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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 103 KB, 640x916, tmnt_nes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
848785 No.848785 [Reply] [Original]

I've beaten Ninja Gaiden, Street Fighter 2010: The Final Fight, Friday the 13th, Contra III: The Alien Wars, Ghosts 'n Goblins, Ghouls 'n Ghosts, and Super Ghouls 'n Ghost.

WHY CAN'T I BEAT THIS GAME??? It's based off of a children's cartoon show. It shouldn't be one of the most difficult games in the NES library.

>> No.848790

Because you aren't a ninja turtle.

>> No.848828


I'm a knight, a ninja, a bionic warrior, a survivor of the Camp Crystal Lake Massacre, and an alien murdering beefcake macho man.

...but I just don't have a hard enough shell to make it past the fourth stage of TMNT.

"It's supposed to be for kids, damn it."

>> No.848832
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Turtle power!!!

>> No.848850

So many TMNT threads for the passed few days. Did someone e-famous just do an LP or something?

>> No.848925

OP, go beat Ecco the dolphin, become one with the water stages Welcome to the Machineand you can get past the electric reefs no problem.

>> No.848927
File: 128 KB, 308x186, googlyeyes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pewdiepie AND Game Grumps. Simultaneously.

It's a sad state of affairs when neo-/vr/ has a fanbase that not only watches HEY I'M GRUMP and PEWWWWDIEEEERAPE lolsorandumXD, but only wants to talk about a game when one of them has shit on it.

>> No.848956

I have no idea who or what those are. Is that what the kids are doing these days? I never have any fucking clue what anybody is talking about when they mention some online gaming entity.

>> No.849001

I don't know about Pewdiepie but Game Grump's TMNT videos aren't recent at all.

>> No.849008

Haven't beaten this game in a while, but I remember it being easy mode until the fourth until the last stage when they ramp up the enemy HP to like double and it's almost impossible to kill anything. Level five isn't that bad because if you've done it before, you know what pipe to hit, but holy shit, that last level.
There's these fucking jet back guys that can shoot all directions and take a ton of hits to kill. But dig this, the last room before the last boss fight consists of you running down a hallway with no room to jump that just filled with these guys. I don't know how to do it legit, I just pray I have enough health on my turtles to run through it because Shredder is such a pushover.

>> No.849015

Just relax and be happy others are enjoying old games with you. Everyone has to learn at some point from somewhere. No need to menstruate just because someone learned it from an annoying source. Not everyone googles/flea markets every single game and plays them blindly.

>> No.849019

I beat this game as a kid, it isn't really that hard

>> No.849043

that person does video game videos now?
last I know they just made pony stuff

>> No.849048

this game has always been talked about a lot here, you two are morons

>> No.849060

People itt saying this game is easy?

Yeah BS, no way did ANYONE find the timed underwater mission easy. Bullshitters.

>> No.849073

actually, they were pretty easy once you had completed them a few times...

>> No.849151

OP, since you are getting stuck on level 4, that means you aren't grinding scrolls in level 3, which makes levels 4, 5, and 6 much easier. Lower left corner of the map, you'll know it when you find it. Get everyone to 99 scrolls, it makes ralph useful.

>> No.851134


I honestly had no idea about Game Grumps or.... I've never ever heard of Pewdiepie. It was simply next in line for me to attempt to beat.


I can get past the reefs. It's the later stages of the game which I'm having an insane amount of difficulty with.


THAT'S how people beat the game? They load up on scrolls and conserve their attacks throughout the rest of the game?

So, it basically becomes a survival horror game in which you have limited ammo and are basically supposed to dodge enemies?

Thanks for the heads up.

>> No.851180

The scrolls mean the difference between going through hell in levels 5 and 6 or rushing through and conserving energy.

Ralph is only useful as a damage sink until you get the scrolls, then he works just fine as your main turtle. Once you get him the only tricky part is the two screens of instant-death walls towards the end of level 4, surviving the enemy hells of levels 5 and 6, then figuring out how to get past the last hallway of shit in level 6. That last hallway is fucked as hell. If you don't exploit the game's programming, you won't make it halfway.

You should be dodging what you can, but the main part is trying to minimize damage in the last three levels. Level 4 has a pizza you can access with a little trouble, but it's still difficult refilling your turtles at that point. Level 5 has no pizza's worth going for, and the one or two you get in level 6 only serve to keep one or two turtles above 2 bars. Since those jetpack guys can knock 2 bars in a second, this is important to surviving. Level 3 is the last place you can realistically get pizzas and fill up. After that, it's a crapshoot.

>> No.851182

TMNT is a game similar to Battletoads that became needlessly cheap and difficult due to bad programming

>> No.851191
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>> No.851203

I should also mention, scrolls make the two bosses that can't be cheesed(mecha turtle and technodrome) much easier. Fighting Mecha Turtle straight, I had two turtles get nearly killed, and another half dead. With scrolls, I took a single hit clearing both forms. And given that you want to conserve as much health as possible for the next three levels, that really helped.

>> No.851206
File: 49 KB, 418x326, tmnt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Water levels are usually bad in general, but this is probably the worst.

>> No.851208

That picture is exactly WHY I call him Ralph. Because he is fucking worthless until you get him scrolls. Seriously, why the fuck would you use a weapon that much shorter than most of the enemies?

>> No.851213

what parts in Battletoads are badly programed in your opinion?

>> No.851214

No, Battletoads was needlessly cheap and difficult due to good programming. TMNT was bad programming. Hit detection was beyond shit.

>> No.851218

The entire game has horrendous programming. Which is too bad as in most other regards, it's quite technically advanced.

>> No.851221

>The entire game has horrendous programming.

specific examples?

>> No.851223

Rat Race

>> No.851224


>badly programmed

just because you get your ass pounded in by AI doesn't mean a game is badly programmed

>> No.851242


The only part that strikes me as bad programming (as in they had to fix it in later releases) was the Clinger Winger. The US release literally couldn't be completed in two-player mode due to a glitch.

>> No.851243

>The US release literally couldn't be completed in two-player mode due to a glitch.
Right, one played would be unable to move at all during that level.

>> No.851584

Have you beaten silver surfer

>> No.851601

Rat Race isn't badly programmed. If anything, the programming is surprisingly good, for an NES game to keep track of something which is off screen like that, it's quite impressive.

>> No.852072
File: 22 KB, 593x402, im bikadangelo nize do met yoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.852115

Has anyone?

>> No.852124

Final boss was lame, ending was shit

>> No.852265


I've never played it. I'm not terribly good at that type of shooter to begin with.

>> No.852268

In all honest, the enemies in TMNT shouldn't have gotten any stronger than what they were in the first two levels. I could see having slightly stronger foes in the last level or so, but again, it's based off of a children's cartoon show and it's a pretty long game without the difficulty in opponents.

It should have been the kind of game where an eight year old sinks about two or three weeks of off-and-on effort into it and then goes to boast to his buddies in grade school that he beat the game.

>> No.852309

>It should have been the kind of game where an eight year old sinks about two or three weeks of off-and-on effort into it and then goes to boast to his buddies in grade school that he beat the game.

It was. That's how me and my sister beat it, along with other games. You just keep playing until you figure out the system.

>> No.854762

figure out the system?

>> No.854780

children have a tolerance for shit

you cant play this game past 20

you just eventually realize how pointless it is to do something this difficult just to "progress"

jumping is particularly badly coded

>> No.855905

>it makes ralph useful
Michelangelo is the worst character, not Raphael.

1. Donatello
2. Leonardo
3. Raphael
4. Michelangelo

>> No.855953

OP here

I spent an hour loading up on scrolls, then Raph and Don both lost them when I killed enemies who left behind throwing stars.

fuck this game

>> No.856018

my childhood rage

>> No.856046

I'm nearing the end of the fourth stage. Raphael does have his usefulness.

"This is a difficult jump. Who has the most life? They all seem pretty full.... Raphael, we've got a jump for you to make!"

Moments later...

>> Leonard misses a jump and heads for spikes
>> quick pause, switch to Raph

Poor Raph

>> No.856068

I beat the mother mouser. It was much easier than the last boss.

>> No.856154
File: 21 KB, 340x260, April Tournament Fighters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Hey guys, there are weapons and pizza in the building."

>> laughs to self

"I didn't tell them the pizza was in an impossible to reach location. They'll probably get a game over trying to reach it."

The sad part of it is, she's hot enough that I'd still go back and rescue her in spite of her screwing me over like that.


>> No.856236

I really don't get how anyone can consider Raphael worse than Michelangelo in this game. His weapon is actually not worthless for overhead enemies and has better hang time for doing more damage.

>> No.856634

>Michelangelo is the worst character, not Raphael.


>> No.856642


Because most of the games you listed are well-designed. This, on the other hand, is not.

>> No.856654

>It's based off of a children's cartoon show.
TMNT was originally a comic for adults. The cover art for the game is based on the comic, due to the lack of bandana colors.

>> No.856653

I don't think Pewdiepie has ever done pony shit. Just screams into a camera.

>> No.856658


Considering April is a reporter here, I don't think anything beyond the cover is based on the comics.

>> No.856665

>complain about the first few stages
>complain about the water level
>complain about anything other than the extreme difficulty in the technodrome

If you seriously think any of the stages are significantly harder than most games you're just regurgitating the opinion of avgn fans who probably never got passed the dam.

Sick of faggots on here bitching and moaning about games they didn't even try to beat.

>> No.856667

The hitbox of Raph's weapon is fucked in all kinds of ways. If enemies are too close, it won't damage them, if they're too far away, it won't damage them. It's also too slow for it's minescule range to be useful in any way. Michelangelo just is the better turtle.

>> No.856671


I'm sick and tired of morons who think AVGN was the first person in the history of ever to shit on this game.

I'm starting to wonder if you people are trolling or just massively retarded at this point. What, AVGN said something was bad? Does that mean I have to love it now? Even if I've held this opinion for the last 10+ years?

Fuck off.

>> No.856676

It also works more like a stab than a slash,, so you can't hit that many enemies per attack.

>> No.856679

this thread is a bandwagon and faggots be jumping on and off as they please

>> No.856680

It is just the shitty /v/ mentality leaking in. This game caused many rage quits as a child for me.

>> No.856691

It caused rage quits for you and a bunch of other kids. It doesn't help that the game was kinda awfully designed. I don't know why people think THIS game of all games is something people bandwagoned on. Really? A popular NES game based on one of the most popular properties of the 1980s? You really think NO one played that shit?

TMNT games didn't hit their stride until Konami started churning out the arcade titles.

>> No.856719

Can someone explain the appeal of pewdiepie?

>> No.856723

I don't think I've ever gotten past the first boss or second sewer.. way hard for me

>> No.856784

Stop with the AVGN bullshit. TMNT was a good game.

>> No.856797

well I've stopped watching his videos for a long while now but when I first started it was around when I played Amnesia for the first time.

His videos for that and a few other compilations of scary games just made me laugh really hard. Stupid and annoying at times sure, but was just entertaining to me at the time.

>> No.856831
File: 3 KB, 256x240, Getsufuu_Maden_(J)_002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TMNT1 is a good game, and it's not that hard really. If you're afraid to die in the last levels you can do it the cheap way and grind the strongest weapon in the game for your characters.

Now you guys who like TMNT1 should check out Getsu Fūma Den on famicom. Made by Konami too before TMNT and it's very similar to how TMNT plays and looks (overworld map, sidescrolling action with similar physics). Although I can't confirm it I would bet that TMNT was made in the same game engine. IMO it's better than TMNT too and really impressive for the year it came in (1987)

>> No.856940
File: 140 KB, 600x562, TeenMNT 201303292145438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.857249

Who the hell is AVGN? Why is this board suddenly talking about this person so much?

>> No.857257

I never got why this game got shit on so hard by the internet. probably one of my favorite nes games as a kid. played it the other day and its still fun. great music too.

>> No.857282


/v/ never shut up about AVGN a few years back.

>> No.857283

The last area is all tight corridors with flying enemies with a shitload of health that shoot at you. No room to dodge. The area before that is a fucking maze full of tough enemies that move fast.

>> No.857280

I never did like the first TMNT, but the second one, based on the awesome arcade game, was pretty good.

>> No.857290

Because /v/ has leaked in and thinks you can't hate the same thing as some youtube personality.

>> No.857298

An interweb celebrity who posts videos where he swears while playing video games.

>> No.857297

>some youtube personality.
Oh, okay. I hate it when everyone talks about some youtube guy and just assumes that the whole world knows them.

>> No.857308

Thank you. I guess that's what the kids are watching these days.

>> No.857309

Is it just me, or is James Rolfe going bald?

>> No.857313

Well he is over 30 now.

>> No.857314

Now someone's going to have to tell me who James Rolfe is.

>> No.857325

It is AVGN. Now the thread has turned into talking about him and I hope it makes /v/ leave.

>> No.857326


He's a reviewer for CGR: Undertow.

Fucking google man.

>> No.857343

I see.

Now you're assuming that I know what CGR: Undertow is.

>> No.857350

James Rolfe is an interwebs celebrity who plays the character "The Angry Video Game Nerd", previously "The Angry Nintendo Nerd". He seems to be a pleasant fellow when he's being himself.

His associate "Motherfucker" Mike is also a nice fellow, but catches a lot of hate from children who want him to scream TURD TACOS AND QUESADILDOS and such.

>> No.857364
File: 56 KB, 800x475, 01 Atari2600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are people that upset over the new format of the show? I personally love it. But I am also over 25 so that might count for something.

I personally wanna know why people love Pewdiepie so much. He just seems to scream at everything.

>> No.857370

I won't even ask who that is. I need to go be old somewhere else for a while.

>> No.857374

What are you playing?

>> No.857419

I think it's funny that you're on a mission to save the world or whatever, but she still considers the presence of pizza a mission-critical.

Yeah I know, pizzas heal you, but imagine someone hearing someone say this in real life:

"The terrorists occupy an abandoned warehouse on the southeast edge of the city. They may possess biological weapons. According to our intel, they also have a cabinet stocked with Little Debbie products if you get hungry. Move out in oh-one-hundred hours!"

>> No.857420

>I personally wanna know why people love Pewdiepie so much.
No accounting for taste. I like Classic Game Room and Game Sack for the lack of I SCREAM, YOU SCREAM, WE ALL SCREAM FOR GAIARES!

>> No.857442

yeah he's called AVGN he did it in 2006

>> No.857508


The animation style is based off of the comic, but it features April as a reporter, Bebop & Rocksteady are in it, as is the Technodrome, and Splinter is Yoshi as opposed to a pet rat.


Interesting looking game, kinda makes me think of Shinobi meets Ninja Gaiden.

I disagree with you on TMNT not being difficult though. I never get this NES elite mentality.

"X isn't a difficult game. Y is a difficult game."

Okay, so one is even harder than the other. That doesn't make the first game an easy one.


lol. That is kinda funny.

"Take out the enemy base and prevent those missiles from being launched. Bagels are available in the third building if you get hungry."

>> No.857751


>Neo /vr/

Fuck off back to /v/ with this shit.

TMNT is one of the most remembered games of the NES era, why do you people insist on bringing up those LPers everytime someone talks about them? Its funny cause you seem to hate them but know exactly what they're doing.

>> No.858651

That's possible with any turtle. If anything, Mike was chosen for that video to showcase the skill of the player beating the game with the worst character.

>too slow
>works more like a stab than a slash
The best thing about it is that It lingers for a long time. This is good, a definite strength over Mike's weapon.

I won't claim that I was good enough as a kid to get through the toughest parts of the game with either Raph or Mike, but Mike was the last one I relied on.

>> No.858670

Was this easier on C64? I seem to remember I beat that version multiple times as a kid.

>> No.859165


I believe the C64 had a jump which was literally impossible to make and which could only be passed by using a stage skip code.

>> No.859180

The PC version had the same issue.

>> No.859212

i've beaten mega man 1,2,3 + ninja gaiden and castlevania. How would you say this game stacks up against those in terms of difficulty?

I seem to remember the game being difficult but not in a fun way like castlevania or ninja gaiden, more just frustrating in that the mobs constantly change without any pattern and some of the jumps are unreasonable. Also isn't it like random how you find the technodrome?

>> No.859478

>TMNT was a good game.

Yeah...no. I disagree.

>> No.859669
File: 26 KB, 439x350, DAMN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> made it to the final hallway before Shredder
>> got a Game Over

DAAAAAAAAAAAMN!!!!! [/Raphael]

>> No.859691
File: 51 KB, 500x335, turtles-dam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The only NES Mega Man I ever played was Mega Man 2. I've been far too many years since I've played that one. The most difficult part of that, in my memory anyway, was dealing with the disappearing platforms in Heat Man's stage. And those could be bypassed if you had the right item.

I own Castlevania, but I've surprisingly never played it.

It's kind of difficult to compare with Ninja Gaiden. Ninja Gaiden relies upon quick reflexes and memorization. Enemies in TMNT are often randomized, so you have to adapt to their styles.

The first difficulty in the game is the dam. It will take a few tries for any player to get through. After that, the third level is a maze and the boss at the end of it is the hardest in the game. It isn't easy, but it's not relentless just yet.

Then, the game faces a dramatic increase in difficulty in the fourth stage. Enemies take multiple hits, they can potentially trap a Turtle between them, and you have to adapt to the new threats.

The next stage has you searching underground caverns for the Technodrome and introduces some nasty new enemies like a porcupine like creature which fires projectiles which can't be blocked. If you jump, it will run underneath of you to catch you. And there's no recovery time. It can drain your health quickly.

Finally, the last level presents you with a hallway where it's difficult - or in the last stretch even impossible to dodge.

It's a game which keeps changing the rules and keeps forcing you to try again.

>> No.859713

That's as far as I got back in the day. My friend told me Shredder was a pushover but I never found out from my own experience.

Or maybe I'm thinking of Ninja Gaiden 1. Same deal but I got a little farther, I got to the last boss but didn't beat him. Then WELP time to return the game.

>> No.859737 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 344x180, Shredder TMNT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The demonic final boss on Ninja Gaiden isn't as difficult as Jaquio. However, if and when you lose, the game will make you play the last and most difficult stretch of the game from the beginning. Memorizing it and getting through with as little damage as possible is pretty much required to beat the game. It is still a fun fight though.

As for Shredder, I've read that about him. That's kind of disappointing. They went all out on the last level, then made him a wimpy boss. I've seen that in games before, but Shredder's supposed to be a badass.

Ideally, that last stretch would be less difficult and Shredder himself would be at least somewhat challenging.

>> No.859741
File: 27 KB, 344x180, Shredder TMNT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The demonic final boss on Ninja Gaiden isn't as difficult as Jaquio. However, if and when you lose, the game will make you play the last and most difficult stretch of the game from the beginning. Memorizing it and getting through with as little damage as possible is pretty much required to beat the game. It is still a fun fight though.

As for Shredder, I've read that about him. That's kind of disappointing. They went all out on the last level, then apparently made him an easy boss. I've seen that in games before, but Shredder's supposed to be a badass.

Ideally, that last stretch would be less difficult and Shredder himself would be at least somewhat challenging.

He's the hardest part of TMNT II & III.

>> No.859972

I'm the one who recorded that video, and no, it's impossible to do the same with Raph as I did with Mike in that video. I might be able to adjust to the style of Raph and develop new strategies against enemies, but the biggest factor in play is how damage works in this game.

Mike and Raph are the weakest turtles, but it's kind of ambiguous which one is acctually the weakest/strongest. I'd say Raph have a slightly higher base damage, but he's also weaker than Mike against certain sets of enemies, for example the set with the giant bees and the dudes who throw boomerangs.

The big secret with Mike though, is that after he reaches half health, his attack power increases tremendously, up to par with Donatello. It might not always be appearent in the video, but I do take deliberate damage from time to time to make some parts of the game easier. If I take some damage early, I can later make up for that by one shotting everything in an otherwise tight spot that might've killed me if I was at full health coming there. Raph on the other hand, never gets any powerboosts, which means that some parts, particularly the final stretch in the Technodrome, are downright impossible due to his weak attack.