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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8469325 No.8469325 [Reply] [Original]

I have come to realize that I like classic RE/SH for the same reason that I like stealth games: dodging enemies to avoid combat is fun. There is a certain grace to it, and I derive enjoyment from it.

>> No.8469360

>There is a certain grace to it,
Yes there is, and it is fun.

>> No.8469460

Problem with these games is you don't know when they intend for you to run and when to fight.

>> No.8469469

"The problem with this puzzle game is that I need to figure out the solution"
Zoom fucking zoom.

>> No.8469546

You can finish all classic resident evil/silent hill while only dodging a very small number of ennemy.
Go gun blazing.

>> No.8469556

I have to come to realize that none of this matters. It's all escapism for me. That's okay.

>> No.8469564

dont compare reddit hill to resident evil

>> No.8469612

I can't believe you're so fucking butthurt you started another thread. Lmfao.

Dodging basic zombies in RE1 takes zero fucking a skill.

>> No.8469615

Myst is a puzzle game.

Resident Evil 1 is a key fetching simulator.

>> No.8469618

>silent Hill
>actual puzzles
>interesting story
>awesome town to explore
>resident evil
>no real puzzles
>retarded story
>run back and forth through the same halls over and over

Admit, you like these games because they're fucking easy but their edgy presentation makes you feel like you're hardcore when you're not.

>> No.8469624
File: 34 KB, 1000x667, landlord-keys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a land lord i never realized i was solving puzzles every time i pull my keys out.

Damn. My life is basically a video game.

>> No.8469631

Resident evil is not a thinking man's game. At the same time RE1 came out my uncle and I played through Myst, now that is a thinking game. Resident evil 1 is literally just running from keyhole to keyhole.

It's so obvious that the remake worshipers are console fags who have never played a single point and click adventure game in their entire lives. It's comical watching them act like they're cracking the devinci code by using the helmet key in the helmet door and the umbrella emblem in the umbrella emblem slot.

Silent Hill is definitely better than classic RE, those game has some real puzzles. Better story too. They're no Myst, but they're pretty great. RE1 is practically a meme game at this point.

>> No.8469635 [DELETED] 

Also since you posted this image twice, dave chapel is not, has never been, and will never be funny. He's just another boring nigger who believes in dumb nigger conspiracy theories like the white man invented aids, because he can't accept that his race are monkey fuckers. Then the best sketches written by a gay ass jew named neil Brennan.

>> No.8469760

You should try Devil May Cry and other devilnetta games if you like dodging, Mayweather.

>> No.8469991

Well silent hills combat is easier and resident evil puzzles are easier,it balance out.

>> No.8469996

Omg this game isnt like this other game so its bad.
Stfu faggot,do you complain that mario isnt like myst too ?
Heres your (you)

>> No.8470243

>as a land lord
holy fuck you're such a fag

>> No.8470398
File: 45 KB, 363x392, purple pimp~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rents due tomorrow bitch.

>> No.8470441

Games where Dodging is awesome and takes skill:
Devil May Cry
Ninja Gaiden
Castlevania Curse of Darkness
Castlevania Lament of Innocence
Metal Gear Rising
Soul Calibur
Blood Will Tell
Bullet Hell Games
Enter the Gungeon

Games where Dodging takes zero skill and is boring:
God of War
Resident Evil
Lego Games

>> No.8470853

Like another anon said, RE and SH give you enough ammo to kill pretty much every enemy you come across.

What do you want to do? Kill all the enemies to make the areas you'll cover easier to navigate, but have less ammunition for bosses? Or conserve ammo for boss fights but make the areas tougher?

>> No.8470858

>posts zoom garbage

>> No.8470859

If you don't have cameras hidden inside your tenants' bathrooms/bedrooms, can you even call yourself a real landlord?

>> No.8470869

This kids reading comprehension is amazing. Where did anyone say that using keys were puzzles?

>> No.8470930

I own my house, LARPer

>> No.8470939

That's all RE1 and RE0 have. Key keys, emblem keys, statue keys, jewel keys, crank keys.

>> No.8470991

Yeah, and it's fun.

>> No.8471030
File: 277 KB, 602x430, Screenshots_2021-12-31-10-59-46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like i said, i never knew being a land lord was basically a video game

>> No.8471068
File: 410 KB, 750x524, 9E7D8D16-769B-4C5F-9EF5-1DEB11816A0E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>edgy presentation
If you use the word edgy unironically you should kill yourself

>> No.8471073

Hating landlords is an immediate tell that you have a tiny cock

>> No.8471227

Edgy compared to the only other games you've played, scotsformers

>> No.8471572

Doesn't even make sense, you're just making up random shit and projecting about playing games to feel "hardcore"

>> No.8471607

SH1-3 is basically a reskin of RE1-3 and vice versa. You're hopelessly autistic if you think otherwise.

>> No.8471627

>muh Myst
Try to make the larp less obvious next time zoomie.

>> No.8471654

Silent Hill is a puzzle game and a psychological Horror game

Resident Evil is key fetching backtracking simulator with a b movie in the back ground.

>> No.8471671

None of the puzzles in SH are difficult, just like none of the puzzles in RE are difficult. SH is a psychological horror game true, but both games control basically exactly the same, so SH is just a RE reskin.

>> No.8471674
File: 465 KB, 1920x3027, inCollage_20211231_110715944~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this fag set the puzzle difficulty to normal

>> No.8472117

I've cleared both SH2 and SH3 on action hard and riddle hard: hint: it's not hard.

>> No.8472138

That's the Brookhaven Hospital doorcode puzzle right? The guy describes what buttons to press if you imagine Heather's face as the numpad. I will admit to googling the Shakespeare puzzle though because I'm not studying Shakespeare for a game.

>> No.8472187
File: 3.97 MB, 460x259, SuperEliteHardcoreGamerGame.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys ever play DMC? It's a hardcore gamer game.

>> No.8472193


>> No.8472617

Now play devil may cry 3 on dante must die, butthurt pleb.

>> No.8472627

Why? DMC is just a punching bag simulator where you are fighting afks

>> No.8472628

>i use guides and Google solutions so it's not hard

Kill yourself. Nobody who thinks RE is hard will have the 3 digit IQ necessary to solve silent Hill Puzzles on hard without cheating.

>> No.8472631

Who said RE is hard? Once again you prove that your reading comprehension is nigger-tier

>> No.8472632

Mainly because of the part where you're full of shit.

Enjoy your key fetching simulator. That's my life as a land lord so i don't get any joy out of juggling keys for 6 hours.

>> No.8472641

You implied running past zombies is hard.

Its not.

You denied implying it, but you did.

Its really pathetic to watch.

Stop playing children's games.

>> No.8472646

funny because you fetch keys in retro DMCs too

>> No.8472660

All classic RE is, is fetching keys. There's nothing else there. That's the whole game.

Devil may cry 3 is about fights. Nobody gives a fuck about devil may cry 2s shit combat, or devil may cry 1 which was a resident evil spin off originally.

So sad to see you grasp at straws.

>> No.8472663

>stop playing children's games
>shills dmc
I know you're trolling dude

>> No.8472671

Literally all dmc is is just doing flashy combos on npcs programmed to attack once every 5 seconds. It's one tiny fraction above braindead.

>> No.8472689

>You implied running past zombies is hard.
>Its not.
>zoomer uses zoomer control scheme which breaks the game
>wow lmao
Unreal how low your IQ is.

>> No.8472695

Yeah the keypad puzzle only seems esoteric out of context. In game, it's right next to the keypad and it clicks together pretty quickly once you realize what you're supposed to do.

>> No.8472696

Nah. 2 maybe. 3? Nah.

Stop being gay.

Its not even like I'm the world's biggest devil may cry fan or something, you're just retarded dude.

>> No.8472704

How does it break the game if its easy anyway? Answer the question nigger.

>he said in hindsight after looking it up

>> No.8472714
File: 29 KB, 400x602, 2pwwwd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silent Hill Puzzles have nothing on resident evil.

Remember that time you had to put the eagle emblem into the eagle emblem slot? Took my and 6 of my co workers, who are all mechanical engineers, 7 days to solve that puzzle.

>> No.8472725

damn peak gameplay

>> No.8472765

They're both pure B grade horror too. I never understood people trying to act like Silent Hill is this super serious horror series. RE is a clumsy Japanese knockoff of Romero and a bunch of other zombie/monster flicks. SH is a clumsy Japanese knockoff of Lynch and a bunch of other stuff like Phantoms, Jacob's Ladder, Hellraiser, the Cell, etc. They both have paper thin characters, amateurish scripts, and laughable voice acting. Getting into autistic slapfights over which is scarier or true horror or whatever is the stupidest shit I've ever seen.

>> No.8473312

Silent Hill 2 doesn't have characters that are any thinner than any respected movie.

The fact that's simpsons diddit doesn't make something B grade, all of those things silent Hill was influenced by? They have a similar list of influences. The fact that you had to list so many is proof that game is excellent, since you can't just pin it down as a knock off of one thing.

Unlike RE, which is actually a fucking corny grind house movie.

>> No.8473313

Also, David Lynch is literally retarded.

I mean literally mentally challenged.


>> No.8473341

>Silent Hill 2 doesn't have characters that are any thinner than any respected movie.
lmao I forgot I killed my wife whoops the town made me stupid

>> No.8473376

I can do this for any movie.

Movies are only 100 minutes long the characters are never that deep but everyone acts like it's the pinnacle of art. Why? Well because the people who make them told you so!

In fact all movies tend to have thin characters who are defined by 3 characteristics and at the end of the movie one of those 3 characterizations changes. Viola, "development"

>> No.8474417

I saw that awhile back for the first time. It's obvious Silent Hill (especially the first game) just flat out copied the setting. It even has sirens going off when the weirdness escalates.

>> No.8474560

dont even need ammo for SH the melee weapons are fucking op and you only really need to shoot the 3 or 4 boss battles
hell if you manage to run out of ammo the last boss of sh1 will even kill itself for you

>> No.8474571

Sorry you were to stupid and poor to afford college anon, have fun being a land leech.

>> No.8474645

SH1 turns into a comedy game once you get the giant hammer. Nothing poses the slightest threat to you from that point on and it's more fun to chase enemies down and beat them to a pulp with it than trying to avoid them.

>> No.8474649

yeah the only survival horror melee weapon to surpass it is the code veronica knife and even then it takes some timing and aim to get the knockdown every swing

>> No.8474889

I went to college for mechanical engineering. How do you think I bought the apartment buildings you fucking retard?

>> No.8474893

You mean like how the shotgun carries you through RE1?

>> No.8474898

even with a shotty and a magnum hunters can still pose a threat
two hunters in a narrow hallway is almost certain death if you dont get the first hit in

>> No.8475075

I never had that issue. I just shotgun the shit out of them the second i walk in the room. If i got hit once it means i finally got to use am herb.

>> No.8475150

>people enjoy thing
>thing must be... Le REDDIT?
kill yourself

>> No.8475153

Why not just play something like Outlast or Amnesia at that point?

>> No.8475185

>first person horror

>> No.8477154

Please do

>> No.8477163


>> No.8477868

>movies are only 100 minutes long
opinion voided

>> No.8478000

Ok, 99% of movies. Happy pedantic faggot? You think being 200 minutes makes a fucking difference to my point you low IQ cunt?

>> No.8478021

It doesn't just make a difference to your point you dumb fucker, it is your point. You seriously want to argue that all films have badly defined characters, and that not a single film is long enough to properly develop a character? Every film. You'd have to be a complete retard to believe such a thing, do you even understand what you're saying?

>> No.8478030

I was really disappointed by the melee combat in 3. You get that big mace thing but enemies barely even react to getting hit. It's nothing like SH1 where you'd pancake them with a powerful hit or break the backs of the pterodactyls and watch them helplessly flap around until they died.

>> No.8478060

That's fair, but SH3 gives you a lightsaber so I like the melee regardless.

>> No.8478063
File: 99 KB, 1280x720, you're pathetic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she plays with autoaim

>> No.8478192

I just push r1 and circle bro.

>> No.8478203

3 traits.
1 trait changes by the end.

That's every "good" movie ever.

Movies were looking down on in the past for good reason. Boomers were the first illiterate manchild consoomers.

Movies are overrated. They're cheap fun, and when they try to be anything else, they fail.

>> No.8478249
File: 3.40 MB, 400x300, resident.evil2ds_extreme.battlelv3_dodging.hellhounds.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. It's all about mastering your ability to navigate 3D environments after learning how the enemy is designed to act.

>> No.8478252

All movies are cheap fun and silent hill is high art? Could you tell me even 5 films that follow your 3 trait structure?

>> No.8478269

>retarded story
Why do you consider a military special forces engaging in battle data collection for bio-organic weapons a bad story?

>> No.8478441

The story is:
Idiots get trapped in zombie mansion, split up every 5 seconds. One is an obvious traitor, but jill is a total retard and doesn't acknowledge it until the very end, even when wesker shoots a dude from around the corner like 12 feet away.

Also, zombies are a retarded concept for a weapon. The military would fucking mow through zombies. Maybe not jewmericas globohomo military, but Russia or China would fuck them up.

>> No.8478446
File: 2.38 MB, 220x295, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I said the characters are no thinner than movies. Don't make straw men you dumb faggot.

And the answer literally every fucking movie, except the ones where the characters are even thinner.

>> No.8478492

SH fags are fucking delusional, nothing new. This is the same fanbase that holds up SH2 as a masterpiece of storytelling after all.

>> No.8478505

fuck yo couch, nigga

>> No.8478582

Hey nigger, See:


>> No.8478596
File: 291 KB, 400x480, tumblr_n101tySGdD1ssb9aeo1_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SH is a clumsy Japanese knockoff of Lynch and a bunch of other stuff like Phantoms, Jacob's Ladder, Hellraiser, the Cell, etc.
But with better background music and sound effects, Creature and Environment art. And a deeper and more subtle plot that uses much more symbolism to connect everything to the story. Without the campy over dramatic forced acting that gives cheap scares on kids

>> No.8478661

Again, David lynch is literally retarded and there is nothing deep about his dumb fucking movies. It's literally just dumb nonsense, and you people feel an irrational need to give them meaning where none exists. The man has an extremely low IQ.

>> No.8478682

>Again, David lynch is literally retarded and there is nothing deep about his dumb fucking movies.
Agreed. But SH gives better meaning than Lynch though. That was a comparison of how better SH is to Lynch and other movies and how they made it much better

>> No.8478695

Zombies were never intented as a bio-organic weapon - they are just the result of an accidental laboratory leakage contamining the staff.

>> No.8478707

But Nemesis was intended and used as a weapon

>> No.8478708

You're a retard. I get that Lynch might not be everyone's speed and to some it might come off as too pretentious but to say his movies are devoid of themes and are utter nonsense just exposes you as a brain-dead monkey who has his head up his ass.

>> No.8478710

What does that mean? Nemesis is not a zombie. He is a Tyrant.

>> No.8478715

I think in CV there is a note or something that mentions how POW could be infected and released and then potentially do damage to a base if it got out of hand.

>> No.8478750

Yeah the only things they were actively developing as weapons in the first game were the dogs, Hunters, and the Tyrant. Everything else was either an escaped research specimen or created by accidental exposure. They don't do a great job of communicating the difference in the game though.

>> No.8479010

The "themes" that exist at are as basic as any other movie. Fucking fast n Furious has "themes". The fact is the movies aren't deep

You don't seem to get it, I'm not calling him names when i say he's retarded. I'm telling you, the man is literally mentally challenged.

And of course a mentally challenged man will make movies that are weird. Just like with Andy Warhol a bunch of jews get off on hyping him up, probably laughing as the audience rationalizes to themselves that person must have some secret genius if the jews put them on a pedestal.

>> No.8479090
File: 2.29 MB, 400x300, resident.evil.directors.cut_2frames.to.no.damage_knife.only.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And Neptune FI-03. I don't think it's ever established how it crashed through the main tank in the original game so it would not surprise me that Wesker was ordered to test it on STARs as well.

>> No.8479110
File: 1.50 MB, 250x233, 1504482595878.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

off yourself

>> No.8479382

Go back to r3ddit, you pathetic communist faggot

>> No.8479457

One of the files in the Guardhouse says a researcher went crazy after he found out he was infected and blew up the aquarium with explosives from the basement armory.

>> No.8479969

Sir, my message is simple. N

>> No.8480782

David Lynch know how to mess people's minds with his empty movie scripts. Since he has no much to tell in his movies he just turn everything messy and weird, it's still good art but where's the story's meaning? He never made one because he never finishes his writing. The only thing good about David Lynch it's his weird way to present his movies and that's it. Team Silent are his fans and added only his good stuff to their games without making it entirely senseless by showing something with meaning because Team Silent writes a lot better.

>> No.8482093

I don't see any emptiness in Lynch's movies. His incoherent structure might not make it easy to follow the ideas he is trying to jungle when he crafts a movie but to say to assume they are meaningless and random is being intelectually dishonest or just not paying enough attention to the movie. Mulholland Drive (and Lost Highway to a certain degree) provide you with just enough exposition to piece together the story, be it through the lens of the meta criticism Lynch is navigating as a director, be it through the character's struggles to find any value and understanding in the macabre world they are stuck. I think Inland Empire is the only exception - you can feel this one is a mangled experimental mess that felt more personal and only Lynch can process. Without understanding his thought-process from conception, it just feels very hard to pin what was the point of it.

I would agree that Team Silent does a better job at presenting these ideas in a more clear and comprehensible way but the vagueness that Lynch employs allows for better exploration of his work since much can be interpreted by one's subjective ego as opposed to a much cut and dry approach.

>> No.8482452

Hahaha you're such a fucking dumb ass. You are rationalizing all of the meaning. It's pure head canon.
I cannot stress this enough, this isn't just typical 4chan shit talk, I'm telling you he is an actual, text book definition, real life fucking retard. His movies are weird because he's retarded and you've constructed a head canon to rationalize the random meaningless nonsense of a mildly retarded man.

>> No.8482860

>Y-you have to pay attention
A good director would convey meaning subconsciously, even if it is obscured from your immediate perception.

>> No.8483369

I've never tried this before, I like it.

>> No.8484634

>Mulholland Drive (and Lost Highway to a certain degree) provide you with just enough exposition to piece together the story
Lost Highway had good writing because it was "co-written" by a real book author, Barry Gifford otherwise this "Lynch's masterpiece" would be shit like his others. Wild at Heart, another "Lynch's masterpiece" was also written by Barry Gifford in his novel. Mulholland Drive was written solely by Lynch but it was just another Lost Highway copy about a delusional women in Hollywood. Team Silent also copied Lost Highway but added a whole lot more

>> No.8485074

>A good director would convey meaning subconsciously, even if it is obscured from your immediate perception.
When a bad writing gives no meaning, the director might be just hiding something that was never there in the first place, that not even he knows what is. This is where "the more times you watch the less you get it" comes from. Because you realize there was nothing to get it

>> No.8485585

Wtf I missed the memo. Why do people hate landlords?

>> No.8485667

Leftist losers angry that they have to pay for things

>> No.8485807
File: 46 KB, 463x616, 1592807040105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too OP.
I replayed SH1 last December on hard and limited myself to only 5 saves. It was honestly pretty fucking tense.

I'm not the biggest pro at the game so my controller was rumbling frequently.

>> No.8485823

wages staying the same taxes and rent go up people dont like the feeling of paying rent

>> No.8487523

That's what Lynch movies do, anon.

>Lost Highway had good writing because it was "co-written" by a real book author, Barry Gifford otherwise this "Lynch's masterpiece" would be shit like his others. Wild at Heart, another "Lynch's masterpiece" was also written by Barry Gifford in his novel. Mulholland Drive was written solely by Lynch but it was just another Lost Highway copy about a delusional women in Hollywood.
While I prefer Lost Highway, I think simplifying Mulholland Drive down to just a more dumbed down version of Lost Highway is wrong. While it's clearly more accessible to the general audience - making it easier to grasp it upon repeated views - if you look into the troubled development that it went through, you can visualize a lot of the director's frustration trying to uncompromise against the industry. I know Twin Peaks tried to subvert medium tropes years before but to see this adapted to the tale that Mulholland Drive portrays just felt ingenious. And bold as fuck. But that's just my take on it.

That being said, Blue Velvet and The Elephant Man were straight to the point and they are also very good movies. Lynch's style isn't constrained by his wackiness though obviously that's what stands out the most in his works.

That's the exact opposite with Lynch movies, though. The more you watch, the more you find interesting tidbits and angles to give you more perspective into his inner work.

>> No.8487610
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Glad you like it anon. It's a very fun and rewarding experience if you want to learn how each enemy was designed, what are the hit-boxes of their attacks, the patterns of their AI and that short of stuff.