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8521256 No.8521256 [Reply] [Original]

Want to play Rayman 2, which version should I try?

>> No.8521274


>> No.8521281

Based, fpbp, and /thread

>> No.8521289

Dreamcast>PS2>N64>>>the rest

>> No.8521442 [DELETED] 

Whatever you do, don't play the PS2 version which runs like shit or the PS1 version which is missing content from all the other versions.

>> No.8521471

Dreamcast or N64

>> No.8521842


>> No.8521850

Would change n64 und ps2 but dreamcast is based

>> No.8521880

>N64 - Original version. MIDI soundtrack sucks. No reason to play it when the PC version exists.
>PC - Straight upgrade from the N64 version, but without any of the design changes of later ports.
>PS1 - Removed a lot of content, but also has some new content and voiceacting. Worth checking out for hardcore fans.
>Dreamcast - Has a few improved textures, some new minigames, and replaces the Hall of Doors with the Isle of Doors, but there are some questionable design changes like adding more combat and reducing the difficulty of certain platforming sections. Overrated IMO.
>PS2 - Essentially a remake. It plays so differently from the original that most people will either love or hate it. I personally prefer the original.

>> No.8521881

Dreamcast is the definitive version.

>> No.8521889

Forgot to mention that the graphical changes in the Dreamcast version, particularly lighting, sometimes fucks with the original atmosphere

>> No.8521896

You should get yourself checked for covid. As you seem to be tasteless.

>> No.8521906

btfo'd lmao

>> No.8521907

Rayman 2 is loved for its gloomy atmosphere. The Dreamcast version uses brighter lighting, which reduces the gloominess.

>> No.8521916

64 as it is 240p and it feels like a 64 game
If you play it on DC or PS2 it will feel dated

>> No.8522118


>> No.8522128

This board is 18 years and up.

>> No.8522178

PC retards

there's barely if any, graphical difference between the PC and Dreamcast versions

>> No.8522181

This is the one

>> No.8522221

The only exhaustive and rational reply on this shitty thread.

>> No.8522227

Sega and Nintendo drones fanboys trying to ruin a thread once again.
What a shitty attitude.

>> No.8522232

PS1 version removed a lot of chaff which is great.

>> No.8522260

Based and correct.

>> No.8522323

This is one of the dumbest fucking things on this board

>> No.8522336

No it isnt. He's right. It's the reason the PS2 remake is trash.

OP, PC version

>> No.8522871 [DELETED] 

t. butthurt sonytroon that his precious gaystations didn't receive a good port of Rayman 2

>> No.8522890

GBC, obviously.

>> No.8522957

PC is just a better N64 version. I like Dreamcast best though.

>> No.8523324

I've long since accepted that any thread made on /vr/ abour Rayman 2 is simply just bait to lure in that one Brazilian obsessed with proving the PS2 version was the best one.

>> No.8523752

The only right answer

>> No.8524191

You're stupid, i don't give a fuck about playstation, acutally i don't even like it anymore nowadays, you stupid fuckers are shitting up thread after thread with your consolefagging war bullshit, curb yourself.

>> No.8524215
File: 111 KB, 874x592, 1642301182543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nintendo DS

>> No.8524220

Dreamcast by a country mile

>> No.8524224

>which version of Rayman 2 did you play when you were 8

>> No.8524784
File: 27 KB, 480x360, 480px-Rayman_2_Press_Kit_-_PC_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believed when Ubisoft worked on Rayman 2, they were making a different version until someone walked in and told them that they had to make it on the N64, this meant they had to downscale textures and reduce polygon count drastically. Later on they reinserted them back into the Dreamcast version. I honestly don't get all the praise coming from the N64 version. Aesthetically it's worse and the midi soundtrack is terrible. I think most of the tards here are a little biased.

>> No.8525008

Dreamcast since its rock solid 60fps and supports vga 480p, others are capped to 30fps and frequently drops, with DS version(DS version, NOT 3ds) being the worst where it runs 5fps on average.

3DS (3ds version, NOT DS) is also decent if you play it on hacked new 3ds/2ds with overclocking on, that way you get stable 60fps but it has some minor bugs/annoyances and you cant get 1000th lum without damage boost as one of the bouncy surfaces acts like flat ground.

N64 is decent enough if you can stand the typical n64 ~20fps framerates, midi music and somewhat worse graphics.

>> No.8525016

Why go for the n64 version, the pc version is the same just better.
But best is definitely the dreamcast.

>> No.8525074

are we talking about playing the PC version on modern PC or in hardware of its time? Because the PC port is pain in the ass to get running properly with shitty controller support and weird-ass default keyboard mappings. Sure there are mods and patches to fix it, but its hassle. Plus some of the patches dont work under windows 98se last time I tired or only worked with the GOG version and not with the original physical release.

>> No.8525110

I didn't know that.
Sounds like it would be easier to just emulate the DC version then.

>> No.8525251

>the PC port is pain in the ass to get running properly
Works fine on my system

>> No.8525286

>weird-ass default keyboard mappings
have you ever played pc games before?

For controllers he said

>> No.8525380

Dreamcast on emulator with upscaling, it looks absolutely incredible and it has the real music (contrary to the N64).

>> No.8526906

what's meant to be wrong with the PS2 version? Isn't it just the dreamcast version with actual voice acting and a few bonus games?

>> No.8527057 [DELETED] 

it was rebuilt in a new engine that while looking better, has terrible performance, some of the worst framerate drops of any version.
also, extremely long load times and 480i.

>> No.8527157

pretty impressive that they managed to get this running on the pile of shit that is the n64

>> No.8527597

>but muh lag
on PCSX2
Dreamcast removes the soul and charm PS2 have. Otherwise it just feels like the "HD" version of Mario 64, which the original N64 version of R2 felt like. Revolution made it feel like it's own game.

>> No.8527604

Holy based, I wasn't wrong when I said DC ruined the charm.

>> No.8527672

DC or N64. Avoid the PS1 and DS ports. Haven’t played Revolution

>> No.8527718

damn. Does it at least have the extra bosses they put in the ps1 version to make up for half the levels being missing?

>> No.8527725 [DELETED] 

>having to resort to emulation to fix your shitty version's problems

holy cope, batman

>> No.8527764


>Dreamcast is the best looking, highets resolution and most complete version of the n64/PC port
>PS2 has retarded voice acting and they added a bunch of dumb padding shit though the 3D overworld map is kinda unique
>PC is the version that's fucking ridiculous to run unless you know what a glide wrapper does and you know how to install it without a CD (its why people get the GOG version)
>N64 is okay
>PS1 port shouldn't have been made.

>> No.8527779

Physical PC copies trigger an anti-piracy measure on newer OSs.

>> No.8527859

>having to resort to emulation
I don't need it, just compensating for the zoomers seething over it.

>> No.8527959 [DELETED] 

whatever. enjoy your butchered port, ps2cuck.

>> No.8528228

>t. N64 virgin

>> No.8528254 [DELETED] 

nah, I'm a DreamChad.
But even so, the N64 has stabler framerates than the shitty PS2 port. That's sad.

>> No.8528527

>whatever. enjoy your butchered port, ps2cuck.
I did, 20 years ago.

>> No.8528595

DS version is the quintessential Raykino

>> No.8529264
File: 114 KB, 750x894, 1642425108130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw playing on ps2 and n64, just enjoying rayman 2
only port i dont like is ps1

>> No.8529278

PC version has the kino hall of doors
DC has some shitty generic island level select
'nuff said

>> No.8529317


>> No.8529359

cause in the end you can enjoy whatever the fuck you want
but shitting up threads like anon >>8529317 here is shitty attitude
you won't even discuss some facts
you're just some drone

>> No.8529402

PC, Dreamcast, PS2
Avoid all other versions

>> No.8529786 [DELETED] 

PS2 should be avoided as well. The pointless hub world they added as filler doesn't make up for all the technical issues with that trash version.

>> No.8529943
File: 45 KB, 567x563, 1608617992817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about no

>> No.8529983

Obtain the GOG Version and apply Ray2Fix.

>> No.8530134

okay but rayman ps1/saturn or redemption?

>> No.8532078
File: 163 KB, 1080x1420, 1642473873509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>install GOG version of Rayman 2
>doesnt work
>install ray2fix
>doesnt work
>manually set it up with mods per PCGW
>doesnt work
>fuck it, i'll emulate the dc version
>sure, dc emulation is better than what i remember
>recommended emulator is flycast in retroarch
>get retroarch setup
>verified bios pack from wiki
>good GDI dump
>doesnt work
>check my modded ps2 to see if i put it on there when i loaded my hdd up
>it's there
>it werks
guess i'm playing the ps2 version

>> No.8532104 [DELETED] 

try it again in Redream
don't torture yourself with that crap ps2 port

>> No.8532120

Best emu for Dreamcast is Redream. If you want to, you can put a little money into the dev team and you get access to widescreen and HD textures, even though it should be available to everyone but whatever. Runs basically everything too without any hassle and disc swapping is not an issue in the slightest.

>> No.8532169

After spending four hours trying to get shit working, no, I'm content with what I have that works. I also just refuse to pay for emulator functions which is why I don't use yuzu.

>> No.8532198

wtf was ubi's deal with making different games for each port?

>> No.8532204

why not try redream? it's pretty user friendly, sorta like dolphin

>> No.8532260

>"I'm lazy so I'll stick with an inferior gaming experience also I wear diapers and poop my pants"

cool, thanks for letting us know.

>> No.8532286

I just don't want to wast my fucking time anymore with emulators and bullshit that may or may not work when I could just play the game.

>> No.8532293

If it makes you feel any better, if I had an actual Dreamcast, I'd probably play it on there.

Alternatives I can play are DS and PS1, but the impression I got was that PS2 was a better option than those.

>> No.8532294

Theres a prototype of Rayman 2 hidden on the ps1 port. only real reason to get it desu. But you could just watch a clip of it on yt. I kinda like the look of it.

>> No.8532296

>download ReDream
>run it
>it works

That’s literally all you have to do. The paid functions are entirely optional and only make the game look slicker, which you absolutely do not need considering most DC games look totally fine as is. I understand wanting to stick with what you have now for this one game, but sticking with an inferior choice after that isn’t a good decision

>> No.8532312

I just don't want to download or fuck with things anymore. Simple as. Resolution scaling shouldn't be a hidden pay feature, regardless of optionallity, especially if you're not going to include shader functionality for native res output.

>> No.8532326

>it works
redream sucks, it fucks up the sound on shenmue and you can't change any settings to correct it
I use flycast instead

>> No.8532342

>Reach 90% of the game just to unlock one unfinished level when you could just play first game.

>> No.8534396


>> No.8534587

Redemption if you don't want to put a ton of time in, PS1 if you do.

Personally I prefer PS1 but I just don't have the time to spend on it.

>> No.8534881

i'm the full retard lazy guy from yesterday. decided to try and get pc version working again. turns out my mistake was trying to get it working on windows. installed and setup in wine under linux and it works perfectly.

>> No.8535051 [DELETED] 

based. gnu/linux chads just can't stop WINNINGG

>> No.8535352
File: 2.98 MB, 2560x1440, Screenshot from 2022-01-18 19-33-47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Works pretty good, too. Now to get Rayman 3 working.

>> No.8536330

>linux has rayman 2
fuck it im switching, where can i learn this autistic black magic?

>> No.8536341

I don't know why people are shitting on the PS2 version, it runs at 60fps and looks great. It has the same sort of game play as the original versions just with all the benefits of being on an at-the-time next gen console.

Seems like the best version to me.

>> No.8536342

because this board is filled with retards that mouth breathe and jerk it while they play the worst possible versions and go out of their way to force people to share in their misery
its pretty much widely accepted that dreamcast is definitive, where ps2 is just below it due to its buggy nature and most people are so brain damaged they cant handle the ""open world"" hub that honestly takes like 2 seconds to navigate and looks beautiful anyway. Anyone recommending anything else is just a retard or nintentoddler level retard.

>> No.8536360

bad controls and loading screens EVERYWHERE. Also shitty voice acting instead of the soulful Raymanese

>> No.8536362

>bad controls
>literally the same as every other console wtf does that even mean
>loading screens only point
>shitty voice acting
>that you can turn off
this is what i mean by retards

>> No.8536365
File: 2.87 MB, 640x480, rayman2-fpsdrop.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't seem remotely buggy either. As for performance issues this is the worst I've seen it get. It genuinely seems like the best version.

loading screens are a couple of seconds long and the controls are great. Just like regular Rayman 2 but with the god tier ps2 stick.

>> No.8536370

Turning the voice acting off doesn't replace it with Raymanese. Also the controls fucking suck because you can't even move the camera with the right stick. It's embarrassing that a PS2 game was released without that feature.

>> No.8536373

>you can't even move the camera with the right stick
Click the stick in for first person camera looking, otherwise the camera controls the same exact way in every other version. Does every version have bad camera controls? What are you even trying to say?

>> No.8536376

If you're comparing the controls of Rayman 2 to other PS2 games, then yes they're fucking bad. PS2 emulation is shit anyways. Just stick with the PC or Dreamcast version.

>> No.8536381

I'm comparing them to other versions of Rayman 2 because they're all the same controls you fucking idiot. Why emulate? we're on /vr/, we all have the real hardware.

>> No.8536421
File: 136 KB, 242x243, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dreamcast, unless the PS2 version's framerate doesn't bother you.
N64 is okay but there's not much reason to play it unless you want the MIDI SOUL
PC is kind of a lesser Dreamcast version
DS is just an ass version of the N64 version
PS1 changes so much it may as well be its own game, save for later
3DS is a busted-ass version of the Dreamcast version with bitcrushed sound, busted 3D, a jank framerate and it's (almost) impossible to get 100% due to a glitch

>> No.8536436

Why do bitchfucks get filtered by "open world" like you said? It makes games feel like a fictional reality instead of ping pong tier video game. It's immersive. it means you get to care about the world you're playing in, and actively want to protect from the main bad guy

People that play games like it's a checklist are soulless.

>> No.8536482 [DELETED] 

"Immersion" is fucking boring, that's the reason. Games are supposed to provide a challenge for you to overcome, not a simulation of life for you to escape to because you wanna forget about how pathetic and hollow your life is and do nothing at all to improve yourself.

Also, Pong > any of the sandbox garbage you enjoy. You just hate it because you have no friends to play it with.

>> No.8536554
File: 64 KB, 750x823, 1603063372724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Immersion" is fucking boring, that's the reason
Soulless, holy shit. No wonder you talk like a /v/ermin. You should go back.

>> No.8536621

retard alert. PC is the best.

>> No.8536627

a broken piece of shit emulator at that

>> No.8536695

Little bit too blurry for my liking. Looks way better with texture filtering disabled.

>> No.8536895

>Also shitty voice acting instead of the soulful Raymanese
You can select Raymanese in the options menu, though.

>> No.8536897

>No wonder you talk like a /v/ermin.
Pffffttt hahahaha

>> No.8537049

Works for me. Try the developer builds instead of stable which was released 2 years ago.

>> No.8537184

fairs, I prefer flycast anyway since you can fiddle with the settings if there's any issues