

>> No.8526362

Gaming died in 1988 and with few exceptions I don't recognize anything 3D as being an actual video game, it's more a "multimedia experience" which can be ok for what it is but it's not a true video game. jmo.

>> No.8526395

>old consoles
Consoles are cheap shit machines, so of course they're almost unplayably bad in the 70s and early 80s when home computers were brand new. Think of how limited those computers were, and the consoles were much worse.

>> No.8526406

no u

>> No.8526441

>he doesn't enjoy Berzerk for the 2600
go and stay go

>> No.8526719

I've never had the opportunity to play a vectrex, but I would love to.
However I usually get bored on Atari after like 5 minutes.
Even berzerk on emulation with both thumbsticks, which is about as good as the 2600 gets, is not fun enough to keep my attention for more than 20 minutes.
That era is like the beta-testing of video games. I completely understand why no one gave a shit about home consoles after '81

Shit even the NES sucks desu. There's like 10 max games on it that are worth playing.
Real gaming didn't start until the megadrive and snes IMO

>> No.8526725

Slowdown is noticable and I hate that they didn't take advantage of the SID chip to make the music much better

>> No.8526736

Cyber Shadow >>>>> any and all SNES-styled trash
(yes, I know it actually breaks all NES technical specs aside from the color palette, but SNES couldn't run it either)

>> No.8527179

True zoom take, Vectrex is legit good games and visually stimulating.

>> No.8527191

Out of the stuff you've listed I've only played 2600 and I liked it. I played my mom's from when she was a kid and really enjoyed it. I liked Missile Command, Adventure and Yar's Revenge quite a bit. Had fun playing Combat with my brothers, too.
You are definitely a clown for hating on the Vectrex. Just look at it.

>> No.8527402

I don't like 2600 games but arcade games around that period still hold up. Atari Star Wars is incredible.

>> No.8527848

the 2600 is honestly the only console OP has a point about. even then it still has a few good games but the legacy is nowhere near how big it was at the time, and plenty of people who had one back in the day will tell you that it sucked. you don't hear that from colecovision owners.

>> No.8527889

Vectrex fucking rules this is bait because OP knows this whole board jizzes over the thing

>> No.8527915

atrocious bait, but I just want to say you’re a faggot for shitting on the Vectrex anyway. Literally the peak of entertainment, you cannot get any better than it

>> No.8527916

The 2600 was designed at the time when RAM was expensive. It had too little RAM to do anything meaningful with. With RAM expansion, like the Starpath Supercharger, it could run more much better games though, closer to that of the Intellivision though not as fast. Intellivision and Colecovision were quite competitive with the NES and MSX actually. Intellivision has a small 500 byte graphics RAM, a mere quarter of that of the NES, but the CPU is really powerful. Someone made an SMB port for the Intellivision using nothing but a BASIC compiler, no manually typed and opitimised assembly language. There's no tiles or scrolling hardware on it that I know of, seems like the CP1600 was powerful enough to brute through the fast scrolling.

>> No.8528238 [DELETED] 

The only good consoles pre N64 are SNES, nes and Sega genesis

>> No.8528242

never played Vectrex, but the Atari 2600 has a bunch of good games. Berzerk is a fantastic port of the arcade game even though it's a bit toned down.

>> No.8528439

They're a great snapshot of the technology of the time and some of the programming was absolutely brilliant.
But a very hard sell when playing with friends. The 'ugly' factor hits and the games are often harder than modern games so people get discouraged.

>> No.8528450 [DELETED] 

Upvoted, my Nintendo sister!

>> No.8528692

Angry birds could probably have been made on one of these type of machines and it is very popular with the kids.

>> No.8528709


>> No.8528710


>> No.8529226

Kids who didn't have a super Nintendo were weird and smelly

>> No.8529346

Hey moron you know that boomers grew up with no video games
Boomers were born in the late 40s to mid 50s you fucking retarded shit smear

>> No.8529483


>> No.8529486

The Intellivision does have a tile map, it was the first console to do so and it features limited scrolling capability.

>> No.8529498

I can have fun playing pitfall or space invaders if for some reason I'm in a situation where that is all that I have access to. I'd still rather play better platformers and shmups of course.