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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 276 KB, 500x350, 1640038479996.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8482046 No.8482046 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Post the most outrageous, excessive accessories of all time

>> No.8482051

christ I don't know if anything can top that one, though

>> No.8482059

I had that as a kid HAHA. I got it because it had a light. It actually was really cool. Only used it once or twice. It was also cool because it all folded in.

>> No.8482072
File: 135 KB, 1024x683, 4126339611_a9cb5a8f21_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone willing to acknowledge the excessiveness of putting individual video games in cabinets the size of a fridge?

>> No.8482078

This is actually based. Much cooler than the Light Boy I used to have

>> No.8482081

>you WILL emulate games on your phone
>and you’ll be happy

>> No.8482084

Desktop PC but yes.

>> No.8482086

its only excessive now because we have had 40 years of technological advancement that shrunk technology considerably.

>> No.8482102

also the vast array of distractions we have access to now makes the modern ADHD-addled brain boggle at the idea of dedicating an entire machine to one game. less and less hardware and more and more content being shoveled through that bottleneck every second for us to consoom. no wonder people stress out about their backlogs

>> No.8482103

Disgusting. I bet you advocate toward going full digital and buy games on Steam too.

>> No.8482117

>retarded "consoomer zoomer goomer loomer" tangent in a rabid response to an opinion that personally offends you
Get new material already holy shit.

>> No.8482127

different standards. In the 80s having any kind of selection at all was a novelty. Now it's not special anymore.

>> No.8482132

Do you not know what the word "accessory" means?

>> No.8482136
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The gameboy is the king of stupidly excessive addons

>> No.8482152
File: 352 KB, 1500x2000, nyko-gbc-gbp-blob-light-15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't compete with OP's pic, but I had one of these blob lights as a kid and loved it

>> No.8482154

need a place to store the quarters. if you reduce cabinets to the essentials but still retaining the original's functionality, they'll just be slightly more compact

>> No.8482181

the sonar is practical not excessive

>> No.8482198


>> No.8482204

More cabinets each containing one game = more people playing on different cabinets = more money for the arcade owner
It's not that hard to figure out. Why do you think MVS didn't take off?

>> No.8482221
File: 45 KB, 450x600, 466FAD89-6309-4A99-BF7D-248AAF4A9687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8482224

Back in the day, I remember one of the rich kids in my class would bring his GB to school, all decked out with this.

>> No.8482226

Steve, you know I hung out with the rich kids because most were smart. I wasn't rich though.

>> No.8482249

Some kid gave me the magnfiying lens to this as a kid, the rest of it had been lost I guess. I didnt even know about the full monstrosity until years later so I thought you were supposed to awkwardly place the lens on top of your screen.

I had a game boy camera + printer, and a worm light for my gbc. Only wacky stuff I owned for any of my consoles

>> No.8482258

>worm light
Now there’s a name I’ve not heard in a long, long time.

>> No.8482443

>thinking that body-building has to come from a gym
literally ngmi

>> No.8482451

That's awesome really.

>> No.8482460

What is the cab that the dude's playing? I like the color scheme.

>> No.8482479

I advocate you go full digital... Via piracy.

>> No.8482481

Polybius of course

>> No.8482485

haha legit

>> No.8482486

I had this one. I think it was really cheap.

>> No.8482653

based mad catz

>> No.8482656
File: 1.82 MB, 2185x3541, 1615865340235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't mind me, just playing my portable handheld gaming device in public

>> No.8482687

>he doesn't have the carrying case

There are some pretty retarded people on /vr/ but I don't think anyone has ever gone full retarded like you.

>> No.8482695

>There are some pretty retarded people on /vr/ but I don't think anyone has ever gone full retarded like you.
I'm fairly certain they're pulling our leg because back then games of that caliber had to be yuuge;etc, but who knows.

>> No.8482704

kek I remember my game genie not fitting on my GBC, it'd go in and it'd work but it'd be all loose and the slightest movement would mess up the connection

>> No.8482765

>actually was really cool
Agree. Friend had one & was epic when he unfolded it the first time
It wasn't until the game music started that I realized it was a gameboy.

>> No.8482990
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>the official gaming console of the catholic church

>> No.8482995

I had this but rarely extended the screen out, you just flip open the speakers and go.

>> No.8483069

desu I'd use the rest if it didn't force you to use the absolutely fucking retarded control overlay

>> No.8483093


>> No.8483159

Yeah, could have run all these games off a mainframe.

>> No.8483163

What’s that thing off to the left, a dildo? Why do the speakers look like a pair of tiddies?

>> No.8483204

mad catz more like mad boobz haha

>> No.8483383

Seems like that assumes that all games are equally popular, and none are dead weight that you have to decide whether to keep for the niche audience or replace/buy a conversion kit for.

>> No.8483392

>back then
Are you implying that games stopped being put in stand-up cabinets at some point?

>> No.8483394

You sound obsessed with dildos while simultaneously never having seen one.

>> No.8483668

Is that Buzz Lightyear?

>> No.8483679


>> No.8483682
File: 98 KB, 1200x630, nes-hands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one that let spastic and disabled kids play NES

>> No.8483751

>Desktop PC
Sounds excessive

>> No.8483802

That’s excessive?

>> No.8484213
File: 3.14 MB, 1600x1200, SNES Extertainment Lifecycle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8484237
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>> No.8484625


>> No.8484653

looks like a cock and balls

>> No.8484740

>people keep crying about how games need easy modes and accessibility nonsense.
>this dude can beat contra with his fucking chin
Anyone that whines about difficulty in modern games needs to git gud.

>> No.8484769

Is there something you'd like to share with us, anon?

>> No.8484794

Not only that. I will personally hunt down every og hardware owner and destroy their equipment. You will have no freedom and will live EXACTLY like my planned utopia. For your insolence, you'll be the first one, my little no-possessions guinea pig. Relax and let happiness flow!

>> No.8484801

Just like the devs intended!

>> No.8484806

Hey! That's "chinting"!

>> No.8485070

Guess I was wrong. Apparently others have gone full retarded, like >>8482695
No, my stupid little child, games of that "caliber" did not have to be yuge. There are many reasons that stand-up arcade cabs were the most common format but it had nothing to do with the games themselves. Those games are on PCBs that occupy a tiny fraction of the space in the bad.

>> No.8485141
File: 32 KB, 375x375, cock1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember this one dude showed his small son having beat Sekiro and everyone on Twitter sperged out and threatened to kill his kid

>> No.8485314

contra is not that hard at all. beating it w/o the K-code is easy. it has very precise control, great hitboxes and effective weapons. theres a sea of much harder NES games that are lacking these basic functionalities.

>> No.8485465

It's the fact that the bottom half has to be connected to the top half via an external cable that really makes this a masterpiece of technology.

>> No.8485475

Nothing out of the ordinary

>> No.8485508

He's not wrong, zoomer.

>> No.8485850

Of all the things I'd have expected to go viral, a quadriplegic beating Contra with his fucking chin would be up there.

>> No.8486804

seems like a good family activity, laugh at loner losers

>> No.8488795
File: 83 KB, 410x310, konamihyperboy2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Defeated by this monstrosity which takes its own D batteries separate of the DMG's batteries.

>> No.8488812

>he also beat ninja gaiden
jesus fuck what a lad

>> No.8488817

They have to be big in order to "vend" to the public, anon.

>> No.8488819

that's bullshit but I believe it, got a link?

>> No.8488823

Thank you.

>> No.8489214

I'm not the one implying otherwise.

>> No.8489562

Thanks doc

>> No.8489579

That’s fucking awesome, can I still get one or have coomlectors ruined the price too?

>> No.8491547
File: 115 KB, 826x1069, 7ffb0d4ff0717ebc2f17265fc2d39f71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Matte-black color-scheme
>Dat 80s-early-90s tech-design

Ngli I'm partial to that look. Main reason I love thinkpads

>> No.8491793
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>> No.8491816
File: 576 KB, 810x793, 6ne686.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of people do not know we breath nitrousoxide not oxygen. If you try to breathe just oxygen you will get high as a fucking kite and are likely to pass out.

>> No.8492147

1. Those aren't accessories
2. Technology of the time; we've had literally 40 or so years to advance.

>> No.8492190

You could still fit more than 1 board in them.

>> No.8492194

i like how they labeled the speakers left and right. just in case you were confused.

>> No.8492213

We breathe nitrogen and oxygen together. Nitrous oxide is laughing gas.

>> No.8492237
File: 24 KB, 300x243, segacd32x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8492240 [DELETED] 

It would've easily been a hit on early Youtube.

>> No.8492343

The fuck species are you? Some kind of mammal?

>> No.8492353

That looks like a happy frog with tits.

>> No.8492380
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>> No.8492398
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>> No.8492457
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>mad katz

>> No.8492480

This isn’t nearly as stupid though.

>> No.8492543

>tranime shitposter fails at science again

>> No.8492646

>trust the science, bro

>> No.8492661
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>> No.8492665
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>> No.8492669

but do they work?

>> No.8492682

Doesn't matter. Suck it zoomie.

>> No.8492693

it would be much more impressive if they do work.

>> No.8492694

If you are lucky you might get some blue sphere

>> No.8492706

i had this one and the translucent gameboy that matched. it was pretty neat, but honestly even as a kid i realized it was pointless

>> No.8492716


The Power Base Converter is for Master System games only and the Cleaning System isn't for playing games. If you took those two out, it should correctly play Sonic 3 & Knuckles (with cheats)


>> No.8492746

They had to be durable and heavy to withstand all the abuse they were going to take. You also want them to have a lot of space because you have a pretty large CRT in there running all day, every day.

>> No.8492870

If you didn't want one of those as a kid you have no business posting on /vr/

>> No.8492884

He is like little baby. Still needs an XBand with a GameShark plugged in on top running a copy of Sonic & Knuckles + Sonic 2

>> No.8492885
File: 1.72 MB, 2000x1534, turbotouch_360_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From about 1989-1996 you had to develop a really good eye for snake oil bullshit in the video game marketplace. Kids at the time were marks for every random garbage accessory and you had to get burned a few times before you learned to spot it.

>> No.8492889

They ended their run making awesome arcade sticks. Problem for them and what finished them off was that became ALL that they made...

>> No.8492932

that black guy is just begging to be turned into a basedjak template

>> No.8492939

He's disgusted at the controller

>> No.8492954
File: 229 KB, 820x701, Sonic3&K.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8493097

And yet there's nothing you can do to stop us.

>> No.8493108

this was out of the ordinary, but innovative and pretty cool. if you think this is excessive you may be baiting or may lack historical perspective

>> No.8493132

back when it was new, i had no idea there was a game in that cart. i just thought it existed for lock-ons.

>> No.8493139
File: 37 KB, 600x460, fucking madcats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8493238

>nobody even told you that this combined the games into a big game enabling you to save progress in S&K levels and use Tails in them too
>all anyone said was that you could do this to play as Knuckles in Sonic 2 or 3
My friend and I owned both games and didn't even know.

>> No.8493287 [DELETED] 

>tiny driving wheel poking out from the top
>extra handle fit exclusively to be held like a lightgun
>detonator type button below the driving wheel for intense action feedback
>button on the cable to send critical inputs with reduced delay

>> No.8493298
File: 79 KB, 1130x552, externo-aaef1a4a04ee0eb52c732f2bb055a89c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8493312

Wasn't this the accessory that was accidentally found? Like there was only one ever produced or some shit and DYKG did a cool video about it

>> No.8493346
File: 249 KB, 1894x1080, Screenshot_20220107-013225_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the prototype taken in December 2020. Like the creator of the Workboy said, he knows of two that exist. One is in his possession now, and the other is most likely kept deep within Nintendo's HQ in Japan. Neat that we have the source code for the WorkBoy now

>> No.8493514

Why would I want to stop you? Laughing at virgin zoomers who think they would have been cool in the 90s is half the fun of posting here

>> No.8493998

You can like video games without being a complete dork, especially as a kid.

>> No.8494008

That thing was rad as fuck if you were a kid in 1992. It was a different time

>> No.8494058

That'll be $150 plus shipping, sir. Pre-order only, we're still developing it. Please, check our progress in the official blog. It hasn't been updated in a while, but, yes, your money is safe. We can give you a full refund if wished, we just need to fix some problem with our PayPal account.

>> No.8494059

>You also want them to have a lot of space because you have a pretty large CRT in there running all day, every day.
From which youtube did you obtain this information?

>> No.8494170
File: 258 KB, 980x1300, cspeed0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arcade cabinets followed the for factor of earlier arcade cabinets from the late 60s onward. Arcade driving and shooting games are older than pong. The cabinets in the 70s, 80s and 90s mostly followed these same cabinet sizes.

Pic related is an arcade cabinet from 1969 for reference. Not a lot changed as arcades needed semi-standard footprints for cabinets so they could arrange and replace games as needed.

>> No.8494176
File: 386 KB, 1027x1600, 1973 MOA - Amutronics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Form factor*

>> No.8494351

Cool enough to not want a bulky pointless wrapper for a perfectly good system. Didn't know that was such a high bar. Congrats on your sex life, though.

>> No.8496037

>N-noooo, not my autistic form factor!
>I-i didn't even WANT to play it at night with a larger screen!
You would have been an even bigger dork in the 90s.

>> No.8496114

I had one of those magnifiers and I hated it, didn't like worm lights either. They just got in the way of the screen.

>> No.8496120

>no steel battalion

The capcom exec that OK'd half a fucking cockpit just to play one mecha game must have been on some good ass shit

>> No.8496181

They probably made that with Gatesbucks.

>> No.8496419


>> No.8498029

I don't know why this is necessary, is it for kids who are afraid of the mask that you wear to go under?

obvious stupid is obvious

>> No.8498038

>no karaoke and modem modules

>> No.8498052

has any good man taken upon himself to dig into the shit and figure out how the keyboard worked? It would be great to see new GB keyboards made I think. Could write games for them.

>> No.8498058

>big baggy cargo pants
This pic must be from the 2000s

>> No.8498064

this is how gamefreak came up with alolan exeggutor

>> No.8498074

you didn't have good information then

>> No.8498548

I actually have the snes one, it could be better.

>> No.8498763

It's not going to be a mystery, it'll be a bog standard matrix with the workboy software interpreting the values. Any idiot could read up on the serial protocol and make their own input device.


Here's a USB adapter for keyboards. It's not complex.

>> No.8499170

Looks like Frampt/Kaathe laughing at you in the reflection.

>> No.8499814


>> No.8499824

wow, that's cool too. Damn, I wish I was intelligent enough to use this computer. Might be useful for somethin'.

>> No.8501727

But the guy has NO FUCKING HANDS