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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 21 KB, 672x372, PCSX2-[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8477147 No.8477147 [Reply] [Original]

While I very much respect how much these guys have been buckling down on accuracy and really trying to improve the only option for PS2 emulation on PC within the most recent builds, the fact that per-game settings aren't built into the emulator itself (until Dolphin) is absolutely inexcusable, especially when as the PCSX2 Wiki proves, each and every game REQUIRES per-game tweaking for optimal performance and accuracy. What gives? Until the devs get their shit together and make this emulator into something as reliable as Dolphin, I'm just going to stick with playing backups on my modded phat PS3 (even if I have no choice but to put up with an internal resolution of 480i/p in 2022.)

>> No.8477159

>While I very much appreciate this free piece of software that enables me to play thousands of other pieces of software for free, the fact that they haven’t done tons of menial tweaking that could easily be done by myself is INEXCUSABLE.

>> No.8477161

Have they ever mentioned a possible team up with the dolphin devs to add faster improvements? or the dolphin devs ever thought of making their own ps2 emu? is it a money or contract thing?

>> No.8477167

Doesn't Dolphin emulate PowerPC CPU? It's an entirely different architecture.

>> No.8477173

Is adding per-game settings to the emulator without needing a front end "a ton of tweaking" or is it something that could easily be done? Moron.

>> No.8477187
File: 174 KB, 611x605, 60811092-945B-4710-9E27-B0CB4D1C67C3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Per game settings -
1-10 games: easy work
3800+ games: extremely time consuming

Would you rather actual software development take place or have a few boxes tick themselves because you’re too lazy to open the options window.

>> No.8477196

per-game settings are only needed if you use hardware mode, which is inaccurate because the PS2 hardware does not have modern analogs. It does everything differently from standards. Even for floating point math, it uses non-ISO standard. So if you use all the upscaling crap, it'll start bugging out. Use software mode and it'll work fine.

Dolphin has no such problems because all they have is a PowerPC and proto-Radeon to emulate.

>> No.8477227

emulators aren't something you can crack out in a weekend, let alone emulating a system with a unique architecture that's practically incompatible with a modern one

>> No.8477464

learn to read, you fucking retard

>> No.8477523

>put up with an internal resolution of 480i/p
I only play native, no matter the year.

>> No.8477548

Just get a real PS2.

>> No.8477558
File: 337 KB, 640x448, gsdx_20210630012249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this, software mode is fantastic provided you have a half decent computer
I think people that complain about ps2 emulation being inaccurate just don't know about software mode (press f8 while you're running a game to enter software mode)

>> No.8478241

>enter software mode
>be reduced to shit 480i resolution
It's true to the console, but shit at the same time.

>> No.8478267

OP's talking about per-game ini files, you fucking wanker. The cummunity writes the files. The emulator merely has to have a gui option. I bet it has a command line option to append a custom ini, but you can't just save inis per game like most modern emulators can (Dolphin, all Retroarch cores, etc.).

>> No.8478272

>put up with an internal resolution of 480i/p in 2022
In the year 2022 we don't upscale or filter. We play in native with good shaders. Upscaling and unnatural internal resolutions are what's totally fucking passe.

>> No.8478280

>every game REQUIRES per-game tweaking for optimal performance and accuracy
Only a feel games require the user to enable a particular option and that can be done in 1 min or less: pcsx2 wiki site > search game name > go to pcsx2 settings, tick the box > click play > play

>> No.8478303

>take 5 minutes max to set things up for a game
Wow, that was hard.

>> No.8478416

>I bet it has a command line option to append a custom ini
yes, each game can have its own ini and memory card
just make a shortcut for each game you want to play, it only takes a minute
it's a lot better than changing settings every time you start another game
sure, it would be nice if it was built into the emulator, but you CAN have per-game settings

>> No.8478465

It's LGPL, write your own front end, and contribute it

>> No.8478495

AFAIK they do this for free, cant blame them if they dont want to do that. Got a problem? Buy a PS2, play on your PS3, code your own emu. I would be on your side if they were milking people on patreon.

>> No.8478657

I would be entirely fine using software mode with PCSX2 if it at least had support for integer scaling in fullscreen mode. But it only stretches to full screen and it looks awful; so you basically have no choice but to use hardware mode for high res and FXAA.

I googled it once and there's a forum thread where one dev asks "what's that?" and another dev says "lol it's basically impossible because different games use different resolutions, durr!" I mean it's only a feature basically every other emulator for every other console already has, I dunno.

Shitsux desu, one of the best ever consoles has one of the worst and most basic emulators. Are there even any realistic alternatives to PCSX2?

>> No.8479321

ps2 games look like shit upscaled anyway

>> No.8479392
File: 1.22 MB, 1440x1080, 3fec9d383c0bec3006490378276fcfe7f0855462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do they now

>> No.8479393

They should just program a load-settings option for specific games and you can find setting .ini files or whatever on the site, made by "the community". Let the userbase do that legwork.

>> No.8479406

there's work being done on a new QT based gui that will allow per game settings.

>> No.8479420

by far one of the worst emulators around and it's apologists should neck themselves
it's 2022 and this shit still doesn't have a real fullscreen mode, still has massive input lag and ironically the most popular ps2 games require the most fixes

>> No.8479429


>> No.8479430

software mode

>> No.8479467

I have a free mcboot ps2 and I never bother with it. Getting good video from a ps2 comes down to does the game support 480p and does the game feel like enabling that support. It's my least favorite console I've ever owned coming straight from the dreamcast where it's literally "plug in the vga cord" and you're good to go.
PCSX2 having no solution for that in software mode can suck my dick. Bout as useless to me as the PS2 I leave in a box.

>> No.8479562

teach me your ways

>> No.8479597

>half decent computer
Less than that. I have a geriatric i7-950 and most shit works on SW without hassle. I wish I could get steambot chronicles to run without any drops but whatever.

>> No.8480026

there should be a dl link in this thread

>> No.8480685

every emulator should just steal dolphin's UI like duckstation did

>> No.8480735

What’s the alternative?

>> No.8481765

There isn't one. Retroarch pcsx2 is even worse than regular.

>> No.8481789

Wasn't that abandoned because the guy doing it is a complete schizo who interprets feature requests as personal harassment?

>> No.8481801

Too bad the one thing that makes PCSX2 worth using (software mode) is the one thing that does not work in this fork.

>> No.8481869

can you integer scale with graphics drivers?

>> No.8481875

I find it funny that ps3 and xbox 360 emulators run with hardly any input lag using VRR while pcsx2 is still shit.

>> No.8481882

I could shit in your mouth for free if you’d like.

>> No.8481901

RetroArch's version probably runs better. If only software mode worked...

>> No.8481927
File: 1.48 MB, 1304x892, 1616530665000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's what happens with software mode on manhunt
I wouldn't mind software mode so much if it actually did work for everything. But when the entire support team on the discord/forums just say "hit f9" and it doesn't work it's absolutely retarded

>> No.8482124

yeah it has occasional bugs, nobody is saying it's good just that it's much much more accurate than hardware mode by a long shot
just report any software mode bugs on the wiki

>> No.8482130

>nobody is saying it's good
*nobody is saying it's perfect
dk why I said "good" there

>> No.8483132

What's the technical difference between software and hardware mode, simply explained? I guess hardware mode uses your GPU, but what does it use the software mode?

>> No.8483139
File: 30 KB, 600x600, 5d6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. never read the wiki or played anything outside of barely-intensive JRPG's

>> No.8483143

Software mode taps into the CPU rather than the GPU, and you can sometimes get better or more accurate results out of it but it has two big limitations:

>can only render in native res, looks blurry as fuck in most cases even with a filter
>not well-optimized for multi-core CPU's (or at-least hasn't been for many years), most games play really fucking slow in software mode unless you're able to simply bruteforce it with an exceptionally-powerful CPU in single-threaded performance

>> No.8483153
File: 399 KB, 1080x2246, it can be done.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Allegedly DuckStation dev is working on a UI overhaul, but don't hold your breath.

I do agree though, PCSX2 would be a far better emulator with a new UI ripped from DuckStation, RPCS3, or Dolphin. Maybe the recent Android port AetherSX2 would be helpful in this regard since it has a fundamentally very different UI that happens to have this feature.

>tfw fucking Pahjeetdroid port BTFO's the official version in many ways

>> No.8483172

Even N64 improved its CPU only plugin lately and it's surprisingly super playable compared to years ago, obviously slower than hardware but on a newer gen 8-core CPU it's all good and no-nonsense so I'm still somewhat holding onto PCSX2 devs optimizing the "accurate" mode to its limits and make it so it's just playing without worries that it's gonna either make a decent CPU melt or have obvious glitches and slowdown, I know it can happen because Dreamcast got pretty good, all 6th gen and after nintendo consoles got it pretty good, shit even PS3 which I though would take decades is going smooth. It's just so weird to me that only the PS2 is just starting to get some interest again to the point where you have to pick between buggy games or slow games with no real in between option still, hopefully that central problem to the emulator is gone soon.

>> No.8483189

People have been saying that for years.

>> No.8483193

Make your own emulator then. XD lmao!

>> No.8483208

They're in the process of reformatting their shitty spaghetti code, they removed plugins and getting a new UI, it'll take a while to actually make it a worthwhile emulator.

>> No.8483543

stop pointing that light at your screen retard or you won't see shit