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8500429 No.8500429[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

When did it stop being "the 90s" for gamers of the time

>> No.8500439

January 1st 2000.

>> No.8500440

I never realised how Geoffrey the Giraffe had such a propaganda look to his design.

>> No.8500448

March 31st, 2001.

>> No.8500450

September 11th, 2001.

>> No.8500460

I'd like to say Y2K, but more precisely when PS2 comes into play and games felt really different. I'm guessing it had something to do with the advances in graphics and 3D starting to look much better.

>> No.8500461

9/11 is when it all went down hill

>> No.8500496

This and also when the last of the 5th gen games stopped getting significant new releases.

>> No.8500519

in most ways, but from a kid perspective the commercials still just felt like an extension of the 90s until 03/04. The Y2K aesthetic is just all a part of later half of the same era. It's only vidya where the change would be felt, but it all still felt as natural as the growth of computers and internet.

>> No.8500538

There was barely any sign of him in my store (at least in my store), so that would make no difference to me. The name of the store was the appealing part to me, as well as the coloring.

>> No.8500587

A little late, but PS2/Xbox releasing was definitely the end of the 90's feel of that era of video games.

>> No.8500805

Very easy for a Sega kid to answer this - the collapse of the Dreamcast. I will never forget stores refusing to stock Dreamcast games because they wanted the shelf space for PS2 titles. A lot of other major downfalls were happening around this time as well - namely, the Daikatana flop and the mass layoffs at Sierra On-Line.

>> No.8500991

For me 2003-2004. Everything started to use ugly 3d graphics. Huge focus on console gaming. "PC is dead" started popping up a year or two later.

>> No.8501019

This. 9/11 had a massive impact on the American psyche, one that we still haven't recovered from. It is the clear delineating point between the hopeful and happy 90s to the modern era of degeneracy and despair.

>> No.8501040
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>such a propaganda look
what do you mean?

>> No.8501047
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>> No.8501104

90's never ends at least for me

>> No.8501112

Which ones the most anatomically correct?

>> No.8501131

This for vidya.

This for American culture.

>> No.8501153 [DELETED] 

Nobody during the 90s thought to themselves "wow it's so 90s right now". The whole decade division of years having respective themes is a zoomer meme.

>> No.8501428

I remember '99 being when everyone was hyped for the new millennium and everything started trying to sell itself as futuristic (not that they didn't before, but there was a pretty big surge of it). Like the Dreamcast sold itself heavily on that.

>> No.8501461


>> No.8501467

Damn, minimalism cancer was starting to fester in 2007? Thought that shit was far more recent.

>> No.8501470

Yeah, the techno-optimism hit its peak during the dotcom bubble between 1999 and 2001, and then after that burst financially, 9/11 quickly replaced any remaining optimism with fear and rage.

>> No.8501504

techno-optimism was a part of the late 90s, even if shared with 00-01. 9/11 was the biggest killer by a country mile. the dotcom bubble paled in comparison and had nowhere close to the social effect of 9/11 and the wars thereafter

>> No.8501515

Uh. Plenty of people did. Michael Jordan, Robin Williams, several other examples of people saying "this is the 90s, baby" in some form or another being aware of the time they're in as special. Just because no one's been able to say that for the last 20 years because there's nothing to comment on doesn't mean it wasn't happening. We finally get to say it again with "it's the 20s."

God bless.

>> No.8501561

For me, it was when I stopped buying physical vidya magazines and "coming soon" promos no longer came in VHS tapes.

>> No.8501669

I kept buying PS1 magazines until 2003. That was when they stopped. Also games like Harry Potter came out in 2001 and 2002. Harry Potter on PS1 is a 90s thing imo (even though it literally isnt)

>> No.8501701

Also Tony Hawk Pro Skater is almost entirely 2000s+
(Tony Hawk 1 was 3 months off from 2000)
which is crazy to think about

>> No.8501712

so yea I'd say 01 an 02 are still 90s in spirit

>> No.8501747
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9/11 affected everything, but games changed before that; appropriately, in 2000. Watching Dreamcast die on the vine despite being successful, seeing how advanced PS2 was, seeing the number of PS1 releases collapse as the whole industry jumped hard onto PS2.

>> No.8501752

I was born in 1994 and when I was little I associated the 1970s with, "old times," and disco, and I'm pretty sure media did too.

>> No.8501758

>We finally get to say it again with "it's the 20s."
If anything I see people say "It's the 1920s [again]."

>> No.8501786

Yeah, that's what I mean. At least it's a point of reference again. Not at all positive though.

>> No.8501825

Original xbox and the rise of corridor shooters with buff guys yelling cursewords

>> No.8501998

The 90s were distinctly two things, the first and then the second part of the decade. The first part was the high-point and what you really think of when you think "the 90s", the second part was kind of a downer and had less soul/spirit, though great things were happening on PC, especially if you had internet.

PS1 and N64 felt like a step back after coming of the great 8-bit and 16-bit generations, they felt like proto-3D steppingstone consoles with crude, harsh and ugly 3D graphics. Console 3D graphics didn't get good until the Dreamcast and PS2 came around.

>> No.8502057

Up until 2002/3, me and all the kids I knew were still playing SNES and trading carts with each other, there were still rental stores and stuff, maybe some kids with a 64 here and there but they were rare and had nobody to trade with. But then sometime between that and 2004 everyone was suddenly playing PS2 and on the computer, and the SNES became a relic that nobody had anymore. I honestly can't pinpoint exactly when everyone moved on or how it happened, but to me that's when the 90s ended.

>> No.8502146

Sounds like you came of age during the mid nineties and that's why your personal opinion of the decade diminishes in the second part of it. Everything seemed better when we were younger and this can make opinions biased.
At the time the jump into 3D was a leap forward, not backward, objectively speaking. You're reflecting with hindsight, and the graphics may seem crude and ugly compared to what came after, but at the time those proto-3D games were mind blowing.

>> No.8502190

90s people look very different than current humans

>> No.8502260

People were extremely optimistic about the future in the latter half of the 90s. The wonders of modern technology were on full display, and everyone was extremely hyped for the new millennium.

>> No.8502276

1999 literally had the lowest suicide rate since WW2. The late part wasn't a downer at all lmao. There's some truth in your gaming take, but ugly as it was, seeing our gaming icons in 3D freedom was amazing. It was worth it.

The mid 90s weren't the same as either the late or early part either. It was a blend, not some instant change. 3 parts makes more sense

>> No.8502279

They did not realize just how close to the wall of technological possibility they already were. We hit it a decade ago and we've been banging our collective head against it ever since

>> No.8502291

For me i'd say around the time of the more advanced 3D, so unreal and half-life.
Thats when i felt the era of super mario world and SF2 and Mortal Kombat and Sonic was over.

>> No.8502293
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After the psychological lockdown and pushing of AMERICAN FUCK YEAH by the propaganda arm (which pushes "peaceful" protests and white hate now) there was no more wacky fun and extreme coolness to be had. It was slave mentality, and only got worse after the bullshit the elites pulled after 2008. Your last to reserve your place as a human being was make a life (gf/wife, house, job, kids, cars) in the mid 00s. After that you are a bottom dweller forever even if you have credentials.

>> No.8502303

Happiness and optimism is not just something you feel, but something you can see as well
You can fake the look happiness but compared to the real thing side by side its obvious who is really feeling it

>> No.8502304

>commercials still just felt like an extension of the 90s until 03/04
2002 is the last year that could solidly be considered part of the 90s/Y2K era. Having anything faster than dial-up was impressive. 2003 is when nu-metal and skate punk died down or had their last hurrah before indie rock, emo pop punk bands, and glam rap took over. I agree that by late 2004, it seemed like a different era entirely. PS1 finally disappeared, Cartoon Network changed its logo and entire lineup, all the original Nicktoons got canned, web 2.0 and online gaming started taking off big. Handhelds like PSP and DS came onto the forefront with 3D graphics on a handheld. I call it the start of the "American Idiot" era because by Fall 04 everyone at school was obsessed with Green Day and wore the heart hand grenade t-shirt. Halo 2 and RAZRs were big, Family Guy came back, Youtube got popular, Xbox 360 came out, Guitar Hero craze, etc. Late 2004-2007 before smartphones. I wasn't a fan personally

>> No.8502308

Running In The 90s seems so have some reverence for the time as well. What was so special about the 90s that people were aware of it’s chronological significance?

>> No.8502317

Ok 90s I get but
What did people think about the 80s during the 90s?

>> No.8502319

Started in 1st grade elementary summer 1990, got my NES in 89, Genesis in 91 and SNES in the xmas of 92. We also had PCs that I played adventure games and Wolfenstein, Doom and etc on. By the time I got my PS1 in 97, the PC was on fire and outside of the big games like MGS1, FF7 and SotN etc the PS1 just looked crude and cheap games wise compared to the deeper gaming and massive backlog of games becoming available with the advent of emulation on PC.

The PS2 with it's DVD playback, great 3D graphics rivaling PCs at the time and PS1 backwards compatibility for getting to play some of the now bargain-bin gems you might have missed out on, was the "true" 3D gaming console revolution many of us had hoped the PS1/N64 would have been.

Honestly I think it's rather "mid-90s kids" who grew up with the PS1 and N64 as their first console (at a relatively cognitive competent age) that have a bit to high opinion on that console generation and the later part of the 90s in general. Like I said, there was great stuff happening in the late 90s, but console gaming felt decidedly proto-3D especially compared to the PC at the time, and the feeling of the 90s "winding-down" and losing steam before the new millennium was definitively clearly present.

If you're into music listen to the Smashing Pumpkins records from the first part of the 90s, then listen to Ava Adore that they released in 98, it perfectly illustrates the zeitgeist and progression of moods, Ava Adore is the somewhat bleak swansong of the 90s before the party that was supposed to be 2K but never really took off due to 9/11 and my generations "Vietnam".

I'm the quintessential 90s-kid and Millennial, I know my 90s well.

>> No.8502335

I was born in '87 so I can only speak as a kid in the 90s, but 80s pop culture was VERY prevalent through most of the 90s (everyone knew the Ghostbusters theme, for example). So we knew the 80s as the time period that all that cool shit came from and little else.

>> No.8502343

Based, no one born in or after ~'88 knows the real 90s.

>> No.8502347

That was actually a meme in the 90's

>> No.8502356


>> No.8502360

>born in '87
>no one born in or after ~'88 knows the real 90s

samefag detected. Suck my dick. '89

>> No.8502364

I think there are just a lot of people born in the late 80s on /vr/ due to the nature of it.

>> No.8502381
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>> No.8502420

Zoom zoom. Shit was described as being so 90s all the time (meaning at the time being trendy). I literally have superman comic where he comes back from the dead and a character describes something as being "so 90s y'know"

>> No.8502576

I'm the guy you responded to and you sound about the same age as me '83? As someone who was a teen in the mid to late 90s I look back at the latter part of that decade as my golden years.
I wasn't into PC games though but I can see how you view the PS1-N64 generation disparagingly. As a console normie those titles like MGS1 and Shadows of the Empire were mind blowing to me and my friends coming off the back of the 16 bit era where shit like DKC and Sonic and Knuckles were cutting edge.
To go with your music analogy (I never listened to the Pumpkins much outside of Siamese Dream but I get what you're portraying); Metallica started out the decade heavy and cynical and then embraced a more softer alternative sound and ended the decade doing fucking cover songs like "Whiskey in the Jar" that could be a good time party anthem (the music video certainly portrays it as such). I'm not American and I'm not you so I don't look back at the end of the 90s with dread and foreboding, for a lot of people; my generation, OUR generation, the end of the nineties and 2K was a party and a fucking blast.
And as two other anons have said, it was an optimistic time for them (and me) and a lot of other people.

>> No.8502594

100% 9/11. We gave away all our freedoms, we learned that being picked to be president could be swayed with these kind of politics, we learned that American is really shit and we are slowly letting the retarded and mentally ill run the country.

I would go back to 1997 in a hearbeat

>> No.8502887

Nah, I just think society is in a tremendous malaise. People have thought that they were at the final stage of technological development going back to at *least* the turn of the 20th century. Pretty sure the big idea at the time was that we'd crack the code of human psychology, and that would be the final frontier.

>> No.8502914

This. Things were looking up for 80% of the rest of the year.

>> No.8503098

That's the answer
That was the end of it all, and the terrorists got a country out of it

>> No.8503117

No one played Super Smash Bros or Starfox 64 or Pokemon Snap or Tony Hawks Pro Skater or Crash Bandicoot etc and thought "What ugly graphics!" at the time

>> No.8503120

>and the terrorists got a country out of it
But Israel already existed

>> No.8503121

That's the thing, you can't have 90s without the 80s
90s was 80s EXTREME edition *backflips into a ring of fire onto a harem of large breasted women (women)*

>> No.8503137

Not completely, but they should, there's been a clear winner in that landgrab war and it's the one that hosts Miss Universe

>> No.8503138

I disagree. The music and attitude of the 80s was "Party all the time, everybody is happy and everything is good! COCAINE!" While the music of the 90s ventured into depressing, introspective and moody grunge and "alt rock" about how bad life is. The drug of the decade was fucking heroin.

>> No.8503185

Well I don't disagree, but Id like to remind you that Ricky Martin, Macarena, Smack My Bitch Up, movies having that one hit single, Snoop Dogg Dre and that entire NWA entourage etc were all 90s as well
Kurt Cobain was GenX

>> No.8503193 [DELETED] 

Disagree all you want. '99 had the lowest US suicide rate since WW2. It was an optimistic time, even if some of the music would made you think otherwise.

>> No.8503208
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>> No.8503214


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQKQTPpILyQ 1:12

>> No.8503224


>> No.8503257
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>ywn be fighting in the nineties nineties nineties ever again

>> No.8503258


>> No.8503270

Don't be so glum, anon. If longevity research kicks off, we just need to wait about 68 more years.

>> No.8503368
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I always remember my parents and generally the media portraying the 80s as a wacky time with crazy fashion and music, but also a lot of fun.

I was born in '87, I do think that it was probably a bit after 9/11 that things started to feel different, but it's so hard to pinpoint any exact time. It was gradual as you might expect, but sentiments and outlooks definitely were down after 9/11.

In terms of gaming, there was still a lot of '90's feel' in the early 2000s I think. One big thing in gaming in the 90s for me was just the level of excitement around games in general. There was so much happening and a very real sense of wonder at everything that was coming out. Look at Sonic the Hedgehog on Mega Drive vs Sonic Adventure on Dreamcast for a comparison of early 90s to late 90s in terms of tech leaps, it was ridiculous compared to 2012 to 2022 for example.
Gaming magazines and not having such access to the internet helped, since you only got news in a monthly cycle, and it was only in text and still images unless you were lucky enough to get demo CDs with trailers. Now you can see the entire game played start to finish sometimes before it even releases, and in general I think gamers just don't get excited as much as we used to. There's probably a bit of oversaturation as there's just so many games everywhere on the indie scene, yet the AAA space is monopolised by a few big franchises. It means you have trouble finding the stuff you like in the low budget games, and it's easy to be jaded with big budget games.
Check out the feature for Shenmue from CVG in 1999. This was one of the late era games I recall being so amazed by that I couldn't wait to get my hands on it. I don't think I even ever saw it in motion until I bought it.

>> No.8503487

The PS2. The look of the console hardware, that blinding power LED, the DVD player, the PS9 commercial, the horseshit "jack into the Matrix" marketing, all screamed Y2K

>> No.8503526

This is extremely true. The shift towards sleeker and more minimal aesthetics where it was possible is distinctly 00's.

The PS1 actually looks like a fun thing to play with but the PS2 is like adult hardware you know?

>> No.8503543

The 90s rejected and deconstructed the 80s. Married With Children and Roseanne mocked the nuclear family, 80s action heroes were replaced by sensitive action stars. The FBI standoff at Ruby Ridge led to the public trusting the government less than the 80s, also popularized by shows like X-Files

>> No.8503605

Prolly some cia shit

>> No.8503618

>Copyright 1989

>> No.8503648

in 2003 we were already full speed into the 2000s

>> No.8503659

1998-2000 is the peak of western civilization

>> No.8503678

wtf is the code of human psychology?
You mean we feel good if we have dopamine?

>> No.8503695

Shows how much they were expecting from the 90s!

>> No.8503708

I’d say by mid 2002 it had ended though

>> No.8503717

Most people who trash the late 90s are people in their late 30s-mid 40s going through a mid life crisis. 1999 was awesome and a great year in gaming.

>> No.8503718

>What was so special about the 90s that people were aware of it’s chronological significance?
Global nuclear war didn't break out like everyone was expecting to happen and all of the cool things that made the 80s great carried on with strong momentum.

>> No.8503727

Cant forget the see through computer

>> No.8503729

People who believed this fell hook, line, and sinker for Nintendo and Sony's style over substance, paid off reviewers bullshit. The mid-90s was the beginning of the end as shit games started taking over. By 1999 we had gone full trash with only Sega half-championing the traditional gaming cause (just half, they still had shit like the fucking 3d Sonic games) and it was all over. And this is why gaming now sucks shit.
Nugamer kids need to only play 70s/80s games for a while and discover that gaming isn't about all the bullshit we started getting in the late 90s.

>> No.8503736

I define it as the moment when my video game consoles started advertising football to me.

>NES, no problem
>SNES/Gensis, no problem
>N64/Ps1, no problem
>Ps2/gamecube/Xbox Original, no problem

>> No.8503746

Ps2/gamecube/Xbox is when they started to become too much to handle

>> No.8503751

9/11 was a low-key death of innocence for a lot of people in their mid-teens to early 20s sure but they didn't really get fucked until they all started graduating college saddled with a fuckload of student loans right in time for the 08 crash. That said I wouldn't go back to those times for fucking anything, I'm absolutely in every way doing way better than I was as a penniless idiot teenager

>> No.8503765 [DELETED] 
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Whatever Grandpa nobody gives a fuck how good the old days were.

>> No.8503886

>guy who got filtered by Sonic Adventure 2 (the peak of video games) wants me to play 70s games
No thanks.

>> No.8503996

What a poor way to support your arguments.

>> No.8504014

It wasn't meant to be a technical term, I was basically just trying to say "once we had a unified theory of the human mind". And no, that didn't wind up happening.

>> No.8504024

Video games are still amazing. Just because you have been a miserable human for the past 25-30 years (which is more than half you life unless you are over 60) doesnt mean we have to. Games and technology get better and better. You just cant move forward.

Also video games from the 1970s and 1980s suck. They are too short, the music is ear rape, and the graphics are an eyesore

>> No.8504120

>While the music of the 90s ventured into depressing, introspective and moody grunge and "alt rock" about how bad life is. The drug of the decade was fucking heroin.
Narrow minded view there bro. Heroin was out by the mid to late nineties with the death of Kurt and movies like Trainspotting painting that drug in all it's shitty realism.
Rave culture was at its height with ecstasy. Hip Hop gained mainstream popularity and was drenched in marijuana.
To quote a song from 1997 "I never thought you'd be a junkie because heroin is so passe."

>> No.8504262

86-Aug 01 was peak time in human history

>> No.8504270

Not even the best year of that half of the decade.

>> No.8504305
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what year would you spawn in if you had 10 free years to reexperience childhood?

>> No.8504385

I was born Sep. 1995, so I would say Sep. 1993 or so, giving me just enough time to be cognizant when used N64s were on the market and the next generation of gaming was just over the horizon.
t. has clear memory of life from age 5 and onward.

>> No.8504396

>Video games are still amazing
Name 10 amazing games from the past 5 years.

>> No.8504401

Clearly they do, hence this board.

>> No.8504404
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Is "1960s Anime" a propaganda design?

>> No.8504409

Except not in a positive way, like we did 100 years ago.

>> No.8504413

Jewish control hadn't kicked into overdrive yet

>> No.8504419

kinda true

>> No.8504446

90s gaming ended with the explosive rise of 3dfx and related video chips. Thats about the year 2000 although they were introduced in 1997

>> No.8504517

>have a memory of when you were two and in the memory you're remembering something from much longer ago


>> No.8504568

Science is science, you just can't go against faggot.

>> No.8504574

modern science is gay, pozzed and cringe

>> No.8504576

You can pinpoint exactly when the paradigm shift happened.
2007… the introduction of the iPhone.
This is going to sound (s)(o)(y) as fuck, but Toys R Us really was a religious experience in the 90’s.

>> No.8504581

After 3rd strike games went down the shitter.

>> No.8504603

For me it was around 03 when the dreamcast, saturn and psx were well and truly dead, and I couldn't find games for them anywhere anymore.

>> No.8504614

>born Sep. 1995

>what year would you spawn in if you had 10 free years to reexperience childhood?

>what year would you spawn in

>chose 1993 because I would have been about 5-6 years of age when the N64 would have been on the used market (roughly 1998-1999) just prior to the 6th gen. but just old enough for me to comprehend

I fucking grew up with the N64 you sperg, even if it was just a tad outdated by the time I was 5. (year 2000). I just wish I was just a tad older to truly grasp what I was experiencing.

>> No.8504954

Most of this site is 30-50 yos pretending to be zoomers

>> No.8505050
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That design really isn't much different from WWII propaganda.

>> No.8505064

Name 10 games from the 1980s that arent boring

>> No.8505075
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Ultima 1
Ninja Gaiden
Sid Meier's Pirates!
Castlevania 3
Ms. Pac-man

>> No.8505076

there are people who can remember their time in the womb, maybe even in this thread

>> No.8505209

For me, maybe it was because I was 20ish at the time, but I actually felt like the 90s ended right "on time" so to speak, there were so many big changes right around Y2K. I had started playing Everquest, which came out in 1999 but doesn't really feel like a "90s" game to me (graphically, yes, but the gameplay model was the template for WoW which is one of the defining 2000s games). Many of the big 5th gen franchises were beginning to feel dated or were changing, and new franchises rose to prominence. Final Fantasy X was a major break from the 90s style of Final Fantasy. Grand Theft Auto III was the landmark GTA game. Devil May Cry, brand new extremely popular PS2 franchise.

Nah, the decade divisions of culture had been well established by this point (at least in the US), although the exact boundaries have always been blurry. Eg "Roaring 20s" It was most common in music and television, but was also relevant in movies.

I will say though that videogames were generally not thought of as "90s" videogames the way people would have called NYPD Blue a 90s TV show and and Nirvana a 90s grunge band.

>> No.8505356

>What did people think about the 80s during the 90s?
The very early 90s was mostly a continuation of 80s trends, eg MC Hammer but pretty quickly swung hard into the split between alternative/grunge My So Called Life and Beverly Hills 90210/Mariah Carey.

People would laugh at 80s fashions like women in power suits with big shoulderpads and permed hair. There was a sense that the era of huge, mega-glamorous pop stars like Michael Jackson was over.

In 1999 there was a chain email that went out to prank MTV's Total Request Live by requesting New Kids on the Block's "Hangin' Tough," which was viewed as cheesy at the time despite NKOTB being essentially the exact same formula boy band as the chart-topping acts of the time (N'Sync, Backstreet Boys, Fingerbang).

1993 take on VR
>Attitude adjustment

>> No.8505372

Have you never heard of cartoon modern? It's been around since the 50s you dumbfuck

>> No.8505383

This constant ruminating is bad for your mental health anons. If you anons aren't old geezers right now then its only going to get far worse from here.

>> No.8505436

>The whole decade division of years having respective themes is a zoomer meme

You either live under a rock or you're a zoomer yourself

>50s: Greasers and the birth of rock and roll, enthusiasm for the space age.
>60s: Mainstreaming of rock and roll, the birth of free love, and experimental psychedlic drugs
>70s: Disco, the end of the vietnam war, a feeling normalcy and peace even as the econmy faltered.
>80's: A technological and economic boom, the dawn of the home computer, cell phone, and portable music. An explosion of testosterone asbodybuilders and martial artists became the biggest movie stars.
>90's: The beginnings of political correctness, but also of pushing limits. A hugely liberal decade. Enthusiasm for the millennium.
>2000's: Collective depression over 9/11 shattering the 90's dream of a bright future. Emo and other angst-filled music dominates.
>2010's: Financial hardship. No recovery to pre 2008 crisis comes for the little guy. Revolutionary sentiments brewing on all sides, paranoia intensifying.

>What was so special about the 90s that people were aware of it’s chronological significance?

Isn't it obvious? It was the last decade of not just the century, but the millennium. It'll be the the year 20-something for countless generations to come, but if you were alive in the 90's, you knew you were there at the moment the second millennium (Anno Domini) began,

'We're gonna party like it's 1999' was a phrase even BEFORE 1999. Everyone was excited about the future.

>> No.8506994

That redesign coinciding with the iPhone means it probably wasn't taking 50s inspiration into account.

>> No.8506998

Now hit me with the 00s, 10s, 20s, 30s, and 40s.

>> No.8507243

Hangin' Tough and Step by Step that stair dance lives permanently in my memory.

>> No.8507251

Your basic understanding of US politics is so terrible I'd be shocked if you were even alive for 9/11.

>> No.8507270

>This is going to sound (s)(o)(y) as fuck, but Toys R Us really was a religious experience in the 90’s.
For a kid? Absolutely. The original warehouse style made it feel gigantic. And the yellow tickets were amazing.

Interesting fact, when the SNES Classic came out I got tipped off my nearby Toys R Us had it but to be there before opening. So I showed up and did the wait on line bullshit for about an hour or two. Employees then started handing out those tickets to the people on line. At that point I thought they long retired the practice but the ticket even said "SNES Classic" on it. The process of trading the ticket for the item, and the fact that it came with Star Fox 2, it was as if I was 10 years old again buying a brand new SNES game and the whole thing just took me back. I didn't think I'd ever get those feels again but hit every note.

>> No.8507274

00s - last great days of the robber barrons
10s - flying machines, THE GREAT WAR, mass manufacturing really takes off
20s - no booze? NO BOOZE? OH GOD WHAT THE F
30s - the poor age when some filthy commie cripple steals everyone's gold, holy shit what's going on over there in Europe...
40s - ... AHHHHH! NOT AGAIN! Stupid fucking Europeans! Swing music makes it better though, when baby's home from the war, OH SHIT WUZ THAT A FUCKING BOMB?

>> No.8507286

What also made the 90s special to a lot of people is that the 70s and 80s had absolutely insane crime rates. They started dropping dramatically around 1991/1992 and just kept falling. That's why movies like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Home Alone 2 show the city in wildly different light than the modern metropolis it is today. There really was a sense of hope that things were going to get better. Then Columbine and 9/11 happened.

>> No.8507289

explain me 30s

>> No.8507292

Really really bad for the US. Global banking crushed our economy and had an ultimatum: give us all your gold or else!
So cripple Roosevelt comes in, steals everyone's gold and gives it to the banking cartel, and they give us our economy back. This same banking cartel was pulling similar shenanigans in Europe, causing people to act retarded. And we know what happened next.

>> No.8507306

Great Depression (caused primarily by you-know-who: the moneychangers). Also significant, "He was always more of a Delano than a Roosevelt."

>> No.8507343

70s being a good decade is a meme. Loads of domestic terrorism, Watergate, Iran Hostage Crisis, OPEC Oil Embargo, Stagflation, the massive increase in crime.

>> No.8507372

>Then two coincidences happened just as people were starting to notice coincidences they hadn't been noticing because they were too busy noticing the high levels of crime all around them

>> No.8507390

That's more difficult because there's much less globalism prior to World War 2, and trends were much more regionalized.

>> No.8507407

>one that we still haven't recovered from
It never bothered me in the first place and there is a whole generation born after it happened, what else is there to recover from?

>> No.8507428

I don't think you're using the word "coincidence" correctly.

>> No.8507447

Pretty sure the early 1900s were notorious for wealth disparity. It was called the gilded age because all the problems were papered over with a veneer of pomp and circumstance.

Obviously the 1910s ushered in World War I. Then shortly after the war you get the lost generation, typically characterized as directionless and cynically seeking empty fulfillment. Ernest Hemingway wrote about this. Picture Gen X like in The Breakfast Club except instead of Saturday detention they all moved to Paris and fucked French hookers.

>> No.8507450

Do you have to take your shoes off at the airport? Then you also haven't recovered from it. It changed so much about our culture it's crazy.

>> No.8507515

>a feeling of normalcy and peace
>normalcy and peace


>> No.8507630

And in the 1970s they didn't do security checks at airports at all and people could carry guns on planes. I haven't been to an airport since 1991 but even if I did taking my shoes off just to check for weapons is a smart thing to do and should've been implemented earlier. But that aside, taking my shoes off is not "feeling the effects" since I got my daily life never thinking of it. I am unaffected and cannot recover because it never damaged me in the first place. Maybe it's just different on the west coast.

>> No.8507719

>the birth of free love
This is what really ruined society. A whole generation of drug addicts and hippie freaks with no one to keep them in line ended up becoming parents themselves and raising a completely incompetent generation who is worthless. Though the hippie movement can be traced back to World War 2 where the boomers (real ones) wanted what's best for the kids and spoiled them to the point of excess and let them go wild. And WW2 can trace back to WW1 and beyond. Tl;dr the world has been shit since the start.

>> No.8507729

I like how this post started as a screed against a specific generation and mid-thought shifted to universal misanthropy.

>> No.8507759
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>Though the hippie movement can be traced back to World War 2 where the boomers (real ones)
>World War 2

>> No.8507845

Technically the first boomers were born during the war as "goodbye babies" when a man fucks his girl before shipping out. Then you have the 2nd wave when they got back which is the more well known one

>> No.8507846

True enough.
Here's the redpill on parents: they're supposed to teach you about the errors of doing DUMB SHIT before natural law teaches you the hard way. Hippies and "free love" degenerates thought they could do all the drugs and sex they wanted. Well with drugs, abusing the neurotransmitters in you body can wreck your shit. And with sex, every microscopic little bastard on earth wants eat your proteins and proliferate and trading goo between each other is a fantastic way for them to express themselves, much like through rodents or by wading through sewage and corpses.

Good parents, ESPECIALLY a good father that's not gonna be cute with your dumb ass, will tell you this. Not teachers or government or friends.

>> No.8507895

>That redesign coinciding with the iPhone
Not everything has to be connected with the iPhone dude, cartoons really were more simple in design starting in the 90's, originally trying to riff of the 50's look that anon was referencing, but later became so ubiquitous that people just started basing designs around it because that was just the standard cartoon look. Cartoons with that look were still being made in 2007.
It was 2011 when stuff like Adventure Time started replacing it.

>> No.8507897

All science I disagree with is

>> No.8507898

Who are those people and how can you even be sure they're right

>> No.8507974

I remember stuff from when I was 3. Fuck off

>> No.8508000

Generally the term Baby Boomer refers specifically to the post world war 2 baby boom period, and it's not just the enlisted men who were fucking their wives upon coming back from the war, there was a period of peace and prosperity that is attributed to everyone getting it on and upping the birth rate.

My father was a silent generation, served during the Vietnam conflict, hated that love and hippie bullshit, and still turned out to be a shitty father. His parents from what I hear were even worse parents than he. This entire "blame the hippies and the boomers for the state the world is in" shit is getting tiresome. Bad parenting isn't a 21st century invention. And part of growing up is doing dumb shit and learning from it yourself, not having it told to you.

>> No.8508342

Yeah, boomers didn't invent abuse, but the thing is it's a different kind of abuse. Boomers were way more into sexual and emotional abuse, which is why they all insisted that it's only abuse if you get wasted and smack your wife around. Society had been politely ignoring the way that can fuck you up, until my parents' generation took it too far.

I'd spend summers on grandpa's farm and it was night and day, the difference, because he'd drink himself stupid and get violent, but it wasn't the same as mom buying you a gift, and then complaining how spoiled you are when you accept it.

>> No.8508365
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What the fuck has this thread turned into

>> No.8508390

>mom buying you a gift, and then complaining how spoiled you are when you accept it.
That's not abuse, that's good parenting. YWNBAW.

>> No.8508436

arcade rooms at full capacity
Dragon Ball
eurodance music
techno & pills of varied colors
boy bands
boys with shaved heads wearing Alpha Industries jackets

>> No.8508441

The 90's was full of wondering how technology could progress. I remember playing Pokemon Stadium and trying to imagine how a true 3D Pokemon game would be. Barely anything has met those expectations.

I think the only thing that has really wowed me nowadays is VR, but even that honeymoon effect has started to wear off a bit.

>> No.8508442

>boys with shaved heads wearing Alpha Industries jackets
Was this a yuropoor thing?

>> No.8508461

>must consume, must appease money god

>> No.8508578

It.. wasn't a very nice time.

>> No.8508642

To be honest I cannot refute this. I can remember stuff from when I was 4 absolutely, but trying to cast my mind back to before that is impossible. Science is a hell of a thing. Funny since the rest of my childhood years still stand out in my mind strongly.

>> No.8508694

Jesus, i just realized we can say were in the '20s again!

>> No.8508706

>you will own nothing, and you’ll be happy

>> No.8508707

>owning things bad

>> No.8508709

Half of those are people referring to the 90's as a bad thing.
We still do this today, we just use [current year] as our denotation.

>Still raving about the 90's

>> No.8508717

>Great Depression (caused primarily by you-know-who
Yeah, finance capital.

>> No.8508718

And Shenmue is supposed to be a game partially about nostalgia for the 80's.

>> No.8508724

I was born in 76, I was a kid in the 80's and a teenager in the 90's.

The 80's fucking rocked in a way no other decade has since. There's a reason we're got stuck in 80's memberries and it's because it's the most culturally rich decade ever. We still haven't tired of milking it yet. Usually we would be in the middle of full on 90's nostalgia by now but it hasn't happened.

In the 90's movies and music became shit

>> No.8508746

>In the 90's movies and music became shit
Yes, in the latter half

>> No.8508773

I remember being a young kid in the 90s and my favorite movies were Star Wars, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Silverado, and Robin Hood. Literally 1/4 was a 90s movie and it is the only one of the bunch that doesn't hold up and I wouldn't watch again.

>> No.8508798

>In the 90's movies and music became shit
You mean movies with real actors? Disney was pretty on fire that decade, especially the first half.
Sadly, serialized cartoons were never as good as stuff like Thundercats, TMNT, The Real Ghostbusters, He-Man and the like.

>> No.8508849

It started when western gaming became much bigger than japanese. In the 80s and 90s, fun and wacky japanese gaming balanced western seriousness, so we had Hard Drivin' but also Daytona USA after that. After the new century, realsim has almost taken over the gaming landscape and japanese games are not as relevant anymore outside Nintendo ones.

>> No.8508883 [DELETED] 

To me it always felt like the 90s (the later part anyway) was all about the US president and conspiracies and shit.
I mean, Bill Clinton was popular and all. but the movies were shit.

imo the best era was 84-94, Ghostbusters to T2 and Jurassic Park with some NES/Snes/Genesis/DOS sprinkled on top.
even the fun 80s music ended around 94, with that grunge garbage taking over.

Even cartoons were the best from 84-94, with Saturday morning stuff like M.A.S.K. and Inspector Gadget and RGB and TMNT, which then evolved into Disney's stuff with the late 80s Ducktales which was then followed by Darkwing Duck and Goof Troop and Aladdin and Hercules.

after that the cartoons became cheap looking, often with cheap plots about some guy in school doing school stuff.

>> No.8509698

There was still some inertia as things that were in development prior to 9/11 were still coming out.
To me the 90s finally fizzled out somewhere in 2004.

>> No.8509803

The turning point was gradual, but the 90s died in stages. The first half of the 00s were pretty much still 90s in spirit.

The decline began on September 1st, 2001. This singular event is the most important one any of use have ever lived through. The last dying ebbs of 90s optimism and spirit faded ~2008, with the great financial crisis, which we still live with the after-effects of.

Post 2008 and the dawn of the 2010s were truly the dawn of a new era, with smartphones becoming the norm and social media attaining ubiquity. Around about 2015 society entered the terminal phase of decline which will define our era, when everyday normal people who had never heard of places like 4chan or SomethingAwful started to talk about and use memes in everyday converstaion.

>> No.8509840

How is Stadium in any way not true 3D?

>> No.8509845

Now more than ever.

>> No.8509852

>thing I grew up with good
>thing that came after bad

>In the 90's movies and music became shit
Really reaching. 80s had good music, but their movies are hard to argue for outside of their chosen genre. Big stagnation over the 70s.

>> No.8509857

>ONE thing
>ALL thing bad
Yikes and a half

>> No.8509889 [DELETED] 

That is not the opposite take you coomlector cock holster. Yeah dude. FUCKING TRINKETS. That's how we stake our claim on this world. That's how we stave off the elites. We already own every retro game infinitely.

>> No.8509934

The only medium you can truly own is a book. I'm sure you have your generator ready to power your CRT and Playstation in your Teddy K cabin during the great collapse, though. You own nothing more in a cartridge than one does in a ROM.

>> No.8509971

>Toys R Us really was a religious experience in the 90’s.

Other toy sections in department stores and little gas station types were all you had but going to Toys R Us was a sight to behold as a kid with toys stacked to the ceiling and what felt like near endless shelves. It was pretty crazy when I was kid to just see all the toys I've only seen in commercials all there and a entire aisle dedicated to something that only had two pegs in K-Mart.

>> No.8510296
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>> No.8510316

Owning toys is not a big accomplishment

>> No.8510318

I never lived this.

>> No.8510397

>He says on a forum about 20+ year old toys

>> No.8510445

infinite soul

>> No.8510469

history really does rhyme dun it?

>> No.8510494

I think they meant "true 3D game" as in an actual pokemon game like red or blue but 3D with a world to explore with gyms and such, not just a fight simulator

>> No.8510525

Only played the first couple of hours of Shenmue, but none of that ended up being true, right? I don't remember picking up any items really (let alone "nearly every item"), and I don't remember there being any snow (let alone snow that "piled up").

>> No.8510593

Hell if my parents were going to buy me brand new boxed games, I was lucky they got me the consoles (all used)
Me and my brother were on our own getting our hands on games through irl social networking but that's a whole 'nother '90s experience.

>> No.8510621 [DELETED] 

>tfw not amerimutt
>20010911 was just another Tuesday

>> No.8510647

Pretty much, it's a fucking stupid response that that retardedly didn't understand what OP was saying
OP meant something akin to how Woodstock or Charles Manson or Hell's Angels Rolling Stones murder were an end to the 60's or hippie era, but for video games, an event that officially marked the end of the 90's and the start of the new millennium.

>> No.8510675

Idiot. 90’s was animation rebirth harkening back to the golden age.
Ren and Stimpy is THE cartoon of the 90’s and that’s the furthest you can get from globohomo digitoons that started taking over in the 2000’s.
The Geoffrey redesign was certainly to adhere to the scalable “digital age” look.
The smartphone age simplified everything and there is correlation and causation. 2007 is when it was marketable to suck the soul out of everything.
Lol yes I gave a fuck about that when I was 5 in 1997. You really put me in my place you ascended being of light.

>> No.8510682

Which would be ...

>> No.8510720


>> No.8511125

Imagine the divine smell

>> No.8511128

never forget what amazon took from you

>> No.8511131

Being constantly obsessed with America makes you oblivious and retarded, apparently.

>> No.8511134

Didn't they go out of business before Amazon's dominance?

>> No.8511138 [DELETED] 

No American really cares that some jew blew up his own tower to commit insurance fraud.

>> No.8511251 [DELETED] 

>not caring about some shitty towers that had no effect whatsoever around these parts

>> No.8511412 [DELETED] 

Whether you cared about it or not doesn't change the fact that the US government used it as justification for unconstitutional laws which allowed them to, among other things, appropriate the internet and thus subvert global culture into the modern day shitshow it is.

>> No.8511439 [DELETED] 

>US Laws
lel like I said, it had no effect on whatever was going on around here. and no, contrary to your belief, "the internet" and "global culture" wasn't being subverted or whatever you may think. it's just a logical progression of technological advances regarding the internet and devices that connect to it.

>> No.8511443

Your whole life revolves around America, in ways that you have already acknowledged and in ways you're apparently not aware of. But the point is that 9/11 and its demagogic aftermaths made the entire world a darker and less enjoyable place.

>> No.8511445


>> No.8511453

Everything he said is right.

>> No.8513057

For me, it was the N64. 1996 was the first time things started feeling kinda off. Product-y. I had gone from the NES to the SNES to the PSX. I thought I had witnessed the peak of gaming. Then the N64 drops and yeah, it looks "better" and that controller looks like fun to my young eyes, but a the same time it feels like it doesn't belong. It felt like I was being prepared for a future I didn't want. None of the soul, for lack of a better word, was there. The SNES is my favorite console, and I still maintain that the PSX was the last time gaming had soul.

>> No.8513378

from the top off my head i'd say it was around the time half-life came out, bc at this point it was clear to everyone that the old days were over. i might be wrong, it's just the first thing that comes to mind

>> No.8513394

When cartoon network changed their logo.

>> No.8513405

Jesus fucking christ, kill yourself you massive faggot of 2D, how come you dont feel the 90's in the N64 artwork? those renders are very Jonny Quest Real Adventures. That decade was full of that, and also while the games were futuristic and used polygons there's some undeniable 90's simplicity in the games. You sound so stupid.

>> No.8513453

Where do you think you are? Zoomer crying faggot.

>> No.8513543
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No need to get your panties in a bunch, son. I just don't see what you see. It's just a different opinion from someone with a different perspective.
>Jesus fucking christ
There are multiple ways to express your disagreement. Opening like this is off-putting and shows you lack self-control. You also blast your belief -your belief in your opinion, not Jesus; just to be clear- with exasperation, letting most people know that this isn't going to be a very fruitful conversation because you think they're idiots. Which we can tell because I could hear you snort and roll your eyes from here. People must be welcome to talk to you, not doing 180's and walking away. Work on that.
>kill yourself you massive faggot
Uncalled for. I shall not be depriving myself of however many dawns I've yet to see, nor am I a fat homosexual person. There's a slight chance you might be projecting some of your own issues onto other people there, anon. Work on that, too.
>how come you dont feel the 90's in the N64 artwork? those renders are very Jonny Quest Real Adventures. That decade was full of that, and also while the games were futuristic and used polygons there's some undeniable 90's simplicity in the games
This might be shocking, and you might have to exercise some self-control here, but I didn't like that shift in art direction. The N64 marked a shift in themes and tastes and norms. The zeitgeist had changed, and I didn't like it. The scariest part? There might be people out there with another opinion! A third one. Imagine. Speaking of, you should definitely work on your imagination. It's the one thing that keeps your brain from rotting.
>You sound so stupid
You sound mad. You're gonna wanna work on that.

>> No.8514086


>> No.8514104

>For me, it was the N64.
There is something about how games on N64 had to have an antiseptic, textureless look to them out of technical limitations, and then Nintendo just made all their characters look that way in official art and carried the style forward to all of their future consoles. And the style of music they use hasn’t really changed since. Something about how the games are presented makes me feel like I’m being half pandered to, half manipulated.

>> No.8514123

Mid-2001 for me. Part of it was seeing Sega stepping down and Microsoft take their place, and part of it was seeing a lot of franchises that made the 90s for me go through major shifts (Final Fantasy moved away from ATB and also went to MMO, Megaman shifted from Classic and X to Battle Network and Zero, Street Fighter went 3D, etc).A lot of change in a small amount of time.

>> No.8514851

You're right, i as talking about live-action, it was during the transition from real sfx to all cgi and most of all the 90's cgi have aged really badly

>> No.8514870

When was Deus Ex released?
June 23, 2000

>> No.8514901

>captcha: p4toy

>> No.8514930 [DELETED] 

>I was being prepared for a future I didn't want
I can somewhat relate. Sometimes I feel like we missed a whole home console generation between the 16 bits and 32 bits one. Everyone moved to 3D as soon as you could put 50 polygons in the same screen, instead of trying to reach the maximum limit with 2D. CPS-3 games are a glimpse into what could have been, but sadly we never got that chance.

>> No.8514932

>I was being prepared for a future I didn't want
I can somewhat relate. Sometimes I feel like we missed a whole home console generation between the 16 bits and 32 bits one. Everyone moved to 3D as soon as you could put 50 polygons in the same screen, instead of trying to reach the maximum limit with 2D.
CPS-3 games are a glimpse into what could have been, but sadly we never got that chance.

>> No.8515006
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Indeed, felt so proto-3D, like Starfox only with textures, and most of the games went from smooth 60fps with the 8-bit/16-bit console to most 3D games on the PS1 never managing to hit 30fps and looking like a wobbly murky mess with "experimental" control schemes that were just as horrible then as they are to anyone today. Felt like a step back for sure.

There are some really nice 2D games on the PS1 though, SotN being the most prominent with constantly being in the top 3 on lists and the Suikoden games leading the charge amongst the 2D JRPGs that there are a few of on the system.

The early 90s stuff still has comfy soul and spirit carried over from the 80s, it's about in 95 that flavor of pop-culture is slowly being replaced by more edgy, "serious" and monochrome color-grading (green, blue, orange) looking shaky-cam cinema with practical effects getting completely left behind for tacky and jarring "SFX". Again the divide between first and second half of the 90s is really evident, just as in console games going from 2D to 3D at the time.

>> No.8515140

No. Toys R Us (at least in America) didn't go out of business until mid 2018. I was at my local Toys R Us that I had frequented as a child back in the 90s and early 2000s the last few months it was open. I was really sad about it closing because that place was so magical for me as a kid. Seeing TRU die was like the final piece of innocence lost.

Anyway, to answer OP's question, I'd say that 90s gaming ended somewhere in late 2001- early 2002 after the release of the XBox and GameCube and the 6th Console generation was in full swing.

>> No.8515256 [DELETED] 

>muh 9/11
Anyone who unironically brings this up is a larping zoomer. No one gave a shit besides faggy New Yorkers.

>> No.8515274

No it's not. Most of the /vr/ browsers are zoomers. They're zoomers pretending to be boomers. They're the elitist that say not retro because they hate their own generation so much they want to pretend that they love boomer games as much as actual boomers.

>> No.8515276

No one remembers their time in the womb. That's not how your brain works. You retarded faggot.

>> No.8515293 [DELETED] 

You are retarded. 9/11 was another major power grab excuse for politicians. The Patriot Act was disgusting and 9/11 also led to a worthless 20 year war destabilizing a majority of the world through mass immigration and proxy wars in the middle east.

>> No.8515296

t. was busy sharting his diaper and making a mess of his breakfast on 9/11

>> No.8515397
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> ywn win the Super Toy Run and be on Nickelodeon

I wish I could go back
yes back in time

>> No.8515429 [DELETED] 

US politicians
>The Patriot Act
literally who
>a majority of the world
US and the middle east
>mass immigration
where? if anything most countries closed their borders for middle-eastern nationals
>proxy wars in the middle east
it's always been that way even before

>> No.8515446 [DELETED] 

>no u
Come up with a better argument next time zoom zooms.

>> No.8515516

Why would I wanna pretend to be a zoomer? I'm glad I'm not a kid anymore.
if anything its zoomers pretending to be boomers because they reaaaally wanna talk about games but /v/ wont let them.

>> No.8515521 [DELETED] 

Sixth generation pretty much. The 5th gen saw some releases in the 2000's but it didn't really matter because they kept the spirit.

That being said, gen 6 has it's own "y2k" era charm. I just wish it didn't have to contaminate this board.

>> No.8515525

Playstation 2.

>> No.8515752
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>> No.8515938

I remember that period when GTA3 was being hyped, and it just felt like a new era had begun.
that was probably the end of the 90s for me, everything just felt different. (not worse, just different)

>> No.8515942

It's maybe a bit exaggerated, but pretty much true, especially for the era. Shenmue lets you interact with a stupid amount of things; usually you can't pick them up, but you can look at all the shelves in stores individually. Also the snow starts I think in December, you wouldn't have seen it if you only played a couple of hours.

>> No.8515968

Maybe for the early 90s but after grunge music died it reverted back to having a good time

>> No.8516518 [DELETED] 

americans are disgusting

>> No.8516849

fpbp. done.

>> No.8516854

>inb4 "you know what i mean.. what i mean is"
january 1 2000

>> No.8516887
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>people unironically believe a culture is tied to an exact 10 year period
>The moment the clock strikes midnight everyone throws away all their belongings before going naked into the stores to buy all the newly designed stuff to hold them over for the next 10 years
lul, the "80s" didn't start until 1984 and ended in 1994. The 90s ended in 2001, and the 2000s ended in 2011

>> No.8518198

>There's a reason we're got stuck in 80's memberries
It's because people who grew up with 80s culture as kids are now, on average, at peak economic productivity and consumption as they find themselves established in their careers and buying shit for their kids. Marketing trades on nostalgia in these cycles and has for a long time. In the 90s there was a 1950s retro fad that smoothly shifted into one for the 1960s as those people became juicier targets, we just don't remember it because kids weren't buying chrome toasters and VHS box sets of the Andy Griffith Show.

>> No.8518209

it's still the 90s, fuck you

>> No.8518284

No one here is saying that except you. Though you already know this.

>> No.8518286

So incredibly based I can't stand it

>> No.8518301

SA1 is better than SA2

>> No.8518307

You knew to stay out of his way right? Sounds like you learned a valuable life lesson.

>> No.8518387

thats what you think

>> No.8518476

>Then Columbine and 9/11 happened.
And the crime rate kept dropping, outside of an uptick in 2020, it's been going down continually, the crime rate is half of what it was in the 90s.

>> No.8518480

Literally one of the arguments before WW1 happened was that the world had become too globalized and interconnected with trade and no one would be stupid enough to ruin that with a war.

>> No.8518504

when i had high speed internet and could pirate everything without physical format

>> No.8518790
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>> No.8519012

always great to see /vr/ deliver crippling autism

>> No.8519068

> All non-military planes grounded, air travel suspended indefinitely
> Peter Jennings on round the clock
> Immediate and rapid shift in entertainment media toward sensitivity and wholesomeness in direct contrast to 90s edge (see: ClearChannel Memo suggesting to avoid playing certain songs)
> US Invades Afghanistan to take out the Taliban
Pretty safe to say you're the fucking zoomer.

>> No.8519571

2001 was a shit year in general before 9/11 even happened.

>> No.8519574

Anyone have a picture of the old Best Buy with the absolutely gigantic monitors, they must have been 6 feet tall and was even wider than that

>> No.8519628

Fucking how.

>> No.8519650

I would say when the Playstation 2 came out.

>> No.8520526 [DELETED] 

The 90s finished in 1996.
The N64 was the beginning of the 2000s.
>n-n-ooooo bb-bb-ut!
shhhhh, zoomer. shhhhhh.

>> No.8520568

The patriot act should never have been passed.

>> No.8520580
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Pictured: Normalcy & peace

>> No.8520581

90s was the 80s with neon colors and surge instead of cocaine, but also cocaine.

>> No.8520585

You legitimately have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.8520626

>spend most of the 90s in an anxious shell because of being lost at the fair and a drunk music teacher screaming at me
>mostly just played video games that I easily could have just played now

>didn't go out and enjoy the 90s, injure, or maim each other with toys like the skip it, the water rocket things, pogo sticks/balls, and huge trampolines with no side nets

>> No.8521329 [DELETED] 

For sure, I'm saying Silent Generation-style abuse at least gives you useful coping skills for dealing with violent drunks, something you encounter a lot.
Boomer-style abuse just makes you think everyone's your enemy and teaches you to self-destruct when things finally go right.

>> No.8521348 [DELETED] 

>Boomer-style abuse just makes you think everyone's your enemy and teaches you to self-destruct when things finally go right.
Oh my god. It's true. I'm not the only one. Fuck man, what bullshit. Does this damage ever go away?

>> No.8521443

>the 90s lasted 7 years

>> No.8521823

just before PS2 release and cibercafes stuffs

>> No.8523475


>> No.8523649
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The 90's ended like in 2004, really.

>> No.8524068
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Came here to post this.

After North America experienced one day of playing Advance Wars, they knew that video games would never be the same.

>> No.8524398
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>people unironically believe a culture is tied to an exact 10 year period
>the 80s was 1984 tp 1994

>> No.8524504

This really only mattered in the USA. Everyone else around the world kept chugging forward.

>> No.8524516

I used to be the one that put the costume on in our store. Kids fucking LOVED it. District kept trying to take it from us.

>> No.8524580

Why? Is that a liability or something?

>> No.8524657

It was around 2004, and I think they were just trying to phase out the big costumes thing? Liability might make sense. Also, not a lot of people could wear it. You need to be a certain height/size, other the thing looked weird or was a pain for the person inside.

>> No.8524713

The 90s ended on 911. By 2004 we were deep into 2000s garbage

>> No.8524814

Electronic dance music was pretty big in Europe in the 90s.


>> No.8524923

This. Tons of gay ironic and emo shit all the time even 2003.

>> No.8524978

>originally trying to riff of the 50's look that anon was referencing

I do remember Mulpfim having random decorations (and sometimes backgrounds) that look particularly dated compared to the rest of the flash look. Twilight Sparkle's ass marking wouldn't look out of place in something like Pink Panther or some shit like that. Then there was MLAATR with its weird amalgamation of UPA and Craig Macracken styles.

>> No.8525341

I guess therapy helps. If you can make friends that like you and support you when that trauma surfaces, that's also clutch. That's a shit answer but we don't really have the tools to sort our own selves out.

>> No.8526083

Eurodance is pretty much the genre I relate to the 90's the most. At that time I wasn't of "clubbing-age", but I always heard it in arcade rooms, in the radio, fairground amusements, etc


Vocals in video game music wasn't very common, but still, you could find some games with eurodanceish tracks as well:

>> No.8526612

The GameCube launch with Luigi's Mansion was a weird start to 2000s. Not a bad game but it made Nintendo look weak. Something was definitely fucky with games from that era.

>> No.8526654

you can't say that shit and not explain

>> No.8526730

You people are the true masters of cringy autistic taking-things-literally-and-thinking-youre-so-clever

>> No.8526732

6 health on the heavy after this?

>> No.8526739

This is an interesting point. I noticed playing company of heroes 2 the other day that in-game at start page they now have an ad for CoH3. I miss when games didnt advertise other new games to make me spend more money. Makes me not want CoH3 just out of spite desu. Kinda same with patch updates and dlc. SNES games gonna SNES forever with no needed patches etc. Weird how stuff is now.

>> No.8526752 [DELETED] 

Your attempt at 30s FDR memeing is retarded and clearly politically motivated.

>> No.8526757 [DELETED] 

Don't listen to this guy he apparently only knows half cocked conspiracy garbage.

>> No.8526786


When ocarina of time came out.

>> No.8526812 [DELETED] 

>t. commie

>> No.8527927

Why did you feel the need to tell this thread that you weren't alive in the 90s?

>> No.8527943

nintendo didn't seem to know what the fuck they were doing during the gamecube era

>> No.8528383

Well since we're talking gaming i'd say the 90s ended when the N64/PS1/Dreamcast died. The PS2/Xbox/Gamecube definitely felt like a different era in gaming from what had come before.
The 00's look of stuff being "grittier" and more "realistic" started seeping in around 2001, 2001 in general is when things started to shift even before 9/11, but of course 9/11 sped things up. Gone were the XTREEEME nature of the 90s since we were now living in a "different reality with real threats" BS. Since most normies were getting the internet in the early 00s as well everything became more abot the digital era and with DVDs it felt like that, every piece of media was influenced by The Matrix.
The only thing 90s that lasted a little longer was music, nu-metal and the like was able to survive for a while but by 2003 that was the last hoorah nu-metal had, other genres of music had already been switching to a different sound which was more 00's but even nu-metal went away.

Now the 2000's you can also argue was about from 2001 up until 2012/2013 or so. It's when geek culture became cool with normies in part because of the MCU and youtube and the SJW era began and all the sexualization started to be questioned.

When do the 2020s begin? I'd say about now, I feel a different vibe in the air. the pandemic will be used as a reference of when people's attitudes started changing. in general people now seem more positive about the future, less people are bickering about politics since they got tired of the same left/right wing shit that happened for years, people are dressing a bit different now and in general the 2020s seems like a new fresh era.

>> No.8528525
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>> No.8529645

>nuzoomers think this kind of style stopped entirely in 2001-2003

I don't know if most of you retards in this thread are American or not but over here in Europe (and in most of the UK), this kind of style stayed around for nearly the whole of the 2000s. It began trickling out around 2007 and you started noticing the shift around 2005 or 06.

Not the best decade either. It was great for style and excess but a lot of awful grunge music was really popular around this period, and people just completely abused the economic boom to destroy most of the old culture that was around for generations.

Still, at least you were curious to see what new stuff was coming around the horizon, even if most of it was kind of eh, style wise.

>> No.8530042

What is it with this almost Pavlovian response that when someone posts an old shop interior that retards respond with "OMG SOUL". People are seriously fucking nostalgic over shelving with game boxes on them?
They literally still exist, everywhere. Walk in to a KMart or a Target or whatever big store you have in your country and you can find shelves with products on them.

>> No.8530075

this scene arouses me in a way no woman could ever hope to do

>> No.8530079 [DELETED] 

yes you soulless commie

>> No.8530084

>culture is tied to an exact 10 year period
Modern culture is. People and businesses always made a big deal out of "the new decade" every decade.

>> No.8530170

Nostalgia in seeing how they looked when you were little. SNES and Genesis promo art and those boxes behind the glass instead of DVD cases. And if you're a leaf stores like K-Mart and Zellers are pretty much all soulless Walmarts now.

>> No.8530192

It's just larping retards who've never actually been in a blockbuster, and don't realize they all smell like shit, half the store would always be rented out and the prices were double of any local rental place

>> No.8530216

When PlayStation 1 games finally disappeared from shelves.

>> No.8530347


>> No.8530381 [DELETED] 

Completely true, although I'd put the end of the 2000s a couple years ahead. Probably with the first BLM protests.

>> No.8531239

Blockbusters smelled like magnetic tape and popcorn. What are you talking about?

>> No.8531285

PS2 Launch.

>> No.8531405 [DELETED] 


>> No.8531520

And when did the 90s start?

>> No.8531535

When you were no longer able to find the Genesis or SNES or their games on store shelves.
This, although I'd probably say 98-99
1989 with the release of the Genesis, TurboGrafx and Game Boy

>> No.8531548

Correct, 1989 is the year it started, glad someone else recognizes this. So much converged on that year it's insane.

>> No.8531743

I think around 97 or so is when most places got rid of their 16 bit stuff but there was a target I used to go to that had a boxed snes that no wanted for years and some crappy snes games they tried to sell for $30 each in 1999.

The video rental stores were all clearing their 16 bit games in around 2001 but they weren't that cheap.

>> No.8532014

I got a bunch of cheap snes games when walmart was closing theirs out in the late 90s. Mostly sports shit but also super empire strikes back/super return of the jedi and killer instinct

>> No.8532045

