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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 194 KB, 800x1153, dynamite-headdy-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8512996 No.8512996 [Reply] [Original]

It's got
>lots of zany bosses
>lots of cool transformations

What more could you ask for?

>> No.8513009

a better first stage

>> No.8513020

you're not supposed to just hold right, but actually fight the robot like a man

>> No.8513105

No SNES version

>> No.8513119

I thought there was one in development but it got canceled

>> No.8513150

SNES was too slow for Treasure games though.

>> No.8513183

This. You'll even get a secret bonus point for doing that before stage ends.

>> No.8513236


>> No.8513242

Yeah and fighting the robot is boring. Maybe if he actually attacked you or did something interesting... worst stage 1 to an action sidescroller ever? I'm thinking yes.

>> No.8513246

>What more could you ask for?
a SNES version

>> No.8513250

It's the opening scene, doofus. The whole game is a stageplay.

>> No.8513252

>an inferior version
Now why would you want that?

>> No.8513285

By "man" you mean getting under him and spam headbutts until he effortlessly falls?

>> No.8513385
File: 415 KB, 350x263, headdy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look on the bright side, Nintenbros, you got Mischief Makers exclusive to the N64... though granted, it's not anywhere near as good of a scotformer as Dynamite Headdy is.

>> No.8514161
File: 331 KB, 840x900, n64-sin-and-punishment-front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's tied for best with Sin & Punishment

>> No.8514180

i love treasure and i don't like this game at all

>> No.8514224
File: 10 KB, 240x240, Maruyama_Dynamite_Headdy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time to clear things up.
Is Trouble Bruin/Maruyama a cat or bear?

I mean, he looks like a cat but knowing Japanese style of humour i'm not so sure
Menchi from Excel Saga is a dog who looks like a cat

>> No.8514230


>> No.8514434

He certainly does look like a cat, but his theme song has the spoken word 'kuma' (bear) in it. I have to believe he is actually a bear dispite how he looks.

>> No.8514646

Literally just played a little bit of DHeaddy.

It's alright, but the OH SO RANDOM LOL style of it is chaotic and stupid. Gunstar Heroes is WAY better and STILL the best Treasure game on Genesis IMO, HOWEVER I have yet to play Light Crusader.

Headdy is to too stupid and chaotic, it feels insane and uncomfortable.

>> No.8514662

Unironically filtered.

>> No.8514667

Did you play with the translation patch?

>> No.8514710 [DELETED] 

wat gaim?

>> No.8514738

SOS: Sink or Swim

>> No.8514740

hopefully you get range banned.

>> No.8514745

YES, actually. Still felt chaotic. The game feels great through levels, but then tosses a nugget of lunacy and foolishness at the player as though you're expecting it and know what to do, and that's poor game design. Mario World and Sonic DO NOT do this, and since those are Headdy's contemporary games, you expect some order and reason.
Gunstar Heroes doesn't do this either, and feels a lot cleaner and more fun. In fact I'd put Gunstar over Sonic in overall presentation and feel, and close to SMW.

Randomness and TOO MUCH SHIT going on makes the player feel insane, unless that fool's already insane.

>> No.8514749

U retad. U srill no answer question. U deseve ban not me

>> No.8514750

Thank you, babe. SOS is another one of Treasures Masterpieces.

>> No.8515705

Gunstar Heroes is just Contra for babbies, very overrated. Headdy's the true patrician Genesis Treasure title along with that mcdonalds game.

>I have yet to play Light Crusader.
Best Genesis action/adventure game and btfo's Stink to the Past.

>> No.8515710

>What more could you ask for?
a family

>> No.8515747
File: 253 KB, 466x770, TwinFreaks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This enrages the Dynamite Headdy player

>> No.8515771

I didn't even think it was up for debate.
Hence the kuma in the song as the other anon mentioned and rhe pun "trouble bruin".

>> No.8515798

Why did they make him look so much like a cat, though?

>> No.8516107

Dynamite Headdy is, dare I say it, the quintessential shmupformvania

>> No.8516115

How could it be anything other than a cat?

>> No.8516128

>Treasure thread gets deleted two times despite it not being bait

>> No.8516271

based jannies cleaning the catalogue of treasure filth

>> No.8516307

Lol they were cleaning your shiposting garbage, auster.
Ban evading europoor.

>> No.8516317

Treasure> amiga and speccy shit

>> No.8517528

I can't believe how easy he is in the jap version.

>> No.8517653

The whole Japanese version was piss-easy, but the US version overcorrected and went too hard to deter rentals.

>> No.8517817

Why does he say YAZZ
Why does this game look so good
Why is this game just a bunch of random stuff stuck together

>> No.8518239

You are correct OP.

>> No.8518250

Don't exaggerate. It's a short introductory stage. And the music is great.

It could have been worse. It could have been a tutorial stage if it was a modern game.

>> No.8518261

Top Ten Trashiest Treasure Games:

#10: Alien Soldier (Treasure's boss-rushiest gimmick game; what little level designs it has are pretty much a fucking joke)
#9: Sin & Punishment (gimmickily becomes a sidescrolling run 'n gun on the last level; final boss rips off Missile Command)
#8: Astro Boy - Omega Factor (stages make you fight the same forgettable enemy type like differently coloured/sized robots too much; boring and easy autoscroller shmup gimmick segments that the game would be better off not having)
#7: Silhouette Mirage (polarity system makes the game feel too contrived leading to some of the most annoying boss designs in Treasure history)
#6: Radiant Silvergun (scoring system makes it feel too much like a puzzle game punishing you for killing an enemy that isn't the right colour)
#5: Ikaruga (combine Silvergun's gimmicky scoring with Silhouette's gimmicky polarity shield, double your gimmicks double your fun!... if only)
#4: Dynamite Headdy (over half the Scenes in the game flat-out suck, lacking proper level designs that focus not on platforming but instead on fighting bosses or shitty gimmicks like turning into a shmup or showing off a 3D floor)
#3: Gunstar Heroes (Dice Palace consists of braindead puzzles and worthless mini-bosses; second to last level turns into yet another terrible shmup gimmick part; final level isn't actually a level but just another lousy boss rush)
#2: Gunstar Super Heroes (see Gunstar, but also the inclusion of arbitrary and shitty "homages" to many classic SEGA games)
#1: Mischief Makers (Festival is a marathon of retarded minigames, plus many more shitty gimmicks in this overrated kusoge)

>> No.8518605

Does auskun even like videogames?
He sounds like an absolute bitter, lonely faggot.

I wouldn't create rivality between the 2 games, MM is usually less frantic and a bit more puzzle oriented.

>> No.8518710

>Does auskun even like videogames?
>He sounds like an absolute bitter, lonely faggot.

He likes kangaroos and surfing with his mates. Just like the devs intended.

>> No.8519525
File: 75 KB, 641x451, babyface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dynamite Headdy scenes ranked from best to worst: 6 > 8 > 4 > 2 > 5 > 9 > 3 > 1 > 7

>> No.8519861

Good ranking, my only nitpick is 4 that high. There is no key master and it feels boring to me, even if it is the scene with the most classic platforming.

>> No.8519914

i feel like bangai-o is my favorite treasure game. by d-headdy is a great game too.

>> No.8520182

oi me specky
oi me amiger

>> No.8520230

Imagine being australia-kun.
Imagine waking up every day and just knowing that people still like Nintendo, and that people will continue to like Nintendo.... despite all your efforts.

>> No.8520398

Remember how the first stage of Mario is made to teach you the game mechanics right aways. This first enemy with no attack ability sets you up for the frantic boss rush that this game is

>> No.8520721

I feel like Bangai-O is missing something to give it that Treasure edge.
Perhaps it's the lack of over-the-top, epic bosses.

>> No.8521265

what, you didn't enjoy shooting a green orb that does nothing until it dies? best treasure boss design ever.

>> No.8521536

And even worse, that people still like Castlevania IV!

>> No.8521542

I feel like people that shit on Treasure are absolute faggots and hate games, especially 16-bit games.
I also feel like Treasure games are rough and a bit too crazy to be peak-tier.
But I respect the madness.

>> No.8521757

Having a level where the boss does nothing was a huge relief considering how intense some of the levels were

>> No.8522209

I agree.
But shitposters got to shitpost either way.

>> No.8522216
File: 410 B, 94x68, ヤックん Beau.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8522325


>> No.8522534

It's just one europoor that grew up with shitty speccy games hence the resentment at better companies.

>> No.8522834

Does /vr/ kill him at the end of stage 4 or let him live?

>> No.8522881

>Bangai-O level design
Play more arcade shmups.
It's excusable to have an easy boss if the stage is actually hard, like the base levels in Gradius, but BGO doesn't get anywhere near that hard.

>> No.8522893

I usually let him live.
The real question would be, is anybody able to let him live in 7?

>> No.8523331

a different game

>> No.8523367

Why do all Treasure games have hideous character designs? They're all an affront to humanity. Are the devs the first example of subversive tranny jew hipsters from Japan?

>> No.8523410

Why do you post the same shit over and over?
Are you a bot? A NPC?
Do you think you are convincing anyone?
It's been 9 years lol cow.
Seek help.

>> No.8523493

Only character designs I found really shitty was Mischief Makers. My first thoughts when I rented it were "what the fuck is this shit". I never played it again.

>> No.8524160

>Play more arcade shmups.
I do play arcade shmups and those are not the same thing as Bangai-O. Bangai O is more like a sidescrolling twinstick shooter if anything, every level in Bangai-O is longer than any Shmup which is why dying which sets you back to the beginning can be a big deal.
Not sure why shmupfags have such a stick up their ass about difficulty in other genres.

>> No.8524163

>I never played it again.
You missed out on a great game.

>> No.8524171

Alien Soldier is simple perfection, you really can't top it

>> No.8524503

Gaylien Soldier doesn't have interesting level designs like Dynamite Chaddy does.

>> No.8524527

It has interesting boss design to make up for it

>> No.8524532

>Alien Soldier
The ambition behind making it was more interesting than the game itself.

>> No.8524547

Stages > Bosses

>> No.8524552


>> No.8524574

>7 Force missing 2 forms
>perfect game
ASfags, everyone.

>> No.8524578

Cringe amigatard

>> No.8525105

keep coping, yank

>> No.8525118

I hate pseud comments like this

>> No.8526069

Keep dilating, europoor

>> No.8526256

he still seething >>>/v/585219306

>> No.8526260

He's always seething lol

>> No.8526368

It's sad to see him samefag this much, and he tries his best to push a console war narrative onto Treasure games when most people just like the games themselves, independently of console.
Australia-kun's schizophrenia must be weird, he probably does think that most people console war for real and seriously, and he probably has this whole imaginary world about Nintendo fanatics wanting to make his life hell or something. Imagine being australia-kun and trying to sleep at night, lol.

>> No.8527802

>every level in Bangai-O is longer than any Shmup which is why dying which sets you back to the beginning can be a big deal.
The game hands you plenty of opportunities to get health back (or power your ship up if it's the N64 version), you shouldn't be dying at all in BGO. Sounds like you just need to git gud.

>> No.8530320

>You should not ever die once ever
You clearly never fucking played the game fag. I beat the game multiple times already and "got gud" already, but saying that the game is so easy you'll never die once is fucking retarded. Fuck off, no one thinks you're cool.

>> No.8530353

Imagine hating Treasure lmfao

>> No.8530538

It's an insane game. The design is totally off the wall. And that's a good thing. People compare it to its spiritual successor, Rayman, but while Rayman is creative and weird, it does not reach the sheer madness of Headdy. There is nothing else like this game. Lightning in a bottle.

>> No.8530571 [DELETED] 
File: 102 KB, 250x250, sbpcoverartftsm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you love the soundtrack to this album as much as me, I highly recommend downloading the fan album Secret Bonus Point:

It's a slow burn, because the new arrangements and remixes go deep, but stick with it: it's a fantastic tribute to one of gaming's craziest and most eclectic soundtracks.

>> No.8530580
File: 102 KB, 250x250, sbpcoverartftsm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you love the soundtrack to this game as much as me, I highly recommend downloading the fan album Secret Bonus Point:

It's a slow burn, because the new arrangements and remixes go deep, but stick with it: it's a fantastic tribute to one of gaming's craziest and most eclectic soundtracks.

>> No.8532110

thanks mate