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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 131 KB, 620x315, 1636741123086.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8503709 No.8503709 [Reply] [Original]

Me 13 years ago when I was new to emulation:
>okay with shitty filter (2xsal)
>okay with shitty emulator (ZSNES)
>okay with stretched aspect ratio

Me now:
>Pixels have to be perfectly square or i'm sperging out
>have to use a controller corresponding to the console i'm emulating
>ZERO tolerance towards even the most minor graphical glitches. literally get an autism attack when UI elements are split in half with 1px

Is it good to have high standards or should I curb my autism?

>> No.8503720

>have to use a controller corresponding to the console
Curb your consoomerism

>> No.8503724

4:3 and square pixels contradict each other

>> No.8503728

It was just an example. I meant non-widescreen resolutions in general.

>> No.8503731

*aspect ratios

>> No.8503732

You are 100% correct. Fuck filters, fuck stretching, fuck shit emulators. Don't let any MAH GRAFX nugamers tell you anything different.

>> No.8503737

>you will own nothing and you'll be happy

>> No.8503741

Me 16 years ago when I was new to emulation:
> fuck those shitty filters (2xsai and others)
> fuck those shitty emulators (ZSNES/RockNES/GENS)
> okay with bilinear filtering
> playing GBA games in tiny window to imagine how it looks like on the real GBA screen because I was too poor to have console

>> No.8503762

If you have the original hardware sure, but do you need to go out and buy adapters for all your shit and swap them around all the time on your computer just to emulate games?

>> No.8503767

What are you on about, those adapters are usually dirt cheap.
it's negligible compared to the cost of a console

>> No.8503773
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>be a low standard poorfag like me

>> No.8503782
File: 393 KB, 1440x1080, Mega Man X (USA) (Rev 1)-220106-173618.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pixels have to be perfectly square or i'm sperging out
you shouldn't even be able to see the pixels if you're playing the game at native res (on a crt or with a crt shader) like you should be

>> No.8503784

Then play on the original fucking console if you want authenticity, you dumb nigger.

>> No.8503789

I feel you on using different remotes lmao. I got a genesis remote a ps1 style 8bitdo and snes remote.

>> No.8503790

>Complain about consooming
>Hoard useless piles of plastic, goy

>> No.8503819

no joke get off the internet or stop reading random people's opinions, you're comparing your experience to others' which is turning you into a elitist autist

>> No.8503864

>Me now
>CRT Hylian filter over everything
>4:3 or 8:7 aspect ratio

>> No.8503945

>> playing GBA games in tiny window to imagine how it looks like on the real GBA screen because I was too poor to have console
I still do this

>> No.8503951

I played FFV the first time in 1999 with some kind of gay ZSNES filter.

>> No.8503957

I'm sorry that you devolved this much, OP.

>> No.8503985

I can still see the pixels

>> No.8503997

That's what I do, you dumber nigger.

>> No.8504009

the pixels are divided by phosphors but you can still see them, Standard Definition does look a lot better on CRT though

>> No.8504032
File: 22 KB, 300x345, 93e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me 21 years ago:
>make do with ZSNES because there was nothing better
>have to endure lack of transparency and shitty sound in games like FFVI
>probably used bilinear filtering on everything

Me 9 years ago:
>move to bsnes because it promises perfect emulation
>end up falling into rabbit hole of wanting greatest possible accuracy for everything, including audio and video latency, input lag, etc.

Me now:
>just use Snes9x because it's good enough and just werks for everything except a few obscure shit games
>still obsess over shaders and lag, though

>> No.8504050

Motherfucker I'm lookin' at em' in that picture right now

>> No.8504057

you're literally blind if you can't see them.
go to an optician already, anon.

>> No.8504090

Just use real hardware on a trash picked CRT bro

>> No.8504093

Also make sure it's a tiny poorfag shitbox because apparently getting CRTs is easy, just like the devs intended.

>> No.8504098

I still see big flat sonys for free all the time near me

>> No.8504101

Anon I fucking see the pixels. It's called pixel art for a reason

>> No.8504104

i started emulating snes in 2004 with zsnes and have literally never experienced a single emulation inaccuracy, or at least anything that stood out as obviously wrong.
my main snes setup is snes9x on the wii. never noticed anything there either. and that 240p output on the wii is glorious.
but now and again i still like just firing up zsnes, at this point that's the old fashioned way for me and is more nostalgic.

>> No.8504137

> playing GBA games in tiny window to imagine how it looks like on the real GBA screen because I was too poor to have console
I mean, it's not like the graphics were supposed to be blown up that huge to begin with, they're meant to be small and compact. I didn't use the Super Game Boy much as a kid, because it just made the game look uglier to my eyes.

>> No.8504152

I recently booted ZSNES up again to see how it holds up and while there's not much in the way of graphical glitches the audio is too terrible for me to tolerate.
the music in super mario world sounds so crusty that it makes my ears bleed on ZSNES.

>> No.8504159

Youre missing out. Some crt filters are pretty kino for pixel art

>> No.8504172


>> No.8504271

Somebody tell hardwarefags that emulation is not like that anymore

>> No.8504275

Hardwarecucks will go into suicide watch the moment someone mentions that Runahead gives you less latency than the actual consoles.

>> No.8504329

accuracy autism correlates inversely with actual enjoyment of the games.

>> No.8504339
File: 3.90 MB, 2016x1512, 20220108_074443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>play on a real crt
feels good

>> No.8504340
File: 2.34 MB, 2560x1440, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me....it's XBR6

>> No.8504364

Anon you can easily count the pixels on the angle of the streetlamps and X's helmet curve. Or hell, the dithering pattern right below the clouds.

>> No.8504403

Dude, looking at the screen on a small device like a Gameboy gives you a much more tolerable FOV than a window on a computer monitor that's the same resolution.

>> No.8504831

Retroarch's version of snes9x is much smoother than the real snes9x for some reason. I'm so glad I've finally set up the former emulator.

>> No.8504865

I still remember when I couldn't see resolution. It sounds stupid but when people would say that the 3DS looked bad in 2011 I thought they meant graphically until someone pointed out what 240p actually was compared to a 480/720/1080p image and it basically made it incredibly noticeable. Same with fps and video cables.

I learnt my lesson and I'll NEVER learn the difference between interlacing and progressive scan since I see autism over that a lot in retro games.

>> No.8504880

yea sure is useless if you would be playing them,faggot.

>> No.8505070
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Definitely different from my process.

1. Does this game run on this emulator?
2. If yes, play game. If no, find another emulator and repeat step 1.
3. ????
4. Profit!

>> No.8505081

Fucking based. Some people just actually like games.

>> No.8505097

same except for
>have to use a controller corresponding to the console i'm emulating
Just way too much of a fucking hassle for me to swap controllers. Like to jump from system to system though so...

>> No.8505102

Makes it look like one of those Win3.1 or Win95 educational games that would be on a school computer.

>> No.8505126

>okay with shitty filter (2xsal)
>okay with shitty emulator (ZSNES)
>okay with stretched aspect ratio
I used to do this back in high school when I first got into emulation. Would use shit like supereagle filters. Nowadays just no filters with the original aspect ratios is fine for me.

>It was just an example. I meant non-widescreen resolutions in general.
Depends what your emulating. Many N64 games especially later on officially supported widescreen and a few rare PS1 games did. Widescreen support for GCN/PS2 era games was also common. If games have official widescreen support I see no reason not to use 16:9 aspect ratio in emulation, really only an issue when the console never supported widescreen or the game did not on later consoles.

>> No.8505159
File: 212 KB, 425x741, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of my cheap consumer-level TVs or monitors had scanlines growing up and up to this day I don't get why people coom over purposely obstructing your vision with annoying tiny black bars when playing their video games.

Did you people perhaps have these in your room growing up but never realized you could pull them up to get them out of the way and get a clear view so scanlines looked normal to you?

>> No.8505169

It's just fags desperately trying to grasp at the few things they can bring back from their childhood, and other fags who looked at them and thought they should also do the same. As a poorfag who actually used to game exclusively on a tiny piece of shit, I do not wish to go back for even one second.

>> No.8505234
File: 221 KB, 531x298, EON8psHXkAI9wm080658468406 source sauce.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What game is this? looks interesting.

>> No.8505364


>> No.8505374

The only thing I remember about CRT TVs is that I couldn't see shit as a kid when it wasn't dark. Don't remember scanlines at all, do remember a bit of haziness though

>> No.8505384

That's because unlike most standalones, RetroArch actually makes an effort to ensure optimal audio and video sync. Standalones basically have you choose between Vsync with crackling audio, or audio sync with screen tearing, and often with copious amount of audio buffering to boot. Once I noticed these things, it became a constant thorn on my side until I discovered RetroArch.

>> No.8505397

I wonder, those old school filters like SuperEagle and 2xSaI people used to use... they were basically meant for 640x480 on an old PC CRT, no? Everyone says they look like shit, and sure, they definitely do now, but perhaps back in the day, people thought differently? They wouldn't have been so ubiquitous otherwise, I think.

I personally didn't discover them until sometime around 2002, and by then I was using relatively hi-res CRTs, so the thought of using 640x480 never crossed my mind, and when I tried them at like 1152x864, they looked bad to me.

>> No.8505502

I'm not sure owning a couple of $10 controllers is really someone's consumerism being out of hand. If anything it'd just be the autism.

>> No.8505509


>> No.8505654

Judging by the rest of his attitude, if you're at that point, it's not "a couple" and they're not "$10".

>> No.8505865

>no filters
If you're using an LCD you need filters or you're looking at a wrong, less-detailed image.

Also: RGB isn't always the best choice.

>> No.8505869


>> No.8505894

A video game remote control

>> No.8506014

You only need 2 controllers to play everything perfectly.
>Wireless Saturn controller for 6 button fighters and Sega games (except for Dreamcast)
>Dual Sense for everything else

>> No.8506038 [DELETED] 

HQ2X/3X/4X etc gives filters a bad name. People gravitate towards it goes beyond 2x and has "HQ" in its name but it's actually the worst of the pixel art filters.

>> No.8506097 [DELETED] 
File: 303 KB, 766x642, Untitled.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Filters have their place (more so in the 2000s when computing power was limited) but they get misused. Their goal isn't to make pixel art look HD, it's to make pixel art upscaled by bilinear filtering less blurry.

If you're running a game through a 4x filter, you're generating 16 new pixels for each original pixel. Usually that's gonna look like shit.

>> No.8506401

DS4 is better.

>> No.8506484

You forgot an N64 controller.

>> No.8506857

Anyone who is old enough to post here has already beaten every N64 game worth playing

>> No.8506878
File: 2.46 MB, 212x187, 1639622340146.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pixels have to be perfectly square or i'm sperging out
The SNES' internal aspect ratio is 8:7 so your pixels won't be perfectly square in 4:3

>> No.8506884

Are you having fun?

>> No.8506940

Not this stupid argument, again, goddamn.

>> No.8507875

>Here is your CRT scanlines bro
>Kanye West sunglasses
/vr/ purists will love that

>> No.8507878
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>> No.8507883

then you grew up without actually playing at 240p or a really small CRT

>> No.8507887

Why do you insist on calling it 240p when every crt and console only output interlaced back in the day? You’re making it sound better than it actually was

>> No.8507890

because 240p is literally every second scanline on an interlaced image blanked

>> No.8507893

The ideal CRT should be based on the ones used in arcades
>Arcade games or CGA/EGA games have a typical resolution of 320x288px with horizontal scanning frequency of 15kHz

>> No.8507894


>> No.8507916

I played original hardware on CRT for my entire childhood. now when i emulate something i just turn on shaders and whatever other bullshit on a HD flatscreen because it looks better. call the cops i dont give a fuck

>> No.8508276

I just play how I think it looks and feels good

>> No.8508303

>every crt and console only output interlaced back in the day?

>> No.8508356

>Dual Sense for everything else
*Switch Pro Controller

>> No.8508361

>dpad in the wrong spot
no thanks

>> No.8508482

>YouTube comment formatting

>> No.8508962

>Is it good to have high standards or should I curb my autism?
You don't have "high" standards. You have personal preferences. This doesn't make you particularly special in any notable way.

>> No.8508978
File: 589 KB, 1536x672, 1637838392486.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4xBRZ looks rather nice in some contexts.
Look at the definition on the crab's claws and eyes, the Sprite's dumplings, the weapons. The edges of the leaves stand out crisply over the backdrop. The numbers on the hud don't quite fare as well, but the characters and scenery look great.

>> No.8509284

Because "back in the day" isn't 2005 for grownups zoom zoom

>> No.8509518

Switch pro is utter trash. DS is infinitely better in every single regard.

>> No.8509527

huh, that actually works. How does it look in motion?

>> No.8509707

If you think that's bad you should see the tabletop consoomers in /tg/. They waste money on dice when they could use a random number generator for free. Lmao fucking plastic hoarders, who actually buys a dice in 2022?
Same "fun" controller consoomers have by touching special plastic when playing games, fucking mental illness.

>> No.8509891

>They waste money on dice when they could use a random number generator for free.

>> No.8509931

I personally can't stand how everything looks so melted and gooey. Looks much worse than raw pixels.

>> No.8510061

>None of my cheap consumer-level TVs or monitors had scanlines growing up
They did. You just don't understand what scanlines actually are.

>> No.8510096

Neither do the people who think you need to emulate them to see how the game is "meant" to look; and that dimming every other line accomplished that.

>> No.8510103

>filters literally add detail
Peak filter cultism?

>> No.8510185
File: 16 KB, 240x125, 5627[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pixels have to be perfectly square
Sad news: in addition to your autism you're also retarded.

>> No.8510447

240p is a hack to display progressive picture on a standard tv intended for interlaced picture. most of consoles used it, although it doesn't make much difference. that's why there's scanlines in 240p - there are no scanlines when these tvs operate in normal 480i mode.

>> No.8511293
File: 23 KB, 500x200, 64025030-337F-496C-98F6-268F045E08F2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are no scanlines when these tvs operate in normal 480i
There are only scanlines when at 480i both fields are alternating to create the image, it’s the lack of scan lines that creates the effect

>> No.8511580

tfw there are people old enough to be on 4chan who have never played on a CRT. You are old enough to be here, right?

>> No.8511623

Explain how I am wrong then

>> No.8511742

>2009 laptop hooked up to widescreen tv in living room via VGA to HDMI
>5 controllers (4x SNES and 1x PS3)
>put whatever filters on I think looks cool
>set up Mario Kart 64 and Smash Brothers to work on the snes controllers
>using a version of project 64 from 2007 I found on an old 64mb usb drive
>ps1 controls through snes controllers except for player one
>play doom with the ps3 controller because I want to lie on my couch
>have a shitty gameboy emulator that automatically stretches to widescreen, DGAF
>look like a tech wizard when I get my friends over to play 5 player bomberman

>have all the original consoles rotting away in my laundry

>> No.8511746
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sorry just my gag reflex


>> No.8512374

whats wrong with znes?

>> No.8512379

outdated and inaccurate

>> No.8512640


>> No.8512646

Cope crtnigger. Even right now all I see is pixels

>> No.8512785

>there are no scanlines when these tvs operate in normal 480i mode.
This is incorrect.
Scanlines are nothing more than the void between lines drawn to the screen.
Depending on the CRTs ability to resolve the 480i resolution you'll see thicker or thinner scanlines. On a consumer TV they'll be so small you'd never notice. On a 750+ TVL video monitor you'll notice the scanlines in 480i.

>> No.8512819

Everything you said is wrong

>> No.8513039

i run ps3 and then my arcade joystick if not i just use keyboard

>> No.8513061

No it isn't.
>ackshually the scanlines are the lines drawn and the black spaces are just voids

>> No.8513295
File: 530 KB, 963x542, hoarders.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First you buy the dice instead of writing a RNG in python
Then you buy a Monopoly set instead of playing the rom
Next you end up like this guy. Coomlecting, not even once.

>> No.8513428
File: 2.39 MB, 3072x1882, KV-PVM-BVM-TVL-comparison-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ackshually the scanlines are the lines drawn and the black spaces are just voids
they are the skipped scanlines yes
>On a 750+ TVL video monitor you'll notice the scanlines in 480i.
TVL is not the scanlines it is vertical lines, you know, what makes PVM's and BVM's so appealing
If you are seeing the lines on 480i, it means your TV is slow or poorly processes interlaced images

>> No.8513462

That's a nice picture. I'm guessing it's showcasing how all three displays have about the same number of TVL? Though it looks like the KV has slightly less than the other two.

>> No.8513474

you can clearly see that all three have different TVL with the left having the highest

>> No.8513931

>Explain how I am wrong then
Using 4chan when you're under the age of 18 is against the rules and that's wrong

>> No.8514051
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>> No.8514057

The autistic end game is to buy the original hardware, an everdrive, and a CRT monitor.

But you need to actually have a job to do that.

>> No.8514095

>imagine being this retarded and just dying inflict the rest of the world with your wisdom
Aren't you the cantankerous anon that keeps getting their ass handed to them in CRT threads?

Is OK bro. Enough ppl here have a good grasp of how a crt works, but not that many. Nb. Scan lines were much more visible in older screens, even the smaller ones regardless of the mode. Crt picture quality really came a long way in the 2 odd decades after b&w.

>> No.8514115

>Aren't you the cantankerous anon that keeps getting their ass handed to them in CRT threads?
you see this slow motion video at the timecode that has a literal line scanned across the image?

>> No.8514196

ear-bleeding audio