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8494826 No.8494826 [Reply] [Original]

>solid level designs
>no boss rushing
>no gimmicks
Why couldn't more Treasure games be like this one?

>> No.8494958

I mean, it's a great game, but level design is ... not its strong suit.

>> No.8495009

>no gimmicks
Are you sure we played the same game?

The weird japanese "humour" is huge turn-off in this game.

>> No.8495037 [DELETED] 

>but level design is ... not its strong suit.
Congrats, you just described Trashurethra.

>> No.8495082

Anon please

>> No.8495130

What's the appeal of this game? I played it on N64, and it just seemed not that interesting. Seems like a very basic, almost retro arcade experience, more in line with games like Defender.

>> No.8495180

I didn't like the graphics, but finally managed to try this even if I liked treasure since dynamite headdy.
I can't believe I missed it for years, definitely one of their best games for me, just there with dynamite headdy, alien soldier and guardian heroes.

>> No.8495191 [DELETED] 

>I can't believe I missed it for years, definitely one of their best games for me, just there with dynamite headdy, alien soldier and guardian heroes.
None of those games were ever good. !!!FACT!!!

>> No.8495197

>no gimmicks
This game is a walking gimmick
And I love it

>> No.8495201

>fake """shmup""" with braindead gameplay and shit "bosses" and "puzzles"
So this is Trashure's best...

>> No.8495204

Utterly filtered.

>> No.8495209

I assume that all of the three people who use this term have N64s and mint copies of Mischief Makers

>> No.8495227

Pretty sure it's that faggot who doesn't play anything but Sega racing games.

>> No.8495256

It's auster, who doesn't even like video games

>> No.8495284

trying too hard, no (you) for you

>> No.8495738

>dynamite headdy
would be good if worlds 1, 3, 6, 7 and 9 didn't suck and had actual platforming.
>alien soldier
boss rush meme game. gunstar heroes was the better game, at least it's got real stages even if a few of them sucked ass.
>guardian heroes.
boring stages that repeat the same enemies too much (though to be fair, this is a problem with pretty much every belt scroller game).

>> No.8495980

>>solid level designs
>>no gimmicks
Well these two things describe most Treasure games. Even if there is a gimmick it's usually central throughout the entire game, even being designed around it.
I'll concede that Treasure does love boss rushes though.

>> No.8496509
File: 93 KB, 500x717, Gradius5JPCover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8496549

Gradius Gaiden was the superiour console-exclusive Gradius game.

Can Trashure do anything right...?

>> No.8496609

It's full of gimmicky levels. Gimmicks are also fucking good, dumb-dumb.

>> No.8496737

I don't see how. BGO sticks to the core gameplay throughout the entire game. Maybe give some examples of gimmicks from it? Also, what are some other horizontal-perspective "twin stick" shooters like BGO? I can think of lots of top-down ones, but not side-scrolling.

>> No.8496938

>Not liking Dynamite Headdy worlds 1,3,6,7
I am sorry for your bad taste.
Also 3 and 9 have actual platforming, 9-1 is probably the hardest stage in the game platforming-wise.
>Gunstar Heroes was the better game
It's boring, I prefer Alien Soldier.
I have no problems with boss rush.
>Guardian Heroes is boring and repeats the same enemies too much like any belt scroller
That's why Nicole is there, to annihilate the opposition and babysitting your friends.

>> No.8498012

World 1 is an autorunner where all you do is attack a robot that doesn't even attack you before fighting a boss.

World 3 is just a short pseudo-3D gimmick with no real platforming before a boss rush.

World 6 is yet another gimmick, this time a shmup.

World 7 is just walking up to a boss fight.

If you like any of these crap stages, you're the one with shitty taste. Also, 9-1 doesn't have platforming, you're just riding an elevator autoscroller up to yet another boss rush.

>It's boring, I prefer Alien Soldier.
Try playing Gunstar on a higher difficulty than normal, it's more challenging and interesting than Alien Soldier.
>I have no problems with boss rush.
Treasure'd take boss rushing to an excessive degree. A well-designed game balances out the stages to go with the bosses, something that Treasure never really figured out.

>> No.8498154

>still shitposting
>still loveless
>still suffering
Australia-kun... had a hard life.

>> No.8499097

The Xbox 360 version is even better. Shame it'll never get ported to anything else along with the rest of the Treasure games on XBLA so more people can experience them.