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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 43 KB, 640x420, brian the lion (Amiga Psygnosis 1994).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8461448 No.8461448 [Reply] [Original]

Ha ha, it's time for Brian The Lion.

>> No.8461450

i am not familiar with this particular scotformer

>> No.8461473

Amiga games love their gradients

>> No.8461478

Classic bit of Bri'.

>> No.8461532

Brilliant bit of Brizza

>> No.8461538

Oi me Amiger

>> No.8461556

What is it about these older euro platformers where they just don't look quite right? Something about the sense of momentum is off.

>> No.8461561
File: 110 KB, 576x416, 86E2F524-BC92-4F46-935B-164DE9259E59.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t know why the one called Robocod is the Christmas-themed James Pond, but that’s just how it is innit?

>> No.8461590
File: 354 KB, 708x968, jamespond2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is a James Bond parody, a Robocop parody, a Christmas game, and a ad for penguin biscuits all in one
Can you?

>> No.8461681

classic euro background design

>> No.8461767


>> No.8461778

These later Amiga games were actually quite an improvement as programmers understood the hardware better and were forced to compete with 16-bit consoles, it was no longer 1988 when making a ZX Spectrum game with more colours was good enough.

>> No.8461819

No wonder it has been ported to every console in existence.

>> No.8461858
File: 15 KB, 320x256, lionheart_04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SNES games are even worst in this regard, as the hardware is only capable of a single background gradient, and it is often used to artificially inflate SNES colour counts, comparatively, the Amiga could freely cycle multiple palettes on a scanline basis.

>> No.8462210

This looks like a Saturday Morning Cartoon where the characters are playing video games.

>> No.8462229

So this is the power of 1994 Amiga

>> No.8462247

If Amiga is so great, why does every game posted here look like shit?

>> No.8462253

You mean the power of 1985 hardware. That game was running on an almost 10 year old machine.

>> No.8462283

Most Amiga devs were more concerned with showing off their programming skills than actually making a fun game.

>> No.8462287

Or worse when the publisher dictated a low effort Atari ST copypaste game.

>> No.8462289

because they *are* shit

>> No.8462341

Ok, but can you can make cool music on snes and genesis, can you design sprite work to use in games, make cool demos. If you want you can even type documents and read text files. The amiga even has a couple of games that can do link up play.
By the way super skid marks, t2 the arcade game and robocop 3 are much more advanced that the console versions.
But yeah, brain the lion does have really ugly sprites, same with soccer kid.

>> No.8462361

snes looks better though sorry

>> No.8462371

will point out that the Amiga is far better at pixel art as the SNES's tile graphics are too blocky

>> No.8462537

Haha another game I never played on another system I never owned growing up, because it wasn't widely marketed in my geographical region - it must be shit for that reason!

>> No.8462637

Nah it’s just shit

>> No.8462643


>> No.8462660

That's great, Pip. Shame about your shitty games, loadtimes, and gimpy 1 button controls for just about everything arcadey.

>> No.8462664

I mean, unless said game was Japanese, that's a good assumption.

>> No.8462718

nobody ever steps up to defend James Pond, or even mentions having played it

>> No.8462746

I’ve played it, and it’s not good. My girlfriend loves it for some reason. I think she’s unironically on the spectrum.

>> No.8462763

James Pond helped me realize my trans identity.

>> No.8462768

It's too mediocre to remember. Games like James Pond were a dime a dozen on the Amiga.

>> No.8463040

Amiga threads are just an excuse to start retarded country wars on /vr/.

>> No.8463069

We've had a few good ones but it's a crapshoot.

>> No.8463193

I played james pond 3 on genesis and it's pretty good

>> No.8463287

Embarrassing cope

>> No.8463293
File: 172 KB, 512x448, 92-03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Euro stuff I can stand to play, or even enjoy:

Sensible Soccer
The Chaos Engine
Fatal Rewind
Cannon Fodder
Mega Turrican

>> No.8463450

Your "girlfriend's" a refrigerator.

>> No.8463481

Kill yourself.

>> No.8463890
File: 7 KB, 443x474, 1625782507767.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what's that? a game from the 90's that isn't by Nintendo? That no one else actually referenced or said was good? AAAHHHHHH I'M GOING INSAAANE! Don't worry Miyamoto-sama, I'll start a thread to defend you!

>> No.8463898

What's your favourite part of Brian the Lion?

>> No.8463902

'oo needs maryor when u got broion da loion

>> No.8463910

So you really need thick nostalgia goggles in order to like Amiga games? Makes sense.

>> No.8463915
File: 402 KB, 874x1171, 1637058909459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The end credits

>> No.8463954

That's pretty much true of all retro games though. Isn't that why people play them? To remember when they were happy?

>> No.8463995

No, that's why stupid people play bad games. I like retro games that are good. I wasn't even around for consoles like the NES. Doesn't matter. The games hold up.

>> No.8464002

No offense but dumbass Americans don't get these weren't $60 releases, they were copied to floppies and tapes, piled up in big cardboard boxes and passed around. The games were shovelware garbage but it's the chance you might find an improbably polished shovelware garbage you wouldn't mind trying out for 15 minutes it only cost 30 cents a piece anyway.

It was basically gambling, you never knew what you'd find next and that in itself was addicting. Dumb american.

>> No.8464029

Okay, so there was no standard of quality, but we're still going to sit here and pretend they're great, and "Americans" just don't get it.
You know what was better? Flash games. They were free, and sometimes they had tits in them. They empowered the unbridled creativity of 13 year olds in often hilarious ways, and you could murder Barney the Dinosaur if you wanted to.

>> No.8464037

Oi me spectrum

>> No.8464039

Now you're becoming less uneducated. You wouldn't expect a Flash stickmin game that you'd play for free to compete with fucking Halo 3. But you know playing a handful of those short arcade Flash games is more fun than sitting through boring cutscene in a modern game, in the end playing 100 flash games for 5 minutes pile up and you end up clocking in more hours than you ever did on your Gaybox 360.

>> No.8464046

Or you could amass a small collection of actually good games that you like, which is what people who owned a SNES or a Megadrive generally did, and why people keep returning to those consoles. because the quality is there.

>> No.8464062

Yes your Flash game analogy was perfect. You say you want complex games but I have more fun playing anime idle simulators for 5 minutes on my cellphone everyday off and before work than putting up with whatever pretentious Naughty Dog, Bethesda bullshit is going on with triple A consoles. 5-10 minutes every day add up to hundreds of hours.

>> No.8464074

>Naughty Dog, Bethesda
Or a good game.

>> No.8464079

People say they want hardcore competitive games but it's bullshit, those always under-perform meanwhile anime waifu cookie clicker idle simulator make easy reliable cash.
Piracy was so rampant on the Amiga, Speccy and Commodore they were practically give for free so it's only natural to have lower standards for free stuff.

>> No.8464082

>the creator of these threads is an American zoomer
Go pay another $40 to be able to play 5 NES games on your Switch, fr fr no cap.

>> No.8464115

What does the market have to do with anything? Just play good games.
I'm not American, and NES games have been free for a while now, if you hadn't noticed. If your argument in favour of the Amiga is that it's cheaper than Nintendo or Sega consoles, well that stopped being a relevant argument in what? The mid 90's, when emulators and clone consoles started rolling out?

>> No.8464121
File: 716 KB, 429x563, Mayanooooo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gtfo here with your meme games I just gambled SSR Mayano.

>> No.8464124

How is this retro?

>> No.8464125


>> No.8464179


>> No.8464228

Only if you're not really known with the library, true. But HDD games with 6 button controllers, what a great world.

>> No.8464454

the best Amiga games were sit-down ones that make use of a keyboard/mouse, it wasn't really designed to do Mega Drive kinds of stuff

>> No.8464590

This. I loved my Amiga for stuff like Syndicate, Theme Park, UFO: Enemy Unknown, Gunship 2000 etc. Sure, they were also on PC but we didn't get one until 1997. And yes a lot of these games had console ports but they were greatly watered down and kinda clunky without mouse support.

>> No.8464668

Same here, loved my Amiga.

It came from the desert
Cannon Fodder
Desert/Jungle strike

>> No.8464713

Wtf didnt james pond used to be a frog?

>> No.8464731

No but there was a playable frog character in James Pond: The Aquatic Games

>> No.8464747

It seems like they only had one level's worth of design ideas.

>> No.8466801

>advert comparing new wannabe mascot to sonic or mario
There were many of these, they were insecure cringe and we could smell it at the time. See also zool, bubsy the bobcat etc

>> No.8466810

Zool 1 was probably the most hated game on the Amiga.