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848638 No.848638 [Reply] [Original]

Alright /vr/, I'm currently running through Final Fantasy, as well as a lot of other Hironobu Sakaguchi-credited titles in an all out marathon. I've already completed the first FF, and have started on FF2.

Here's the playlist. Don't bother suggesting I add anything like Parasite Eve or Lost Odyssey or that I take anything out like X-2 and XII. This list is firm and I will deal with any consequences.

Final Fantasy I Anniversary
Final Fantasy II Anniversary
Final Fantasy III DS (PSP version)
Final Fantasy IV DS
Final Fantasy V Advance (with patches)
Final Fantasy VI Advance (with patches)
Chrono Trigger DS
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions
Chocobo's Dungeon 2
Final Fantasy VIII
Chocobo Racing
Chrono Cross
Vagrant Story
Final Fantasy IX
Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within
Final Fantasy X HD
Kingdom Hearts HD
Final Fantasy XI PC (f2p server)
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
Final Fantasy X-2 HD
Final Fantasy XII International
The Last Story

Anything I should be warned of about FF2? I already know that the leveling system isn't traditional, but that's about it. I just walked out of Altair.

>> No.848654

The leveling system will fuck you in the ass and you won't even know it until you're near the end. Heavy armor halts agility growth, don't use it. Beat your team mates senseless to raise weapon skills. Abuse the spell glitch repeatedly to level magic fast by selecting a spell, then cancelling it on the target enemy screen and it acts as if you cast it. Really, the game is so fucky you're better off not playing it unless you like tedium, but if you're adamant on your choice, then I can only wish you good luck, you'll need it.

>> No.848665

>Abuse the spell glitch

Can't. It got fixed after Origins.

>> No.848670

i would leave the MMO till the end, and wouldnt bother with kingdom hearts since its really another franchise.

Spirits within should be played after VII

in II, you can break the lvling sistem pretty easily
>if you manage how to do it, stop, you get the fun out of the game

>> No.848676

>implying there is any fun on II
oh, and onion knight is best knight

>> No.848696

>Anything I should be warned of about FF2?

Yes, it will slaughter most of the game, but in the endgame, the stronger bosses will completely and utterly destroy you without breaking a sweat. Also, there is a point where someone will tell you of a stash. In that stash you'll get the blood sword. Do not ditch it, it does % damage and is the most powerful weapon in the entire game.

>> No.848703

>Spirits within should be played after VII
Spirits Within is a movie and hardly tied to the series. Still worth a watch though if you want some really nice CGI eye-candy.

>> No.848713

The only real piece of advice I can give you is that you want your agility stat to be as high as possible. It determines a ton of things:

1) Your chance of running
2) If you go first
3) How many hits you get
4) Your evasion

Having a high evasion is actually better than having a high defense, because in FF2, a lot of enemies' physical attacks have the drain property, which will seriously hurt you regardless of your defense, so it's better to just avoid the attacks at all. To get a high agility, wear light armor such as hats, cuirasses, robes, and rings. Be sure to equip a shield on all your characters as well.

Also, don't bother with the Ultima spell. It sucks.

>> No.848735

Oh, and the Ancient Sword is a very useful weapon. The Curse it inflicts sharply lowers resistances, which is very good on quite a few enemies like Red Souls.

>> No.848742

>Also, don't bother with the Ultima spell. It sucks.
Understatement. The only spells you need are Cure, Teleport, Life, Berserk, and Haste.

>> No.848756


it continues VII story, i guess it really should be after ending the game

>Correct me if im wrong, i watched it before VII and didnt understood shit until playing the game

or if you have time, you can play in this order:

Crisis Core
Last Order (OVA)
Final Fantasy VII
On the Way to a Smile: Episode Denzel (another OVA)
Advent Children Complete (Movie with nice extras)


....Dirge of Cerberus (complete edition?)

>> No.848816

OP here, forgot to include Super Mario RPG. Playing that between Chrono Trigger and FF7.

>> No.850476
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>> No.850509

Hit yourself. A lot.

>> No.850519

Forgot. Also have someone get high on White Magic. I know you have a guy who's great at it eventually, but he's a temp member and Ultima is a white magic in this game.

>> No.850532

>Final Fantasy IV DS
Honestly, you should be playing the PSP instead for various reasons. But that's just my opinion, they're almost two completely different games instead of remakes of the same thing. It's the same deal with III.

>> No.850626

ignore this guy and what the majority of people say about FF2. you dont need to grind for hours or attack yourself to get through the game. you just have to specialise each chracter and make sure everyone has as high evade as possible without sacrificing their effectiveness in their main role. most the complaints about FF2 come from not understanding the basic mechanics or recircling incorrect infomation from when the only presence the game had in the west was a fan translated rom.

>> No.851303
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Pretty much this. It is tedious and a grindfest because people go out of their way to make it that.

I could grind the hell out of any other JRPG as well and call them a grindfest, what people do in Final Fantasy II is no different and they are only harming their experience through forcing themselves to grind. Though of course most Final Fantasy fans cannot wrap their head around that concept.

>> No.852518

X was great

X-2 was alright

>> No.852532


I still don't understand why people don't like FFX more.

>> No.852536

I still don't understand why people like 10 at all, or why there's so much hate for 2 for that matter. 10 gets praised by many as the best in the series and 2 gets shit on for being the worst, when the opposite is far closer to the truth.

>> No.852549

When I originally played 10 I got bored because nothing interesting was happening story wise and I dropped it after 5 hours to play MGS3 instead. The conditional turn based combat I liked and I also encountered it when I played Mega Man X Command Mission.

My sister swears that the story gets better in 10, so I probably will give it a chance sometime.

>> No.852552

Command Mission did the conditional turn system a lot better, and did a much better job of making the combat feel dynamic too. Probably didn't hurt that I also played Command Misison in Japanese but FF10 in English

And no, the story just gets 2deep4u, not better at all. Worth knowing for Dissidia I guess, but that's about it.

>> No.852554

Probably because they whine about it being linear. It's not XIII linear either, it's like that because the story is designed to be a pilgrimage to a specific destination so that the game feels more like, well, a journey.

I didn't think the dub was bad either. Almost every voice, with the exception of Yuna who I will admit sounds bad at times was decently acted. And I liked Tidus: he reminded me a lot of myself and everything he did in the story was pretty much how I would react to everything going on around me. And apparently that was intentional. And...hey, I liked the story too.

>> No.852556


I can agree that Command Mission, while drawing many similarities to FFX's system, does it better. That being said it suffers its own drawbacks like a shitton of lag that makes battle slow. Still, solid RPG.

>> No.852558

OP here, removed Chrono Trigger/Cross, Xenogears, and Last Story.

Super Mario RPG, Vagrant Story, and Kingdom Hearts, along with Ehrgeiz: God Bless The Ring are still a go.

>> No.852559

I played Command Mission with the English voice actors. At least X and Zero were decent.

Which version did you play, PS2 or GC?

>> No.852560

>I didn't think the dub was bad either

For an RPG dub, not at all.

>Almost every voice, with the exception of Yuna who I will admit sounds bad at times was decently acted.

That's going too far. The only good voices in the dub were Auron and Kimahri, the latter whom shouldn't be talking to begin with. Not that Yuna was a joy to listen to in Japanese either, mind you, but she didn't sound like she was struggling to figure out what emotion the scene called for at least.

>> No.852565

Hm, I don't recall a lot of lag. Was that on the PS2 version? I was playing it on the Cube.

>I played Command Mission with the English voice actors. At least X and Zero were decent.

Well, they're not the X4 actors, which I guess is all you can ask from English voice acting at Capcom. Still could never play that game in English though.

>> No.852569
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The voice actors for X and Zero were the same ones they used for X8 and Maverick Hunter X. Everytime I hear X's voice, I see this guy.

>> No.852571


PS2 version has more lag than the GCN version but the GCN version does have a little bit. Perhaps lag is not the right word. It's more like permanent slowdown

>> No.852661

G Gundam's another one I couldn't watch in English, felt like the actors weren't taking it seriously enough and were trying to suppress laughs constantly. I guess most people enjoy it because of that, but G is too good a series for me to enjoy like that.

>> No.856205

Removed Super Mario RPG, Kingdom Hearts, and Ehrgeiz.

>> No.856769

you know my only complaint about FF2 is when you get a new character after an old one leaves there way underleveled

>> No.856913
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>not the original versions

>> No.857173
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>Implying the original versions of the NES trilogy are even remotely playable today

>> No.857196

Funny, my emulator runs them fine.

>> No.857206

Crisis core kills the canon. Avoid anything other than VII or it becomes a nomura-tier mess.

>> No.857220

Or you could close your ears and cover your eyes and go lalalalalala everytime genesis is on screen.

I can live with Angeal honestly

>> No.857224

You know what I meant, nostalgiafag.

>> No.857229
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>> No.857237

Oh. Excuse me. Wrong word.


>> No.857240

My personal problems with it are the characterizations of cloud. Though you are right with Angeal, great character.

>> No.857242
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>> No.857243

What's wrong with shy backwater boy Cloud? He's just embarrased that he couldn't bro it up with Zack in first class.

>> No.857251

The problem is mainly the ending. Cloud knows things he shouldn't and acts completely differently than how VII portrays it.

>> No.857256

So what do you mean? I played both games recently.

What gives you that impression?

>> No.857289

Cloud becomes aware during zack's final moments. This is where Zack tells him to live a full life for him. Cloud then transforms this into his head about becoming zack and is even fit enough to stand on top of the train headed back to midgar. Thus, to me, there is no reason for clouds multiple personality disorder in VII at all the way it was played out in crisis core

>> No.857328

>Sucking too hard to be able to beat FF1 NES

Kill yourself

>> No.857347

You're forgetting Before Crisis

>> No.857339

>Implying 7's not a Nomura-tier mess to begin with

>> No.857656

Honestly, I can't be arsed to respond because it would fill up a whole post.

But crisis core did nothing to change original Cloud.

>> No.858008

>actually wanting to play the NES original over at least the Origins version

enjoy your bleepbloop

>> No.858490

Both Angeal and Zack. It kills SOME of the canon but I think it really expands.

Back in FFVII, the story of Zack and Aeris was barely touched upon and everybody was "omg, Cloud loves her". With Crisis Core, we get more about Zack (way beyond "he was my friend lulz"), the Wutai war was also briefly touched upon in the original IIRC,...

As for Genesis...okay I'm a Gackt fanboy so while I agree he was not needed story-wise, I didn't dislike it. Angeal on the other hand was a GREAT character. And seeing Zack fleshed out was great too. His death scene especially was really well handed.

>> No.858502

Yeah, the difficulty is why FF1NES sucks.

It's not the glitches, shoddy translation, awful class balance, or shoddy interface (eg not being able to buy items in bulk), it's the difficulty. Yep.

>> No.858530



this shit right here, this in a nutshell is why people don't like FFX

>> No.858574

>This better not be the laughing sce-it's the laughing scene.

Look, I know it's embarrassing when someone else walks in the room and you can't explain it, but that scene happens for a reason. It's not bad acting, the JP crow call version is even worse.

>> No.859234

Wasn't there a bunch of changed scenes and censored bits in FF6 GBA? I always hear the SNES version is better.

>> No.859251

There's one bit where Celes is held captive and soldiers punch the shit out of her in the SNES version, and they don't do that in the GBA version. Other than that, Advance is actually a lot LESS censored than SNES.

>> No.859257

>It's not bad acting

Exactly. It's shitty writing.

>> No.859581

>Playing the Origins version

Fuck you and your MP

>It's not the glitches

For instance?

>shoddy translation

Your fault for playing games in English to begin with.

>awful class balance

As if any of the remakes are any better.

>or shoddy interface (eg not being able to buy items in bulk)

That is the one I will agree with, especially with how often you need to restock up to 99 Potions.

>> No.859603

>Fuck you and your MP

Origins has the spells per day system unless you play on easy modo. It's Dawn of Souls that completely removed it.

>> No.859606

>Fuck you and your MP
Only the GBA/PSP versions have an MP pool you fucking retard. Origins kept the magic charges.

>For instance?
You can't be serious. How about how half the spells do absolutely nothing?

>Your fault for playing games in English to begin with.


>> No.859702

>Origins has the spells per day system unless you play on easy modo. It's Dawn of Souls that completely removed it.

Fair enough, saw screenshots of Origins once that had MP, wasn't aware there was a setting for it.

>You can't be serious. How about how half the spells do absolutely nothing?

Like which ones?

>> No.859710
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Why aries, WHY! for the love of god why! .. tear :*(

>> No.859712

Copypasta'd from the FF wiki:

Special Abilities of Weapons Bugs

In the NES version of Final Fantasy, some weapons have special abilities, which will have no effect. The following list entails what each weapon was originally intended to do, but does not do due to this bug:

Were Sword - Does not inflict more damage on Were-creatures.
Rune Sword - Does not inflict more damage on magic-using or supernatural creatures.
Dragon Sword - Does not inflict more damage on Dragon and dragon-kin creatures.
Coral Sword - Does not inflict more damage on sea creatures.
Giant Sword - Does not inflict more damage on Giants/Ogres or their kin.
Flame Sword - Does not inflict more damage on Fire-weak, undead, or regenerative creatures.
Ice Sword - Does not inflict more damage on Ice-weak creatures.
Sun Sword - Does not inflict more damage on undead creatures.
Light Axe - Does not inflict more damage on undead creatures.
Xcaliber - Does not inflict more damage on every creature-type and elemental weakness.

Magic Bugs

Tmpr - Does not work at all.
Sabr - Does not work at all.
Xfer - Does not work unless the target is the party.
Lock - Always misses.
Lok2 - Instead of decreasing Enemy Evade% by 20, increases Evade by 20.
Hel2 - Works outside of battle as designed, works like Hel3 in battle.

>> No.861014

I actually lol'd at that scene. It was so awkward. Also according to the Game Theorist she Aeris was alive and Cloud drown her to death.

>> No.861042

>For instance?


There's also the fact that the INT stat doesn't work at all and Thief not having an increased chance of running away.

>shoddy translation

I will admit it doesn't apply to the Japanese version for obvious reasons but it's a valid criticism of the English version.

>awful class balance

Origins gives the Thief an increased chance of running, but besides that it admittedly doesn't do much to help. GBA/PSP/iOS versions do a lot of tinkering with the classes' stats, making them all balanced except for the Red Mage.