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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 228 KB, 492x720, “it’s just one of those things.” It’s a time in, you know, looking at the way things are being handled and the way that you are, and where you’re at, and what you kind of want to deal with, and do. And I found myself going,.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8515365 No.8515365[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is discussing /vr/ games so depressing? Personal attacks and psych analyses also welcome.

>> No.8515370

What makes you feel depressed about them?

>> No.8515373

because you're doing it on 4chan you dumb mother fucker

>> No.8515415

Because it’s a throwback to our childhood, which we incorrectly romanticize and perceive as being less oppressive than adulthood.

>> No.8515427

Because they remind us of better times

>> No.8515442
File: 1.77 MB, 1278x720, 1555584551918.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel depressed because it reminds me of when I was a kid playing these older consoles and just enjoying life, don't get me wrong, I had problems, and I do understand that my memories might be romanticizing that past more than it deserves, but it was still objectively better, because no matter how bad it got I still wanted to live, I still had hope and looked forward to tomorrow, I had this vague sense that I was the main character in a way, and I'd win in th end. Nowadays I just don't want to do this anymore, I didn't have suicidal thoughts as a kid and teenager, but I do now, I have had them for years, and I just know that they're not going away anytime soon, and might lead to me to my death.

When I play these retro titles I grew up with, and even some I didn't grow up with, but that have the same spirit, of just delivering an immersive single player adventure, I can finally run away somehow, it's my escapism, being the protagonist of an adventure, like in an RPG, where the NPCs talk to me and tell me how wonderful I am, how I'm the only one who can save everyone, or just being a superhero, an anime protagonist, something like that, it makes me feel something that the real adult life just doesn't provide, ever. I look around, see my peers, see people working towards goals and working themselves to death, and I just don't get it, and I never will, never. It's all just so tiresome.

>> No.8515453
File: 717 KB, 236x143, 1578278121317.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Userbase is burnt out and aggresion starved so they will always be spergs and cunts about every little thing, and if they can't find one they will falseflag.

Continue the depressing discusion at your peril.

>> No.8515464

It's not OP. You just personally are depressed. I quite enjoy it actually.

>> No.8515472

you might wanna play some /vr/ instead of talking about it

>> No.8515492
File: 29 KB, 550x528, 1594876826533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's really not, discussing old games with people who is into that stuff is always fun. Getting people to really understand you and being able to recommend/help/etc always brighten up my day (it goes as well with anime or any other autistic shit im into). Being a zoomer also helps I guess, most of the games I play are older than me, so my enjoyment comes from the games themselves and not the nostalgia aroud it.

>> No.8515503

Always surprising to hear about 4channers who didn't have miserable traumatic childhoods that they have to block out with alcohol. to be desu there are specific games I completely avoid because of the bd memories tied to them. Old games are just better, the past sucked though


>> No.8515520

If you feel depressed about the actual discussion of the games, then you're on your own. If the shit flinging about console wars, crts, emulation, and so forth that summons spergs and bored people over-acting on the internet makes you depressed, then have some self control and just move past those sorts of posts and threads. Also just play the damn games, doomer.

>> No.8515534

Because most of the anons here are boomers who never outgrew the console warrior mentality, despite being grown-ass man who should be able to hold a steady job and afford all the retro consoles, or at least emulate them on a decent toaster.

>> No.8515735

I've been searching for this .webm forever.
It's not as bad as it seems, anon. Everyone has problems and sometimes you have to learn to live with them, that's just how life has always been.

>> No.8515773

Because the fact grown ups are still passionately discussing about kiddie shit is depressing in itself.

>> No.8515780

It's not, you're just a projecting sadsack who oughta GTFO.