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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 3.97 MB, 460x259, SuperEliteHardcoreGamerGame.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8486887 No.8486887[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

DMC is one of the most casual series I have ever had the misfortune of playing. The entire series is basically a punching bag simulator where you unleash flashy combos on stationary npcs.

>> No.8486901

Yea,the only game of that genre i enjoy is not retro but it sounds like bayonette.

>> No.8486904

Hack and slash games are fun

>> No.8486918

admit that DMC1 was good

>> No.8486925

If it played like Jedi Outcast I would play the fuck out of it. Japs cant into good controls unfortunately.

>> No.8487047

Yeah it's shit

>> No.8487489

Isn't that the second game?

>> No.8487572

Why did you play the entire series?

>> No.8487584

Play DMC2

>> No.8487640

Play Devil May Cry 1 on DMD without trying to use items. Combos become far less important, you will need to learn enemy attacks and patterns, weakness points to exploit, carefully approach in regards to range and will have to deal with DT'd enemies on top of that. In my honest opinion, it feels like you're playing a completely different game. Bosses are also much harder - particularly Mundus.

>> No.8487674

Just play Shinobi for ps2

>> No.8487681

That's DMC3 onwards. 1 is a solid action game where you have to be on the move and enemies are quite reactive. It's the "combo" mentality that took over from 3 onwards where the goal of the game is to have overly complex combat, and to show that off you need punching bag enemies. It's a huge step down.

>> No.8487859 [DELETED] 
File: 200 KB, 1280x960, haggar if he real.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. Devil May Soi zoomers need to go play real bmups like Final Fight, forget this casual trash series.

>> No.8487871

DMC1 is the only good game in the entire series. The melee based Resident Evil style game was a brilliant idea, and it combined both genres really well. DMC2 was an abortion, and 3 fell off the cliff into idiotic weebshit territory, with horrible game design and bad combat that was just playing a fighting game training mode and seeing what bot juggle combos you could do, while you jerk off at how epic your 19 year old, silver haired, wise cracking, trenchcoat wearing, half demon looked.

>> No.8487880

DMC fans are also RE4 fans. I wonder why..

>> No.8487889

I assumed that /vr/ had a higher percentage of people who actually play games than /v/, but threads like these make me question that. Maybe because the PS2 is too new/mainstream.

>> No.8487891

post proof of finishing DMC3 on DMD

>> No.8487893

You don't understand anon, people like DMC so naturally I have to dislike it. This is my entire personality.

>> No.8487896

fairly sure OP is a "notorious" /v/ shitposter who loves GoW and gets triggered by DMC

>> No.8487909

>That's DMC3 onwards.
This retarded take just reminds me of all the shitters that lurk /vr/ these days. 100% you never beat DMC3 on normal, let alone DMD.

>> No.8487910 [DELETED] 

>shitters that lurk /vr/ these days
Thank the tranny for changing the sticky

>> No.8487913

nobody that pushes the punching bag narrative could even get to the last Vergil fight, let alone beat it, certainly not on normal and certainly not on DMD lol

>> No.8487920

Why do you shitters pretend that DMC is hard? You're the same retard shitters that said that Dark Souls was hard.

>> No.8487923

You can beat these games on DMD spamming basic attacks into stinger because the actual game design is shit, and superficial. The entire construct of the game is to make things look flashy and anime-like not actually have a complex game system that you need to understand to have success.

>> No.8487929

How is that a bad quality in a game designed to be fun

>> No.8487935

>you can beat these games easily, just learn every trick in the book!
lel as always

>> No.8487936

I shouldl have been the one to fill your dark soul with LIIIIIIGGGGHHT!!!!

>> No.8487942
File: 27 KB, 564x165, seethe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The amount of op samefagging lol

>> No.8487946
File: 57 KB, 600x528, enigma.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>runs from your stinger while shooting you in the face
Thanks for proving you never beat it

>> No.8487948

DMC is adored by zoomers for the flashy shallow combos. Garbage series, always has been.

>> No.8487949

They can't actually play fighting games, and DMC has way more flashing lights than training mode does.
Same thing with Dark Souls, they can't play any of the countless genres of multiplayer games, but they can sure as hell kill a boss and tell themselves what elite hardcore gamers they are for playing a game with checkpoints every 15 minutes instead of every 5.
If you just want to play as epic mcbadass halfdemon trenchcoat man then it's not. the games do what they want to do really well, which is be extremely flashy and smothered in anime style. the game itself is dogshit though and the entire narrative that they're deeply complex games that require a bunch of skill is laughable.

>> No.8487957

The basic attack in the game has a long reach, a short recovery, combos into itself, and does acceptable damage. By every objective measure it's the best way to kill things in the game, and this will be apparent to anyone with an IQ over 80. I don't know how dumb you have to be to think pushing the attack button is some deeply complex trick.

>> No.8487959

you sound desperate desu, why not just go back to /v/

>> No.8487960

DMC fans belong on /v/

>> No.8487964

good rebuttal man, you really showed me how high IQ DMC fans are

>> No.8487970

>those instant triggered replies
love it

>> No.8487972

The basic attack doesn't work against a lot of enemies. The enigma being one. Can you name the other enemies?

>> No.8487981

>the game itself is dogshit though and the entire narrative that they're deeply complex games that require a bunch of skill is laughable.
I don't see how autists overintellectualizing a beat em up online makes the games dogshit, but you are on the money with epic mcbadass halfdemon trenchcoat man. That is why I like these games

>> No.8487982

You're a garbage braindead trash zoomer who belongs on /v/ and who only came here after the tranny changed the sticky

>> No.8487997

I can't name any of the enemies in the game besides Virgil, and the giant Lava Spider you fight like 5 times in the first game because I haven't played any of these games in over 15 years because they're boring. The basic attack is the objective best way to kill 99% of enemies throughout the series, and all you lose out by doing it is not getting orbs, which you don't need, because the basic attack is better than what you can unlock anyway.
Because they have no actual depth, and none of the systems in the game are utilized for any reason other than flash. They have this entire style based move set, different weapons, combo systems, all this shit, and it amounts to nothing. You never have to use any of it, or apply it to certain fights, and strategies except during one or two "use X here" segments. If all you want if to be is epic demon badass man then the games are unironically great, and I'm glad you're having fun.

>> No.8488003

>it amounts to nothing.
It amounts to a campy, fun game that is as complex as you want it to be. I like video games

>> No.8488005

We get it you got filtered OP.
Now stop spamming

>> No.8488008

I've agreed with you on this point 3 times now. The games do what they're trying to do extremely well. They're just not well designed games from a gameplay aspect.

>> No.8488013

I never found it overly easy, they even prompt you with an easy mode anticipating you might have trouble with the difficulty

>> No.8488021

Thanks for letting us know how old you are

>> No.8488025

sorry no one agrees with you /v/edditor

>> No.8488028


>> No.8488034

I've never been to v or reddit

>> No.8488053

yeah sure

>> No.8488091

DMC doesn't properly start until Hard Mode (Or Very Hard on 3SE)

>> No.8488101

dude it gets good on the 3rd playthrough lol

>> No.8488109

Alright then use the cheat to unlock all the difficulties on DMC3 and start on VH or DMD and tell me how it goes.

>> No.8488113

dude it gets good with cheats lol

>> No.8488121 [DELETED] 

You are a pedophile, you are a child pornographer, your own daughter is at the police station as we speak, your parents are sitting in the living room around your old computer with their heads in their hands, and the town is beating a path to your door.

>> No.8488124

dude non sequitur lol

>> No.8488130

Devil May Soi fags on suicide watch itt.
You love to see it.

>> No.8488183

Yeah it's fucking shit, we know.

>> No.8488203

>still samefagging

>> No.8488232

The only good post in this thread.

>> No.8488273

is this board importing /v/ and /qa/fugees discord shitposters now?

>> No.8488282

How long have you been gone?

>> No.8488303

didn't that anon ask for some proof

>> No.8488318

60 posts, 26 posters. Doesn't seem too bad.