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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 125 KB, 720x960, bigscore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
851202 No.851202 [Reply] [Original]

$7 for everything here. Fuck, I love garage sales. The nice Asian lady said there was a "whackload" more PS1 games that she's going to give me a call about tomorrow.

A damn shame about the Digimon world insert + booklet, but I suppose I can't complain for the price.

Post your garage sale vidya finds.

>> No.852820

No great vidya finds, but I bought a ~$200 lacrosse stick for $1.

>> No.852827
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>That feel when never find shit at garage sales, or thrift stores and no flea markets in your area.

>> No.852831

Ninja gaiden 1 and 2, yellow label metroid, and gold cart legend of Zelda for the nes for 40 bucks, all cleaned and tested with great labels.

It's raining here though, so there's not a lot of yard sales out today. I'll try again next week.

>> No.852927
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I get about one day like this per year. $20 for everything.

>> No.852932

I feel you man. Small towns are shit.

>> No.852943 [DELETED] 

Xbox games out the dick today. Nothing superb.

>> No.852946
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Xbox games out the dick today. Nothing superb.

>> No.852959

>see box
>two games left
>Sonic for the Game Gear
>some 90s sports game for the Genesis

worst feel, someone beat you to it

>> No.853006
File: 212 KB, 1200x900, photo 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I picked up a NES some and these controllers actually 6 in all for $70.

Not too sure on the games. Could you let me know if they're okay. I hope I didn't spend too much


>> No.853009
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Then I got Mario and Zelda and some game called Kid Icarus too.


>> No.853014
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Ninja Turtles. I think there was 3 in all.

>> No.853013
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I've heard contra is a pretty hard game to find. Never heard of the others really except mega man.


>> No.853017
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Then theres the rest.

So $70 in all.

How'd I do?

>> No.853015


Sonic for the Game Gear is worth 25 cents, no matter which one it is.


I'm happy for you anon. That's a fantastic find.

>> No.853016

if not trolling, mega man 5 alone is worth 50 dollars, so good job.

would fill you in on the estimated value of it all together but I've gotta run, you did good though.

>> No.853021

Not trolling. I mean I can take a pic with a timestamp if you don't believe me

>> No.853026

You did very well, like an another anon said. I've been looking for Mega Man 1 and 5 to no avail myself.

>> No.853027


You done good. Almost all of those are really good games, and some are valuable to boot.

>> No.853028

I think 35 is the highest these should of been, mainly because mega man 6 is high priced everything else is between 2 to 4 dollars

>> No.853030


I've scored so many time in my area. Ive made a nice collection of rare games for pennies on the dollar.

>> No.853032

>2 to 4

Hahahahaha no.

>> No.853035

Look at the other pictures. I dumped 5 pics

>> No.853051
File: 121 KB, 720x960, linkfigure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, unfortunately her son wanted to hold on to the rest of his PS1 games, but check out what I picked up for $10 on my second visit. Seems to be going for $100+ online.

>> No.853057

whoops I thought that pic was all of it. never mind

>> No.853064

Excellent. Get some rubbing alcohol or Goo Gone and clean up the best you can. Magic eraser if that doesn't work.

>> No.853157

Sometimes I wish I owned/was interested in an original xbox, I see games for it more than anything else.

>> No.853236


I feel the same way. Games for the system are dirt cheap, but probably because so many games for it are shit

>> No.853257

There's a fair amount of Xbox games worth money; San Andreas and several Star Wars games(Old Republic and Battlefront in particular) go for 15s and 20s.

>> No.853279


Not where I live. Every other garage sale is trying to sell their Xbox and games and none of it is moving since nobody wants it

>> No.853549

I know the feels brother.

>> No.853557


Sir, that phrase is used to indicate approval of a (positive) situation or opinion.

You don't say
>My grandmother died...

>> No.853603

pokemon crystal $1
sega genesis controller (third one i have now) + sonic the hedgehog + sonic the hedgehog 2 + Street Fighter 2 + some other fighting game i cant remember right now = $5

im just some filthy casual passing through. i was a poorfag growing up so i didnt know much about games and had very few. i always keep my consoles and now i look for games for them.

>> No.853668
File: 26 KB, 500x500, Roberty-Downey-Jr2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've still got Pawn shops, The Salvation Army, Gamestop (bargain bin usually has gems), Amazon, Ebay, Craigslist, Swap.com & Video Game Trading sites. If you really want to find vidya look everywhere.

>> No.853684

As someone who supervises black construction workers, I can say with utmost certainty that MAH NIGGA is now always said in a positive situation

>> No.853714

Gamestop doesn't carry anything pre Gen 7 now. And they're starting to waffle on that.

>> No.853821
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flea market haul
All for about $20, the Vash fig was $10 (I know, not vidya) and it sells for twice that.
Never heard of the ps1 game but figured I'd pick it up since I have a PSOne I've had for a decade and don't own any games. Got the NES for parts/might do a case mod.

>> No.855694
File: 105 KB, 800x500, THATSNOTRETRO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some Game Boy Advance games.
Bastards put tape over everything... ヽ(o`皿′o)ノ

>> No.855726
File: 29 KB, 500x500, goo-gone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tape residue isn't the end of the world, guy.
Get some Goo gone!

>> No.855769

Nice, I've got that same N64 box! Gotta check out more garage sales around here....

>> No.855772

>Nothing superb
>Kotor series and Halo 2

Yeah, right.

>> No.855783
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>No Book

>> No.856032
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Not a garage sale, but i just got this a couple days ago

>> No.856103

Picked up Harvest Moon and Final Fantasy II for SNES for 10 cents each on Friday. That and a few wavebird gamecube controllers. I was pretty stoked.

>> No.856129
File: 873 KB, 1600x1200, DSC00088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey hey!

>> No.856146

Lucky as fuck

>> No.856147 [DELETED] 
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>> No.856181

Gotta get me that patch one day I swear

I'm gonna jump the highest and get near into space and get that goddamn patch

>> No.856201
File: 1.20 MB, 2048x1536, IMG_0293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chaos Brofist... Scored months ago, glad to find it. Actually scored everything in this pic for less that $40.

>> No.856204

*NES box was empty.

>> No.856223


Nice haul. Alas, my area is DOOMED because at least one reseller actually told me of his get-em-all gang which raids all yard sales, thrift stores, rummage sales, and other classic game nests for him. If he weren't such a nice fellow with prices below eBay's closed-sales-with-actual-bids levels, I'd hate his goddamn guts,

>> No.856242
File: 172 KB, 600x659, IMG_0209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hear that. While I am friends with a few local game collectors... One is the pricing manager at Value Village and another is spamming everyone local to hook him up.

Here comes the coolstorybro: I have about 3 ladies who hit up random garage sales that I wouldn't even bother at. If they see /vr/ I get a text. The pic was from one sent to me, some guy who does the 'Storage Wars' BS didn't have any idea what he had. I was ready to give him $50 until I opened the NES and it was full of empty VHS Cases.

>another recent score

>> No.857893
File: 301 KB, 720x960, nights into dreams.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just picked this up for $5. Is it supposed to not have instructions?

>> No.857912


>not for resale

That might explain it.

>> No.857941

I went to a pawn shop yesterday and they had the n64 mystical ninja goemon but it was the jp version so I saw no reason to buy it.

>> No.857948

That version was bundled in with the controller, so yes.

>> No.857963

>oddworld and elder scrolls
ftfy pleb

>> No.857978

Sort of. That's the version of the game that was packaged with the 3D controller. The game came in an oversized box and the instructions were inside said box and were the size of your average Saturn game's booklet. I guess they didn't print a jewel case manual for cost reasons. Always kind of annoyed me.

>> No.858612
File: 1.95 MB, 1920x2560, CAM00145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I grabed this sweet gamecube games for $20 the ps3 games for 5 and the ps2 game for 1 lucky day

>> No.858641

Many GameStops still have a few PS2 games left... with no case or manual, and for prices higher than eBay prices

>> No.858919

Got a Toshiba 34" HD CRT for free. Going to trade it.

Got a tub of Warhammer figures, probably 500-700 with a rulebook and three D&D 3e PHBs, one 3.5 and a DMG for $10

>> No.859296

Gamestop recently stopped (or will stop) buying PS2 games. So I figure if you want to bulk up your PS2 libraries, start going through their racks, prices will drop as they try to clear out inventory.

>> No.859308

Do the speakers work? I picked up a 34'' Toshiba HDCRT myself about a month ago, and the speakers were toast. Apparently happened to a lot of models.

>> No.859380


I'm legitimately jelly

>> No.859515

I already did that. Everything PS2 left at Gamestop sucks and has probably been put in a landfill. Ditto Family Video, but I got a lot of sweet PS2 shit while that lasted. Still no Haunting Ground or Rule of Rose though.

Yeah they're fine. I just schlepped it up to the guy's room I wanted to trade with and hooked it up tonight. Not quite as sharp as I was expecting out of 1080i and has some weird image size issue when it goes back and forth from right to dark colored screens. Some weird wobble. I also had to adjust the tilt +5 but that might have happened while it was getting manhandled. On the good side, though, the colors are insane bright. Just as bright as my plasma with none of that red sizzle.

>> No.859545
File: 650 KB, 2592x1936, 6-30-13 pickup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I managed t stop by a goodwill while I was out and about and grabbed these three items for a total of $5.50

>> No.859565


>> No.859575

A bunch of ps1 games for .25c a piece
Spyro year of the dragon
Crash bandicoot warped
Some fps
And hercules
Not bad

Plus the free crt was nice

>> No.859576

They haven't had decent ps2 games in months all they have is guitar hero,singstar,sports,eyetoy games

>> No.859585


>> No.859604

That controller sucks I have one. One black Sega brand controller that's mine, two normal white ones and player 4 gets fucked with that piece of shit.

>> No.859594

Yeah, it's a model M so it's very clacky.

I plan on using it as a VMU/memory card controller since I don't have any friends to play dreamcast games with anyways.

>> No.859994

What model Toshiba 34" is it? 34hf84, 34hfx85, etc.

Same question.

>> No.860234

Fuck, I bought two of these plus a Ganon out of the bargain bin at Toys R Us years ago for like $2 each. Should've left them unopened....

>> No.860289


Do yourself a favour. Pass on Haunting Ground. Worst "horror" game I've ever played. It's just no fucking fun. I don't know why it's like $80 on jewbay. It's a legitimately bad game.

>> No.860416

Seconding the part about Amazon. I don't think there's anything I want that isn't on there.

>> No.860449

>TFW no car

>> No.860453

>See Fire emblem [GBA] AND ZELDA 2 DISC [GC] for 24USD each
>Have to save the money for rest of week

Beat that feel.

>> No.860472
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>> No.860548

I got 6 CIB Intellivision games (all sports unfortunately) and a Pelican component switchbox for $7 at a Goodwill because of a cashier's mistake. The switchbox was originally $7, and the games were $6 a piece. The games had been there a while and I'd passed them by many times before because of the price. That day, when I was in line to pay for the switchbox, I saw a manager nearby and asked her about lowering the price of the games, and she informed me that since they'd been in the store for over a month, their and the switchbox's prices had been halved, and I thought $3 a game was reasonable enough. Then the cashier got confused and only charged me $3.50 for the entire stack of games. I realized she'd made a mistake before the transaction was finished and chose to say nothing.

>> No.860773

Try living in Tampa Florida. what a piece of shit town, some times you can find gems in flea markets but most of the retro stuff is overpriced and being hucked by someone who thinks they have a fortune on their hands

>> No.860786

stuff works miracles, I clean all my boxes with the stuff

>> No.860783

I've hit all of the gamestops in town for PS2 games. Most of them have thrown away the boxes and manual because they "take up too much space".....People just don't appreciate game collecting in Florida

>> No.860852


>TFW, you realise you bought a boxed mint Final Fantasy for the NES a couple of years ago, only to realise that your shitty PAL NES glitches up the text making a roleplay game impossible to play.

SERIOUSLY FU! Only Final Fantasy game I've owned and will never complete.

>> No.860893
File: 15 KB, 175x235, Crackers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not shoplifting from Goodwill/Value Village
>not being sub-human scum

Pic ridiculously related.

>> No.860937
File: 37 KB, 603x379, Colecovision_System.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For $5 I got a working Colecovision with two controllers and QBert, Popeye, and Donkey Kong.
Fuck. Yes.

>> No.861162

You lucky bastard

>> No.862098

Not exactly /vr/, but I found Windwaker, Four Swords Adventures, and The Legend of Zelda Collector's Edition for the Gamecube for $2 each at a yard sale once. Had the cover arts, cases, manuals, and discs.

Apart from that my local area sucks, not just for yard sales, but for vidya older than current generation.

>> No.862196

For $44.95 I got the following NES games in great condition:

Mega Man 2 w/ manual
Life Force CIB
Little Nemo

And an NES controller with buttons that still "pop".

All from eBay, prices are with shipping includedall from different sellers.

>> No.862780

I've got a couple of these sitting around unopened in the garage, I should give one a try someday.

>> No.862876
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It was actually in the free bin at my local game store. No cables, dirty as hell, but it was free and the only Model 1 Genesis I'd seen around here in several years. Borrowed my roommate's copy of Thunderforce 4 to test it. Power switch is full of dust and I had to splice an NES adapter's plug onto a 10v Sega power adapter, but the damn thing works.

Currently blasting glorious Metal Squad out of a stereo amp.
Fuck the neighbors, fuck the police, and fuck the ORN too.

>> No.865209

Wow, my local game store would never give anything away for free. They did give me the original boxed Syndicate on floppy discs for $3 once though.

>> No.865506

Don't you love it when people have amazing taste in video games then decide to sell it for dirt cheap prices