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8494573 No.8494573 [Reply] [Original]

Why did RE4 get so much hate from classic RE fans?

>> No.8494576

im a classic fan and i like 4

>> No.8494602

It's better

>> No.8494627

For all the reasons they gave. What a silly thread.

>> No.8494647

once the coolness of the shooting wears off it gets kind of boring, you can only style on a wave of ganados so many times.

>> No.8494658

It was different and because of its success it took the future of the series in a dramatically different direction. I don’t think anyone claims it’s a bad game though.

>> No.8494687

Because it's an action game, not a survival game.

>> No.8494717

Why did RE7 get so much hate from RE4 fans?

>> No.8494721

No horror.

>> No.8494810

Re was always about the "feel"

The tank controls and limited resources actually made the horror "feel" better, scarier

Re4 is like a zombie mod for a shitty cod.

Same reason that mgs with piss poor gun control boosted the stealth and mgs v feels like a generic shooter with good stealth

>> No.8494854

literally everyone loved the game on release, it was a natural evolution of the series, which was stale by then, and played perfectly.
it wasn't until contrarian faggots who's first RE game was the HD REmake needed to be special snowflake hipsters that anyone pretended to dislike it.
RE5 was panned by most people for the horrible forced co-op and idiotic AI

>> No.8494862
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it was too little, too late to measure up to CBFD

>> No.8494867

You will understand in a year or two when RE4make comes out

>> No.8494926

Not a valid argument. You can say that about literally any type of gameplay, even classic RE.
>You can only dodge zombies so many times

>> No.8495218

Because it's not like classic RE in most ways.
It's a game about shooting your way through setpieces, not about exploration and managing resources (there's still some elements of both but they are significantly lighter).
You can see in the castle that they COULD have designed it like classic RE while retaining the OTS gameplay and setpieces, but they decided not to. Probably because the game went through like six different iterations and the final product is a hodgepodge of different assets that Mikami somehow managed to string together into a great game.

>> No.8495289

jealousy and contrarianism

>> No.8495321

>Why did RE4 get so much hate from classic RE fans?
It's because the gameplay had been improved. But they will never admit this. They prefer the shitty fixed camera shooter instead

>> No.8495339

Cause it was a stupid normie game for the faggy GameCube

>> No.8495342

me too

>> No.8495346

classic re has two layers to keep you interested, the action setpieces of zombie dodging you mention and then the route planning and inventory management that ties them together.

>> No.8495353

Classic RE games are not shooters. You are low IQ, possibly dark skinned. Maybe gay

>> No.8495373

>It's not shooter if it's not first person
>It's can't be shooter if it's survival horror
The gameplay has a shooter mechanism. So it's a shooter as well. This is why you will never admit

>> No.8495413

>RE to RECV:
>what you find is what you have
>if you go blowing ammo, you can be reduced to knife-only
>you only have a few inventory slots for weapons, ammo, and health items, since you wanna keep 2-3+ free for stuff you find and puzzle items
>you are responsible for you and that's pretty much it, outside of part of 2 and that scene in 3 where you play as Carlos
>you need ammo to fight or you're stuck trying to use the worthless knife

>low on ammo? Kill some mook, he's likely drop some more for you
>or go upgrade the ammo capacity the gun has and get a free reload
>feel free to carry 3 weapons and multiple full stacks of ammo and a bunch of healing items, all important items exist in your magic wormhole pocket with infinite storage
>spend about half the game having to protect/escort AI NPC around
>press X to not die quick-time-events
>shoot enemy to stagger, melee, repeat, take down entire swarms and wind up with more ammo then when you started

>low on ammo? Kill some mook, he's likely drop some more for you
>or go upgrade the ammo capacity the gun has and get a free reload
>feel free to carry 3 weapons with full stack of ammo for each and a bunch of healing items, all important items exist in your magic wormhole pocket with infinite storage
>spend entire game with worthless AI NPC partner using up ammo to shoot zombies in the leg
>press X to not die quick-time-events
>shoot enemy to stagger, melee, repeat, take down entire swarms and wind up with more ammo then when you started

I like RE4 AND RE5, but I'm not gonna pretend they don't make things a lot easier. RE5 Merc's No Mercy is peak survival action gameplay though.

>> No.8495445

>Complaining about too much ammo.
Just waste them and pretend you got less. Too much ammo is not a big problem if you don't use it

>> No.8495457

it's a glorified rail shooter where the "zombies" stop running and start slowly shuffling once they reach a certain distance from you, so that the player can line headshots easier

>> No.8495503

>if you just ignore the problem, then it isn't a problem!
By this logic, there are no bad videogames, just games that require you to ignore more of their problems than others.

And yes, too much ammo in the survival horror genre takes away the scarcity threat. If you have no reason to conserve ammo, then combat turns from trying to get by with as little firepower as possible to bum-rushing zombies with a shotgun and karate chopping them. You don't waste the shotgun on basic zombies in the pre-4 RE games unless you are flush with ammo because there is only so much in the game and you want it for more dangerous enemies. In RE4 and RE5, as long as you aren't carrying any other weapon, you'll get a constant stream of shotgun shells from the dead. You can smash through the games and entire crowds of zombies with speed using the endless supply of shotgun ammo. If that wasn't enough, the games also give you an endless supply of grenades so you can Rambo through anything. Flash Grenades are pretty much get-out-of-jail-free cards if you let yourself get surrounded.

In RE-RECV, you spend most of the game fighting the hordes of zombies with your pistol, keeping your distance and running away as needed. In RE4 and RE5, you blast on through the hordes with a shotgun and grenades, getting in close to take advantage of the i-frames you get from melee attacks. It's still fun gameplay, but it's obviously a different direction than survival horror.

>> No.8495513
File: 1.15 MB, 522x408, zombie mob.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Classic RE games are not shooters.
Classicfags are delusional.

>> No.8495516
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>> No.8495530

This is basically a cheat mode. You can try to ignore and try harder ways and accumulate more ammo to see how better you can go without it

>> No.8495557

Cause it's not an RE game
Good game. Not an RE game

>> No.8495558

>You can try to ignore
>if you just ignore the problem, then it isn't a problem!
>By this logic, there are no bad videogames, just games that require you to ignore more of their problems than others.
Honestly surprised you bothered to respond with the exact same argument. Demanding someone ignore a problem doesn't fix the problem, it's just you admitting there is a problem while trying to pretend it doesn't exist.

>> No.8495587

>You don't waste the shotgun on basic zombies in the pre-4 RE games unless you are flush with ammo because there is only so much in the game and you want it for more dangerous enemies.
I'm convinced people who spout bullshit like this have never even played these games. You get 100+ shotgun shells in every classic RE game.

>> No.8495615

>Why did RE4 get so much hate from classic RE fans?
It didn't. We all loved it when it came out.

>> No.8495626

Which is why you drop the pistol near the end of the game, since you usually have some shotgun shells stockpiled and it's barely doing any damage to the lickers/hunters/etc. RE3 was the only classic RE that dumped ammo on the player, if you were efficient in taking down Nemesis.

>> No.8495653

>worthless knife
>ever running low on ammo unless you shoot at the wall 40 times

>> No.8495661

there really arent that many lickers in 2 its mostly hordes of zombies where you instakill 5 of them with a single shotgun blast
the only dangerous room in re2 is when you climb through the lab vents and get ganked by two super lickers offscreen

>> No.8495674

RE4 is awesome and even people who didn’t like the direction back then had to admit it was fun.
RE4 did mark the beginning of the end for Resident Evil as a whole though.
IMHO if it doesn’t have tank controls, it is only Resident Evil in name.

>> No.8495679

>RE3 was the only classic RE that dumped ammo on the player, if you were efficient in taking down Nemesis.
Nemesis doesn't drop ammo.

>> No.8495684

shhhhh let him larp a little longer

>> No.8495876

just play on professional, they'll all bumrush you at once. it's great.

>> No.8495886

you get that RE4 has tank controls, right

>> No.8495996

The person who made this image (the original one, not the taco version) is a fucking poser nonplayer. You do not under any circumstances need to be concerned about ammo in RE3 even on hard mode.

>> No.8496029

I've replayed 4 many times over the years. Its up there with some of my most replayed games, which includes mega Man anything, FF Tactics, Dead Space 2, Metal Gear Solid 2, and Symphony of the Night. Just off the top of my head.

>> No.8496236

It's a different genre

>> No.8496240

>RE4 did mark the beginning of the end for Resident Evil as a whole though.
What end? It caused 2 bad games after and RE never stopped selling like crazy, and is still going.
>IMHO if it doesn’t have tank controls, it is only Resident Evil in name.
It has tank controls, and multiple RE games that are more horror than it is are not played with tank controls.

>> No.8496243

Infection with worm virus is kind of horrific

>> No.8496447

I love and grew up with classic RE and I put 4 up there with the original Resident Evil, REmake and the original Resident Evil 2 as the best entries in the series. Literally everyone I knew fucking loved Resident Evil 4 back in the day when it came out. The modern contrarian "Muh ammo conservation and survival horror!" seems to completely ignore how much resources RE2 and especially RE3 throw at you. I honestly believe most of these fags haven't even played the games. The most survival horror and resource management based of the whole series is REmake, and it's truly a glorious game.

People also like to ignore that Code Veronica and RE0 weren't very good and that by the time RE4 rolled around, Capcom had made six fucking tank control/fixed camera angle Resident Evil games with tons of replay-ability. It was time for something new.

I honestly believe most of this RE4 hate comes from people who got into the series with 4 or 5 then wanted to look cool by parroting the people who wanted more of the old stuff. Either way, I don't like 5 or 6 much, but the series seems to be more of less back on track now.

>> No.8496587


>> No.8496852

Because it wasn't Resident Evil, it was an extremely solid shooter with its name attached. It lacked many of the appeals of the rest of the Resident Evil series.

At the time, there was also a moderately sized marketing campaign for it in some countries where they constantly pushed survival horror as 'outdated' and pushed RE4 as an objective mechanical step forward, which caused some people to hate it out of pure spite.

>> No.8496858

Iron Maiden/Regenerators brought back that feeling though.

>> No.8496859

Because it was better and the old school is always bitter when the new school is better.

>> No.8496928

Bitterness and contrarianism. Basically they were butthurt that it was so much more well liked while they thought the older ones are underrated.
Of course this ignores that RE 1 and 2 were stupid popular as well but these people are literally retarded.

>> No.8497028

Anyone saying that RE4 had no horror is a retard that never actually played the game and just watched video of it or some reviewer who hated it. The horror from RE4 comes from the various encounters and ambushes the game sets up. Stuff like the chainsaw guy appearing or having to fight the blind claw guys and the regenerators.
I also know they're full of shit since RE 1 and 2, the latter being an amazing game and the former being an okay one, aren't remotely scary at all and are just as easy if not even easier than 4 since you can mostly dodge around everything without issue. The only real sense of tension in RE 1 and 2 outside a few jump scares like the infamous window dog scene, are the typewritrers and limited saves.

>> No.8497041

That's only in the last ten years. When it first came out, I remember newcomers and old timers alike dropping to their knees and fellating it like it was the second coming of Christ. Even those who hated the Resident Evil games (ex.: me) loved it.

>> No.8497104

>Demanding someone ignore a problem doesn't fix the problem
Too much ammo is not a problem at all, if you stop collecting everything you see like a retard

>> No.8497110

>you get that RE4 has tank controls, right
You get that tank controls with cam behind shoulders changes a lot how you control, right

>> No.8497121

>It wasn't Resident Evil because shooting mechanism had been improved
>It lacked many of the appeals
Like fixed cam bad aim controls

>> No.8497127

you get that you just called them tank controls, right

>> No.8497137

>easier than 4 since you can mostly dodge around everything without issue.
The hardest part from 1 and 2 is to get used with the shitty tank controls. Every enemy encounter was easier because harder controls requires easier combat in order to play

>> No.8497143

I remember at the same time it seemed too actionny, too much compared to the mood of the others. I was pretty disgusted by the first village having to shoot everywhere all the time.

>> No.8497149

>The hardest part from 1 and 2 is to get used with the shitty tank controls

There is nothing to get used to and controls arent shitty. Its not clunky, its not laggy, its not unresponsive, its not slow. Character turns and moves quickly and rapidly. Whenever you press a directional button, character always moves towards their direction.

How fucking retarded are you? I could understand if you used this argument for Silent Hill games because they actually are slow clunky and laggy but this is just silly.

>> No.8497158

Because the survival horror aspect is completely and utterly gone, and it's nothing more than a third person shooter.

Honestly though, the franchise was clearly heading in that direction with RE3 and Dino Crisis.

>> No.8497161

>There is nothing to get used to and controls arent shitty. Its not clunky, its not laggy, its not unresponsive, its not slow
The controls are shit if you compare them to RE4 which is why this thread is for and no one is comparing it to Silent Hill here

>> No.8497163

Smooth brain, you do understand that RE4 has the same controls the RE1-3 do have? Right?

>> No.8497167

You get that these are just labels, right

>> No.8497170

>Fixed cam controls are the same as behind shoulder controls
Retards can't understand that cam angles affect the control and gameplay

>> No.8497173

You said controls, why move the goalposts now to gameplay?

Such a smooth brain thing to do.

>> No.8497180

because classic RE fans are paint drinkers

>> No.8497182

>Controls got nothing to do with gameplay
I'm not even going to answer to this

>> No.8497184

RE2's enemy placement is pretty bad, one of several reasons I think it's the worst in the trilogy.

>> No.8497192

Your shit taste and pleb ability to understand rudimentary aspect of a video game that is classic for a reason has nothing to do with anything

>> No.8497221

>classic RE
Shit controls, shit gameplay, door opening simulator
Shitty gamepad aiming so shit controls and shit gameplay.
RE has always been shit.

>> No.8497232

you get that you were talking about a completely different label, right

>> No.8497339

RE4 is literally just RE5 and 6, but worse -- so why people pretend to like RE4 is a mystery to me at this point. To me, RE4 is the hipster's choice when you have far better Resident Evil action games. RE5's merc mode is fucking amazing, and RE6's PC exclusive Mercenaries mode with the Left 4 Dead characters is bonkers.

I mean you have to fucking PAUSE to change weapons. Not even Revelations 1, 2 and Demake 2 have this shitty issue. I can't go back to an outdated game, particularly a soulless game like RE4 that killed the franchise in the first place.

>> No.8497350

Because the shooting wasn't total dogshit and actually rewarded being able to aim

>> No.8497371

playing a shooter on a joystick feels like ass, especially after playing a good one like max payne
I bought re4 when it came out and got bored of it by the end of the castle section
also, adding escort missions to your game is never a good idea

>> No.8497375

Yes, RE4 and RE1/2/3 control exactly the same. When you’re right you’re right.
Meh. If you liked post RE4 games that’s your prerogative. You admit 5 and 6 are bad. The first person games are definitely good, but they don’t capture that same feeling as the originals, which is fine. I felt the same about Silent Hills.
I’d also like to add just because something keeps selling, doesn’t make it good. You should know that by now.

>> No.8497448

you were complaining about games lacking controls. it has tank controls.

>but I MEANT something different!
I support you in all your endeavours, Anon.

>> No.8497453

Technicality-sperg, you are insufferable. I do not support your transition into a woman, faggot.

>> No.8497470

I think you mean "not-telepathic sperg", O Lord of the Perpetually Shifting Goalposts.

>> No.8497479
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>stupid normie game
Hmmmm, no one says that about RE4

>for the faggy GameCube
People do say this though

>RE2's enemy placement is pretty bad
That is the first time i've ever heard anyone say this ever.

>zombies playing dead to grab your feet and give you the spookins
>zombies standing in the camera foreground just around a corner for dramatic effect that don't start moving until they hear you
>shuffling just outside of view, wait a few seconds for them to appear
>What is strategic positioning and utilizing bottlenecks?

RE2 is a masterclass in enemy positioning. there are a few bad camera angles due to cramped level design.

>> No.8497591

It's bad because of the example I was replying to, the police station just throws zombies at you and all you do is just sit there and use up your numerous ammo to kill them. Compare that with RE1 which had more deliberate zombie placement and incentivized learning how to run past them. In RE2 it's not feasible to run past them in many cases. Then you have the opposite problem with other enemies where it's TOO easy, for example the sewer spiders where it's practically impossible to get hit because you can just run in a straight line as they ineffectually shoot at you from the ceiling. RE3 isn't as deliberate as RE1 either but at least the enemies are generally more threatening, and of course it has Nemesis (who is actually dangerous unlike Mr. X).

>> No.8498041

I can agree with the more deliberate zombie placement but RE1 throws so much fucking ammo at you that you are not incentivized to run past them (at least in the original, you are in the REmake)

>> No.8498083

? you can kill everything just as easy in remake

>> No.8498124

resident evil was never scary

>> No.8498126

except if you start killing shit the first time you see it you will get buttfucked by crimson heads everywhere

>> No.8498136

Just shoot them. They aren't much more dangerous than normal zombies.

>> No.8498190

you know if you avoid zombies they eventually get replaced by crimsons anyway

>> No.8498437

>t. didn't even play the game

>> No.8498462

but they do
you can completely avoid a zombie the entire game and it will eventually despawn or end up laying on the ground only to wake up as a crimson

>> No.8498517
File: 2.99 MB, 480x360, The Real RE4.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's an OK game and an interesting deviation from the RE formula. But just like 5 and 6 I don't consider it as mainline RE game. To me it's more like some shooter spin-off in the same vein as the Gun Survivor/Dead aim games but it's certainly no survival horror game (but 5 and 6 are way worse in that matter). If they'd have named it just Guns Survivor 5 (or Resident Evil: Dead Aim 2) I would'n bat an eye. The actual cancelled RE4 game (that some call RE3.5) is much more interesting IMO.

>> No.8498586

It's not a real RE game.

>> No.8498596
File: 129 KB, 616x1164, b01d533ef807746c3cc160bcbf300d19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People hate change even though it was needed how the last couple RE games bombed.

>> No.8498616

Whether or not you consider RE4 mainline it is. Even the CG movies continue from the events. RE3.5 was also a deviation and looks like they were trying for the Silent Hill folks.

>> No.8498723

I'm pretty sure there is only one mandatory crimson head in the entire game

>> No.8498732

I prefer slower adventure building experiences over action gun play.

>> No.8498775
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Hot take: 5 and 6 are garbage, but better than 4 in the sense that if I am going to be playing an action shooter at least I get a fun coop game to play with a bro.

>> No.8499338

because it's the first good RE game

>> No.8499347

>it's certainly no survival horror game
kek seeething classic fag, RE4 is more survival horror than shit like CV or REmake
it's also the only creepy/scary game in the series

>> No.8499362


gr8 b8 m8

>> No.8499451

It doesn't. The hate are from underaged faggots trying to pretend they're old fans in a poor attempt to fit in.

>> No.8499462

I played it when I was little and it was scary :(

>> No.8499854

I actually meant "hasn't-spoke-to-a-woman-in-20-years sperg."
Dump your piss jugs out and get real. Classic RE and RE4 feel nothing alike mechanically and you are saying they are the same on a technicality. Talking about moving goalposts over a fucking video game like we're having a political debate. Lose some weight.

>> No.8499858

That's because Capcom needed to accomodate every Nemesis fight which results in a lot of ammunition if you can properly manage the gunpowder. While your argument is not wrong, Resident Evil 3 is the only Resident Evil with an actual justification for showering the player with too much ammo and thankfully it tries to carefully hid some of it so the player doesn't feel too overpowered in the first 2/3 of the game when they are still just discovering the game.

>> No.8499868

tl;dr, goalpost-anon :)

>> No.8499879

You did actually write "tank controls", though. You get that RE4 has tank controls, right?

>> No.8500896

Because its a cheap action game. And does not compare to the claustrophobic gameplat of the first 3 games. Also RE4 is testament to the fact that Shinji Mikami is not the mastermind he tries to sell himself as.

>> No.8501147

Why would underaged faggots hate a quick paced action game? they're called zoomers for a reason.

>> No.8501523

because they want to fit in and they don't want to be called zoomers so they have to make sure everyone knows how much they love old things and they hate new things and never ever play them because they're a based boomer who was born in the wrong generation.

>> No.8501548
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>> No.8501629

>Why did RE7 get so much hate from RE4 fans?

What? It was the opposite with lots of early "RESIDENT EVIL HAS RETURNED! FUCK OFF 4 FAGS!" with lots of blaming on 5 and 6 being bad purely being 4's fault.

>> No.8501646

Anyone notice how this fag always cites CoD and Re4 for some reason. Re4 was 2004 and the first CoD was 2003 so I don't get the comparison other than poorly made buzzwords.

>> No.8501685

>RE4 is testament to the fact that Shinji Mikami is not the mastermind he tries to sell himself as.

>RE4 is one of highest selling in the series and ported to almost every console after it's release even fucking VR
>After Mikami left, 5 and 6 came out that are disliked with only some saving graces like boulder punching and 6's gunplay

>> No.8501769

Yeah I was gonna say, that's fucking fake news. 7 went back to the core horror experience while 4/5/6 were mindless Matrix shooters.

>> No.8501817

zoomers think that cod is basically the root of all evil and human suffering and it's directly responsible for every bad thing that's ever happened to video games. this is due to the fact that they were bullied by wiggers on xbox live in 2008.