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File: 6 KB, 108x163, Kumatora N64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8511286 No.8511286 [Reply] [Original]

I'll never get why people trash on this version of Mother 3.

>"It looks ugly".

I mean, sure, it's no masterpiece, but it's definitely not as bad compared to the other games that were on the N64 that were complete shit, both gameplay and graphic wise.

I hope this game gets the "Dinosaur Planet" treatment and gets leaked so that people would be able to give this game a fair chance.

>> No.8511292

it unironically looks like it would have been great. It would have been a great end to the series, we saw it in 8bit, 16bit and now 3D, a nice progression.

I will admit the GBA version looks more "Mother" style with its colors and sprites, but who cares, there really wasnt any RPG that I can think of that looked like what they were going to release.

I really wish it would somehow get the StarFox 2 treatment and get an official finished version some day, even if those outside of Japan still never get it localized.

>> No.8511295

I just don't think the n64 produced very good looking games compared to the ps1

>> No.8511298

holy shit what an irredeemable slut

>> No.8511309

>It would have been a great end to the series.
Considering how Itoi ended the series because of the complete shitshow that was the development of Mother 3, I'm pretty sure had the N64 game came out with little to no development issues, there would've been another Mother game in the works.

>I will admit the GBA version looks more "Mother" style

I think that's because the previous 2 Mother games were in 2D sprites, so switching it up to a 3D game would seem bit off-ish nonetheless.

>I really wish it would somehow get the StarFox 2 treatment and get an official finished version some day, even if those outside of Japan still never get it localized.

Don't lose hope, Anon. While I doubt Nintendo would finish EB64, I still believe that there's a chance for this game to be leaked for everyone.

>> No.8511315

Sure, the N64 wasn't as powerful compared to the PS1, but there were still some pretty amazing/decent looking games on the N64.

>> No.8511325

Hey! I won't have you disrespecting N64 Kumatora!

Besides, how can she be a slut if there's no Rule 34 of her?

The N64 version I mean, not her GBA counterpart.

>> No.8511338

I don't like the look personally except for cartoonish stuff like banjo/dk64
I dont like the way n64 mother 3 looked, doesn't really look detailed enough for an rpg

>> No.8511343

Not all RPGs have to look detailed though. Besides, I really loved the art style that the N64 Mother 3 had.

>> No.8511349

>Not all RPGs have to look detailed though
im really talking about the environment here, they just look so barren in the screenshots
I wouldn't really like to play an rpg like that

>> No.8511357

Was Kumatora in the 64 version supposed to have been introduced when Lucas was still a kid? I kinda wonder if she was originaly intended to be a kind of Paula implied girlfriend for Lucas since we know the original time-skip in the game was going to take place across 10 years so Lucas is 17 by the end game. There is one screen with them both together, but its kinda hard to tell if Lucas is a kid compared to her in it or just bent down/at a weird angle.

>> No.8511359

Could you provide an example of what you said?
Because there are 3 versions of EB64.

The first version is the N64DD version from 1996-1997

The second version, once again, is the N64DD version (but with slight changes) from 1997.

And the final version, which is the "current" version of EB64 from 1998-2000

>> No.8511365

>I kinda wonder if she was originaly intended to be a kind of Paula implied girlfriend for Lucas

Probably not considering how she's an adult and is older than Lucas after the time skip.

>There is one screen with them both together, but its kinda hard to tell if Lucas is a kid compared to her in it or just bent down/at a weird angle.

Lucas is supposed to be around preteen age in that screenshot.

>> No.8511402

>I think that's because the previous 2 Mother games were in 2D sprites, so switching it up to a 3D game would seem bit off-ish nonetheless.
I do think it's kinda off how Mother 2 is such a graphical leap from the first entry, while Mother 3 looks almost the same as Mother 2.

I can easily imagine an alternate timeline in which Mother 3 not only came out on N64, but went on to become an ongoing 3D RPG series in the same way something like Final Fantasy and Persona ended up being, with Mother 4 on the GCN, Mother 5 on Wii, and so on.

>> No.8511403

Not all of the screenshots are barren. Some of the screenshots are pretty good-looking.

>> No.8511407

>I can easily imagine an alternate timeline in which Mother 3 not only came out on N64, but went on to become an ongoing 3D RPG series in the same way something like Final Fantasy and Persona ended up being, with Mother 4 on the GCN, Mother 5 on Wii, and so on.

Provided the future Mother installments aren't region-locked in Japan and are sold worldwide.

>> No.8511421

I wished they had tried making Mother 3 on the GCN or Wii. Had that happened, it would've been a mainstream RPG series instead of some niche thing liked only by weirdos and obnoxious hipsters.

I never would've imagined Fire Emblem becoming mainstream as it is.

>> No.8511458

Isn't the Mother series somewhat mainstream?

I mean, the series ended almost 16 years ago, yet people still talk about. Hell, some of the biggest indie RPG games were inspired by this series.

The only game that I think is niche would be EB64, and that game was cancelled.

>> No.8511482

I'm pretty sure most normies only know Mother from Smash.

>> No.8511493

I have to shamefully admit that I was one of those normies that learned about Mother through Smash.

But on the bright side, it opened me up towards the series and made me love it.

>> No.8511857

Mother's too weird and out there to ever be a mainstream hit but in a weird way every indie jrpg takes from Mother so including Undertale.

>> No.8511859

Not a single good mother game exists. It is the original hipster cringe game.

>> No.8511863

>I'll never get why people trash on this version of Mother 3.
Nobody shits on it, retard. It never came out and is even considering one of the holy grails of lost content. Just because people like the GBA version and what we got doesn't mean they seethe about the n64 version.

>> No.8511865

>people only found out about this game from something else?!
The horror!

>> No.8511887

Releasing Mother 3 on the GBA was probably the right move in the end because it looks more consistent with the series and feels like a "power-up" version of the first two games. Nevertheless, Mother 3 for N64 looked fine too. It would have been interesting as an spinoff of the series, probably.

>> No.8512179

Or it would've ended up being a series like Metal Gear, GTA, Persona or Fallout, in which it would've been followed by a bunch of successful and mainstream 3D sequels (e.g. Mother 4 on GameCube, Mother 5 on Wii, Mother 6 on Wii U, Mother 7 on Nintendo Switch) and then Mother 1 & 2 would've been "the weird 2D ones nobody played"

>> No.8512191

Based on what assumption? Cause Earthbound already bombed in the states.

>> No.8512201

Mother 1 & 2 were popular in in Japan. Also games like Fire Emblem, Persona and Final Fantasy ended up becoming mainstream in the west despite having most of their earlier entries unlocalized.

>> No.8512241

FE didn't get popular until it completely changed the focus of the game, Persona is a part of megaten and still niche and Final Fantasy was popular from game 1

>> No.8512258

Every N64 game looks ugly without nostalgia goggles

>> No.8512259

>FE didn't get popular until it completely changed the focus of the game
Proving my point.
>Persona is a part of megaten and still niche
The Persona are more popular now than the mainline SMT games.
>Final Fantasy was popular from game 1
Not in the west.

>> No.8512262

Your point is that you wanted something that was mother in name only?

Persona being more popular than SMT doesn't mean it's anywhere near mainstream as a series since SMT is also niche. Wait to see how six sells first.

FF was popular in the west, yes. Are you retarded?

>> No.8512274

>Your point is that you wanted something that was mother in name only?
No, my point is that just because Earthbound (supposedly) bombed in the U.S., doesn't mean it couldn't had become a more popular later on. It happened with tons of franchises like Metal Gear, Fire Emblem and even Yakuza. The reason Mother never became a big series was because the N64 version of 3 got canned and the GBA came out late during the system's lifespan, so it never managed to maintain momentum it had from Mother 2.

>FF was popular in the west, yes. Are you retarded?
Not until Final Fantasy 7. They skipped half of the games prior to that.

>> No.8512286

>Not until Final Fantasy 7.
Oh you're an ignorant zoomer that has no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.8512307

They were cult favorites, not mainstream successes.

Final Fantasy III on the Super NES only sold around 450,000 units in the U.S. compared to the 2.5 million that Final Fantasy VI on the Super Famicom did in Japan. By contrast, Final Fantasy VII on the PlayStation sold 4 million in Japan and 3 million in the U.S., which is a bit more evenly matched, even if it's still did better in Japan.

>> No.8512350

It was abandoned for a reason. If we were able to play a leaked version, I'm sure we wouldn't find it very interesting beyond its historical significance.

The N64 couldn't really do a big game like an RPG due to the storage format. With the failure of the 64DD, Mother 64 was impossible.

>> No.8512364

They should've moved development to the GameCube instead of making a demake on the GBA.

>> No.8512403

>ignoring that gaming as a whole kept getting more and more popular
>calling something a cult classic because it didn't sell as well as FF7 and not knowing historical context about FF7 and how it was 100% not the norm and why comparing an older game to it is retarded
Like I said, a stupid ass zoomer

>> No.8512413

So you're agreeing with me that Mother could've becoming a more popular series in the west if Nintendo had kept the momentum like Squaresoft did with Final Fantasy? Glad you see my point. :^)

>> No.8512429

FF had proven itself over in the west time and time again. Mother tried and failed on it's first outing.
Cope though

>> No.8512439
File: 1.28 MB, 1366x1536, 1605111378742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8512442

>Mother tried and failed on it's first outing.
*First and only localized outing. Mother 1 was canceled and 3 was never localized. And you're the one calling me a dumb zoomer. :^)

>> No.8512448

>FF 1 did great.
>Earthbound bombed.
Why is it so hard for you to understand the difference here?

>> No.8512464

Did Earthbound really bombed in the U.S? I was always under the impression it did well in the U.S. by localized Super NES RPG standards, it just didn't do Donkey Kong Country numbers.

Either way, Earthbound has such a large cult following in the west, considering it was on the Super NES Mini, but not in the Super Famicom Mini.

>> No.8512560

Mother is pretty famous in nipland, even Gintama made a joke about some earthbound advert with the robots telling you to try not to cry

>> No.8512570

>t.assmad fucktard in massive denail of the z-axis

>> No.8512601

It's funny how sappy and overly emotional the ad campaign for the Mother series was in Japan compared to the Ren & Stimpy-esque toilet humor they were going for in the U.S.

>> No.8513127

n64 games look way better

>> No.8513165
File: 45 KB, 253x372, N2OfeHiOAYoLNeEO_yfWELe_RVPEG6fdXQyeqkDJK7c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. The game started being sold at extreme discounts. I'm pretty sure some stores were selling copies for less than ten dollars because of how poor it was selling.

>> No.8513187

>Did Earthbound really bombed in the U.S? I was always under the impression it did well in the U.S. by localized Super NES RPG standards
Jesus Christ, anon. It's not hard to look up the sales.

>> No.8513191

Still, it would be nice to have sales numbers online. Earthbound doesn't seem to be all that rare, judging by the fact that there are dozens of sellers asking $1000+ for boxed copies with the guide on eBay.

>> No.8513195

I would, but nobody posted them online. I can only find Japanese sales numbers.

>> No.8513230

>Earthbound can't be rare, it's only going for a shit load of money compared to other SNES games
You might be a tad thick

>> No.8513245

If it was legitimately rare, there wouldn't constantly be listings for on ebay.

>> No.8513480

Resellers on EBay aren't a realistic or useful gauge today. Prospector resellers and WATA has lobotomized the market and we're in a completely retarded bubble.
In case you missed it, a shrinkwrapped copy of Super Mario 64 isn't ACTUALLY worth $2 500 000

Some things can be rarer than others. If one game had a print run of 10 000, and the other had a print run of 50 000, one is rarer than the other by a factor of five, but both would be considered rare anyway. Earthbound wasn't some obscurity which barely escaped oblivion, it obviously saw a serious attempt at distribution, but it apparently didn't sell all that well in the US (and wasn't published at all in Europe), so couple with the reputation it has had as a 'hidden gem', eventually exceeding its actual qualities, and there's less supply than there is demand.

$100 to $200 for less common SNES game, maybe about $300 if complete with a good condition box and guide, was what you could see about a decade ago. These days, money laundering and fraud probably has the price somewhere like $5000 or some stupid shit like that, and the box is sealed in a plastic 'graded' slab, raising the price to $16000. Wow, what an investment!

>> No.8513597

In other words, Earthbound is expensive because of the EOP tax. The Mother game are relatively cheap by comparison

>> No.8513670

It took so long to come out that it started on N64 and released just prior to the Wii. I'm guessing that going simpler was their way of breaking out of development hell.

>> No.8513695

Persona 1 and P2 EP were localized. They bombed cause they sucked. The entire series sucks tb.h, play DDS instead

>> No.8513723

Mother 3 was cringe

>> No.8514159
File: 582 KB, 2560x1920, Clayman-Factory-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GBA's factory is so boring compared to this. This has so much more atmosphere to it.

>> No.8514275

i want to fug her polygonal pussy

>> No.8516503

>>"It looks ugly".
>I mean, sure,
Ok, so we've come to the only significant difference coming out on N64 vs GBA would really amount to, and you've already said that it would be negative for it. I don't even know what further counterpoint is needed besides this since it was the only aspect we hoped to gain in. We didn't have enough plot details to assume it had a different story and it was made according to the same guy's vision.

>> No.8516539

>We didn't have enough plot details to assume it had a different story
Have you seen how much unused shit Mother 3 has in its files or the memos alone?

>> No.8516552


This version of the game looks very surreal, which is why I want to play it so much.

>> No.8517534

she looks like she comes with malware preinstalled

>> No.8517767
File: 42 KB, 500x375, mother_dash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I won't begrudge them going back to 2D sprites after Mother64's failure but getting away from the "Peanuts-esque" art style that permeated the first two games was a definite mistake.

Ideally, they could have tried again on the Gamecube which would have been more than capable of reproducing the kind of cutesy-but-uncanny vibe they were going for, but sadly the dev team just wasn't up to the task of producing a good 3D game.

>> No.8517803

>Nobody shits on it, retard.

Surely you haven't been seeing what most people have been saying about this game.

Before 2019 (The year before people started making eb64-related discoveries), people thought that the n64 game looked ugly.

>> No.8517814

I wouldn't say GBA's factory was boring, but it certainly lacked the dark and gloomy setting that EB64 had.

>> No.8517821

>Have you seen how much unused shit Mother 3 has in its files or the memos alone?

Even some of the N64 screenshots alone were proof of how different the game's plot was compared to the GBA version.

>> No.8517834
File: 351 KB, 356x676, unknown (67).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly, shit like the Kraken, the Mr. Yottores, Great Rock and the Spectacular Caves aren't even in the game's files. So it's hard to even imagine how much other stuff was cut.

>> No.8517836

The same applies to PS1 games too.

Any 3D game from the mid to late 90s would look ugly, yet for some reason most people tend to believe that EB64 looks like utter dogshit.

>> No.8517841

Too bad there's no EB64 Rule34 out there.

Or would that be a good thing instead?

>> No.8517845

Even the battles in the N64 version were very different compared to the GBA version.

>> No.8517862
File: 460 KB, 874x675, Capybara-Chase-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, I find how different the gameplay was from the final game to be more interesting than most of the story stuff. How enemies or the player would have to be knocked over to start the battle, battle backgrounds being based on the environment rather than the enemy, the physics with slopes. Not even including what they had planned when the game was on DD.

>> No.8517868

>Not even including what they had planned when the game was on DD.

Didn't they plan to have a feature where you could put your face into the game itself? Like how did it with that one Japanese kid?

>> No.8517874

God, I will give anything just to be Spaceworld 1999 and play the EB64 demo.

Hell, I might even record some of the footage if I could.

>> No.8517881
File: 1.18 MB, 939x643, hiroki-room-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. There were other features as well, such as the player being able to grow a garden in real time and enemies being attracted to locations of where the player drops their items, just to name a few.

>> No.8517885

It still amazes at how good Hiroki's face was modeled onto the character. If EB64 were to get leaked, I wouldn't mind if the only version we got was the N64DD version.

Just as long as its the version that changed the characters' looks. AKA the 1997 build version.

>> No.8517984

The game looks like a soulful kind of janky N64 graphics, I really want to see more in action

>> No.8518174

Well, there are some videos out there that show gameplay of the cancelled game.

Just last year in July, someone bought a disk that showcased EB64 gameplay from 1997.

>> No.8518195

This just makes me wish that Nintendo had accepted Namco's offer back in the early 2000s about the whole "Mother but it's felt-designed" idea.

>> No.8518215

To be fair, the team that was developing EB64 had absolutely no experience with 3D graphics.

They were all so excited that they ended up jumping the gun.

>> No.8518314

You know nothing of technology then because the N64 was definitely the more powerful of the two

>> No.8518335

>You know nothing of technology
Well, excuse me for not being tech-buff.

Not everyone knows of how powerful a gaming console from the late 90s is.

>> No.8518967

>To be fair, the team that was developing EB64 had absolutely no experience with 3D graphics.
That was pretty much every game developer during 5th console gen.

>> No.8518986

Do you know where you are? Why are you even here?

>> No.8519006
File: 3.13 MB, 1569x1080, Earthbound-64-Ad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>"It looks ugly".
It literally does.

>> No.8519010
File: 55 KB, 1024x768, 11-1024x768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow soulful

>> No.8519015
File: 65 KB, 319x240, Kumatora_EB_64.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll at least give it this, you could actually tell that Kumatora's leg was caught in a trap.

>> No.8519163

I like that, for the most part, they stuck to the original scenario for the GBA version.
I feel it's a curse, on one hand a lot of Mother fans will always want to play the original cancelled 3D version, but most people will agree that 2D was the way to go with the series.
Still, there's always chances of leaks.

>> No.8520625

>Refers to one of the earliest points of development where most models were either altered or scrapped within less than a year.

>> No.8521008

reminder that earthboundfags hyperventilate over a few seconds of footage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CMy1auZI7bE

>> No.8521013

This is how brain dead your average nintoddler is, not so much about arphboundfags

>> No.8521016

*texture shimmering intensifies*
yeah no thanks. even though n64 had a much lower poly count at least it didn't have weird shit like that

>> No.8521018

Who says the n64 version looked bad?
In fact considering how cartoony Mother 2 was, I think the relatively simple graphical style would translate real well to the n64.

>> No.8521046

Wish there were more decent Kumatora lewds. She gets naked all the time considering you see bare shoulders in the baths unlike in Earthbound, plus there's all the Club Titiboo stuff. You'd think more artists would run wild with that

>> No.8521063

each to his own, the jiggling doesn't bother me

>> No.8521901


>Arino Kacho: 3D? Mother 3 came out with pixel art, but did you aim for a 3D version at first?

>Itoi: It did end up being released with pixel art, but it was originally slated for the Nintendo 64, so we started with polygons. Halfway through, the project came to a dead stop. People started wondering if Mother 3 would be the very last game released for the Nintendo 64, but then the next console was ready for release and we were still totally stuck on that version. We ended up having to accept that Mother 3 would not be coming out and prepare an announcement. So Iwata, Miyamoto, and I got together and had a “Mother 3 Cancellation Round-Table.”

>Arino Kacho: Ha, that’s a new one. So you talked about it not coming out?

>Itoi: We apologized and explained why it wouldn’t be released.

>Arino Kacho: Is that when you decided you’d give it another shot?

>Itoi: No, not yet. At that point we hadn’t said anything more than, “Maybe there’s some way we could do it in the future, once things calm down.” So we let it be for a while. Then one day I went to Kyoto for something else, and Miyamoto, Iwata and I got in the car to go out to eat together. The moment we got in the car, Miyamoto said, “So about Mother. Are you against making it for the Game Boy?” I just said, “Well, I’m not against it...”

>Arino Kacho: The Nintendo 64 and Game Boy have totally different ROM sizes, don’t they?

>Itoi: Completely different. “If you’re okay with it, I think we could pull it off through pixel art,” he said. We had come up with a really interesting world before Mother 3 went under, so I did have a desire to try to see where it would go. I said I’d think about it, and later was asked to meet with the team one more time.

>> No.8523657

How close to complete was the n64 version?

>> No.8523676


>> No.8523680

Probably about like 85% done. All assets were finished and, in the game. It was the programming and polishing that needed to be done, estimated to take about a year ~ year and a half.

>> No.8524993

i just had a very vivid glimpse of what it would be like to play in this level. the camera sits in one spot and follows the character, kinda like in oot. i don't know why, but i felt like sharing. also heard some menu sound effects in my head but this is because i am tired. just felt like sharing.