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8498802 No.8498802 [Reply] [Original]

Why did shmups lose popularity so fast? they were still fairly popular in the late 80s and the first two years of the 90s, but it declined rapidly. Did the VS. fighter craze kill their mojo?

>> No.8498806

What a boring thread to make, it's awfully tasteless isn't it? OP should be ashamed for making this embarrassing thread.

>> No.8498821

shmups are the easiest and lowest common denominator games to make, eventually the creativity dried up and then along came cave and made them require hundreds of hours of autism to reach the true end

only autists like modern shmups and touhou, the classics like gradius are great

>> No.8498825

They're arcade style games and those declined in popularity around the same time, plus consoles went 3D while they're a 2D genre.

>> No.8498830

They became pasttime games in consoles with better options that had more content and options to save your progress. Couldn't stand on their own outside of the social interaction that complimented them in arcades.

>> No.8498839

>Did the VS. fighter craze kill their mojo?
Yes, it’s probably safe to say that fighters brought in more revenue in arcades, so shooters were quickly swapped out for fighters and the decline was quick.

>> No.8498846

>t. never made a shooter

>> No.8498850

they literally are the easiest games to make, look back in the early 90s when japanese magazines would put out shmup contests, there were shitloads of submissions for pc88

they really are the easiest shit to make, you have static sprites that move around, obviously the top quality ones had a lot of animation and tooling going on in the stages

>> No.8498858

>when japanese magazines would put out shmup contests, there were shitloads of submissions for pc88
>back in the early 90s
Literally in the genre’s heyday. They were wildly popular.

>> No.8498862

RPGs killed arcades, which in turn killed arcade genres like shmups, beat 'em ups, action-platformers, action-puzzlers, etc.

For some reason, gamers got more soi as the years went on and preferred staying at home and playing casual, slow games instead of intense, skill-demanding action games.

>> No.8498863

yes, AMATEURS making them on a fucking pc88, because it's easy to complete a shmup in a short amount of time

>> No.8498872

>RPGs killed arcades
No they didn’t. Totally different areas of interest. Powerful consoles and PCs with LAN/online gaming probably killed arcades.
/vr/ hates homebrew almost as much as it hates shmups

>> No.8498880

better genres came along

>> No.8498884

Because they focused too much on technical bullshit and making players too preoccupied in training how to actually beat the game instead of having fun.
Turns out being able to overcome obstacles on a blind playthrough without need to spend hours memorizing a perfect route was the better idea.

>> No.8498891

You think the surge in popularity of RPGs brought on by Final Fantasy 7 and the decline of arcades that occurred at roughly the same time was just a coincidence? Wake up.

>> No.8498893

They didn’t? I played plenty of shmups until gen 6.

>> No.8498896

>RPGs killed arcades, which in turn killed arcade genres like shmups, beat 'em ups, action-platformers, action-puzzlers, etc.
Dragon Quest, Final Fantasy & Phantasy Star did not diminish the success of Gradius, Darius or R-Type in the slightest.

>> No.8498902

>the decline of arcades
The decline of arcades happened for two reasons mainly:
>Consoles and computers were catching up rapidly in technology
>Due to increasing costs, arcades became too cost inefficient and demanded bigger amounts to play, which in turn shunned gamers

>> No.8498910

>Pagers went out of fashion because of personal computers
Completely different fields, retard.
Arcades died because consoles were getting up to speed and people would rather pay once to have a game forever in the comfort of their home with their friends rather than having to go to outside and have to wait in line with a bunch of strangers.

>> No.8498918

this but only in the west

arcade remianed popular in japan and china up until 2009 then began to decline

>> No.8498919

They stuck around longer in japan because the old guard was still actively playing them.

>> No.8498923

VS fighters toppled shmups from the #1 spot in the arcades.

>> No.8498940

>gamers got more soi as the years went on
limp wristed dorks on 4channel accusing others of being "soi" will never get old

>> No.8498943

>muh jarpigs

>> No.8498954

VS Fighters was where the money was at post 1992 Even IREM and Psikyo tried making one let alone Konami who tried producing both 2D and 3D vs fighters and failed every time in getting a hit game

>> No.8499010

They were always niche, the first one the got mainstream attention was Ikaruga. They are probably more popular than ever now with how many you see on mobile or ps4 and xbox. Just downloaded gunbird 2 on mobile, good version. Probably way more downloads than any of the 90s shooters got in sales. In the 90's I had no idea how good shooters were so I never seeked them out.

>> No.8499013
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>They were always niche, the first one the got mainstream attention was Ikaruga
Holy mother of zoomer

>> No.8499023
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Complete utter nonsense, you are just a zoomee

>> No.8499028

found the rpg playing soimilk consuming nerdling that can't even lift his own body weight, lmao.

>> No.8499030

Shoot em ups and Beat em ups were both action games. The audience for action games moved to fighting games and FPS games. Also graphics. Fighting games and FPS and even beat em ups had gone 3D, shoot em ups mostly stayed in 2D. At the time of 3D games like Bloody Roar 2, Dead or Alive ++, Half Life, Unreal, Gauntlet Legends, and Dynamite Deka 2, shoot em ups were mostly still doing 2D like Armed Police Batrider, Cyvern, ESP Ra. De., Guardian Storm, and Raiden Fighters Jet. There were exceptions like Ray Crisis and Einhander that took advantage of 3D graphics, but most just focused on the sprite-work in an era when everyone was rushing to 3D.

>> No.8499057

>but most just focused on the sprite-work in an era when everyone was rushing to 3D.
It was the right choice nothing was really gained by going 3D except being forced to use more expensive arcadehardware.
RayStorm looks nice for a 3D shooter but, RayForce looks just as pretty it did in 1994.

>> No.8499104

shmups tried to transition into 3D (see panzer dragoon and star fox), it's just that they work better in 2D, similar to scotformers.

>> No.8499129

>(see panzer dragoon and star fox)
arent they on-rail shooters?

>> No.8499134

I literally HAVE made a shooter and that anon is right that they’re easier than anything else except RPG Maker games

But I disagree with him in that I think there are plenty of good modern shmups

>> No.8499139

what do you think an on-rail shooter plays most like?
exactly, a shmup in a 3D polygonal space.

>> No.8499140

Thunder Force IV had such a banging soundtrack.

>> No.8499141
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>the first one the got mainstream attention was Ikaruga
Are you completely fucking retarded

>> No.8499142

Shmups were too high-testosterone and had to be cancelled due to being a breeding ground for the enabling of problematic toxic masculinity.

>> No.8499149
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>mfw people have no concept what a phenomenon Space Invaders was because youtubers weren't alive then

>> No.8499186

Space Invaders was forgotten the minute Galaga was launched.

>> No.8499201

Please shut the fuck up

>> No.8499209

yeah shmups are pretty cake to program. there's a minimum of physics involved, you just move some sprites around and check for collisions.

>> No.8499210

Galaga's just Space Invaders for casuals. I get why it's more popular, but it's not a good thing.

>> No.8499231

wonder if a Metroidvania shmup could work. Instead of singular levels you have a maze, and you get power ups by exploring

>> No.8499308

Filtered. This criticism only applies to Touhou.
That means there would have been more of them, stupid. If this was true, you'd have an undercurrent of garbage fuck shmups only idiots enjoy.
Partially correct. So-called gamers developed a taste for narrative in games, thanks to the likes of FF7. Devs were given more cash to make software that's more like a movie than a game, and now if a game doesn't have a story, it's weird. The masses are a cancer.
Well, I can't deny the benefit of a VN is you can play one handed.
Half right. Shmups became a genre that want to fuck you in the ass, so if you go in expecting reasonable difficulty, you're going to be disappointed.

>> No.8499313

Lack of innovation.

>> No.8499348

t. doesn't play shooters

>> No.8499354
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>Why did shmups lose popularity so fast?

It's the only genre the Genesis had going for it, and the userbase burned out on them.

>> No.8499394

I collect shmups now.
There are alot of amazing shmups.
Shmups just look good and badass. Tehehe.

>> No.8499432
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>All this shitting on Touhou and narrative driven games
I want to be friends with you, anon

>> No.8499468
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>> No.8499494

FF7 and MGS1, both heavily narrative driven games, were unbelievably popular with normies. Those two (and a couple or so other games that I'm probably forgetting) definitely played a big part in the decline of arcade style gameplay.

>> No.8499530

FPS trash replaced them as easiest to make genre with zero innovation necessary.

>> No.8499538

Also, FPS games like Doom probably attracted a lot of people who would otherwise have played shmups (the term 'Shooter' used to refer to shmups etc), and I've noticed that once people really get into FPS games they usually stick to that almost exclusively for whatever reason.

>> No.8499539

Fighting games replaced Shooters as the dominant arcade genre.

>> No.8499708

Every shmup I've played has no player agency. I just have to memorize levels and that's all there is to it. I can't possibly just play and use my knowledge of the game to beat new levels.

Then there's garbage like Gradius where the first stage has an impossible space volcano that shoots a million projectiles you can't dodge. This genre fucking stinks and it's like mmos where only people with brain damage defend this trash.

>> No.8499734

It's literally one of the most stale genres imaginable. You can only dodge so many bullets in so many different ways before you've seen it all.
I suppose a modern version could be done if you sat down and really developed on the power ups which is about the only half-way interesting and original things in the genre.
>RPGs killed arcades
lmao what? No, you retard.

>> No.8499748

Because they're one of the oldest genres there is, and one of the simplest. There's not much you can do with shmups, and devs ran out of things to try by the 90s. At that point, games like Parodius and Cho Aniki were telling everyone that literally everything has been done before and only absurdity is left. Touhou Project ended up becoming the last great shmup franchise.

>> No.8499756

>they usually stick to that almost exclusively for whatever reason.
Because they're better. You can do a shit load more with a shooter than you can do a shootemup. Or at the very least it's easier for people to stomach something like that.

>> No.8499764


>> No.8499778

I think it's more because people want to feel like they are actually 'in the game'. FPS gives you that feeling, shmups don't. I disagree that there is so much more that you can do with an FPS though, I think FPSes are literally the most stale genre at this point, pretty much.

>> No.8499784

>I disagree that there is so much more that you can do with an FPS though
I didn't really make my point clear but I was thinking it's easier to make hybrid genres with FPS games then it is shootemups. You can make an FPS part stealth, puzzle game, RPG, etc. etc. without sacrificing any of the core gameplay while also being able to throw it into a ton of different settings and situations without issue

>> No.8499791

Also, people who think shmups are all just Space Invaders with better graphics/art style and extra gameplay mechanic gimmicks on top clearly don't play shmups. There's a lot of nuance between different styles of shmup, for example R Type plays totally different to something like Dodonpachi, there's all kinds of different scoring systems, the list goes on.

>> No.8499793

cope old faggot

>> No.8499796

>totally different
It doesn't. Why are you trying to lie?
>all kinds of different scoring systems
Literally pointless. Nobody has cared about scores in over 20 years ever since arcades died.

>> No.8499797

kys zoom trash

>> No.8499802

True, but I think you can do the same with shmups, it's just that the genre sort of died out before a lot of that experimentation had a chance to take place. Ikaruga for example seamlessly blends a puzzle element with the shootemup gameplay.

>> No.8499804

Yes it is. The force really alters how you play compared to other games in the genre. Same with something like Mars Matrix will alter how you play a bit with the ability to fling bullets back.

>> No.8499805

Git gud scrub

>> No.8499806
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>Nobody has cared about scores
>he doesn't go online

>> No.8499809

Nobody really played R-Type for the scoring, not with all the cool features it brought to the table. But then again that's standard fare for all horizontal shmups, which are superior to verticalshit.

>> No.8499813

Shmups essentially evolved into rhythm games heavily relying on memorization but still were advertised as twitchy action, so people who wanted twitchy action switched to platformers. Also, they were too plentiful and looked very similar, which didn't help.

>> No.8499823

They do play super differently though, R Type is a memorizer, whereas in Dodonpachi you could probably get pretty far on your first playthrough if you have great reflexes. 'Totally different' might be an exaggeration yeah, there is a good deal of overlap, but they do play very differently.

>> No.8499836

Oh yeah, R Type is not about scoring, I wasn't clear enough there, what I meant is that you can have very different gameplay in shmups, R Type doesn't play like a bullet hell, it's more of a 'strategic' survival based shmup, whereas bullet hells can have all sorts of unique scoring mechanics and stuff.

>> No.8499842

let it be understood that shmups are a relic from the earliest days of video games when there was very limited graphics/memory/CPU power and you couldn't do much more than move some spaceships around a black background and shoot at other spaceships

>> No.8499848

The genre hit a dead after and nobody found a way to push it forward beyond other than 'what if we made it harder by putting way more projectiles on screen?', and making a game harder just limits the audience to an ever smaller, ever more autistic crowd.

It's a pretty narrow genre. There's not much to say about it. You're either playing an R-Type clone, an R-Type clone but vertical, or a Bullet Hell. That's it. There's basically three games in the whole genre and two of them are same but you tip the cabinet on its side.

>> No.8499852

It couldn't really transition into 3D for one thing.

>> No.8499871

>You're either playing an R-Type clone, an R-Type clone but vertical, or a Bullet Hell. That's it. There's basically three games in the whole genre and two of them are same but you tip the cabinet on its side.
Man, you're dumb.

>> No.8499872

>I think FPSes are literally the most stale genre at this point, pretty much.
>at this point
FPS have been stale since like 2000.

>> No.8499892

adding ever more elaborate mechanics and scoring systems and patterns was the natural way forward for the genre's fanbase once operators started converting cabinets to SF2 etc. since then it's been an enthusiast genre
other arcade genres coped with the lack of attention span console gamers had once they got the game home by adding unlocks and campaign modes. you have to give the console gamer tangible rewards because they're mostly incapable of playing for score. R-Type Final tried this, but by that time it was too little too late. Radiant Silvergun tried adding RPG mechanics, but it seems like it wasn't a big enough it to be a way forward.

>> No.8499918

>I think FPSes are literally the most stale genre at this point, pretty much.
>FPS have been stale since like 2000.
lmao what?

It was all Quake style shit.
By 2004 it was all Halo style shit.
By 2007 it was all Call of Duty style shit.
Now it's all PUBG style shit.

The genre has been reinvented 4 times in two decades.

>> No.8499927

Its all the same shit dude. Call of Duty and Halo both came out in like 2001 or so. They were stale on arrival.

>> No.8499934

>best sellers than permanantly transformed the entire genre

Look, I'm too old to like them as well, but I'm not gonna sit here and pretend they didn't start distinct, monumental trends.

>> No.8499941

It's just ironic to see FPS fans hate on shmups calling them old and repetitive is all, FPS is just as repetitive, and arguably less deep gameplay wise. It's the same thing basically, shooting at stuff, only in FPS it's in 3D, and you don't get the added complexity of scoring mechanics etc. Normie gamers think 3D = more complexity by default.

>> No.8500016

>Why did shmups lose popularity so fast?
posers claiming Strikers 2alls they couldn't prove

>> No.8500029

zoom zoom

>> No.8500035

>OP asks why shmups aren't being made anymore
>Mad shmupfags come out of the woodwork blaming everything that was popular (and not even remotely the same appeal) around the time when their genre lost steam instead of assessing its own shortcomings
Guess again why it's dead. Even the arena shooter fags figured themselves out already.

>> No.8500057

Well, what are the shortcomings of the shmup genre then? What would you have liked to see done differently?

>> No.8500094

Add more progression systems, unskippable cutscenes and non-linear / sandbox-y design for that mass market casual appeal.

>> No.8500097

Why do FPS people pretend to have an opinion on shmups?

>> No.8500116

>more casual normie friendly genres came along

I fixed for you okay?

>> No.8500172

My favorite Genesis soundtrack and quite possibly even my favorite gaming soundtrack of all time.

>> No.8500231

>Filtered. This criticism only applies to Touhou.

Filtered by what? How are cave games not for autists when most their 2-all requirements requires extensive hours to complete? Same shit with CC World Explosion, getting an unlimited clear requires autistic levels of practice and grinding.

I don't consider 'Modern' shit like zero ranger any good, people just cling to that shit because the genre is so fucking dead any content they do get they praise.

>> No.8500294

>shmups are the easiest and lowest common denominator games to make, eventually the creativity dried up and then along came cave and made them require hundreds of hours of autism to reach the true end
That's what I'm commenting on.

Permit me to clear up the confusion. I am meming. Touhou is "streamlined" in such a way that you can make a million of the fucking things, which only appeal to autists. The lowest common denominator of autists.

But if you're saying R-Type 3, R-Type Leo, Battle Garegga, and Darius Gaiden, et al, were shit easy games to make and require hundreds of hours of autism to reach the true end, I don't agree.

>> No.8500317

Getta load of Ricky Zoom, am I rite fellow elders?

>> No.8500392

In Japan, shmups evolved into bullet hells throughout the early and mid-1990s.
Consider Hyper Duel from Technosoft. It originally came out in arcades in 1993, only a year after Thunder Force IV on MD which had been a big hit. Hyper Duel plays a lot like the Thunder Force games but with arcade style sprite-scaling effects. It eventually got a Saturn port in 1996, but by the time it came out in Japan games like DonPachi had taken shmups to this entirely different level and Hyper Duel was met with rather poor reception.

>> No.8500447

Of course not, read what I said. I said the early games were great, it wasn't until the creativity well began to dry up they all started relying on insane difficulty and bullet hells.

I also didn't mean all shmups were low budget, easy to make doesn't mean you can't make a top quality game, great looking game.

>> No.8500470

Raptor, Tyrian, Xenon 2 and Jets'n'Guns all tried to save the genre from jap memorization bulletin where you don't even need to shoot by turning it into proper action games. Sadly, their efforts were fruitless.

>> No.8500481

Giga Wing did a great job of having a moderate difficulty and no need to memorize patterns because of the bullet absorb mechanic. It's a really fun system, I wish the sequel didn't blow so much ass.


>> No.8500543


>> No.8500554

Please don't try to mislead people in playing western shovelware

>> No.8500558
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>> No.8500564

I think the fact that most of these games just feature interchangeable space ships really becomes a problem past a certain point. Touhou struck gold, just by having a distinct cast of characters that people could latch onto.

>> No.8500567

the lack of tanks and airplanes in modern shmups is what turns me away from them, i dont wanna fly around as some faggot loli

>> No.8500574

Someone should bring back driving shmups. It's such a cool concept.

>> No.8500706

thread theme

>> No.8500737 [DELETED] 
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The genre has been taken over by doily pattern dodging trannies, its past glory will never be revived.

>> No.8500880 [DELETED] 
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That is horribly outdated, poohou got taken over by pedophile leftwing trannies who didn't play the games because they correctly assessed shmups as autistic garbage and eventually even the poohou trannies jumped ship to kancolle and then gacha idle rpg hell. This was 10 years ago in 2012. The very first bullet hell, Batsugun, came out 30 fucking years ago in 1992. This is how old and washed out you are.

>> No.8500882 [DELETED] 

this, autistic trannies now make up the majority of the community

>> No.8500885 [DELETED] 

nigger, you only need to join elixircord, guscord, or morkcord to see how many autistic trannies there are playing these games, everyone has a loli avatar and pronouns

>> No.8500889 [DELETED] 

The final Cave game ever also came out 10 years ago. We should celebrate a decade of shmups being dead and irrelevant. This what you always wanted, right?

>> No.8500892 [DELETED] 

You're intimately knowledgeable of tranny discords, well done. I think I'll pass on checking them out.

>> No.8500894 [DELETED] 

It's unfortunate because I have a passion for the old stuff they call 'dad shmups' and it's impossible to have any sort of discussion about old shmups in there because everyone sucks cave and touhou cock, so I just left

>> No.8500895 [DELETED] 


What I'm saying is that pedophiles CORRECTLY realized touhou games were shit all along and what they actually liked was collecting little girls in frilly bloomers and moved on to gacha rpgs.

>> No.8500897 [DELETED] 

well in that case, you're not wrong anon

>> No.8500902 [DELETED] 

I have more fun staring at this no skill glorified gambling crap than playing a loop of slow ass Raiden 2 more like Gayden Poo.

>> No.8500904 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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>> No.8500913 [DELETED] 

Face it, japanese arcades always had a gambling and collection element to them, you inserted money in exchange for extra resources just like the pachinko machines. You collected cute girls designs and promo art. 1ccfag culture was a western travesty and cultural degeneration that was the real cause behind the death of shmups.
Gacha is Japan returning home.

>> No.8500931 [DELETED] 

The fuck are you even talking about? Are you seriously calling all arcade games fucking gambling?

>> No.8500937

Acquire proficiency

>> No.8500942 [DELETED] 

If you actually were born at the time you'd know "game of skill for fun and amusement only" was some bullshit excuse they used to avoid harsher legislation. Arcades always walked a very thin line between luck and skill game and gambling addicts always got conned into thinking if they developed a little more skill they'd have advantage over other players.

>> No.8500945
File: 169 KB, 600x290, worlds-of-fun-for-amusement-only.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look up the story behind the words For Amusement Only it's what operators would say to avoid associating with gambling.

>> No.8500992 [DELETED] 

Gambling has a strict fucking definition - a game of chance where you spend money to make money. What fucking money to do make playing Galaga?

>> No.8501016 [DELETED] 

You know how japanese pachinko works, you can trade points for useless prizes but behind the curtains the vendors will totally trade your points for cash which the japanese constitution forbids. I'm saying there was a strong connection behind japanese arcades and pachinko parlors with companies like konami pushing the government to turn pachinko into outright gambling already.

>> No.8501032

sometimes the avoidance of gambling laws made things better, the whole reason pinball got paddles was to make it a game of skill so it wouldn't be grouped up with gambling machines.

>> No.8501041

I'm not saying shmups are a game of luck but that gambling had such a strong role in Japanese culture that denying they took the tricks they learned from pachislots machines and used them in arcade games is just being naive.

>> No.8501045 [DELETED] 
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>oop of slow ass Raiden 2 more like Gayden Poo.
Why do queers fear Raiden II?

>> No.8501053 [DELETED] 

Because you're not playing Operation Hell Dive like a real man

>> No.8501064
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>> No.8501070

Mahjong is soul, yes. Gayden not so much,

>> No.8501073

go back to your containment general troon

>> No.8501078

Touhou Lost Word made more cash in a month than Cave in the last fiscal decade

>> No.8501080

good, fuck cave

>> No.8501086

I don't have a comeback to that, shmups are dead and I feel nothing. The Koreans were right in that Japan should just turn all their classic properties into pachinko already, at least that makes money.

>> No.8501093

What did you fags think about GG Aleste 3, it's made by M2, directed by Manabu Namiki, it's even og hardware compatible. Let me guess you hated it.

>> No.8501095

Bullet Hell shooters were NEVER a mainstream genre at any point ever. They are extremely niche and aimed at hardcore players only.
Older Shooters were mainstream in the 80s and very early 90s. Street Fighter 2 came out and the genre pretty much faded out immediately.
RPGs, 3d graphics, whatever, have nothing to do with the genre dying out. The popularity of both came much later.

>> No.8501098
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>gunbird 2 on mobile
>good version
>doesn't even have Morrigan

>> No.8501102

I doubt many played it. Hard to get your hands on it.

>> No.8501106

It is import only, so probably not many played it. Not sure what M2 was thinking as retro is big in the West.
I'd never played any of them, as they are handheld games which I usually dismiss. Had a lot of fun beating the GG games on the collection.

>> No.8501113

Pretty much every arcade around these parts operated Raiden Fighters and Strikers 1945 around 1995-1999. I wouldn't call that niche.

>> No.8501158

Point me to where I can find the best dad shmups available on Switch/PS4
PC's not an option for me so don't say "just emulate"

>> No.8501172

Emulate on a phone

>> No.8501185

Psykyo Collection

>> No.8501203
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>> No.8501218

they’re the worst arcade genre and only attract deranged autists

>> No.8501220

only the bullet hells do

>> No.8501223

>FF7 boogeyman
Shmups and non-FG arcades were long dead among normalfags by 1997. There were so many other massive changes in videogames between early and late 90s it's retarded to the point of comical to see people fixated on FF7 and MGS.

Not Mario and Sonic
Not Doom or Quake
Not Zelda
Not F-zero and Mario Kart
Not Metroid or Mega Man

No, the only reason normalfags stopped playing shmups is fucking Final Fantasy 7.

>> No.8501226

Even ZUN said that touhou games are glorified music players for his soundtracks and cute girl designs. He just made bullethells as a buffer because he doesn't actually give a fuck about them.

>> No.8501227

FF7 has become the poster boy of everything that's bad in the world of vidya, even though the game is just 3D FF6.

>> No.8501236

For Switch:
Espgaluda II
Sega Ages Thunder Force IV
Strikers 1945 II
Dragon Blaze
Darius Cozmic Collection
Arcade Archives In the Hunt
Zero Gunner 2
Raiden V
Last Resort
Aero Fighters 2
Crimzon Clover
Aleste Collection
G-Darius HD
Cotton Reboot/Rock & Roll
ESP RaDe Psi

>> No.8501245

I would like to see one person who goes on and on about bullet hell being easy to make develop one (1) bullet hell game and talk about their experiences

>> No.8501249 [DELETED] 

is that crazy spanish guy still around?

>> No.8501254 [DELETED] 

Retard-level post.

>> No.8501259 [DELETED] 

You mean Recap aka Postback? he hasn't updated his site in years (a decade?) but he's still posting on his forum

>> No.8501270 [DELETED] 

kek I used to argue with that autist 20 years ago

>> No.8501283

Because shmup homos would rather emulate and artifically inflate the price of PCBs than pay $5 for a new shmup, much less $60 no matter how superb it ends up being.

>> No.8501309 [DELETED] 

Man, he's right though. Someone actually taking shmup super seriously is a degenerate act and should be treated as such. Yet we praise these people and out them on a pedestal, and when they don't get these fast times in a artificial fake worlds we treat them as sub human. I mean look at what Cosmo did to himself over the stress of a goddamn video game. It literally pushed him deeper into a deep rooted mental disability. Plenty of people have wasted thousands of hours of their short lives stressing out about if they can get faster in these games. I wouldn't have such a problem with it if they were actually having fun, but they aren't. They are constantly stressed out and worried. 99% of a shmup is complete focus and trying to make 0 mistakes. That's not fucking healthy to do that everyday for hours and hours and streaming it live to people who treat you like shit 24/7. It strains their mind and body, and by the time in their life when they get over the whole shmup thing they will look back and say "what the fuck was I doing with my life, spending countless hours filled with hatred for myself, my audience, and this stupid fucking game." It's sad really.

>> No.8501324 [DELETED] 

Speak for yourself. Who’s Cosmo? I just play them for fun.

>> No.8501339

Maybe you had a more hardcore scene around there. I played Golden Axe Revenge of Death Adder and the D&D games in arcades in 1997 and thought they were the most amazing things I'd ever seen at that point. Doesn't mean beat em ups weren't basically on life support at that time.

>> No.8501345 [DELETED] 

I mean Synthricardo, he used to shitpost here with the Brit a lot

>> No.8501352 [DELETED] 

no idea who he is, qrd on his shenanigans?

>> No.8501363 [DELETED] 

no one praises them or puts them on a pedestal you absolute retard. these autists grind for hundreds of hours chasing a world record only 4-5 people even care about, you never hear about this shit

>> No.8501534 [DELETED] 

See >>8501345
You even know them by their real names.

>> No.8501549

Namiki's OSTs are shit

>> No.8501550 [DELETED] 

You don’t even know what you’re talking about.

>> No.8501562


>> No.8501695 [DELETED] 

i didnt even mention anyone you retard lmao

>> No.8501748

>No, the only reason normalfags stopped playing shmups is fucking Final Fantasy 7.
And yet you can't name anything else.

>> No.8501809

Like was said way up in the thread, after SF2 started a revolution, versus fighters generated more revenue for arcade operators and so the shooters got swapped out.

>> No.8501874

Ah well, I should have known it was you considering it says your name right there--Anonymous.

>> No.8501896 [DELETED] 

The reason arcades stopped being popular was actually immigrants and jews. God I hate jews.

>> No.8501926

they never evolved. ikaruga had a bit of roar for a little while, but yea.
that game Downwell is apparently pretty good.
But yea the normie player has no reason to go with something like 1945 over war thunder or ace combat

>> No.8501932 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8501950
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What the hell happened?

>> No.8501980

What are you talking about, shmups died in the early 80’s with games like Ms. Pac-Man after the end of the arcade golden era.
They were killed by super sprite scalers like, digitized photo realistic games like The Terminator or Revolution X and even Beat ‘em ups like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles or The Simpson’s.
Them being popular in Japan doesn’t really matter.

>> No.8501986

Shhhh (((they))) don't want you to know. Move along now.

>> No.8502030

Super scalers like After Burner killed them in the mid 80’s. Made them look 20 years old over night. Even into today the action in super scalers like Outrun or Space Harrier holds up.

>> No.8502295

don't forget R-Type dimensions and Blazing Star

>> No.8502298

unfortunately, that was a dead-end evolution

>> No.8502338

Rarely are things spelled out for newbies to shmups ingame. Have you seen any shmup game where it makes scoring, 1CCs and 1CC-2Alls actually explained in plain language and incentivized beyond basic bitch achievements to newbies?
Almost all expect you to already know about old (often japanese) arcade ideas to make it really fun to play. (or to wade into the pile of shit that is the hyper-assburgers shmup communities)
Beat'em ups have a similar issue with being way more enjoyable with limited credits and scoring but rarely ever spell it out for you.

It doesn't help that a good shmup shouldn't be longer than 40-60 minutes for 1-loop and people get real cheap paying for that kind of playtime if it doesn't have CAVE branding.

>> No.8502365

Switch has shittons of dad shmups. Even stuff you wouldn't expect on it like Saint Dragon.

>> No.8502537

Already got that

Got those except Last Resort and Gynoug

Got Blazing Star, how's R-type dimensions?

Yeah I've been trying to keep on top of them all by getting the full releases + arcade archives titles etc

>> No.8502572

Why should arcades spoonfeed zoomers about basic intuitive shit? Unless you are 6 years old nobody thought infinite credits was fun to play.

>> No.8502580

im convinced tendies dont play these games on a switch, they only consoom

>> No.8502581

>Them being popular in the country were arcades were still relevant doesn't matter

>> No.8502582

nigger, there's so many man children here on /vr/ that will insist arcade games suck because they can be beaten by just credit feeding through so they have no replay value, what makes you think it's just zoomers?

>> No.8502587

I do. I love RPGs, but they had no impact on the arcade; generally the audience interested in narrative heavy content weren't going to the arcades anyway and the ones that were in arcades were doing it either because of the social aspect of it (one of the few socially acceptable places to dump your kids at, like the mall) or because of the graphical fidelity of games. Narrative focused games took off because of the increase in storage capabilities of home consoles, it just so happens to be at the same time when home consoles were becoming capable of presenting arcade graphics without much compromise. It's why you see an influx of gimmick games during that time or arcades slowly switching back to carnival style games that were usually guaranteed quarter sinks.

American arcades would probably grow as an industry if they went all in on the social aspect. I know it's purely anecdotal, but had a new arcade open up in town recently, but their focus is on lan parties and playing your own steam game in a huge setting and a VR station and it's been doing incredible they're considering opening up another location already. The other change is they made it a membership experience, so you're paying for the arcade like you would a club membership.

>> No.8502604

>they can be beaten by just credit feeding
Tell me how much money you would've spent "practicing" to get a 1CC on a real arcade machine, you bitch emunigger. I dare you.

>> No.8502621

Depends on the game, easy stuff can be cleared in like 10 credits, hell I cleared Twin Cobra 2 on my first credit. Only the really hard games required intende grinding

>> No.8503685

schmupfags are the most ultra autistic fucking neet freaks Ive ever seen in my life

>> No.8503692

Because they went to fucking stupid skill-less bullet hell trash.

>> No.8504273

China never had any arcades or consoles for video games as the CCP banned their sale until 2014

>> No.8504308

You're an idiot. If that was true, companies like IGS wouldn't be thriving.

>> No.8504372
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>> No.8504410

>how's R-type dimensions?
pretty much the same game that was released on xbox360 - pretty decent port (can revert to original graphics and keep it that way) but the main annoyance is you can't change the buttons.

>> No.8504489

IGS is a Taiwanese company

>> No.8504492

Yes retard, and they flourished in China. China is why they're the most successful arcade company ever. There was no arcade ban retard.

>> No.8504678

Is ironically hating Touhou cool now or something?

>> No.8504695

>Why should arcades spoonfeed zoomers about basic intuitive shit? Unless you are 6 years old nobody thought infinite credits was fun to play.
Because that has been a common complaint since the 90s with arcade ports?
If you want mainstream support for something you have to at least give basic explanations for why it's a thing, or constrain your game so it's your only choice of playing. (and making it way too hard for most people in the process)

Sure if you want it to stay a niche that isn't necessary, but then don't bitch about it being unpopular like most ITT.

>> No.8504719

2poo sucks and who cares about being cool on /vr/ of all places

>> No.8504854
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What the hell was Famitsu's problem?

>> No.8504858

didnt get bribed

>> No.8504873

Asteroids, Space Invaders, and Galaga, never heard of 'em

>> No.8505005

And why does it suck?

>> No.8505007

>Because that has been a common complaint since the 90s with arcade ports?
Wrong, 90s arcade ports often had limited credits which is way better than the unlimited credits shit ports we see today.
>If you want mainstream support
I don't, zoomers can stay filtered.

>> No.8505014

they like easy games

>> No.8505019

It’s been cool to hate touhou for a long time now. people would rather play games where a loose cannon cop whose wife was killed by the mob drives a power shovel or whatever

>> No.8505020

>why does playing as an underage loli and dodging barfed nigger bullets on a single screen suck if you aren't a pedo?

>> No.8505021

>bullet hell is too hard and only for autists
>bullet hell is no-skill
Which is it?

>> No.8505080
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>an underage loli
>barfed nigger bullets
>on a single screen

>> No.8505115

Capcom Arcade Stadium has several. Even ProGear is pretty dad-ish for Cave.

Don't miss any Sega Ages: Thunder Force AC/4, Fantasy Zone.

Space Invaders collection, Konami Collection, even the Atari collection, oh and the "SHMUP collection", and Super Hydorah for modern dadding

Doughlings Invasion is a nice Space Invaderslike

Then you got 80 million ACA titles, X-Multiply to Omega Fighter, just a million of them.

Also Eschatos is coming soon, it has a boomer feel in some ways despite being "manic"

So basically there's more than even a NEET could ever really play

>> No.8505424

I named 9 fucking franchises, dumb shit. The only reason it's not 10 is because I forgot I hadn't listed Street Fighter because I'd mentioned fighting games because they'd been brought up in the thread already.

Most of all, it wasn't one game. It was ALL the games. When shmups were mainstream it's because there were almost no other popular genres. Basically they were competing with other arcade-style action games and that was it, By 1996 there were dozens more games in many different genres for many different audiences, everyone could take their pick. FF7 and MGS came along after all that.

>You think the surge in popularity of RPGs brought on by Final Fantasy 7 and the decline of arcades that occurred at roughly the same time was just a coincidence
They didn't happen at the same time, zoomer. The killing blow to arcades was dealt by 16 bit consoles, it just took a few years to see the effects because of the surge in fighting games (Street Fighter 2, Mortal Kombat, and Tekken). The Fighting Game boost only lasted for as long as enough people preferred to play fighting games in the arcades rather than on home consoles. That's probably what you're erroneously blaming on Final Fantasy VII.

>> No.8505429

>You think the surge in popularity of RPGs
RPGS were popular since Dragon Quest 1, you dumbass nigger.

>> No.8505435

a shmup with a giant map and save points would be cool

>> No.8505467

>Dragon Quest 1 sales: 2 million units
>Final Fantasy 7 sales: 14 million units
Ok retard.

>> No.8505496

DQ1 sold 3 million and two of the top 20 games in the NES library are from that series, ahead of Punchout and SMB2. It literally kickstarter the JRPG genre, you dumbass nigger.

>> No.8505506

>They didn't happen at the same time, zoomer. The killing blow to arcades was dealt by 16 bit consoles, it just took a few years to see the effects because of the surge in fighting games (Street Fighter 2, Mortal Kombat, and Tekken). The Fighting Game boost only lasted for as long as enough people preferred to play fighting games in the arcades rather than on home consoles. That's probably what you're erroneously blaming on Final Fantasy VII.

Arcades and shmups were at their peak in the early 90s / 16-bit gen, even disregarding the fighting game boom, retarded zoomer. Ever heard of a series called Raiden? And all those other companies trying to cash in on Toaplan by developing their own clones of their shmups? If you'd said 32-bit consoles killed arcades, you'd be correct; specifically the Playstation which normalised RPGs, moviegames and other casual cancer thanks to FF7 and the like. Companies gave up on arcades because they saw they could rake in more profits by making such garbage for tasteless plebs like you.

>> No.8505548

Thank you for re-iterating the point that DQ sold like ass compared to FF7, the moment where RPGs and progression-based gaming really took off and we're still seeing its effect today by every game having to have a level up system and random lootboxes and other queer shit.

>> No.8505646

>Arcades and shmups were at their peak in the early 90s
Shmups might have been peak as far as development and niche enthusiasm, but they were absolutely dead as far as any kind of mainstream interest in the genre or playing games on cabinets rather than at home. FF7 had zero effect on this. If you were a shmup enthusiast in 1993, you were probably one in 1998 as well. Meanwhile in the 80s maybe you played Galaga, 1942, Gun.Smoke, or any number of a dozen other titles because shmups were so common and everyone played them, either in the arcades, on NES, or home computer. By the early 90s, this had totally changed and nobody gave two shits about any of those games.
The difference here is mostly just that FF7 is the first JRPG that sold well worldwide. Previous JRPGs were mostly just popular in Japan, which is only relevant to this topic because that's also the only place where anyone cared about shmups after the late 80s. If DQ didn't kill shmups in Japan than FF7 certainly didn't.

>> No.8505679

>Companies gave up on arcades because they saw they could rake in more profits by making such garbage for tasteless plebs like you.
No, they gave up in the early 90s with many casualized games in which RPGs were just one of many (Mario World, Zelda ALTTP, SimCity, and of course lots of Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest). Anyone could play Street Fighter 2 story mode or play with their friends/family and feel good about themselves. Any kind of foolish feelings of superiority you have toward casual players undeniably happened in the early 90s and 16 bit generation and was complete long before FF7 came out.

>> No.8505687

Or I suppose I should say they gave up AFTER the games from the early 90s (not FF7) proved the casual home console audience was far more profitable than smelly autistic arcade rats.

>> No.8505720

>but they were absolutely dead as far as any kind of mainstream interest in the genre
What is Raiden you retard.
Arcades did well enough in japan during the 90s, muh golden age wankery is just an ameripig thing

>> No.8505727

No, they all attract psychotics

>> No.8505807

>What is Raiden you retard.
A game that's not mainstream-popular AND one that was released in 1990 before the SNES was even released in Japan.

>> No.8505824

>A game that's not mainstream-popular
Retarded zoomer

>> No.8505979
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Retarded mutt

>> No.8505991

When did they start calling flying games "shmups"? Seems like a dumb change.

>> No.8506007

Flying game is too vague

>> No.8506017

Like 30 years ago?

>> No.8506047

My argument is that 16-bit consoles was what killed shmups. None of your idiocy is relevant.

>> No.8506079

It's extremely wrong though, in the early 90's not only fighting games thrived, but shmups like Raiden, and beat 'em ups (Simpsons was huge), plus other games like NBA Jam
All of this died pretty suddenly in the late 90's. Pure coincidence, all to do with the SNES and not cinematic PS1 games I guess

>> No.8506089

Arcades were already dead by the late 90's, especially after Ridge Racer's near-perfect port to a home console in 1994.

>> No.8506107

If your theory was true, arcade-style games but at home would've been still huge, but nope, it was a market shift towards other types of games. It was essentially the birth of modern gaming

>> No.8506115
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There's a reason why when a retro game randomly changes genre for a level, 90% of the time it's too a shmup.

>> No.8506189

When did anybody call them flying games?

>> No.8506370

>what are the shortcomings of the shmup genre then?
Enemies that show up at the edge of the screen or the background with invincibility frames before moving in.
Enemies that shoot immediately as they appear and sometimes even from off-screen before they appear or after they leave.
Sections with obstacle/enemy positioning that push you towards one corner of the screen and then kill you with enemies/hazards that swoop in from that same corner without warning.
Respawning you with nothing at the start of a difficult checkpoint designed to be played with upgrades earned from previous levels.
Bosses that can still kill you after you kill them because of their dumbass death animations.
Bullshitting the player with enemies/bosses you can't damage because you don't have the right upgrade that hits at the right angle so you have to wait until they give up.

>> No.8506379

>at home would've been still huge
They're not because they don't have the content to make up for the $40 price tag. Even SMB1 has double the running time of the average arcade game, and that was in 1985.

>> No.8506381

>Bosses that can still kill you after you kill them because of their dumbass death animations.
>Bullshitting the player with enemies/bosses you can't damage because you don't have the right upgrade that hits at the right angle so you have to wait until they give up.
What games does this happen in?

>> No.8506389

I don't know about you guys, but I never played an arcade that cost more than 25 cents. Arcades started to charge 50 cents all the way up to a dollar at a certain point. Can't have been good for business.

>> No.8506419

Yes and your argument is complete shit, plenty of 16-bits shmups out there, TF series did fairly well

>> No.8506427


>> No.8506438

>Ridge Racer's near-perfect port
it's an ok port but cmon retard lol
>Arcades were already dead by the late 90's
That's when sega released their best racing games, plus the rhythm game craze revitalized srcades along fighting games. Zoomer kids i swear

>> No.8506456

>it's an ok port but cmon retard lol
for its time it was one of the best arcade ports ever.

>> No.8506457

>it's an ok port
It literally sold the PS1 as a major contender in the US and Japan, you mongrel. 1.5 million units in less than a year. Get fucked.
>That's when sega released their best racing games
And when people were asking for home ports, which it tried and failed to do multiple times.

>> No.8506471

>Enemies that show up at the edge of the screen or the background with invincibility frames before moving in.
This is so enemies that die in 1 shot have a chance to do something, otherwise you could completely trivialize the game. It's smart design.
>without warning.
Play the 30 minute game a couple of times and you'll know, no problem. Same deal in a lot of older game genres.

>> No.8506480

>It literally sold the PS1 as a major contender
Ok, it's still nowhere near arcade perfect, you inbred retard.
>And when people were asking for home ports,
Model 3 was a powerhouse and a complete success despite its price tag, can't always please the console kids.

>> No.8506494

Sega couldn’t even manage decent Saturn ports of Model 1 and 2 games for a while.

>> No.8506497

>This is so enemies that die in 1 shot have a chance to do something
The player is eligible to be shot at all times, and so should the enemies. If the player can kill them before they have a chance to attack, THAT is smart design. It rewards quick assessment.
>Play the 30 minute game a couple of times and you'll know
Get a cheap gotcha death and you'll know. It's your money.

>> No.8506529

That's why I said near-perfect, you stupid fucking monkey.

>> No.8506548

You have no clue, if a game like Raiden (where that design is in place) were designed like that every small enemy would do nothing to you because of your huge spread shot. Thanks to that, they are more of a threat.
>It's your money
??? irrelevant in home games / ports and these days when emulating. So, pointless to complain about, if you dislike this just play them elsewhere, as many did back in the day.

>> No.8506550

>reading comprehension
It's not near-perfect either you inbred monkey, it's just a competent port despite its limitations

>> No.8506565

>if a game like Raiden (where that design is in place) were designed like that every small enemy would do nothing to you because of your huge spread shot
If enemies need invincibility frames so the game won't be too easy then it's just bad fucking design.
>play them elsewhere, as many did back in the day
I guess OP got his answer then.

>> No.8506575

OP's game is a console game you mongoloid
>muh quarterz!!

>> No.8506584

>If enemies need invincibility frames so the game won't be too easy then it's just bad fucking design.
Why? Plenty of games have design kinda like this where you have to wait a bit to strike at enemies and it works fine. Seems like an arbitrary crap you've come up with

>> No.8506684

>intense skill demanding games
>people literally fall asleep playing truxton
>>games rely on glitches and secret knowledge
Shmups are a joke

>> No.8506713

Underrated comment to be desu.

>> No.8506808

No wonder the genre's dead. No different than the retards defending Counter Strike's shitty recoil mechanics.

>> No.8506831

The genre and its community in a nice, stable state honestly. Its small status makes it better

>> No.8506856

Again, why do FPS people act like their opinion on 2D shooters is significant in any way

>> No.8506867

I mean hell, I don’t shit up the doom threads about the lack of chaining mechanics

>> No.8506891

Because if you play one shmup for an hour you've played every shmup ever.

>> No.8506896

most normalfag opinion ever

>> No.8506915

Tell me you're a casual without telling me you're a casual.

>> No.8507189

He's not really defending FPSfags in that post, dude.

>> No.8507221

Nice bait

>> No.8507760

>le hardcore tranny gamer

>> No.8507915

All shmups are autoscrollers

>> No.8507924

out zone

>> No.8508369

>Why did shmups lose popularity so fast?
That's one of the main reasons since 99% of shmups don't have a vs. mode in order to enter the mainstream market alongside the likes of Call of Duty whereas the series' new games are sometimes referred to as "map packs" since no one really cares about the single player mode. There's not much story, depth or gameplay length to the average, single-player mode of an FPS, fighting, shoot-em-up, racing or puzzle game, but the others make up for it with the vs. mode. Since the Touhou "Phantasmagoria" games were clones of Twinkle Star Sprites, the few designed around a vs. mode, making something like that with a 4-8-player, online mode would probably appeal to the mainstream more than the rest.
The other reason being that the games are usually too short to justify the price tag for most people since they want RPGs & open-world games with 100s of hours of content, and even Mario platformers are longer than shmups. There are some exceptions in terms of story & length such as 2 GBA games called Toy Robo Force with its adventure/visual novel-styled story & overworld that hasn't been translated, and Sigma Star Saga, a JRPG & shmup hybrid with random battles on the overworld that take you to a shmup segment.
There's a single-player shmup for Android called 1945 Air Force that's adware-riddled, pay2win shit, but underneath that is a decently-designed shmup with 55 unlockable planes, bomb types & side-planes that you can mix & match with 440+ missions. That large amount of content is still ruined by being free2play with its online-only way of being able to upgrade the plane.
There's a "doujin" game called Exception released in ~2007 at Comiket where you play as a cube that destroys other cubes with lasers & by "pushing" them into the other cubes. There could be 100's of cubes on screen at any time. CUUUUUBES

>> No.8508498

>It's extremely wrong though, in the early 90's not only fighting games thrived, but shmups like Raiden, and beat 'em ups (Simpsons was huge)
It's not extremely wrong.
It just didn't happen overnight. Stupid people don't understand that big changes usually take years for the full effects to be realized.

You're talking about games like Raiden, which were released before the 16-bit consoles were released (Genesis was out but Sonic hadn't been released) and Simpsons/Turtles which were also released right at the very beginning of 4th generation. Yes, in 1991 normal people were still somewhat excited by arcade games, although none of those games came anywhere close to the popularity of 80s arcade games like Mr. Do!

>plus other games like NBA Jam
Great example of a game that was almost as good on home consoles as it was in the arcades. These were the games that were training people to not care about arcades anymore. Kids growing up with 16-bit consoles didn't see arcades as anything special. Midway's NFL Blitz was successful on N64 and Playstation, but pretty much a dud in the arcades.

>If your theory was true, arcade-style games but at home would've been still huge
It is true.
Best-selling playstation games:
1. Gran Turismo
2. FF7
3. Gran Turismo 2
4. FF8
5. Tekken 3
3/5 best-selling playstation games are arcade-style games.

>it was a market shift towards other types of games
Yes, because of the lessons learned during 4th generation. That's when consoles really started surpassing arcades in relevance and popularity. You have you have to be pretty slow to fail to notice any of those trends until 1997.

>> No.8508501

>Kids growing up with 16-bit consoles didn't see arcades as anything special.
Peak zoom

>> No.8508514

>muh midway arcade shit
Nobody cares, american arcades were completely irrelevant in the 90s compared to japanese arcades
>3/5 best-selling playstation games are arcade-style games
Gran Turismo isn't an arcade game you retard
4th gen kids sre a joke

>> No.8508579

Cope, it's just the truth, and yes I grew up in the 80s when arcades were still genuinely popular and saw the difference. Nobody gave a shit about arcades by the early mid 90s and FF7 had nothing to do with it. FF7 is the result, not the cause.

The trend started on the NES with games like The Legend of Zelda, that were not possible in arcades. There were lots of other popular series like Mega Man and Metroid that were also not available in arcades. NES games were already beginning to separate themselves from arcade-style assumptions, and having great success doing it.

But still, during that time, arcades were undeniably a premium experience. Console ports of arcade games were always a pale shadow. Gradius, Operation Wolf, TMNT 2: The Arcade Game; none of those games came anywhere close to arcade quality on home console or computer on any important metric (graphics, sound, gameplay).

By 1992-1993, this had changed. Not only had console-first franchises continued to grow and expand (Zelda ALTTP, Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, SimCity, Sonic, F-Zero, Mega Man X), but arcade franchises often had high-quality home ports (Street Fighter 2, Mortal Kombat, NBA Jam, Final Fight). Arcades were still better, but the differences were much more subtle. Instead of massive gameplay differences, crude sprites that flickered when there were more than a handful on screen, black backgrounds, and bloopy music that cut out for sound effects, the difference was minor shit like fewer frames of animation here and there, slightly worse resolution and colors, and slightly weaker music and sound effects.

>> No.8508580

>Gran Turismo isn't an arcade game you retard
It's an arcade-style game. Especially in the context of you utter brainlets blaming FF7 for the death of arcades.

>> No.8508589

It's not you dumb cunt, collecting cars, driving licenses and 100 laps races aren't arcade gaming.

>> No.8508594

>Nobody cares, american arcades were completely irrelevant in the 90s compared to japanese arcades
The truth is nobody cares about Japan except for you weebs. But even then, the same trends were happening there. Dragon Quest, Final Fantasy, Zelda, Mario; those franchises were all huge in Japan. DQ and FF were much bigger in Japan than in the west.

Final Fantasy VII had absolutely nothing to do with the increasingly niche status of shmups and arcades, Japan included.

>> No.8508598

Gran Turismo has an arcade-style mode.

>> No.8508614

>m-muh weebs!
No, we just got a lot of japanese cabs back in the 90s because amerimutt garbage was completely irrelevant compared to japanese games.
>b-but muh marios!
Was popular since 1985, didn't stop arcades from evolving and profiting for a two decades

>> No.8508617

Even that mode doesn't play like an arcade racer at all, it just ditched the collectathon shit

>> No.8508656

Shmups were gone by the early 90’s. Raider being the only exception. They’re an archaic gameplay style akin to bending over a conveyer belt and only letting yourself look at one tiny section of it.
They were only competitive during a time when being able to control anything on a television screen impressed people.

>> No.8508672

wow impressive how a dying genre btfo all nintendoshit then

>> No.8508681

t. absolutely garbage at shooters

>> No.8508689

>There are some exceptions in terms of story & length such as 2 GBA games called Toy Robo Force with its adventure/visual novel-styled story & overworld that hasn't been translated, and Sigma Star Saga, a JRPG & shmup hybrid with random battles on the overworld that take you to a shmup segment.
>There's a single-player shmup for Android called 1945 Air Force that's adware-riddled, pay2win shit, but underneath that is a decently-designed shmup with 55 unlockable planes, bomb types & side-planes that you can mix & match with 440+ missions.
Yet nobody talks about these one-offs, while everybody knows who Cave is. I wonder why

>> No.8508828

While you're making some good points there, I think something important that a lot of people miss about shmups and arcade (or just arcade style) games in general is the fact that they are not really short games considering the fact that you are literally supposed to replay them over and over (whether it's just to get a 1CC or to get higher and higher scores). Shmups (most of the good ones at least) are designed with this in mind. Here's a video that explains this concept well:

>> No.8508860

fuck off mark

>> No.8508884

mork cant help but shill his shit videos even on /vr/

>> No.8508905

Correlation does not imply causation. What happened is that rapidly advancing home consoles meant arcades no longer had the graphical edge. They also enabled longer games to become more advanced, capturing public interest.

RPGs are a symptom and not a cause of this. Otherwise, why didn’t the decline happen until the seventh Final Fantasy game?

>> No.8508907

Not Mark. Like it or not (I'm not sure I do), he's the only person who's made a good video explaining this, if there's a better video, post it.

>> No.8508912

He's going to come in and claim that no one played RPGs before FF7.

>> No.8508914

shut up mork

>> No.8508931

it's totally not me ha I wouldn't post my own videos on 4chan ha

>> No.8509207

>far fewer people cared about RPG until FF7

>> No.8509469

the story sucks the game is mediocre and ZUN has done literally nothing major to change up the gameplay since like, 2007? With more than 20 fucking games in the series I dont want them to all be the fucking same.

>> No.8509516


>> No.8510013

Touhou is to bullet hell shmups what Naruto is to anime.

>> No.8510036

Bad analogy

Naruto fans are nowhere near as autistic as 2hufags are

>> No.8510038
File: 116 KB, 1280x720, mpv-shot0134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The actual reason is that they couldn't translate them to 3D which is where attention in gaming went. Games like Panzer Dragoon and StarFox are actually atempts to taking shooting games into 3D, but we actually see that as its own genre now.

>> No.8510094

>have no problem replaying 30-minute shmups when I die on the final boss
>redoing a 3-minute level in a platformer is a total pain in the ass
Why is this?

>> No.8510095

>le le tranny

>> No.8510150

I never really saw the point in separating those games into a different genre. I mean, Galaxy Force II still counts as a shmup, right?

>> No.8510202

Probably means you like shmups more than platformers

>> No.8510234

Pretty right my fellow Zoom Zoom.

>> No.8510347

wait i thought this was virtual reality what the fuck

>> No.8510365

Thought what was virtual reality?

>> No.8511419

explain the machine gun spam of metroidvanias

>> No.8511529

I think it's perfectly valid to consider those extensions of the same genre. They don't even make those anymore though. I wish they did.

>> No.8511682

Literally impossible to monetise. Who would pay for one today when they all just play pretty much the same and there are billions out there for free?

Also this. Easiest games to make.

>> No.8511782

>Literally impossible to monetise. Who would pay for one today when they all just play pretty much the same and there are billions out there for free?
>make Touhou style game
>1000 loli skins
>charge for them

>> No.8511817

I remembered the other Twinkle Star Sprites clone with Kanon characters.
I've played over 100 shmups as I usually like them even if they're generic. I kinda get the point of spending hours getting better, but that's the point of every game. Shmups still suffer from a lack of content that appeals to the masses like vs. mode, boss rush, branching paths, more than 8, actual stages, in-game shop, unlockables, etc. The idea of a "loop" of the same levels to reach the "True Last Boss" is still lazy design even if I like it. Mega Man 2 has 12, but some devs still loop the same 6 when they could just design 12... That shit gets repetitive.
Armed Police Batrider is a decent arcade game that has a boss rush, but I can't remember any other shmup that has one. Touhou stages are also littered with basically the same, tired enemy design throughout the series. It gets to the point that some fangames can be considered better:
(first is a clone of Royal Edoma Engine)
There were a decent amount of Japanese freeware shmups that I dug through on here, freem.ne.jp & other places:
I kinda liked Contlade & might go through his newer shit like Blaynix that I haven't touched, yet.
Some are /vr/-tier as this site goes back to 2003, & there are some FPS's in there.
Star Fox is still largely based on Star Wars (1983) & After Burner, but has branching paths. Nanotek Warrior is kinda like F-Zero if it was a 3D shmup. The ingredients for a better shmup are there, like taking enemy parts (Einhander) & transforming into the enemy ship (BlaZeon), but peeps just settle with, "Ooh, pretty bullet colors!" anymore.

>> No.8512076

What I notice when going from a shmup (or other arcade game) to normieshit is how much time you spend just walking from one place to another. A good shmup doesn't have a lot of dead time.

>> No.8512674

if the loli skins are more appealing than the gameplay then your genre is fucked lmao

>> No.8514284

This is why I can't stand a lot of the more baggy platformers on NES or PCE or SNES or whatever. There's just so much wasted movement that has nothing to do with me either trying to stay alive or improving my score.