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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8469813 No.8469813 [Reply] [Original]

Once again we have reach the end of a year. What games have you beaten /vr/. This year I stopped being a NEET and got a job so I had an adjustment period of a couple months trying to figure out how to manage my free time for games. Also my friends convinced me to start FF14 which ate a lot of time I could have played more retro with.

>> No.8470329

Dream course has a pretty demanding late game I’m impressed

>> No.8470331

Haven't really played all that much this year because I had to get a bunch of eye surgery and had shit vision until I got new glasses a few months ago.

>> No.8470335

It's honestly pretty tough, but it's doable. OP's no casual, at any rate.

>> No.8470356

None. I haven't been able to sit down and play a game since 2017. Just can't concentrate on it.

When the next bing bing wahoo comes out I'll probably though.

>> No.8470385

I see SotN on your list. Have you looked at Bloodstained? I'm really enjoying it.

There's also the Castlevania Advance Collection that has come out.

Anyways, great list. Good work, anon. Love seeing Kirby Dream Course. In my circle I'm the only one who played that one. Actually tough!

>> No.8470426

How do you beat the Final Fantasy mmo? Just do all the story content? Anyway, for me:
>Final Fantasy IV - PC (regret, should have just emulated the snes version)
>Final Fantasy VIII (replay) - PC
>Splinter Cell (replay) - PC
>Splinter Cell Chaos Theory (replay) - PC
>Splinter Cell Blacklist - PC
>Diablo 2 (replay, several Hell clears)
>Doom - PC
>Doom 3 - PC
>Dragon Age Inquisition - PC
>Rainbow Six Vegas 2 - PC
>Resident Evil 2 (replay) - PC
>Resident Evil 3 (replay) - PC

>> No.8470470

Keep playing FFXIV, StormBlood is a bit of a lull, but Shadow Bringers and Endwalker are amazing.

Man I didn’t really keep track of all the stuff I beat this year. I guess here are a few stand outs I beat for the first time:
Castlevania - NES
Little Samson - NES
Super Castlevania IV - SNES
Castlevania Bloodlines - GEN
McDonalds Land - GEN
Die Hard Arcade - Saturn
Magical Knight Rayearth - Saturn
Banjo Kazooie - N64
Skies of Arcadia - DC
Castlevania Circle of the Moon - GBA
Sonic Advance 3 - GBA
All the Game Gear Sonics

>> No.8470475

Derp, forgot Silent Hill 1 - 3

>> No.8470843

I will stop being a NEET too. I will play sonic adventure 2 steam, and mgs1 ps1 then im done

>> No.8470927

Doom, Doom II (yeah I had never beat these before, I grew up a consolefag)
Then I replayed them with Brutal Doom
Other than that didn't beat any games this year

>> No.8471087

A word of advice: please don't treat video games as a chore. Like novels and movies video games are pretty useless by themselves, and should be used only as a means of entertainment or source of inspiration to do stuff with a larger scope, so to speak. Why not just spend some of that effort on something more substantial, like developing them? Programming, art, writing, it's practically endless. Good job on pulling yourself out of NEETdom though, OP. Don't let your mistakes overshadow your successes.

>> No.8471352


Bruh that doesn't count, also add some numbering!

>> No.8471387
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Games I beat for the first time this year. I consider myself a casual and pretty easy to please, not even the games that are in the lowest tier are bad imo, they just dissappointed me.

I also replayed and loved as much as always;

>Shovel Knight: Shovel of Hope
>Super Mario Land 3: Wario Land
>Super Mario 64 ( first time I get 120 stars)
>Kirby's Dream Land
>Super Mario Land 2: Six Golden Coins
>Super Punch Out
>Wario Land 2
>Contra Hard Corps
>Donkey Kong GB
>Punch Out Wii
>Megaman 6
>Resident Evil ( Chris)

Honestly, Resi 1 I love now more than ever. Playing all the Onimushas and the REmake has made me appreciate the game and its design and embrace tank controls all the more, they finally clicked. I'll defintiely be giving 2 and Dino Crisis a try soon.

Whew I am almost done with Wario 3, and if I beat something else, that'll be 50 games this year lmao. Maybe I'll replay Ninja Warriors, doesn't seem like a bad way to end the year.

>> No.8471541

I assume this is a zoomer thread. I’ve beaten all these games minus the new final fantasy’s which I don’t care about.

>> No.8471635

I didn't do much gaming this year, for good and bad. Because my free time was inconsistent, I mostly replayed games, so I wouldn't have to worry about forgetting mechanics when I came back to a game after a long break.
Tomb Raider [2013] (first time, 3/5)
Rise of the Tomb Raider (first time, 2/5)
Doom (replay, 5/5)
Doom 2 + Final Doom (replay, 5/5)
Quake (replay, 4/5)
Pharaoh (first time, 4/5)
FTL (just more unlocks, 5/5)
Halo (replay, 5/5)
Halo 2 (replay, 4/5)
Halo 3 (first time, 4/5)
Halo: ODST (first time, 3/5)
Frog Fractions (replay, 4/5)
GTA Vice City (PC, replay, 4/5)
>Started but didn't finish yet:
Baldur's Gate EE (first time for EE, 60% done)
Halo: Reach (disc scratched and can't continue, ~50%?)
Morrowind (first time, ~50%?)
Final Fantasy [Dawn of Souls] (first time, ~85%?)
Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos (replay, 85%)
Resident Evil 4 (PC, replay, 65%)
Starcraft (PC, replay, 85%)
>Frog Fractions
Pretty rare choice. Did you like it? How did you feel about GTA3, and was it your first time?

This made me realize how many in-progress playthroughs I have, I need to polish those off before I move on.
You guys should post ratings on these, it would make it more interesting.

>> No.8471680

Aero Fighters (SNES, 2 players)
Gradius (PC Engine)
Gradius (PSP - Collection)
Super Variable Geo (SFC)
Advanced Variable Geo 2 (PS1)
Advanced Variable Geo (PS1)
Pepsiman (PS1)
Beavis and Butt-head in Virtual Stupidity (PC)
GTA Vice City (PC)

Not really a good track record for this year, especially with GTA VC, which I had on my backlog for a few fucking years.

>> No.8471728
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2021's 1ccs. They range from "hilariously easy" all the way up to "not that hard". Still got like 5 games that I keep dying on the last level of, guess I'll update if I clear one in the next 12 hours.

>Gradius (JP)
>Contra: Hard Corps (Sheena)
>Thunder Force AC
>Sonic the Hedgehog (w/all Chaos emeralds)
>Dragons Spirit: The New Legend (NES)
>Castlevania: Bloodlines (normal/John)
>Thunder Force 4 (normal)
>Thunder Force 3 (normal)
>Ghouls 'n' Ghosts
>Shadow Gangs (normal)
>Monster Party: Let's Go Again
>Sunset Riders (JP, Steve)
>Raging Justice (normal w/boomer-looking guy)
>Super Punch Patrol (Hard w/Anders, Selma)
>Biohazard Battle (normal)
>M.U.S.H.A. (normal)
>Prehistoric Isle 2 (JP)
>Gleylancer (normal; search mode)
>Turrican 2
>Mega Turrican
>Armed 7 DX

Not gonna do ratings, I liked all these games though because I cbf to 1cc a game I hate even if it's easy. Anybody who likes OG arcade Shinobi should look at Shadow Gangs.

>> No.8471756

Damn I don't know. Tenchu 1 on PSX, that second SNES Ranma game, uh, I think that's it as far as /vr/ related stuff is concerned. Onimusha Warlords but that was on Steam, I think it's a remake though.

>> No.8471757
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47 games beat.

>> No.8471816

Already posted this in a similar thread, I've beaten more than 30 NES/Famicom games in the end of the year alone, including Ninja Gaiden 1/2, Batman, TMNT (after 25 years), Battletoads (Japan version only so far), etc

I also beat Earthbound on NES and SNES for the first time as well as Final Fantasy 1/2 and a couple other Famicom RPGs.

>> No.8471824

what app?

>> No.8471836

Went out of my way to actually start games and finish them this year, and I think it's something I want to carry into the next year as well. I really want to focus on RPGs more in 2022 though I want to stay pretty varied to keep the repetition from driving me nuts.

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (9/10)
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (7.5/10)
Metal Gear Solid (10/10)
Metal Gear Solid 2 (9/10)
Metal Gear Solid 3 (8/10)
Castlevania: SotN (10/10)
Metroid: Zero Mission (8/10)
Super Metroid (8/10)
Mega Man 2 (5/10)
Silent Hill (10/10)
Silent Hill 2 (8/10)
Doom '93 (9/10)
Doom II (8.5/10)
Dishonored (8/10)
Dishonored 2 (8.5/10)
Resident Evil Village (7/10)
Scooby-Doo! Night of 100 Frights (9/10)
Quake (10/10)

I really wanted to finish Silent Hill 3 and Metroid Fusion but I honestly lost interest in them for one reason or another (It was mainly a matter of time and interest, but I'll admit that the SA-X fight towards the end kept me from finishing Metroid Fusion). Final Fantasy 4 also fell short of being finished but that was dropped because I felt like I could be using that time to be playing something better.

>> No.8471849

Why does your paper look like it's been pissed on by rats?

>> No.8471867

>Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (9/10)
>Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (7.5/10)
That's a bummer, I was really hoping SA would be a step up from Vice City. I remember it fondly, but not clearly.
>Silent Hill (10/10)
>Silent Hill 2 (8/10)
>Silent Hill 3 (unfinished)
I dropped SH3 as well. It didn't have the psychological mystery aspects of SH2, nor the nightmarish fugue dream-logic tone of SH1. Nice to see someone else that preferred 1 to 2 though.
>Quake (10/10)
It is really good, although I found the Spawn pretty fucking annoying and Shamblers weren't really fun to fight against (corner abusing every time). I didn't think the enemy roster was used as effectively as in Doom/2, and I wish there were more interesting levels like the secret Ziggurat one. I'm a little surprised you preferred it to the Dooms, but the score difference is enough that it's well within the range of subjectivity.
Congrats on playing so many games you thought were 8+, way to use your time effectively.

>> No.8471892


>> No.8471932
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Highlights were Serious Sams, Tag Force 6, Boxboy series

>> No.8471949

G Gen Overworld and TMNT of Rage were great too
My reading list is a lot more substantial.

>> No.8471984

Yeah, I liked San Andreas but it kind of falters in the middle before picking itself up in the end. I get that they justify it as CJ losing track of what matters, but ultimately it still lacks a sense of direction and goes all over the place. Vice City kind of had that problem, too, but it had a purpose there so I don't hold it against that one as much as SA which clearly wanted to be more story drive than the last two games. It also doesn't help that San Andreas a few of my least favorite missions in the franchise (looking at you Toreno).

But yeah, Quake felt more fun to me at the end of the day, but if I revisited the Id shooters again I'd probably feel differently. They're close enough that the numbers could change on a whim depending on how I feel at the time.

Honestly, part of the reason the scores are so close, too, is that a lot of the games I finished, with Mega Man 2 being the exception, were games I liked enough to see through. What you don't see is me bouncing off of the entire classic Mega Man series. For being the games that helped define platforming alongside Mario & Sonic, Mega Man really failed to stick the landing time and time again with the post-robot master segments a ton.

>> No.8472001

A lot of non-retro stuff, but I beat:

Dragon Quest XI S
Nioh 2
Super Mario World
Harvest Moon: Magical Melody
Ganbare Goemon - The Rescue of Princess Yuki
New Pokemon Snap
The Misadventures of Tron Bonne
The Evil Within
Retro Game Challenge
Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin
Prey (2017)
Super Mario Bros. 3
Super Metroid
Resident Evil Village
Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade
Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out!!
Yakuza: Like a Dragon
Ys VI: The Ark of Napishtim
Castlevania III
Spyro the Dragon
Mega Man 2
FFXIV: Stormblood

>> No.8472046

Finished 65 total, but here's the stuff that's retro (by board rules):
Devil May Cry
Full Throttle
Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition
The Secret of Monkey Island
Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge
Halo 2
Metroid: Zero Mission
Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars
Final Fantasy VII

First time actually finishing any of those, liked everything except Halo 2.

>> No.8473018

>Metal Gear Solid 2 (9/10)
>Metal Gear Solid 3 (8/10)