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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8468503 No.8468503 [Reply] [Original]

Finally got around to beating these and uh... Yeah they suck. I played the originals on ps1 as a kid so no I'm not a zoomie, i just never played these. I'm so glad the game changed with 4. I replay 4 every few years, and i even enjoyed replaying 5.

But I'll never play these again. Of course I'll give 1 it's credit for creating the whole series and having great ideas. But the way the characters act is super retarded.

More importantly though, the gameplay is literally just running back and forth from a key location or your box, to the corresponding door. Over and over and over. That's it. That's the whole fucking game. I don't care about tank controls, i care about the fact that game is just running back and forth over and over

Also, a key taking up a whole item slot (the same amount of space as a grenade launcher some how) is so retarded. I'm a land lord and i can for sure carry literally every single key in RE1 in a single pocket. Not the emblems and all that, but for sure the keys. In fact I'm pretty sure i have more keys on 1 ring than the total number of keys in RE1.

Silent Hill shits on classic RE, no contest.

>> No.8468509

no one cares zoomie, kys

>> No.8468520

I can understand saying 0 sucks, but if you think REmake 1 sucks you have shit taste and < 100 IQ

>> No.8468539

Zero gets more hate than it deserves.

>> No.8468542

0 is better than remake if you're not shit

>> No.8468550

nice bait

>> No.8468557

it isn't
0 is actually well paced and the encounter design is more thoughtful

>> No.8468561

Nah remake is a pretty bad game. Literally just running back and back and forth to carry keys to doors. That's seriously the whole fucking game.

>> No.8468565


>> No.8468567

The original 1 wasn't so bad in this regard, remakers just decided they NEEDED to add content so they expanded the worst parts of the game in the worst ways with silly fetch quests

>> No.8468569

If it had an item box it would be better than RE1
Having just beaten both, i agree.

The main characters are better in zero, but the villains are worse. Train is the best area between both games.

>> No.8468572
File: 3.33 MB, 1920x3415, inCollage_20211230_182016978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally every game on the left is better than every game on the right and there's no fucking contest

>> No.8468575

What encounter design? The bat is the worst boss fight in the series. The scorpion is pretty retarded as well. I like 0, but it's a 6/10 at best whereas REmake is a 9/10.

>> No.8468581

>no contest
>left is dead
>right is not
nice try kid, but it's time for you to head on back to /v/

>> No.8468583

Yeah, just a few item boxes in strategic locations (they don't even have to be magically linked) would do wonders for 0. I get that they wanted to use the Sweet Home system for old times sake or whatever, but there's probably more items on the train than in that entire game and it's just too much clutter for the dropping system. I'd also give Billy a rope or grappling hook as a personal item to replace the Hookshot. Those 2 things would eliminate the vast majority of complaints with it.

>> No.8468594

OP you made a mistake by not just replaying the PS1 games. They are way better.
REmake is highly flawed and RE0 is frankly just bad. It has nothing to do with "age", it's just bad design decisions.

>> No.8468596

Silent hillfags have been so insecure since their series died it's sad

>> No.8468608

Those are just random bosses. The scorpion is a simple little timingcheck bossfight before the end of the first area. The bat boss is bad because of the auto aim, but you can actually stunlock it with the GL if you get to the wall quickly.
By encounter design, I mean how the put enemies in rooms and obstacles that split the enemies to keep you from focusing firepower. It's kinda like the swords room in re4.

>> No.8468615

Most aspects of RE0 are bad.
All the new enemies are terrible.
All the bosses are terrible.
The story is terrible and retroactively makes RE1 worse.
The characters are boring.
The map design is bad. The train (which many claim is the only "good" part of RE0) is basically a parody of Resident Evil backtracking, you go through the same train car like 10 times.
The two character gimmick is poorly designed and highly encourages you to have Carlos do everything and have Rebecca sit next to a typewriter (except when explicitly forced to).
It has the same bad controls of REmake.
You don't even have to bring up the inventory system, which is horrendous, but the game would not magically be fixed if there were item boxes.

>> No.8468617

Honestly I don't even disagree, but that's because you didn't use RE1 (PS1) and RE3 which are better than every game in that image.

>> No.8468628

>the encounter design is more thoughtful
holy shit no
The monkeys are garbage, the leechmongers are garbage, there is very little if anything to like about fighting enemies in RE0. You can't even say that the two character gimmick was executed cleverly, it is actively detrimental to the point that you'd have to be an idiot to use both of them at once in most scenarios.

>> No.8468629

>Most aspects of RE0 are bad.
>All the new enemies are terrible.
>All the bosses are terrible.
Only the bat, really. The final boss is one of the best in the series; it will fuck you up if you aren't prepared but it has a pretty high skill cap with how you approach it.
>The story is terrible and retroactively makes RE1 worse.
Idrc tbb
>The characters are boring.
Maybe, but no more than og chris and jill
>The map design is bad. The train (which many claim is the only "good" part of RE0) is basically a parody of Resident Evil backtracking, you go through the same train car like 10 times.
The training facility is the best part of the game. The train is a good intro and nothing more. The training facility is a reimagining of the spencer mansion with slimmer level design. All of 0's secondary locations are better than 1's (even though the factory is pretty weak).
>The two character gimmick is poorly designed and highly encourages you to have Carlos
>do everything and have Rebecca sit next to a typewriter (except when explicitly forced to).
Idk seems like a really suboptimal way to play the game. Sure rebecca is fragile but you are sacrificing half your inventory because you're scared to get hit. She also throws molotovs faster, and can combine herbs. (Which Billy shouldve been able to do imo but still.)
>It has the same bad controls of REmake.
The original controls are fine.
>You don't even have to bring up the inventory system, which is horrendous,
It lends itself to much more fluid progression than remake, especially with the smaller map design.

>> No.8468635

All of the monkey encounters should be immediately after a save and the mandatory monkey encounters are extremely small anyway. The leeches have ridiculous health pools but they have a very long transformation animation that resets if you leave the room before it completes.

>> No.8468636

This is all you needed to say to let us know that you're a tasteless retard zoomer from /v/

>> No.8468647

Other than the lurker frog you can mitigate 90% of the nuisance of the new enemies with skill.

>> No.8468650

Do people really have trouble with the frogs? They're like a T Rex. You just stand still and they'll fuck off after a few seconds, never to return.

>> No.8468651

Still doesnt make the game good.

>> No.8468659

>The final boss is one of the best in the series
You are completely nuts.
>Maybe, but no more than og chris and jill
No, Rebecca and Billy are worse. There are long stretches of the game where they do not interact at all. There's no personality to them at all, yet the game still expects you to care at the end. RE1 also had Barry and Wesker who are better than anyone in RE0.
>The training facility is a reimagining of the spencer mansion with slimmer level design
This and your comments about Chris/Jill make me think you only played REmake.
I constantly confuse Billy with Carlos because Billy is THAT forgettable.
>Sure rebecca is fragile but you are sacrificing half your inventory because you're scared to get hit
It's not about Rebecca being fragile. It's about having two hitboxes. You can see this most obviously with the leech enemy, it has a sweeping attack that can very easily hit both characters. The increased offensive potential is not worth the risk. Carlo- Billy's throwing might be trash but it's better to just run past anyways.
>The original controls are fine.
Start up RE1, then spin your character in a circle. Repeat for RE2, RE3, and CV. Now do it in REmake and RE0. You should notice the problem. Something that very few people seem to pick up on yet informs every action you make in those two games. They are needlessly clunky and give people a false impression of what classic RE was actually like.

>> No.8468662

>Finally got around to these and uh... turns out I'm more of a braindead pew pew shoot everything kinda faggot, so glad the series adopted mindless shooting over THINKING. goddamn do I hate thinking, always with the brain. I just wanna shoot and not like.. do.. like.. think work, amirite fellow braindead retards?


>> No.8468664

On a first run, you don't know anything about them. I mean I guess you're right, I should have specified. With relatively minimal experience you should be able to adapt to leeches because of their transformation animation, and monkeys with their telegraphed attacks, but the frogs can just fuck you up if you get unlucky trying to run past or bait them, and their attack radius is pretty large.

>> No.8468667

I thought you were going to point out actual flaws with REmake and 0, such as REmake's muted colours, both of them having incredibly slow and monotonous movement and gameplay, you know, something actually interesting instead of typical sucking off.
Instead you talk about dumb shit that just shows these games aren't for you. You didn't say anything for anyone else to actually care about.

>> No.8468689

Reddit hill

>> No.8468701

>This and your comments about Chris/Jill make me think you only played REmake.
Doesn't even make sense. Why would I be defending 0 then? Btw, I did say og chris and jill. Chris especially had next to no personality until the late game.
>I constantly confuse Billy with Carlos because Billy is THAT forgettable.
Nigga that's not the game's fault
I recommend you check out the billy tab under https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Characters/ResidentEvil0
>It's not about Rebecca being fragile. It's about having two hitboxes.
Yes, but you also have double the firepower. The game knows this, and puts enemies in more compromising positions for you. The game as a whole is much less passive than, say, remake, which punishes you for killing zombies. 0 puts enemies in tighter corridors, and having two partners confounds that (though the teleportation when one of you reaches a door makes it a little better.) I'm not saying it's better or worse, it's just different; 0, kinda like 3, veers towards cautious aggression compared to 4-6's total aggression and 1r's caution.
>Start up RE1, then spin your character in a circle. Repeat for RE2, RE3, and CV. Now do it in REmake and RE0.
If you mean the little wobble, I'm aware, but it hardly amounts to much, especially with quick turn. It's strange, it doesn't need to exist, and it doesn't exist in 1-cv (or 4 for that matter, when you use the d-pad) but I don't think it really gets in the way. I said fine, not good.

>> No.8468703

>fetch quests
Maybe for you, lmao

>> No.8468710

That period between RE3 and 4 seems like they just completely ran out of ideas and were throwing shit at the wall just to see what stuck. Even the concept art from that period is fucking atrocious and has some of the stupidest ideas I've ever seen.

>> No.8468717

You are forced to use your brain to determine the best course of action to navigate through rooms by either fighting, dodging, or a combination of the two. In 4+ you just shoot everything with 0 thought.

>> No.8468720

>muted colours
Bing bing wahoo

>> No.8468721

>thinks classic re is better than classic silent Hill

Go back to /v/ zoomie

>> No.8468729

4 is the gayest fucking RE game there is.
Shit taste, shit thread.

>> No.8468731

Wow so much fighting over taste within a single franchise. This is like a Castlevania or Zelda thread.

>> No.8468736

Uh wow so much brainpower
There is a basic iq floor to the older games but it's an ignoramus' idea of intellectually challenging. The puzzles follow a very simple logic and the strategising is pretty forgiving.

>> No.8468737
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I actually like them both equally, but one franchise is dead while the other is not. Deal with it kid.

>> No.8468739

I did not say that it was intellectually challenging, I just said it requires more thought than Call of Resident Evil 4.

>> No.8468746


>> No.8468749

Kill yourself crybaby you've been assmad for 16 years

>> No.8468750

Bruh, you just run past every fucking zombie and shotgun the hunters.

I don't think franchises need to go on forever. I wish both franchises ended after the 3rd game.

Re4 is great but should have been a new series.

Re8 is great but should have been ANOTHER new IP.

Eternal franchises are dumb consooomer shit for marvel fags.

RE2 takes a steaming hot shit on 1, and it's still better than 3.

There is zero thinking in RE 1 and 0.

>i got the helmet key, now i gotta go to the helmet door
>i got the armor key, now i gotta go to the armor door

Wow so much thinking...

>> No.8468754

Why do reddident evil fans bring up cod or doom to compare their least favourite games to as if they have ever played any of those games

>> No.8468760

>r3ddit fag thinks eternal consoooomer franchises is good

Eternally milking a franchise is fucking gay. Go back to /co/ and speculate About how super man is going to come back after they kill him for the 53rd time

>> No.8468761

I love Doom

>> No.8468773

I dont watch capeshit

>> No.8468781
File: 82 KB, 900x900, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bruh, you just run past every fucking zombie and shotgun the hunters.
>pretending like you've mastered dodging zombies
Can read you like a book kid. It's time for you to go back.

>> No.8468794

Clearly bait but still you’re a faggot. 0 is pretty awful though, I won’t deny that.

>> No.8468819

>master dodging zombies
>you literally just fucking run past them

Wow go from the left side to the right side, what amazing pro gamer skills you've got there broheim. Playing devil may cry 3 on dante must die ain't jack shit compared to ruining from the left to the right in RE1

>> No.8468827

Is not bait, and you're a juvenile manchild for blindly assuming everything that doesn't confirm your bias is bait.

RE1 is literally just running from key to door key to door key to door.

>> No.8468839

The flaw is that the entire game is just juggling keys around

>> No.8468841

No but you’re clearly baiting for (you)s by wording it like you did, you redditor. Like Um guys, these games are totes yikes and not le based. I’ll never play them again!

Just go back.

>> No.8468846

>unironically referencing dmc
hahahahaha okay, now I know with 100% certainty that you're a zoomer from /v/ who is only here after the sticky changed. DMC is the game where enemies do not even attack you lmao, they just stand there while you unleash your flashy zoomer combos.

>> No.8468852

You type like a tumblrina

> wezident evil l is ny xXxFAVORITExXX game uwwwwuuuu

if you're gonna post retarded nonsense I might as well too right?

>> No.8468857 [DELETED] 

Dmc is not retro. Reported.

Devil may cry 3 on dante must die, is a very hard game that you've obviously never played.

>> No.8468858

I was imitating how you write you dumb cocksucker

>> No.8468865

Except you weren't, because my post is completely fucking normal, you god damn retard.

>> No.8468869
File: 54 KB, 342x416, C47D96F2-B3B7-4458-A28F-C58641BAD387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn, Silent Hill fans are insufferable

>> No.8468871

I don't hate remake at all but remake fanboys live in an echo chamber where if you have a criticism of their game it's always your fault. They are like the strawman for 4 fans; if you don't treat their game like it's God's gift to humanity you're this & that. & Godforbid you give credit to 0 or suggest that it didn't make the original 1 obsolete.
I mean in his defence.. being that reductionist makes people think you don't know what you're talking about. You have to keep in mind that good players use tank controls; going left to right takes timing, and there is skill involved in deciding whether to try and run past a zombie (and at what angle) or to enter and leave their attack radius to trigger the attack animation which has a cooldown.

>> No.8468874

You've never played dmc and don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.8468875

I'm a resident evil dan too, classic silent Hill just takes a steaming hot dump on classic RE. Revisiting them really made me realize how vast the gap really is.

>> No.8468876

>0 made 1 obsolete
Are you smoking fucking crack?

>> No.8468879

If you use the stick, which isn't tank controls, it takes zero effort to juke a zombie.

Good players will switch between the dpad and stick when it makes sense, and by good players i mean anyone who has an IQ higher than your average nigger.

>> No.8468901

It, being remake. REmake fans will tell people not to bother with 1 (1996) and tear apart 2 (2019) for the same things 1 (2002) does.

>> No.8468904

>Good players will switch between the dpad and stick when it makes sense
No they won't because stick is for zoomers such as yourself

>> No.8468910

....you played on alternate controls
Retard. They are made FOR zoomers and completely break the game. Enemies adhere to the movement scheme of tank controls. Of course you thought dodging zombies is a joke, you zoomer faggot.

>> No.8468913
File: 643 KB, 802x917, 1640704390999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you use the stick, which isn't tank controls, it takes zero effort to juke a zombie.
>Good players will switch between the dpad and stick when it makes sense, and by good players i mean anyone who has an IQ higher than your average nigger.

>> No.8468918
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>just use the control scheme for braindead zoomers which completely breaks the game

>> No.8468923
File: 90 KB, 1000x667, 5CDEDF0A-3D85-4A1D-B610-D48DEB886783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you use the stick, which isn't tank controls, it takes zero effort to juke a zombie
Thread's over. I was sympathetic until that. I should have known.

>> No.8468935

I should have known too but I completely forgot the alternate control scheme existed. I dont see the appeal of classic RE without tank controls. OP is confirmed turbo zoomer.

>> No.8468946

This fucking board.
FYI, alternate controls are the REmake equivalent of putting move & shoot in re4. The fact you didn't even know is concerning.

>> No.8468956

This kid is the kind of trash that we have to deal with post rule change.

>> No.8468963

Should have known when he started talking about dmc

>> No.8468972

Kid abandoned the thread too lol after being outed as a zoomer retard. Probably underage or very close to it.

>> No.8468976

When he told that guy "bro just move left and right" I knew something was off
Besides that, the nu-controls do not feel to use. It's not because I'm used to tank controls, it's because the camera transitions are complete garbage, especially in the hallways in REmake. The controls are actively working against the camera, whereas tank controls work in conjunction because directional input is always based on your character & you can hold the top button down when turning corners with camera flips.

>> No.8468990
File: 1.78 MB, 1455x952, OBSERVATORY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropping some environmental concept art from Zero on this dumpster fire of a thread.


>> No.8469068

Sorry to interrupt your back and forth circle jerk, but the default controls on the HD version are tank controls for the dpad and modern on stick. No options menu necessary. If you need to self-impose control limitations, the game is not hard.

I also beat the ps1 game when i was 7 years old.

So no, your game isn't hard, and no, I'm not a zoomie, I'm a fucking land lord and you're a fucking loser who is trying to hold up a really easy kids game as some hardcore elite gamer shit just because you have to run past slow ass zombies. Tank controls or not, its never been hard to avoid them. There's also plenty of fuel to burn any of the ones that are in annoying areas.

And devil may cry is a Playstation 2 game, not a zoomer game, you're a fucking faggot who clearly sucks at games of you can't handle it. You think RE is hard because you've never actually played a hard game, you're probably one of those faggots who only plays normie shit like Zelda and Mario, which btw, resident evil is normie shit too, that's why they made a thousand shitty movies. Unlike devil may cry.

>> No.8469075

>And devil may cry is a Playstation 2 game, not a zoomer game
Keep telling yourself that kid

>> No.8469085

Get gud

>> No.8469101
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>hold up a really easy kids game as some hardcore elite gamer shit
No one claims that's it's elite gamer tier. It's a slow burn mystery game where people derive enjoyment from managing their resources accordingly and deriving enjoyment from dodging zombies rather than fighting. It's like a fine wine and you're a dumb nigger who drinks colt45. Head on back to /v/

>> No.8469103

>RE1 plot
>everyone split up
>holy shit monsters, let's split up
>get key A and use it to open door A
>get key B and use it to open door B
>get key C and use it to open door C
>get key D and use it to open door D
>get key E and use it to open door E
>holy shit someone is a traitor, it's obviously barry or wesker, but I'm not gonna act suspicious or say anything, I'm just be nice to everyone and act like nothing happened
>get key F and use it to open door F
>get key G and use it to open door G
>get key H and use it to open door H
>get key I and use it to open door I
>wow the traitor just killed the Mexican guy, let's split up, guy who has a 50% chance of being the traitor!
>get key J and use it to open door J
>get key K and use it to open door K
>get key L and use it to open door L
>get key M and use it to open door M
>Walk slow with the fuel, the only time in the whole game they do something even slightly different
>The traitor is wesker, kill the tyrant, the end

>> No.8469109

>slow burn mystery
They literally show a fucking picture of the umbrella research team like half way through and its laughably obvious that one guy is Wesker

Also i already knew the plot from 24 years ago.

>item management
Tediously running from one door to the next, stopping at the item box to get whatever key you need. Yawn.

>> No.8469113

I too enjoy reductio ad absurdum

>> No.8469115

It's really not though, the game is incredibly basic.

>> No.8469117

Cool bro, now go back to /v/

>> No.8469118

REmake was great. Zero was mediocre.

>> No.8469119

bruh you've been watching too many speedruns
>I don't think franchises need to go on forever
>RE2 takes a steaming hot shit on 1
honestly RE2 feels too linear compared to RE1 and has less puzzles but everything else is an upgrade
>There is zero thinking in RE 1 and 0.
don't be a retard anon

>> No.8469123

Said the faggot who doesn't like ps2 action games.
Go back to r/residentevil

>> No.8469129

>its laughably obvious that one guy is Wesker
I was referring to you are in a mansion full of monsters and trying to figure out the cause of the monsters. I enjoy reading the lore notes and exploring the haunted mansion.

>> No.8469135

PS2 is /v/ zoomer: the console

>> No.8469136

I dont have a reddit account

>> No.8469140

I've never watched a single speedrun of any game in my entire life because I'm not a fucking tranny. Run past the zombies is resident evil 101, its the first fucking thing every kid learns. I remember teaching it to my one friend who was a total retard like you, back when code Veronica came out on dream cast.

Resident evil is not a thinking man's game. At the same time this game was out my uncle and I played through Myst, now that mother fucker is a thinking game. Resident evil 1 is literally just running from keyhole to keyhole.

>> No.8469142
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>> No.8469164
File: 36 KB, 363x399, confused guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so obvious that the remake worshipers are console fags who have never played a single point and click adventure game in their entire lives. It's comical watching them act like they're cracking the devinci code by using the helmet key in the helmet door and the umbrella emblem in the umbrella emblem slot.

>> No.8469172

>right is not dead
So that's why the remakes of 2 and 3 had tank controls

>> No.8469180

>And devil may cry is a Playstation 2 game, not a zoomer game
Every Zoomer has played PlayStation ONE you dumb cunt, and most definitely the PlayStation 2. I haven't met a single zoomer who hasn't played PS2. like, ???????????????????????????????????

>> No.8469195
File: 14 KB, 474x317, fascinating behavior.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't met a single zoomer.

>> No.8469203

No wonder you think they don't know what teabagging is

>> No.8469205

If Code Veronica didn't ring any alarms about the formula getting stale and rotten with you, then I don't see how REmake and 0 would change your mind.

>> No.8469341

Yes because nothing pops anymore. Everything just blends together in a grey mush and it doesn't look good. Only retards who care for how much detail can be crammed into one frame thinks it looks good, it's why the money shots people post are typically shit with actual lighting or with more focus on the models.
Additionally, it's funny you say "bing bing wahoo" as REmake was a nintendo exclusive for 13 fucking years.
Actually, in RE1 (at least the original) you only got 3 keys in the whole mansion, 2 if you played as Jill. Of them, one opens about 4 doors, one opens just 1, and the other opens up every other door, a variety of them being optional. If you play as Chris as well, they don't split up, Chris is sent to quickly investigate and when he comes back everyone else is gone.
As for the guardhouse you get like 3 keys and it's in a pretty linear order. After that you get one more key and the game is basically done with key collecting.
I think you just haven't played the game.

>> No.8469358

Simmer down, zoomer. Back in your pod

>> No.8469535

Jewels, plaques, emblems, cranks... Those are just glorified keys.

>> No.8469538

>you haven't played the game because you're not being a dumb pedant who makes a distinction between literal keys and figurative keys

You should probably kill yourself.

>> No.8469548

The only people advocating for pods are your old classmates

>> No.8469782

>sh1 better than re2
>sh2 better than REmake
>sh4 better than zero
yeah, nah

>> No.8470406


>> No.8470496

No, those are tools. I get that REmake used them poorly but in the original they were well handled progression challenges or checkmarks. I'm gonna talk about the original instead actually, because the remake does suck but the OP uses his points to imply that it's a series wide issue.
The cranks server to cripple your inventory for the caves if you want to avoid item boxes, the red jewel is completely optional while the blue jewel is found two rooms away from where it's used, same goes for the shield emblem, the various small keys are just used to open optional things, here's a list of the only real "keys".
>The 4 Mansion keys (3 if Jill), 1 found outside the mansion
>The 3 Guardhouse Keys
>the Star/Moon/Wind/Sun emblems
>The Wolf/Eagle medallions
That's really it. Everything else is just puzzles, and it's literally only an issue in REmake because it's so goddamn linear.

>> No.8470621

No, the cranks and other "tools" are still just keys. They take up 1 inventory slot, just like a key. They open a doorway, just like a key. They're fucking keys.

Tools in a video would be things like the gadgets in ape escape or some of the items in metal gear, where you get to use them in creative ways, in real time. Not a fucking object you just click use in front of a locked pathway and then watch as it opens.

>> No.8470640

In Zelda, the hook shot, deku leaf, iron boots, etc... Those are tools.

A crank that opens a glorified door, even if it's flavored as a lift or water drain or whatever, is a fucking key item.

>> No.8470674

op filtered by keys and cries on the internet about it

>> No.8470686

>If you need to self-impose control limitations, the game is not hard.
No one said the game is hard

>> No.8470692

Code: Veronica was before REmake.

>> No.8470730

That's the implication. Derp.

>> No.8470748

No, the implication is that people enjoy the classic RE gameplay and atmosphere, and that there is some intricacy in the gameplay. No one said it is hard.

>> No.8470793


Kill yourself faggot

>> No.8470798

Some intricacy, and by some, i mean much much much much less intricacies than most other video games.

>> No.8470803

None of those posts implied the game was hard. Your reading comprehension is impressive.

>> No.8470889

REtrash is garbage you faggot
go back to r*ddit

>> No.8470947

>expressing disbelief that someone can "master" dodging slow moving zombies isn't implying that it's hard

Shut the fuck up retard.

>> No.8470950
File: 731 KB, 1920x2787, inCollage_20211231_111237884~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silent Hill is a game
Resident Evil is a walking simulator

>> No.8470968

It's tricky with a bit of intricacy if you do not use the zoom control scheme.

>> No.8471013

Silent Hill is a flashlight simulator

>> No.8471048

This level of asshurt can't be real. It's a baby kiddie game that isn't hard but you still cheated in order to "beat" it. Okay.
>If you need to self-impose control limitations, the game is not hard.
Self impose? You mean, use the original, intended control scheme; the same one the enemies adhere to & that doesn't break the game?
>w-well! It's so easy anyway!
>bbut i was g-good at dmc guise

>> No.8471053

>compared interface puzzles to keys unlocking doors
Is the "train key" unlocking a previously visited locked door on the train a puzzle to you

>> No.8471057

Nobody did that. It's just hilarious you think dodging zombies is braindead easy when you use the zoomie control scheme that the game is very clearly not designed for and did not exist until 2015

>> No.8471231

I used the default control scheme. Learn to read.

I also beat the ps1 game when i way 7, as i stated. Learn to read.

>> No.8471385

You used the default control of the shitty hd remaster made for brainlet not the original control of the gamecube version.

>> No.8471518

Lmao this fag got btfo so hard he's sperging in a completely different thread.

>> No.8471576

The default control scheme is not the original control scheme, faggot. The original control scheme does not have broken analogue inputs. There is no self imposition. It's basically another difficulty setting.

>> No.8471661

>you didn't come on /vr/ and ask for their permission to use the default controls!

And when i beat the ps1 version as a 7 year old?

>> No.8471665


You have nothing nigger. Dodging zombies is not hard. Take the L.

>> No.8471679
File: 156 KB, 1920x1080, remake controls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to actually select Alternate to enable the directional analog inputs you dumb zoomer. They aren't the default

>> No.8471689

In the hd version they're on by default, in both games.

>> No.8471694

I beat the game when i was 7 on ps1. Your game is not hard. You're a fucking pleb nintodler who's never played a real challenging game before. You think it's hard because you're bad at games, with your only other games being Zelda and mario kart.

>> No.8471719

I finished Sekiro without kuro charm with mouse and keyboard

>> No.8471723
File: 335 KB, 528x702, spider man re0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have any art of scrapped enemies? I can't believe they cut something cool like this guy in favor of giant bugs and monkeys.

>> No.8471776

Not retro, don't care.

All of my friends played RE1-3 when they came out on ps1. We beat all of them. The games aren't hard.

>> No.8471785

So your skills are inferior to that of a 7 year old?

>> No.8471787

No one says they are hard. You are just making random ass assumptions about mario and zelda or whatever the fuck when it's completely irrelevant.

>> No.8471794

No one ever said they were hard.

>> No.8471876
File: 476 KB, 2000x1406, 1603424155780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think 0 was way, way different early in development. Just look at these 2. They look like they belong in a Zombies Ate My Neighbors sequel. Apparently there's an interview that briefly mentions how the train was going to stop in a small abandoned town in the mountains (instead of the Training Facility) in one of the early outlines too. I've had no luck whatsoever finding it though.

>> No.8471975

based overall

fuck crapcom lmao

>> No.8472113
File: 3.97 MB, 460x259, 1640987699473.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys ever play that super elite hardcore gamer game called Devil May Cry? It's fucking wild man.

>> No.8472154


>> No.8472240

kek OP btfo

>> No.8472257

>147 replies
>38 posters
Whole lotta samefagging going on in here.

>> No.8472263

Every anon made 3.5 posts wow such samefagging.

>> No.8472362
File: 259 KB, 360x450, DAN_00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a resident evil dan too, classic silent Hill just takes a steaming hot dump on classic RE. Revisiting them really made me realize how vast the gap really is.

>> No.8472410


>> No.8472484

>t-that doesn't count

>> No.8472489

>I think 0 was way, way different early in development.
The n64 build was basically the same. I think stopping at a town could have been cool though.
I fw the old re art direction

>> No.8472492

Silent hill deserved to die

>> No.8472651

If its easy either way, why throw a tantrum over the controls? Retard. If the game is easy either way there's no reason to give a shit. So sad to watch you play dumb.

>> No.8472721

Dead series lmao

>> No.8472730

Yeah they even had concept art of Marcus in his Sephiroth cosplay for the N64 one. They were throwing all kinds of silly shit at the wall before they settled on Becky and Billy's wild ride though. Pretty much all of it got scrapped but Biohazard Sengoku eventually became Onimusha.

>> No.8472797

I like the Silent Hill games, but its fans are obnoxious.

>> No.8473295

Classic RE?


>> No.8473302

Can't be more obnoxious than remake fanboys acting like collecting keys, back tracking, and moving diagonally across a hallway to dodge a retarded zombie, is some epic hardcore bullshit when it's really just fucking boring and basic

>> No.8473354

you know you can buy creams, anon

>> No.8473401

>r*ddit spacing
Opinion discarded

>> No.8473719

i played remake last halloween for the first time and I loved it, sucks for you

>> No.8473818

Reddit spacing isn't real

>> No.8473821

Games where Dodging is awesome and takes skill:
Devil May Cry
Ninja Gaiden
Castlevania Curse of Darkness
Castlevania Lament of Innocence
Metal Gear Rising
Soul Calibur
Blood Will Tell
Bullet Hell Games
Enter the Gungeon

Games where Dodging takes zero skill and is boring:
God of War
Resident Evil
Lego Games

>> No.8474736

You say you played on PS1 but literally everything you don't like is from those (or even bigger back then like your complaint about the way characters act) so I'm actually going to call you out as a complete liar.

Nobody worthwhile to communicate with needs you to lie about your fucking credentials. Your post is much worse for the dishonesty and can't be taken at face value since anything else you say could be for attention rather than the truth. Do better.

>> No.8474901

I played them when I was 7. They didn't bother me them because I had barely played any games and had nothing to compare to besides sonic and final Fantasy.

Now I've beaten a thousand fucking games and I finally revisited it, and it's kind of shit.

So the fact that these flaws existed on the ps1, 25 fucking years ago, is irrelevant, you god damn idiot

>> No.8474984
File: 273 KB, 832x1169, wesker monkey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a big gallery of CV/Zero art here. Most of it is just godawful, especially compared to the awesome illustrations from the earlier games, but it's interesting nonetheless.
In an earlier draft, Wesker was the main villain and he released his helper monkey to kill off Bravo team. That got dropped and he was replaced with Marcus.

>> No.8476172

zombies ate my neighbors by capcom, have a mighty need

>> No.8478528

Billy was such a stupid idea from the very start but it seems like someone with pull was really attached to him for whatever reason.

>> No.8478539

less than 100 IQ confirmed

>> No.8478665

Billy is cool.

You must be thinking of Steve.