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8455139 No.8455139 [Reply] [Original]

Why should I play Zelda over this? This looks way better

>> No.8455142

Zelda is the classic example of this kind of game. How are you supposed to appreciate how good Golden Axe Warrior is if you don't understand Zelda?
Don't play one over the other. Play Golden Axe in light of Zelda to properly see how great it is.

>> No.8455143

It becomes kind of bullshit near the mid point. Especially if you keep dying and have no money to buy progression items or stay at inns.

>> No.8455468

I've been playing this game off and on and this is the point I've reached. There's always lots of enemies who take too many hits to kill and your weapons are clumsy to use.

>> No.8455483

i havent played the original zelda in 30 years but ive played most of the subsequent ones a decent amount throughout my life, i was actually looking for something similar to zelda

>> No.8455486
File: 107 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make sure you play Neutopia 1 & 2 on the TurboGraphics 16 as well.
The first game is rough, but still better then Zelda 1. Neutopia 2 is my favorite Zelda that isn't Zelda.

>> No.8455501

It is way better than Zelda. Zelda still good, but this vastly improved upon it.

Golvellius still sucks though.

>> No.8455514

Zelda 1 had quite a number of copy-cats, which is great because I love the game.
It's too bad Link to the Past didn't have as many, the copy-cats it did have I hated, like Crusader of Centy and Gunman's Proof.

>> No.8455518

Crusader of Centy (it was called Soleil in Australia) is legitimately good.

>> No.8455519

This game would be very good if
1) No money loss from dying
2) Not reviving with 3 health. 1/2 health would be good.
3) You didn't have to waste all of your magic looking for secrets in rocks.

>> No.8455528

I know a lot of people like it, but I hated the sword combat and always having to throw the sword around. LttP's combat was simpler but much "tighter" if that makes sense.

>> No.8455617

Play both?

>> No.8455762

Love it, it’s only downside is the money grind

>> No.8455779

actually started playing this out of curiosity recently, i think im 3 dungeons in. it's pretty good so far but ive never really played the first Zelda so i can't really compare

>> No.8457591

You should play both, but the reason Zelda 1 and ALTTP should be higher in your backlog is because they have more mechanically interesting items.
Golden Axe Warrior has three or four.
Golvellius has maybe three.
Neutopia has none.
ALTTP has at least eight.

>> No.8457658

>Why should I play Zelda over this?

Who said you should? GAW wouldn't exist without Zelda, but you do you.

>> No.8457787

Just play both and form your own opinion. You're not a child anymore who can't afford games or are too retarded to emulate.

>> No.8457794

I actually find the first Neutopia to be better than the sequel for one key flaw the second game brought:
Enemy knockback isn't determined from where you hit them, but rather what direction you're facing when they get hit. So hit and run tactics can potentially knock an enemy backwards into you.

>> No.8459535

>but still better then Zelda 1
stop it, if your opinion is valid then you don't need bait

>> No.8460057

You could play both, or neither.

>> No.8461261

Please no one fall for this bait. This game is not anywhere near as good as Zelda. It is way more simplistic than Zelda 1. It's more of a hack and slash than anything, and a shitty one.

I liked that it leaned more heavily into RPG mechanics, but that doesn't save the really boring gameplay elsewhere. Just play Zelda, there is a reason it's a classic and this isn't.

>> No.8461290

>It's more of a hack and slash
>I liked that it leaned more heavily into RPG mechanics
Can't even be consistent with your bait.

>> No.8462757

nintendies are always terrified someone will like another game better than their precious.

>> No.8464064

There aren’t many games genuinely like og Zelda 1.

>> No.8464230

wtf, that's insane

>> No.8464236

>Why should I play Zelda over this? This looks way better
Why can't you play both? Neither game are terribly complex and you can finish them on a lazy weekend.

>> No.8464468

You haven’t played it or you would understand it’s completely correct

>> No.8466364
File: 135 KB, 800x1108, lightcrusader.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the real Zelda killer.

BASED Treasure does it again, lads.

>> No.8467519

the puzzles in this game completely mog zelda's

>> No.8467852

Landstalker is still the better game.

>> No.8467882

No way. The controls in LS are crap, combined with the emphasis on isometric platforming... yeah.

>> No.8467892

Golden Axe Warrior came out in 1991. There's a big difference between '86 and '91.

>> No.8468270


>> No.8468320

you probably never played on a proper Mega Drive controller. Controls are fine - push a diagonal to walk in that direction.

>> No.8468383

Its even worse with an original sega pad. especially the chunky 3 button one.

>> No.8468995

for you