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8456607 No.8456607 [Reply] [Original]

Why no Metroid for Nintendo 64?

>> No.8456608

they didn’t make it

>> No.8456610

I can't cope with the amount of truth in this thread.

>> No.8456614

What can I say, anon? When you're right, you're right.

>> No.8456619
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by the gods

>> No.8456624

>“I was actually thinking about the possibility of making a Metroid game for N64 but I felt that I shouldn’t be the one making the game. When I held the N64 controller in my hands I just couldn’t imagine how it could be used to move Samus around. So for me, it was just too early to personally make a 3D Metroid … Nintendo at that time approached another company and asked them if they would make an N64 version of Metroid and their response was that no, they could not. They turned it down, saying that unfortunately, they didn’t have the confidence to create an N64 Metroid game that could compare favorably with Super Metroid. That’s something I take as a compliment to what we achieved with Super Metroid.”

>> No.8456639

yokoi was gone, n64 arguably wasn't powerful enough to do a 3D metroid justice, and 2D on home consoles was frowned-upon at the time.

>> No.8456641

>2D on home consoles was frowned-upon at the time.
They could've gone for a pre-rendered 2.5 game like Yoshi's Story or Killer Instinct 2

>> No.8456645


>> No.8456648

both games look like shit. Super Metroid is absolute peak art. Metroid 64 would've look like hot turds by comparison, as well as run at a silk smooth 20 fps tops.

>> No.8456649

They could've, but again, it wasn't en vogue. After all, there were only like what, two 2D platformers on N64? Yoshi's Story and Mischief Makers?
Everyone wanted to do 3D at the time. Especially on N64. Shit, I'm not even sure how well N64 handles 2D games considering how few of them there were. Might've been a hardware reason for that too.

>> No.8456652

prime is already hot trash, imagine how bad it would've been if they tried making it on 64

>> No.8456667
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you literally don't have to imagine. N64-tier Metroid exists already.

>> No.8456673

Too good looking for N64

>> No.8456675

Sakamoto autism. In his own words, he didn't understand the controller.

>> No.8456685

because it's emulator enhanced

>> No.8456686

hindsight is 20/20 and zoomers are super smart

>> No.8456690 [DELETED] 

and he's right about that. that's the worst mainstream controller ever made and it's not even close. no one other than a brand loyal tranny can say otherwise.

>> No.8456691

That's one of those things people say, but I don't know if it's even true. Seems more like journalists and developers were dead set against 2D games, but a lot of people still really liked them.

>> No.8456692


I hate how much Japan loves facial moles.

>> No.8456694

What's not to understand about it? Remember he also didn't understand why would would want nunchuck control in a Wii game. I think he's just genuinely stuck in the Super Nintendo era, and can't wrap his head around analogue sticks.

>> No.8456695
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>> No.8456696

>Seems more like journalists and developers were dead set against 2D games, but a lot of people still really liked them.
Yeah, SOTN became a hit despite journos crying about muh 2D, as well as several CAPCOM 2D titles.

>> No.8456697

You totally could have done a Prime style game on the N64 too. Turok is like two thirds of the way there.

>> No.8456703

It’s better it didn’t happen tbdesu

>> No.8456710
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Smash Bros in general kind of looks like ass. I'm guessing they sacrificed a lot for performance and four player characters on screen at once.

>> No.8456713

Did Yokoi have any input on Metroid aside from being the head on R&D1?

>> No.8456716

I always got the feeling they didn't bother using the N64s better performance modes and the game suffers for it. For whatever the reason Nintendo didn't like it when developers used those alternate modes

>> No.8456720

I guess it was Hal, and Hal are kind of a small studio compared to the main body of Nintendo.

>> No.8456734

it's so that it would run at 60fps and not the 20fps abominations that were so common in the N64

>> No.8456747

The framerate drops down to 20 fps once you put 4 players on screen.

>> No.8456816

Sony tried to prevent SOTN from coming out in the West you know, it wasn't only the journos.

>> No.8456827

Why would they, when they allowed several 2D games to cross the pond? I'm calling it bullshit.

>> No.8456840

It would have been very similar to Turok 1 and 2.

>> No.8456850
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they probably thought it wasn't worth the risk

anyway if you want a 5th gen metroid, play SotN (2D) or The Divide (3D)

>> No.8456858

I've never heard of this game before

>> No.8456865

Corpo culture is slow to adapt and Sony rode the "home 3D gaming" angle hard in 1994, so they just stuck with it and tried to prevent the brand from becoming associated with "outdated" graphics. The games you're talking about were released by publishers who were big enough to pick a fight, or just stuff that a major console simply needed to have, like Street Fighter. Anyway, Konami had to push hard for SOTN's release and you can find more about it in staff interviews.

>> No.8456870
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Also Saturn PowerSlave and this

>> No.8456892

It has no hardware support of any kind for 2d graphics, but a very fast cpu. The most demanding 2d game on the system is MK Trilogy. But this is hard to make any conclusions about because MK home ports are notoriously sloppy shovelware.

>> No.8456896
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The engine they made this on was so solid. I can not imagine it was easy to make it. Why did they only do this one game with it wtf?

>> No.8456898
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>> No.8456926

>Sakamoto sees a controller with an analog stick
>brain locks up and he has no idea how it works
Story checks out

>> No.8456948

Other M always felt how i imagined n64 metroid to play, OoT style with 3rd person, first person aiming for some weapons. The oot engine probably could have done a decent metroid.

>> No.8456951

Should I even bother playing Metroid 86 or should I just play Zero Mission?

>> No.8456957


>> No.8456970

clean your monitor

>> No.8456972

is this good?

>> No.8457001

Zero Mission.

I don't think even /vr/ is contrarian enough to argue that ZM is better than the original.

>> No.8457007

>prime is trash
You take that back, game is great and the score is even better. It's a worthy successor to Super.

>> No.8457012

Or just look at any other FPS on the N64, that's what Prime on N64 would have looked like.

>> No.8457021

I'm getting mixed signals from your post.

>> No.8457028

zero mission is handholdy as fuck, the new areas aren't good gameplay wise and some of the optional pickups for 100% are god awful, and I played on the GBi, I can only imagine how terrible they'd be to get to playing on a handheld.

>> No.8457031

Why would a DVD player have a dedicated magazine?

>> No.8457039

So since it was lesser popularity than Mario and Zelda it wasn't something required to move the fun machines. Yet again this falls to N64 homebrew devs to correct, or flex with. Depending on what timeline you're talking about of course. Hm, now that I think of it I do not recall ever seeing any N64 hb at all. Surely it exists...

>> No.8457532

It's pretty good, yeah. One of the few games that did a good job of transitioning from 2D gameplay to a 3D sequel.

It has the usual PS1 jank though (pixelated graphics, a sometimes goofy camera, etc).

>> No.8457537
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take a time machine back and ask them

>> No.8457543

Metroid doesn't sell. N64 needed bangers. N64 sucked in general (mario kart was okay)

>> No.8457592

The technology didn't exist yet for a good Metroid game in 3D

>> No.8457593

You literally just argued that ZM is better

>> No.8457601

It's still a lot more fun than the original Metroid, but you're right

>> No.8457606

>it is fascinating how one of the most popular NES games of all time somehow became declared ‘bad’ or ‘outdated’. By whom? And when did this happen?
>It happened when Nintendo wanted to sell you Metroid: Zero Mission. Why should you buy Zero Mission if you’ve already played Metroid? “Because that NES Metroid is a relic of the past and obsolete. Play this GBA version of Metroid instead. It has lots of cutscenes and stealth gameplay because that is what makes Metroid Metroid.”
>After Zero Mission, NES Metroid became declared ‘bad’ and got on Internet’s ‘do not play’ list.
>This same phenomenon played out with Samus Returns for the 3DS. Gameboy games can be rough to play today, but Metroid II was never bad. Metroid II does horror the best out of all Metroid games which Dread could learn something about. The Metroids are scary as hell in Metroid II, and they evolve right in front of your eyes. They leave clues they’re around like the husks of their former outer skin like a snake skin shed as the snake grows. Is Metroid II somewhat linear? Yeah. But it’s one of the most impressive Gameboy games out there, and it’s a freaking Gameboy game. It’s pretty limited on what could be done.
>But Metroid II was ‘remade’. WHO ASKED FOR THIS? No one.
>NES Metroid was ‘remade’. WHO ASKED FOR THIS? No one.

>If Sakamoto ever ‘remakes’ Super Metroid (perish the thought!), the new line will be that Super Metroid is ‘obsolete’ and ‘outdated’ and only the new remade Super Metroid should be played.

>> No.8457643

Agreed with this. It has been a long time since I played it, but I recall being annoyed with how the map was laid out. I remember it being a lot heavier on item usage than other Metroid games usually were which resulted in doing a lot of repetitive tasks when you need to backtrack through rooms. It felt less organic than Super Metroid and even Metroid Fusion. The ear grating music is a huge problem for me as well. I prefer the original Metroid by a wide margin. Not that it is a flawless game. I just find it oddly charming. The slower pace plus the simpler and darker visuals give it a haunting atmosphere. The music is definitely more appealing than how it is in Zero Mission.

>> No.8457646

Everybody who didn't want to farm HP

>> No.8457648


Hey yo, you seem to be abusing the greentext dawg. It's used for quotes, not text OC. Not that you may give a shit. Anyway.

Yeah Dread was made by MercurySteam and their record of fucking up classic franchises is already established. I cannot comment beyond my experience with Castlevania, because I have not played Dread yet. Anyway. Cheers.

>> No.8457680

that's only valid for nes metroid.
metroid ii on the other hand has recharge stations and saves your current health.

>> No.8457698

People want diagonal shooting, wall jumping, better sound and graphics, snappier controls, amongst many other things
The remake is warranted and better, deal with it

>> No.8457717

>having to wait until every enemy attacks you to counter or spend 10 second per critter shooting
>having to stop to shoot at an angle (you can shoot and diagonally up while running but the point above invalidates this)
>spending 100 missiles and several minutes per metroid even though you have super missiles
>wall jumping that doesn't work 90% of the time
>30fps with putrid graphics while the og runs at silky smooth 60fps and has a clean presentation
>handholding to the max with huge "please kill X amount of metroid" sign and radar instead of letting you explore by yourself
s-sure, a better game.

>> No.8457726

My interest in the remake died when I saw you couldn't use the d-pad for a 2D side scrolling game with precision platforming.

>> No.8457728 [DELETED] 

>The remake is warranted
Cringe consumer ideology. No remake is ever warranted.

>> No.8457730

samus returns is ugly as shit

>> No.8457808

there's no way you use noko for real

>> No.8457829

the video is already low framrate

>> No.8457851

Based and redpilled.

>> No.8457871

>No good game is ever warranted

>> No.8457874

AM2R you nigger
Samus Returns is still more fun than OG Metroid 2. I've actually felt compelled to beat SR despite being much harder than the OG version

>> No.8457878

The thing I really didn't like with the Metroid II remake is how they didn't keep the same layout and seemingly (I didn't play it much) removed the whole exploration aspect of the game, to a large extent anyway. That said I never really liked Fusion because it felt way too linear. I also don't like 3D graphics being used for 2D games, if you're gonna do 2D do it properly, otherwise just make a new Prime or something.

>> No.8457889

remakes are by very nature, not, good

>> No.8457897

Also, the first time I fired it up and started playing, I expected to hear that classic Metroid II music (well, an arrangement thereof) and that not being there was already a big dissapointment. And yeah 3D just looks kinda ugly for 2D platformers to me. 2D sprites all the way.

>> No.8457902

you are really a pseudointellectual retard, tell me how i know you've never worked a day in your life cunt. tell me how i know you've never been more than 1 kilometre away from the nearest bus stop or train station. you fucking faggot. you probably live in an apartment. making something better is by very nature shit, okay retard.

>> No.8457906

Looks more PS1 desu. Needs that trademark N64 ugly bilinear filter.

>> No.8457907

Not necessarily true. Zero Mission was great, it added a lot of features and QoL improvements that make the original game a much more accessible and in many ways more enjoyable experience. An example of a bad remake would be Link's Awakening for the Switch, because it doesn't really add anything to the experience and the art style detracts from what the original tried to accomplish.

>> No.8457909

I thought Prime Hunters was pretty cool, actually. Wasn't the DS worse at 3D graphics than the N64? I think they should have made a Hunters 2 for 3DS.

>> No.8457941

Zero Mission is a perfect starting point, but I still recommend to spend some time with NES Metroid with a map patch - it is a good game and both Super and ZM rely on it heavily.

>> No.8457948

> Wasn't the DS worse at 3D graphics than the N64
No, DS is considerably more powerful, something like Mario Cart DS or Soma Bringer would never run on N64.

>> No.8457957

Oh I see ok, for some reason I thought the port of Super Mario 64 had to be graphically scaled down for the DS, I guess I remembered that wrong or something.

>> No.8457981

I never liked Fusion. wonder if i should sell it now or hodl

>> No.8457983

adaptations and remakes are by definition suspect

>> No.8457993

Probably hold on to it for a while longer. Also yeah I never really got the hype for that game, muh scary SA-X seems to be the main thing that gets mentioned, but IMO exploration, a somewhat non-linear feel and taking one's time soaking in the games atmosphere were always part of the Metroid experience. Ironic considering how popular speedrunning the games is, perhaps, but still.

>> No.8458003

>I thought the port of Super Mario 64 had to be graphically scaled down for the DS
It literally had better models and textures.

>> No.8458009

Personally I enjoy the the slightly more linear nature of Fusion. I find that it is very well paced. It gives out upgrades/weapons at a nice rate which always keeps the exploration and combat interesting. I see it more along the lines of an action game like Mega Man X. Enemies and environmental hazards seem to deal a lot more damage than usual. The boss fights are also among my favorite in the series.

>> No.8458010

what does that mean and how

>> No.8458012

I probably got it mixed up with something else. Makes you wonder if developers could have made more use of the DS's 3D capabilities. Most games were more 2D focused, weren't they?

>> No.8458013

Because remakes and adaptations become a different thing in the process of trying to translate the original thing. The people involved in adapting something apply their own biases and preferences and experience in working on it, and the present business exerts pressures that were not present at the time of the original work. So the original work can (almost) never be replicated, for better or for worse.
But one's attachment to the original work can shut oneself off from positive aspects of the new work, if any.
So I think it's healthy to look at them as completely new works regardless of any attachment to previous works and be suspicious of nostalgia in marketing.

>> No.8458017
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The best SR388 experience I had was to complete a single area in Metroid 2 (with coloring patch) and then complete the same area in AM2R.

>> No.8458018

don't care nigger am2r is better than return of ssamus that is a fact. you literally do not enjoy og metroid 2 more. you literally do not think it's more fun, fuck up

>> No.8458021

never played AM2R because I'm not interested, same with RoS
metroid II can't be replicated. you should deal with your anger issues

>> No.8458028

literally hasn't indulged the game and is making judgements on it
actual pseud spastic
fuck off to another board i just wanna chill talking about old games with some honest lads, why do you fuckers spend ur holidays rationalising ur tribalism over 30 year old video games. haven't u told ur mum u love her? you spend more time talking up some esoteric mysticism u've rationalised than actually talking about the games

>> No.8458034

metroid II is cool

>> No.8458042 [DELETED] 

t. Sony brand loyal tranny

>> No.8458094

I'm curious who the dev they asked to make it was, Rare is all I can think of for the time.

>> No.8458140

do you also think Atari 2600 looks like ass?
you're not wrong, you're just a retard

>> No.8458156
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Kind of yeah.
But Smash Bros even for the N64 looks kind of ass, which is what I was saying. None of those characters look as good as they do in their own dedicated games, and Smash was quite a late stage N64 release.
So using Smash Samus as some kind of proof of the fact that Metroid 64 would have looked like shit doesn't really hold up as an argument.

>> No.8458218

Some examples of what Metroid 64 could have looked like. Posting footage captured from an actual console, for accuracy.

>> No.8458327

Shit I just notice. You know what I meant.

>> No.8458338

>Nintendo at that time approached another company and asked them if they would make an N64 version of Metroid and their response was that no, they could not. They turned it down, saying that unfortunately, they didn’t have the confidence to create an N64 Metroid game that could compare favorably with Super Metroid.
That's along the lines of what I would've thought, it makes perfect sense to me. It would have had to be 2D, and being 2D it would have been strictly inferior to Super Metroid.

>> No.8458358

It would have been interesting to see them try to really push what the console could do with sprites. The best we got was Yoshi's Story, and that game is very nice to look at, but it has a completely different art style to what would have been required for Metroid.
I wonder if they could have made a game with the more painted style of the Shadows of the Empire cutscenes.

>> No.8458389

what if the original game sucked and it's more like calling a do-over

>> No.8458408

Smash has good performance, it can even reach 60 fps sometimes. You can have a pretty good number of objects on screen compared to other fighting games.
No metroid but 2 zelda games, not bad I think. Too bad they only do 1 mario for each console now. Probably could do metroid if using the dk 64 engine.

>> No.8458427

There's several ways they could have done it, and it probably would have worked.
First person shooter, like a proto Metroid Prime
Sidescroller, either with 3D models or sprites
Third person shooter like Jet Force Gemini

I think it didn't happen mostly because Sakamoto was twiddling his thumbs, and Metroid wasn't that big of a flagship title for Nintendo. It was probably about as important as Punch Out or Kid Icarus, before the big Metroid reminiscence happened with Prime and Fusion.
And for that matter, why wasn't there a Punch Out on the N64? Probably would have worked really well, and been another sure hit party game for Nintendo.

>> No.8458431

>imagining that body at 6'3"


>> No.8458434

Gunpei Yokoi died, and nobody else in Nintendo had the motivation or the ability to try and replace him.

>> No.8458435

i'm yet t play that, but seeing how samus returns was shit and am2r it's mostly based on zero mission that it's a little too fast to my liking (i don't know they decided to make zero mission faster when they got the speed right with fusion) and most probably adds unnecessary extra content that just pads the game for no good reason.

>> No.8458437

The whole monochrome presentation of Metroid 2 actually works really well for it's atmosphere, and none of the remakes seem to acknowledge that. Dread is probably closer to what Metroid 2 remake should have looked like, with it being much more muted in it's colour palettes.

>> No.8458439

then fucking play AM2R with the fan updates then, jesus.

>> No.8458445

why play fake metroid ii when i can play real metroid ii?

>> No.8458846


>> No.8458859

Other M could have been made on N64

>> No.8458887

Yeah, you'll have to imagine since the 6'3" measurement was only ever meant for her wearing the suit.

>> No.8459204

AM2R doesn't pad

>> No.8459381

I believe that train of thought came from super Mario 64 DS where a lot of models, including Mario, were comprised of lower polygons than the original but 2irh the more modern designs they looked better still. I think DS and N64 are comparable though DS cartridges can hold a lot more data though N64 does textures better in terms of making them look smoother.

>> No.8459396

I think a metroid game being 2.5d like Samus returns and dread in a similar sort of presentation as Kirby 64 is the most likely metroid 64 scenario. They couldn't figure out how to translate metroid into 3D so just make it 2D with 3D stuff like what Megaman x series did.

>> No.8459489

>examples of what Metroid 64 could have looked like

So you mean those of us who have played a bunch of N64 games will just have to use our imaginations and think about what Metroid 64 could have been. Got it.

>> No.8459505

So people don't keep saying dumb shit like "it was impossible".

>> No.8459513

A wide open world with lots of explosions, huge draw distance, many different biomes, and partially destructible environment running on N64, not gonna happen. Even Prime, on the Gamecube, is more compact than the 2D games. A 3D Metroid on N64 was impossible

>> No.8459517

not impossible, but probably underwhelming

>> No.8459521


Good question, I'd like to know as well. Did they actually ask Rare about it?

Who else could they have called? Game Freak? Retro Studios was not around yet but of course it was they who produced the excellent Prime. What I didn't know is that RS started out as part of Iguana Entertainment.

>> No.8459526


Ah, ok. Thanks for clarifying.

>Even Prime, on the Gamecube, is more compact than the 2D games.

Interesting observation. Prime certainly feels big however

>> No.8459536

Nigga, what? Just separate the game into different areas, like every other game. Arguably Metroid would be less taxing than Zelda, because so much of it can be set in tight, compact areas, rather than vast open spaces.

>> No.8459548

Oh so just make it Wolfenstein 3d roflmao

>> No.8459554

Potentially, yes. What do you think the Metroid franchise is? Breath of the Wild?

>> No.8459565
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Come on now

>> No.8459572

>Metroid needs platforming and exploration
Okay, so like Zelda, and Mario, and Banjo Kazooie...

>> No.8459580

Zelda isn't a platformer, Mario and Banjo have static worlds with very little ongoing game logic, and Mario is individual levels

>> No.8459583

Oh yeah nevermind that there is absolutely nothing in hyrule field

>> No.8459591

I really don't understand what you think Metroid is. You seem to think the entire game map needs to be loaded at once, which isn't true in any Metroid game.

>> No.8459597

Chunks in 3D was not feasible back then dude there simply was not enough RAM

>> No.8459601

>Zelda isn't a platformer
except when it is

>> No.8459605

nigga, just have doors.

>> No.8459609
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>Zelda isn't a platformer

True enough, although the anon you replied didn't say that it was. Anyway, this just makes me think about the fact that II was the least popular in the series (CD-i games aside), and they must have been testing the possibilities of making Zelda games Mario-like perhaps. Anyway this is a Metroid thread, so I'll say Metroid 64 would have been real similar to Zelda 64 had they forced it/needed to release a game in the series at that time.

>> No.8459612

kek, imagine having a metroid game but with the Resident Evil style loading doors every other room

>> No.8459614

...So Metroid Prime?

>> No.8459617

The Zelda 64 games have plenty of platforming
I genuinely can't tell if you're retarded, or if you're messing with me.

>> No.8459618

>door opens
>black void

>> No.8459623

you need to replay the original Resident Evil games if you think Prime's loading is comparable to it

>> No.8459626


Yeah preferrably the hidden loading doors from Resident Evil 1 on PS1. No.

Metroid Prime used a similiar method of loading new rooms, just without changing the player's pov. If you know what I'm talking about, cool.

>> No.8459629
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>> No.8459630

In Prime the doors load quickly, you're still immersed into the regular gameplay, and you can see through the fuckin door
Completely superficial
>no jump button
>no risk of failing
>you just hold forwards and link automatically jumps to the other side in a scripted event

>> No.8459634

You want the camera to pull out and then fade to black EVERY FEW SECONDS???

>> No.8459635

>Metroid Prime used a similiar method of loading new rooms, just without changing the player's pov
Many games did what Metriod Prime did with having long hallways or elavators or something where they would load in the next area. But it they did it in a way that seemed seamless that you didn't think about as a player. In RE1, they are invasive loading screens that break up the flow in a noticeable way that can't really be compared.

>> No.8459638

No, because the N64 used cartridges. It wouldn't need Playstation tier load times.

>> No.8459639

>In Prime the doors load quickly
Not always, there are always a few that take many shots. Also see >>8459638
>you can see through the fuckin door
I still fail to see how that changes the gameplay so much. I think many of you here are concluding that because a N64 Metroid would be more limited technologically than a GameCube title by necessity, then it couldn't have been possible to make it.

>> No.8459643


>> No.8459645

It's not just about loading from a CD into RAM. To save on cartridge space games would often compile their caches in real time, or be heavily compressed with again takes CPU cycles to decompress into readable code.

>> No.8459649

>I still fail to see how that changes the gameplay so much
It means when you shoot a door you walk through it instead of the camera pulling back and fading to black every few seconds because you're trying to get an open world fps game running on n64

>> No.8459661

I'm not seeing how this is different to how Zelda worked, or why it's suddenly a problem here.

>> No.8459664

Oh well when you put it like, I guess Nintendo obviously is a bunch of retards that have no idea how to make games. You should have ran the company.

>> No.8459668

Zelda dungeons are compact and Hyrule field was fucking barren and still ran at 15 fps
The fuck is with N64 cunts and being delusional
Mario 64 was my first ever game I love it to this day, but I don't have some sort of fucked duo tribslistic loyalty to it. It's not the meaning of life cunt. N64 isn't your father. You're just as bad as that one tranon bitching about "Trashure" constantly or the other tranny telling people that the Turbografx-16 is life without actually talking about the games. Go get a hobby cunt, you have to have some sort of passion or skill I know it

>> No.8459673

>I guess Nintendo obviously is a bunch of retards that have no idea how to make games
You have actual dev quotes here saying that they were confused by N64's gamepad and didn't know how to use it for a Metroid game, which isn't any different to GC's functionality wise. The fact that they had to rely on a western studio to make a 3D Metroid implies that yes, sometimes they're retards with no idea how to make games.

>> No.8459680
File: 149 KB, 892x682, download (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And again, I'm not sure what you think Metroid is, if you think the environments haven't always been compact, and broken up by doors and elevators. Here's your "open world".

>> No.8459682

One cherry picked room out of the whole game that only proves your own retardation because of the FUCKING POWER BOMB YOU CUNT THAT ROOM IS MASSIVE HOLY SHIT YOU ARE A RRTATD GET A JOB CUNT GET. AFJCKING LIFE DO YOU THINK YOU'RE ABOVE CLEANING TOILETS

>> No.8459684

Not only did Nintendo not know, but apparently other devs also didn't feel confident they could make a proper 3D Metriod on the N64 at the time, either. Yet for some reason you are confident it was possible in a way that would have been fun. But here you are, just trivializing everything, as if a zoomer who didn't remember how novel and new 3d movement in an open world was back in the mid/late 90s.

>> No.8459691

Yeah, a vertical shaft. What a vast open world.

>> No.8459696

"open world" is a buzzword. Metroid is mostly corridors.

>> No.8459703

They could have done it in 3d. Play Jet Force Gemini, Banjo Tooie and Exhumed (on the saturn but n64 could have run it easily). Metroid64 could have been those three games combined. First person or third person. Or they could have just gone the 2.5 d route. Exhumed on the saturn is the fps that reminds me the most of Metroid Prime before Metroid Prime was released. All the items and backtracking and unlocking new areas. Jet Firce Gemini was a decent third person shooter at the time with platforming elements.

>> No.8459705

>Metroid is mostly corridors.
That would make any kind of loading far more worse since loading would happen more often than if it was just a few big open rooms. And to the point that loading shouldn't be a problem because it was a cartrdige, how do you mentally cope with the fact that Metriod Dread has worse loading times than than Prime?

>> No.8459710

>zoomer this zoomer that
Fuck's sake you guys lost all ability to argue without throwing out this word in every post. I'm in my mid 30s. You keep telling yourself that Nintendo is this company that can't do no wrong when they also lost the ability to make F-Zero, to give you another example. They chose to specialize in some select gaming philosophies and lost the 'how-to' for many of their franchises. Companies decline all the time, there's nothing shameful about it.

>> No.8459716 [DELETED] 

Why are you still on 4chan in your mid 30's

>> No.8459718

It would be about as arduous as loading between rooms in Zelda dungeons, I would imagine. You haven't explained why this is a problem yet.

>> No.8459724 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8459726

I never said Nintendo could do no wrong, though. I'm convinced you didn't even read my post now. You just saw the word zoomer and got triggered.

>> No.8459728


Quake 64 comes to mind, first cart I ever saw that had 'loading' notifs

>> No.8459731

You're implying that Nintendo would just make another Zelda game with a Metriod skin, and that would be okay. As if you don't understand the differences between the two games. And anons did explain to you how loading times can be a problem even with cartridge based games. Did you not play RE2 on the N64?

>> No.8459732

I've been frequenting this site less and less

>> No.8459739

There's a Mickey Mouse game on the SNES that has loading screens.

>> No.8459746

>You're implying that Nintendo would just make another Zelda game with a Metriod skin, and that would be okay
>understand the differences between the two games
Metroid is in space and doesn't have towns.

>> No.8459756

>>You're implying that Nintendo would just make another Zelda game with a Metriod skin, and that would be okay
It's funny because now I'm the one that's going to call you a nintendo drone that would eat up whatever they would shit in their mouth
>Metroid is in space and doesn't have towns.
So entirely different games, glad you understand that.

>> No.8459758


lol, wow. Thanks now I'm gonna try to find it. Haha, I need to look at Golden Axe: Warrior again, too. Have fun arguing, everyone else.

>> No.8459760

And Metroid is impossible on the N64 because it's in space and doesn't have towns?

>> No.8459763

Who said that?

>> No.8459767

Explain why you can't make Metroid on the N64 then.

>> No.8459770

We already have cunt, please get a life stop shitting up the board I just wanna sit down with the boys talking about good games not babysit a schizoid

>> No.8459771

Nintendo and other devs didn't feel confident in it, so they didn't do it. Now 20+ years later you got keyboard warriors who think that's a lie and that Nintendo could have done it.

>> No.8459776

You haven't. You just keep saying "open world FPS", which isn't what Metroid is, and making some bizarre argument about loading screens.

>> No.8459780

>You just keep saying
An anon only said that once in this thread until you just repeated it. You're actually a schizo aren't you?

>> No.8459782

Why are you still here you sad cunt, you're never going to agree with us or humour us or be satisfied with anything we say. There is literally no point in these messages of yours. Go get a job

>> No.8459784

Sakamoto is an actual retard who needed to consult MercurySteam in order to make a competent game again.
So explain why the game couldn't be done.

>> No.8459789

Just admit you were wrong, and we can all stop.

>> No.8459792 [DELETED] 

>So explain why the game couldn't be done.

>> No.8459793

>Sakamoto is an actual retard who needed to consult MercurySteam in order to make a competent game again.
So there you go, there's your headcanon answer. Apparently you didn't get a Metriod game on the n64 because he's creator is a retard.

>> No.8459794

>be space pirate
>discover bioweapon that can bring ypu great profits
>"uh boss we should like hide it on this planet just in case someone comes lookin"
>agree anyway because finding a buyer i hard
>years later learn that the legendary female bounty hunter is coming for you
>"no worries boss we made lots of pipes see? oh sh-"
>"pipes? also what now?"
>"the bioweapon escaped and is wrecking the planet"
>try to fix it by build a supercomputer brain to try and contain it
>rig the place with explosives just in case
>fail miserably and die in the lava pit room you made to guard the brain
why is the story so dumb

>> No.8459807

He needs to be wrangled by competent people, or he just goes off and produces shit like Other M.

>> No.8459808

>Apparently you didn't get a Metriod game on the n64 because he's creator is a retard.
Yes, happens often in the video game industry. See Yuji Naka, Peter Molyneux, Kenji Inafune, Koji Igarashi, Warren Spector and many has-beens. They lose the mojo and it's gone forever. But you think this is outlandish to suggest in this very specific case.

>> No.8459809

Finally a good post in this thread thank you

>> No.8459813

Yeah if only these retards were a genius like you, we would have gotten an n64 Metriod. Fucking has-beens.

>> No.8459819

Leave Igarashi out of this. Bloodstained is pure soul.

>> No.8459824

>Well you can't criticize this athlete because you don't work as an athlete
Ok, now that we pointed out the stupidity of your latest argument, let me try again. You say N64 Metroid wasn't possible because Sakamoto couldn't think of it. So that implies that, with the release of more powerful hardware, he could finally make a worthy 3D Metroid. But the guy goes, gets his hardware upgrade, and still can't make 3D Metroid, so he asks filthy gaijins to make one. But he's a total genius and geniuses never lose it mate, right? athletes never stop playing good, creators never make a bad work, musicians never lose the magic touch, etc etc. And you're never allowed to point this out.

>> No.8459832

>N64 metroid
Yo you niggas know about jet force gemini right. It's got underage cheerleader boob physics and as close to metroid 64 as it'll ever get.

>> No.8459843

>You say N64 Metroid wasn't possible because Sakamoto couldn't think of it.
That is literally what he claimed.
>So that implies that, with the release of more powerful hardware, he could finally make a worthy 3D Metroid
Not at all. What? How did you make that jump?
>But the guy goes, gets his hardware upgrade, and still can't make 3D Metroid, so he asks filthy gaijins to make one.
Which he apparently did for the n64 for as well, but the gaijin agreed they couldn't at the time. Again, you keep glossing over this because this is when your argument falls apart.
>But he's a total genius and geniuses never lose it mate, right?
They guy made Super Metriod, so yeah he defintiiely is one of the best.

>> No.8459845

Get a job

>> No.8459849
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only good post itt thank you anonymous

>> No.8459852

>They guy made Super Metriod, so yeah he defintiiely is one of the best.
Molyneux made Populous, Black & White, Theme Park, Dungeon Keeper, produced Syndicate... I think I'm gonna buy his next game! he can't do anything wrong!

>> No.8459860
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Here's yo metroid bro. If you ask me metroidvania genre is overrated as hell, it's easy as fuck platforming action with backtracking. Get the green missile to open the green door at infinity.
I don't get why people cream their pants so much over it, wouldn't you rather have a good action set piece that gets to the point and doesn't waste your time?

>> No.8459862

We don't know who they approached to make Metroid for N64. Probably not Retro, since they didn't exist yet. Maybe Rare, who it seems had opted to make their own space adventure instead.
If we're going to take their word for it that the game was just not possible, then I have to ask why, considering there are already a bunch of good shooters, space games, and adventure style games on the system. What was it? They couldn't produce the right shade of orange to depict Samus correctly?

>> No.8459865

Not an argument. Checkmate, schizo.

>> No.8459873

"Not possible" just means they thought sidescrollers wouldn't market well in 3D at the time. Megaman X7 had a similar problem where the team came up with a solid 2.5D side-view engine but was told by higher ups to rush a third person perspective in the last minute because they didn't think 2D games marketed well.

>> No.8459876


>> No.8459886

Closest thing to Metroid 64 probably Turok 2, Armorines, Jet Force Gemini and PSX/Saturn Powerslave. Powerslave in particular is so close to Egyptian themed Metroid you even get save rooms, ability upgrades and infinite respawning bug enemies that drop health and ammo pickups.

>> No.8459898

not a single samus lewd in this thread

>> No.8459907
File: 33 KB, 450x331, bodyharvest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your Metroid GTA bro.
Chances are nintendo probably saw body harvest in motion and decided to cancel all metroid projects until the gamecube. Terrible game.

>> No.8459987

Those wide open spaces don't have a lot of geometry in them. To create an interesting enclosed space actually requires more geometry than to create an interesting open and empty space.

>> No.8459998

- Metroid not very popular in Japan
- Gunpei Yokoi had left the company and was dead
- Nintendo had very tight software development capacity during N64 era, Zelda was delayed many times. They were going flat out to make the games that they did.
- Creating a 3d Metroid game on the N64 would be very technically challenging because enclosed spaces require a lot of geometry.
- The N64 era only lasted roughly five years, there wasn't time.

>> No.8460215

I laffed. sad, but laughable

>> No.8460327

It's funny because they didn't even consider that Metroid should still be 2D back then. He must have thought he was being asked to invent a genre of vertical-heavy 3D platformer with tileblocks in every surface that could disguise items.

>> No.8460381

/thread, how tf did I not see this earlier ffs

>> No.8460924

I doubt they would have asked Game Freak, I don't think they'd even attempted a 3D game at that point. Their programming skills have always been notoriously poor, I dread to think how they'd fare with the N64's architecture.

>> No.8460934

God that looks like fucking shit.

>> No.8461059

When I worked at UPS the girl who worked across the belt from me every morning dressed and looked like this.

>> No.8461065


God I'm sorry. It'd drive me crazy having to look at that disgusting facial mole all the time

>> No.8461074

She didn't have that. But the huge thighs and abs were there.

>> No.8461080

>disgusting facial mole
are you gay son

>> No.8461118

but you can get arrestws because the amounts of lies are high.

>> No.8461121

Still playing 4d chess, embarrasing psycho.

>> No.8461241

How complex does the geometry in Metroid need to be? More Complex than your standard Zelda dungeon?
If you literally just take the overworld out of OOT and string all of the dungeons together as one big dungeon, you've got the framework of a Metroid game right there. Maybe swap out a few block pushing puzzles for secret bombable walls, change the crawl animation to a morph ball and the arrows to lasers. Yep, it's Metroid.

>> No.8461273

Metroid was on life support before Americhads came along and made Metroid Prime.

>> No.8461289

>ups backend union job
>dressed in a bikini and gogo boots
Sounds legit

>> No.8461460
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I liked that her underwear in Metroid II is reminiscent of Alien. Don’t like how her skimpy outfit in recent games is just workout clothes

>> No.8461469

I do like that it just looks like actual underwear in that game. It's cute. Those spacey leotards don't really do it for me.

>> No.8461571
File: 708 KB, 712x999, A985AA60-CA6A-4D92-9C03-FFDFBEAD0F8B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also Samus turned into the Nina Williams/Sarah Bryant stereotype around Zero Mission.

>> No.8461629
File: 80 KB, 903x624, samus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you'll have to imagine since the 6'3" measurement was only ever meant for her wearing the suit.

The source in Nintendo Power specifically goes out of its way to say that suit hides a 6'3", near 200lb woman.

The height and weight are also specificied as 'personal data' - a suit is not a person.

Samus is 6'3", 198lbs.

>> No.8461637


>> No.8461642

it's not a bad game but I think everyone prefers 2D metroid over 3D metroid

>> No.8461659

>the divide
looks poopy. the ps1 is cursed. so many bad titles and shovelware

>> No.8461668

>n64 sucked in general
wat. 64 did not suck. it had some revolutionary games like mario64 and 00T and fun party games like goldeneye and smash bras. ps1 had metal gear and FF7. Saturn had uh... ???

>> No.8461686

It's hit and miss, the CPUs don't quite match up to the N64's, and it has a hard polygon cap as opposed to being able to simply use more and run poorly like many 5th gen devs chose to do. But the DS texturing ability blows the entire 5th gen out of the water. You can emu-upscale a random 3D game and find out the devs were wasting some 512x512 image on a stick that comprised 20 pixels at native res, the difference in ability for this is so massive and able to be used so trivially. The N64 wasn't good at highres images even among peers, but neither Saturn nor PSX had perspective-correct textures and precise vertex positions like DS either.

>> No.8461712
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Can't tell if shitposting or serious. Either way, quite a funny post

>> No.8462057


Straight people can dislike skin tumors too, anon. She has no excuse not to visit the space doctor and get that thing nipped right off.

>> No.8462315

Sakamoto took one good look at that controller and went "lol nope", basically this >>8456624

Only when you are a mega Metroid fan do you dive into trying to play Metroid 1 & 2.

>> No.8462320
File: 147 KB, 1210x450, Cybernetic Suit Technical Spec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the Super Metroid Player's Guide, a strategy guide (which are always been prone to errors) that was written by an EX-Rare developer and that description (along with noting about her muscles) only exists in western regions (it does not seemingly exist in the Japanese Guide, the one that had the actual developer commentaries), and it uses Metroid II data wrong because the original origin of Samus being 6' 3'' was in context to her Power Suit specs and nothing else. The only time Samus being 6' 3'' is ever canonically referenced in the context of Super Metroid is concept art comparing the height of Kraid to Samus, and again she appears only within her suit.

tl;dr it's localization fanfiction, unsurprising since Metroid as a franchise has terrible localization all around.

>> No.8462419

Comfy channel

>> No.8462527

If the IP owner genuinely feels they can improve on the original, I don't see the issue so long as the original is still accessible.

>> No.8462613 [DELETED] 

IP is a spook

>> No.8462616 [DELETED] 

Shut the fuck up nigger

>> No.8462779

sorry n word anon i forgot about virtua fighter and panzer dragoon. NIGHTS was a game that existed too for some reason but im not really sure why.

>> No.8464750
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They should've made a SD spinoff

>> No.8465504

What's sd

>> No.8465509

She means she wants Federation Force.

>> No.8465594
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>> No.8465604

Get on it home brewers.
Just don't do something stupid like try to make money off of it.

>> No.8465665
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>> No.8465690 [DELETED] 

There's a DeviantArt of Samus getting pregnant with Metroids over time as part of an experiment and it's easily one of my most shameful cooms but one of my most intense
I thought you should all know his

>> No.8465954

I have no problems with this.

>> No.8465967 [DELETED] 

I'm reminded of the fanart where Samus is giving birth to a Metroid and there's blood everywhere. A cropped picture of her face and upper body is actually really well done and sexy but I wish I didn't see the rest of the pic

>> No.8466000

There is though

>> No.8466050

There's no dress code for warehouse workers.
The supervisors don't care what you do as long as you actually show up. Also the buildings aren't air conditioned and it's hot as fuck. She work sneakers, ankle socks, a sports bra, and tiny shorts with half her ass hanging out every day. I used to have to try and hide my boner all morning.

>> No.8466061

>There's no dress code for warehouse workers.
What about close toed shoes

>> No.8466062 [DELETED] 

I want to fuck Samus with her power suit on. Yeah, I said it.

>> No.8466217 [DELETED] 

Rude autist

>> No.8467294 [DELETED] 
File: 48 KB, 400x490, tumblr_ce3d482761d086d44f74d689055420a0_ea62d21f_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

patrician taste