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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8486001 No.8486001[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I know many felt like this at some point in the past, you try out a retro video game, maybe one that you've been wanting to try for a long time, that many might consider a classic, or just one you have a personal interest in, from a particular franchise you like or wanted to try, and you go into it wanting to like, or you play it and find so much that wins you over and makes you want to like it even more... but you can't.

Maybe you were dissapointed, either because it's bad overall, or was good, but not good enough to live up to the hype that others or yourself built up before you played it, maybe you find it too difficult and/or unfair for your skill level and the fun you might have doesn't make up for the frustration of losing, especially if it sends you back to the beggining. Or maybe you just find it boring and/or forgettable.

I'm sure we all have that one video game that made us feel like this, or maybe even several, so I figured it could be fun for us to share and discuss these experiences, so, what were yours, anons? How did the experience go for you and what do you remember most from what you felt playing it? Do you have any plans of giving it a 2nd chance in the future or have you made up your mind about it completely?

>> No.8486078
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why do all autists have "that look"?

>> No.8486085

Because cameras steal your soul and autists know it when they're little shits.

I never have high expectations for games. I always come in thinking "this might be cool, probably not though" even in big name titles.
NEVER have high expectations for arts and entertainment. Let the good stuff surprise you.

>> No.8486102

i cant tell if this is chris chan or avgn

>> No.8486110

It's the "I have no idea what to do with my face" look, and you do it too.

>> No.8486116

I'm talking about the way they look, not the specific pose

>> No.8486120

That's what happens when you don't know what to do with your face for thirty years.

>> No.8486124

Entropy is a hell of a drug

>> No.8486180

Any of Castlevanias that aren't the first one on NES or the first one on SNES. I really don't get how the series kept going as strong as it did.

And Megaman X. Shoulda stopped at Megaman 2.

>> No.8486614

People who have autism and people who have Asperger's syndrome have been found to look different to each other, so not all autists have what you call "that look" if we include people who have Asperger's.
There are genetic causes for both of these conditions, which most probably influences their respective appearances.
Some people who have autism are exposed to high levels of androgens and oestrogens during prenatal development and some are exposed to high amounts of oestrogens but low amounts of androgens.

>> No.8486927

OK, aspie.

>> No.8487004


Why would you think I wanted to look at a goofy image of some man's face? Why not choose a relevant image? What is your problem? Why are so many of you OPs like this? We don't need to constantly be looking at goofy images of men's faces, /vr/ OPs.

(Yes I know who James Rolfe is. That is not relevant.)