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8498552 No.8498552 [Reply] [Original]

Why did so many people dislike Gamecube?

>> No.8498557

Sparse first party games, few really good third party games, loads of shovelware, annoying supporters. Sort of the formula for Nintendo consoles since the N64.

>> No.8498562

That colour looks really tasty. A lovely orange, could even be a bit creamy or have a hint of vanilla. Or not. Just a nice mikan flavor.. yum!

>> No.8498563

In my experience, it came out when games like Vice City, Red Dead Revolver, Doom 3, DmC and other games that appealed to me (a teenager at the time) were coming out and I was stuck with kiddie games

>> No.8498569

Gamecube sucks.
I don't care how innovative it is but all the games suck and you can't say resident evil 4 because its on PS2 and improved.
It has the most exclusive games but the crappiest ones, and they're almost all aimed at little children.
Go ahead, name any game. It's either from another system or it's not that good. And if it is good, well, you have one good game, every system does.

>> No.8498579

Weird controller, weird child's lunch box design, weird baby dvds, wasn't PS2.

>> No.8498582

I'm the opposite where I had more gamecube games than ps2. I never really cared for GTA besides GTA4(the best one). Granted I didn't really get interested in DmC before the 4th game. That said, I loved Kingdom Hearts and Sly Cooper.

>> No.8498587
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>> No.8498590

I don't dislike it, but the first-party lineup is weak for my tastes.

>> No.8498591
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>Kiddie console
>Couldn't play CDs or DVDs
>No online play
>Most first party games didn't live up to their N64 counterparts
>Poor third party support compared to its competitors
Basically the N64 2.0 but the novelty of playing nintendo games in 3D for the first time had worn off. If you were in elementary school (like I was) when it was relevant you have fond memories of it. If you were over 12 during the six gen (like my older brother was) Gamecube was probably the least appealing console. He opted to get an Xbox instead.

Now the Gamecube Move, that was a great add-on.

>> No.8498597

Metroid prime and eternal darkness weren't aimed at kids, and we're great. Ps2 re4 was a demake anon, the graphics are far worse.

>> No.8498608

Kingdom Hearts was actually the reason I begged for a ps2 whereas my brother wanted a Wii, we ended up getting both, but my brother realized the Wii was a gimmick and played my ps2 more than I did. Also there were definitely some good games on GC, I still play through TTYD from time to time and Animal Crossing kinda lost what made it good in the first place, unfortunately my brother gave away My copies of Metroid Prime, Melee, and the Zelda Collector's edition because he's mega gay

>> No.8498612

Same here, though GTA was pretty much the only reason why I ended up getting a slim ps2
>no online play

>> No.8498614
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I honestly prefer the gamecube's library to the n64's
the ps2 had the better library but the gamecube was still pretty good, way better than dreamcast and xbox at least
I love the design too, it looks so cool

>> No.8498618
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>Why did so m any people dislike Gamecube?
Fucking baby games
Looks stupid
Awful audio
Honestly no fun multiplayer
Birthed "is X going to be in smash?!?!?!" generation

>> No.8498621

>no fun multiplayer
bad bait

>> No.8498634

It was too soulful and pure for the lowest common denominator. No DVD and Online means it's bad.

Only in retrospect people realize how good they had it.

>> No.8498641

Worse than xbox, ps2 and dc. I still pumped hundreds of hours into pso multiplayer.

>> No.8498646


>> No.8498649

lack of games due to their stupid idea of making their own mini discs. That was the last console of theirs I bought. They kept getting gayer and more kiddy after that.

>> No.8498650

This 100%
I avoid Nintendo like a plague starting with that machine.

>> No.8498651

If you don't really (and I mean passionately and intensely) like Nintendo games there was no reason to get it. Ports were all available on other consoles, gamecube versions often got the least attention from devs due to hardware restrictions and audience size so why bother, the controller makes some games like THPS really unenjoyable, it lacked generation defining features like proper online, had no utility as just a device to use between playing games like as a music player, and despite NoA trying their best had an obnoxiously kiddy image making them look just one peg above leapfrog. Even if you're into weirder games there's an anemic selection at best.

You can't really look at any genre that generation and say Gamecube gave you what you were looking for, unless you consider Nintendo games their own genre, which even then they weren't doing their best. PlayStation was making better Nintendo games.

>> No.8498659

>b-but wikipedia says it has online play!
Literally just a port of a Dreamcast game, and you still had to buy a broadband adapter because Gamecube has 0 online functionality out of the box. Severely lacking compared to the competition and its sales reflected that.

>> No.8498667

I didn't realize that gamecube had so many 2000-2004 video games on it

The controllers and box just look stupid a
to me - compared to Sony or Sega

>> No.8498671

Green energy is a scam but I'm not gonna trust a fucking boomer either.

>> No.8498683

Rare were gone, without it they had nothing.

>> No.8498690

For some reason, it brings out the most rabid shitposters when it’s mentioned.

>> No.8498768

Kingdom Hearts and MGS were the reasons I wanted the PS2. You should punch you brother in the dick, but thankfully you can just play Gamecube games on the Wii super easy with Nintendon't.

>> No.8498795
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A lot of us hit our mid teens around that time and wanted edgier shit. It felt goofy playing Lugi’s Mansion while our friends were playing Halo and MGS2. Had I been just a little younger at the time I probably would have preferred it to PS2, but those of us that started with NES and progressed through the other Nintendo consoles felt like the company left us behind.

Also the Mario, Mario Kart, Zelda etc games didn’t measure up to the ones for the N64, or the ones that succeeded them. Wind Waker especially felt like a slap in the face after OOT.

Still, I did have a lot of fun with my GCN collection playing Metroid Prime, Twin Snakes, Rogue Squadron 2, Smash Brothers etc. In retrospect I think it was a pretty good console and I’m just now catching up on the exclusives that I missed back then

>> No.8498803

How can one man be so based

>> No.8498814

Weird controller, goofy design, bizarre formatting meant games were smaller and scaled back and tons of games that didn’t need to be split, were split across two discs. The RE games? Sort of understandable? Tiger Woods Pro Golf? On two discs? Are you mad? Add in other shit like no online, a generally small library, hit and miss first party games (Mario sunshine is blatantly unfinished and Wind Waker is a lot of meandering shit. The games themselves are fine but considering the polish and care Nintendo usually puts it, it’s not really acceptable). The only props I can give it are the four controller ports and that most games tended to be the best versions (sometimes. Something like Sonic Heroes is unplayable on PS2 but runs like a dream of GCN. RE4 looks hideous on PS2, etc). But even then that was debatable

>> No.8498832

PSO is still one of the best games on the gamecube, you're a retard

>> No.8498835

>no online

>> No.8498948

I bought one for the Zelda games. I enjoyed stuff like mario kart/f zero/battalion wars/smash as far as exclusives go. My favorite games for it were PoP: SoT and SC2 which were both multiplat. I was never into RPGs, the only thing I feel like I missed out on at the time was the GTA series. Console gaming was secondary to me at the time, I was big into PC. I don't regret choosing a gamecube for that generation.

>> No.8498952

dorks who grew up with the nes and/or snes were still in their 'too mature for baby games' phase

>> No.8498980

>a Sega game is one of the best on the kiddiecube
Kek. Never said it wasn't.
I don't know why you're defending the Gamecube's lack of online gaming. It's been 20 years.

>> No.8499041

I bought one because we already had a ps2 so we had the best of both worlds, sometimes I wonder how different it would have been had I gone for xbox instead

>> No.8499084

My friend lived with me in highschool. We both had ps2, I also had an Xbox, and he had a gamecube. I nor anyone I knew hated gamecube and we would routinely play on all three consoles without any real preference. Viewtiful Joe and Luigi's Mansion were the comfiest games on that console and out at that time.

>> No.8499189

I was in my late teens and had both a PS2 and a Cube. Best options. If you were over 15 in 2002 you had no excuse for having a single system. Played mah GTA3/VC/SA on PS2 and WW, MP, and K7 on the Cube. Had Hot Pursuit 2 on PS2 and Underground on Gamecube. Also had a GBA.
Only thing I never got was an Xbox, and I STILL refuse to ever buy one of those pieces of fucking western shit. Refuse to give $$$ to Microshit.

Have the silver Gameube sitting in the closet with the GBPlayer attached. It's actually more of a cube with that accessory. I've taken it apart before, and aside from the laser being a piece of shit(according to others) the thing is built like a damn tank. Screws everywhere.

>> No.8499220

sony fanboys

>> No.8499230

>20 year
Why do moron defend genesis and Dreamcast?

>> No.8499320

The N64 didn't have a killer app like Mario 64, so Nintendofags misplaced their frustration on the GameCube.

>> No.8499384

I don't think you know what this word means, anon

>> No.8499413


>> No.8499489

Nintendo is has and will be for kids.
Also Metroid Prime has way too much backtracking and getting lost.

>> No.8499503

>mature gamer

>> No.8499516
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Dreamcast games with online play: 32
Xbox games with online play: 100+
PS2 games with online play: 100+
Gamecube games with online play: 1

>> No.8499576

>since the N64
Everything you listed also describes the NES and SNES to a tea. Thankfully, more people are beginning to wake up to the fact that Nintendo has always been driven by it's cult, rather than any inherent quality to it's games or consoles.

>> No.8499580

Nes and gameboy were excellent systems. Nothing cult like about them.

>> No.8499628

Xbox and ps2 had the big online games

>> No.8499632


>> No.8499645

SOCOM, FFXI, and Monster Hunter were big.

>> No.8499650

they weren't, it was pretty niche on PS2

>> No.8499674

Online gaming ruined vidya BTW.
Fuck off with that faggotry. It ruined consoles, and that retorted back to PC where online gaming actually was pretty cool, turning consoles into gimped PCs and consolizing the PC "master race".

>> No.8499863

What a garbage looking controller.

>> No.8499873

>got filtered by Prime

>> No.8499876

by Prime I mean the game and not the boss

>> No.8499930

1 is not 0

>> No.8499932

It was just as comfortable if not more than the playstations. Far comfier than dc and xbox.

>> No.8500237

GameCube was kino as fuck. Launch lineup was heckin based as well:
>Smash Bros Melee
>Luigi’s Mansion
>Wave Race
>Monkey Ball
>Star Wars Rogue Leader

>> No.8500434

>gamecube was still pretty good, way better than dreamcast and xbox at least
Most of the best Dreamcast games got ported to Xbox/360, PS2, and Gamecube so no shit jackass.

Also, Otogi 1&2, Dead or Alive, KotOR 1&2, Morrowind, Fable, Halo, Panzer Dragoon Orta, Jet Set Radio Future, Ninja Gaiden, Blinx, Psychonauts, Forza Motorsport, Project Gotham racing, and the list goes on. The best games on GC (as much nostalgia I have for that console) don't hold a candle to the Xbox.

Yeah, Windwaker, Rogue Squadron 2&3 and Metroid Prime are pretty good. Mario Party is good, Smash Bros was pretty based but other than that? Meh. I'd definitely concede that the PS2 edges out both as far as exclusives tho. There's just so many good ones that it becomes impossible to say any of the other contenders were better with the sheer volume of studios Sony acquired around that time (which they killed 99% of during the PS3 era after just one or two games and now all they're left with is Naughty Dog and the occasional paid exclusive).

>> No.8500436

I was 8 when it came out and spent a fair bit of my youth obsessed with getting a N64 and reading whatever game magazines I could get hold of from front to back (as key a demographic as it gets) and yet I had zero interest in getting one. No one I knew at the time with N64s and GBCs really cared about it either. They all wanted PS2 or Xbox and made fun of Gamecube. Maybe because it was purple. Maybe because it sounded like a little kid toy when you turned it on. I kind of wanted to play Luigi's Mansion. Mario Sunshine just looked gay.
I really wanted just about everything else too: Saturn, PS1, GBC, Dreamcast, PS2, even Xbox.

Eventually Gamecube grew on me. It's compact design is neat and it has a lot of good games. It's not a bad console and has certainly at times gotten more shit than it deserves. Over the past decade, it became overrated to death by being touted as an underrated gem sort of like Earthbound was. It's not like the same thing didn't happen with Dreamcast, there's just a lot more Nintendo fanboys who are very loud and aggressive to the point of revising history to make everything Nintendo-centric even in generations where they were largely irrelevant outside of handhelds.

>> No.8500451

>so no shit jackass
Dreamcast is far superior to gc and almost all of those ports were worse than dc versions.

>> No.8500454

>Gamecube games with online play: 1
PSO episode 1 and 2 and PSO episode 3 are completely different games, and even if you pretend otherwise, you're ignoring homeland.

>> No.8500473

I'm not going to disagree with you. But my argument is after the majority of good games were ported over in the same generation, they were no longer exclusives.

>> No.8500683

>Otogi 1&2, Dead or Alive, KotOR 1&2, Morrowind, Fable, Halo, Panzer Dragoon Orta, Jet Set Radio Future, Ninja Gaiden, Blinx, Psychonauts, Forza Motorsport, Project Gotham racing
Bad bait

>> No.8500738

>resident evil 4
>on PS2 and improved

>> No.8500793
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This. The gamecube was shit because it needed an add on broad band adapter unlike the dreamcast that needed an add on broad band adapter.

>> No.8500803

Dreamcast came with a modem though. I didn't know anyone with broadband at the time anyways.

>> No.8500831

It was during that time where the most important thing was trying to be "mature". So nintendo games got dismissed as kiddie shit just because wind waker and mario sunshine had cartoony artstyles. Same goes with the physical appearance of the gamecube, especially with the "default" advertised color being a gaudy purple. That shit mattered to 12 year olds like me at a time. Nobody wanted to have the "gay purple lunchbox" console.

the console's library is fine though. Even ignoring those first-party titles, this was back when nintendo was still getting decent 3rd party support, and most of the big multiplats at the time were on GC too. Off the top of my head there were only a few series that were never on GC, like hitman and GTA. But plenty of other stuff like splinter cell, timesplitters, PoP, metal arms, BG&E, etc were. It wasn't like Wii onward where basically you had to rely solely on first party games and there was fuck-all else besides that.

>> No.8500951

No "Dreamcast" didn't. There were units that came with them and units that didn't. Simple as.

>> No.8500953

Gameplay > graphics ;)

>> No.8500957

>simple as
fuck off back to pedophile island you faggot

>> No.8500961

The gameplay is downgraded on the PS2 with the worse controller, less enemies, framedrops and longer loading times between zones and for switching weapons.

>> No.8500971

you're fighting a console war from 3 gens ago, let it go

>> No.8500976

>Smash Bros was pretty based
In what way could you consider this game "based"?

>> No.8501043

Shit games.

>> No.8501094

Just ignore the zoomer, he probably doesn't know the difference.

Never released in North America so it doesn't matter.
Were any of you guys actually there or are you just skimming wikipedia articles? Gamecube had fuck all to offer in terms of online. I am not saying that's a good or bad thing but it was perceived as a major flaw of the platform compared to its competition. Just like the fact that it didn't play CDs/DVDs. These things mattered back then.
Leave it to nintendrones to defend a small number of titles (in this case: 1) until their last breath.

>> No.8501107

You're really missing out with Xbox. There's a lot of overlap with the PS2 library, but the Xbox versions look leagues better. There's also a few gems like Steel Battalion, Arx Fatalis, etc.

>> No.8501195

Look, I like Nintendo. It's just Gamecube sucks.
I liuved the NES, and N64, but after that they just blew it.
Perhaps revolution could've brought hope with its downloadable feature.

>> No.8501210

>The Modem Adapter is a dial-up modem that was included with all Dreamcast consoles sold worldwide except for Brazil, where it was excluded due to the high price of the console there.

>> No.8501225

If this thread is anything to go by, only edgy faggot kids who never even touched with loud opinions hate it.

>> No.8501318

They had a solid start with REmake, RE0 and MGS Remake. You definitely felt how they wanted the core audience back. It just lost steam too quickly afterwards.

>> No.8501328

>acting like console online gaming was anything but niche in gen 6
Don't know if dishonest or just a zoomer.

>> No.8501337

I don't hate it, there's just a lot more I'd like to actually play on PS2, Xbox, and Dreamcast.

>> No.8502194

Please, use the word "babby" instead of "baby". It's less offensive. You don't need to know why. It's better this way.

t. A concerned anon

>> No.8502408

>gets constantly btfo
>noo that doesn't matter reee
No (You) for you

>> No.8502564

No! He WILL get the (You): >>8501094

Now that he's replenished, you two can fight to your hearts' content.

>> No.8502590

>I was stuck with kiddie games
except it had the only uncensored version of bmx xxx.

>> No.8502750


I accept your concession
Also, that's not the only place it was sold without a modem

>> No.8503125

This baby is underage

>> No.8503168
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>worse controller

>> No.8503172

God damn the orange is so good looking. Why don't they bring back the cool colors, the switch has such a lame dock.

>> No.8503252

Ive never played Metroid

>> No.8503259

GTA is a kiddy game. Only edgy teens play it.

>> No.8503264

The shitshock is the worst, most arthritic controller design of all time. Two sticks on the bottom should be banned.

>> No.8503272






>> No.8503283


Not sure where switch is on that list

>> No.8503321

Official Nintendo console power rankings
1. NES / SNES (too close, comes down to personal pref)
2. Gamecube
3. N64
4. Switch
5. Wii
6. Wii U
All 6 are better than most consoles though. For reference if I were to put another console after Wii U it would be PS2.

>> No.8503408

Are you a bot? I've read the same post and reply before.

>> No.8503413

Probably just autistic. Why would anyone bot on fucking /vr/

>> No.8503471

The Dreamcast controller looks more stupid

>> No.8503486


>> No.8503495

I've had a weird hate for Gamecube when I was like 14-17. I can't even remember why it started but the single look at Gamecube could made me mad. I thought it's a useless and stupid-looking piece of hardware.

Nowadays, I want to have one.

>> No.8503507

>The N64 didn't have a killer app like Mario 64

>> No.8503509

The design. The Games were eccentric Cel shaded Zelda, Water park mario, FPS metroid, Animal Crossing, just to name a few. Nobody asked for those games but they somehow worked and became among the best in the series.

>> No.8503515

Because they have Super autism maybe?

>> No.8503518

>So nintendo games got dismissed as kiddie shit
Well, to be fair it was kiddie shit

>> No.8503531

Gen Xers wanted Nintendo to age with them instead they made games targeted towards millennials who Gen Xers hate but love to fuck. Nintendo is still doing this by making games Zoomer friendly. Yoshi and Kirby are considered part of the LGBT community.

>> No.8503535

of all my retro console its the one i play the most, exclusively virtua striker 2002 and budokai 1

>> No.8503604

Yeah and only adults play mario, right?

>> No.8503609

no gaems
I liked mine though
tended to have the superior version of a lot of games except for shit like Splinter Cell

>> No.8503669
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Lackluster first party titles and surprisingly much shovelware for a console with sale figures as poor as the Gamecube.

>> No.8503670

Shovelware was just easy to port. Look at the PS2. All the shovelware was on that too, x500 other ones.

>> No.8503693

Look up all the shovelware the PS2 had

>> No.8503768

Because it isn't retro

>> No.8503775

How so 2001 was almost 25 years ago.

>> No.8503875

Good. That's how you know you're in the wrong place. Back to le discord.

>> No.8503882

and the cultist appears. N64 sucks too.

>> No.8503890

PS2 is a meme. It has no good games. Meanwhile Dreamcast has 100. Kill yourself Sonyggers.

>> No.8503891

sorry I don't dislike any system and console warriors are obvious no matter who they wave a banner for

>> No.8504504

Even so, at least the PS2 had a lot to compensate with.
Gamecube games are usually either "meh" or straight up garbage. With gems being few and far between.

>> No.8504507

Seethe and cope

>> No.8504534

The Wii had an absolutely superb games library tho.

>> No.8504720


>> No.8504997

I didn't dislike them.
Nobody else around me disliked it either.
I even got one of them portable screens that attach to the Gamecube and let you play it on car rides, so I was cool as shit for a brief time. What y'all motherfuckers fail to understand is that even back when you were a kid, liking one console doesn't mean you have to hate every other console. Hell, even though I couldn't give two shits about the Xbox back then, I didn't hate that, either.