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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 111 KB, 360x450, Puffy_HQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8459975 No.8459975 [Reply] [Original]

NiGHTS is one of the games that shows that games can be art and not just a toy

>> No.8459982

She looks like a sex toy to me

>> No.8459993

I wouldn't call it "art" but this is one of the most magical games ever

>> No.8460405

It's like if Ultra Lord from Jimmy Neutron transitioned poorly and got a job at a Mexican circus

>> No.8460417
File: 486 KB, 640x480, ALPS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8460419
File: 224 KB, 640x480, MAIN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8460421
File: 498 KB, 640x480, PARADE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8460424
File: 317 KB, 640x480, PARK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8460429
File: 343 KB, 640x480, STREET.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8460431
File: 387 KB, 640x480, TITLE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8460432


why are people still so fucking hung up about games just being art period? you guys are insane. video games, ALL video games, are art. ALL of them. mobile games that are like CLICK THE THING AND GET THE MONEY and you have to pay for credits with IRL money are art. EVERY VIDEO GAME IS A PIECE OF ART. Why is English so confusing for you. READ THE DEFINITION OF ART.

>> No.8460435
File: 512 KB, 640x480, TOY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8460436
File: 375 KB, 640x480, TWIN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8460453

Old manchildren realizing they've wasted their lives on stupid triviality desperately looking for meaning.

>> No.8460463

The argument for games being a 'toy' is even stranger than them being art desu, like what the heck does that even mean?

>> No.8460468

You can easily make the argument that nothing has meaning. Doesn't make it true, but you can.

>> No.8460472

being alive is time wasted, what you do with your life is meaningless. don't act like you're above anyone else.

>> No.8460473

this game isn't art, just that one wierdo at sega's fetish.

>> No.8460476

OP's pic of choice is pretty hilarious, have to admit. I never liked the look of NiGHTS, I'm sure it must be quite a fun game though.

>> No.8460480

shites into screams

>> No.8460548

Games aren't art, they're made out of art. A game can be considered art I suppose but If a game is actually trying to be art, and not entertainment, then it's probably shit and not worth playing.

>> No.8460556

don't let them pull you into these bullshit discussions

>> No.8460558

Please stop making Nights threads. They are becoming a nuisance like all the mario and sonic tard threads.

>> No.8460561

Surely a game can be both artistic and fun to play? I would say that entertainment value should come first for video games, but yeah, I don't see a reason why they can't be both.

>> No.8460565

These threads are made by a discord tranny trying to bait people into posting cringe so you can screenshot and compile them in a humiliation folder.

>> No.8460567

Yes, but those are the ones who think of mechanics first and then add all the artsy shit later. Nights is one of those games.

But if it's like all the game has to offer is walking and pretty set pieces and maybe the hint of some sort of deep idea, then no it's usually not fun and not worth playing.

>> No.8460568

Ironic if true

>> No.8460574

I wanna fuck that big booba ball

>> No.8460584

The boss from OP pic is fucking annoying though. It's basically a "bounce a ball to the gate several times" kind of thing, combined with time limit it triggers some anxiety within me.

>> No.8460586

It sounds like you're describing something like LSD Dream Emulator, which isn't really trying to be a game anyway. I'm not sure something like that is specifically trying to be art either, though. I just think it's less complicated to allow games to be referred to as art. People even still have the same debate about whether music should be considered art, or "just music".

>> No.8460593

There'd be so much porn of this character if NiGHTS was a more contemporary series. But most of it would take some weird liberties with her design and shape.

>> No.8460595

Games can be art, they just shouldn't strive to be art first, and should be entertainment first. A game can be beautiful artistic and thought provoking, but those aren't requirements. I do believe being fun is a requirement though. And if the priority is not on fun but on being an art piece, then it's failed to be a game in my opinion.

For the record I wasn't specifically thinking of LSD, but that's a good example, I was more thinking of the thousands of indie games trying to be art, and shit like Journey, or whatever that Norman Reedus game was, the name escapes me.

>> No.8460625

Oh yeah, I haven't played them myself, but there seems to be plenty of examples of 'artistic' indie games that are just not very good. I mean, saying that something is art is not necessarily saying that it's good, IMO. I personally wouldn't call a picture of a soup can good art, but plenty of other people do.

>> No.8460628

The entire Nights franchise could be a source of fuel for porn fetishists. You have gay ass harlequinns and inflated bunny.
Can't say for sure what kind of fetish Wizeman could relate to but it's probably something about multiple hands stroking your dick or whatever.

>> No.8460631
File: 11 KB, 470x397, nights fat boss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here, I made a quickie just for you

>> No.8460632

Wizeman would definitely appeal to a very particular kind of person who's attracted to weird non-human but non-furry characters like that TV headed thing from FLCL or Pyramid Head.

>> No.8460639
File: 68 KB, 492x852, 1640677500786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bravo Yuji

>> No.8460649

Don't care for that.

>> No.8460668

This bums me out. I'm not really invested in NiGHTS but I do like a good 3D platformer, and the last thing we needed was another one from a high profile developer that bombs to reinforce the false narrative that 3D platformers are a relic of the past with no place in modern gaming unless it's Mario. This shit was like Yooka Laylee all over again.

>> No.8460669

Nothing doesn't have meaning, since the universe will die out eventually. Without a biased human lifeform's viewpoint, nothing matters, it just exists and nothing more. If the universe mattered it wouldn't die.

>> No.8460687

The point I was trying to make is that if somebody wants to point at video games and say they don't have meaning, you can make the same argument about everything, exactly like you are doing. I'm not interested in debating whether that is actually the case or not, besides, it would get too off topic for /vr/. Point is if video games have meaning to you personally, then they have meaning.

>> No.8460773

People are too lazy to actually explain what they mean. They're rather just throw out buzzwords and mindlessly argue over them.

>> No.8460778

Pretty sure the whole universe dying thing is still an unproven theory

>> No.8460796

Process to make them alone is an art, a union of multiple different artforms that make an interactive work of art that can do more than any other piece of media.

>> No.8460812


>> No.8460815

I have NiGHTS on steam, is there any reason it's worth also getting the Wii version? It goes fairly cheap on eBay and I do like the game.

>> No.8460837

The Wii game is a sequel, don't bother with it.

>> No.8460841 [DELETED] 

The most interesting thing about that game is that /v/ helped spread the fake news that the swirly symbol which is featured is the international pedophile code. And losers still fall for the bait to this day.

>> No.8460842

The most interesting thing about that game is that /v/ helped spread the fake news that the swirly symbol which is featured prominently in the game is the international pedophile code. And losers still fall for the bait to this day.

>> No.8460896

Lol, first time hearing about this. Would like to read more, can't find any source.

Also, it's not surprising, 4chan is pretty good at hoaxes.
Iirc anons did the same with trollface image years ago, by making everyone believe it's a mark of some serial killer or something like that.