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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8454837 No.8454837 [Reply] [Original]

What are some sequels to already great games that you think are even better? Stuff that really goes above and beyond and solidifies a game as not just being a fantastic sequel but perfect in their own right. Picrel is probably my fave PSX game

>> No.8454863
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The single player is better and they added a multiplayer mode

>> No.8454867

Galaga and Ms Pac Man are obvious choices.

>> No.8454886

Sonic 2

>> No.8454887

2 is honestly just a slog and boring. I like 1 and 3 alot more

>> No.8454956

That’s alright, again this is just my opinion on what I think is a perfect example of a fantastic sequel. Do you prefer 3 over 1 or vice versa?

>> No.8455009

I like RE1 better. The Mansion feels more tightly designed than the police station if that makes sense.

>> No.8455082


>> No.8455091

Just play the remake, ok?

>> No.8456351

3 over 1. Playing 3 every month out of fun.
Thanks for being a cool dude anon. I'd like to tell you what sequels i like more than the original but they are all not retro (yet)

>> No.8456413

Man, I'm glad I'm not driven by obvious contrarianism like you tards

>> No.8456586

Jagged Alliance 2

>> No.8456598

It's often the case with horror games:
Fatal Frame 2
Silent Hill 2
Clock Tower 2
Echo Night 2

>> No.8456603

Only the first Clock Tower is good fag

>> No.8456625

Yeah, you play through 2 once and you've pretty much seen everything it has to offer. RE1 has a bunch of different scenes and interactions depending on choices you make and it gives you a good bit of freedom in how you explore the mansion at the start. 3 is similar in that regard and has some semi-randomized elements to mix things up a bit too. The gunpowder system and Nemesis weapon drops are also neat and let you do some fun stuff on subsequent playthroughs.

>> No.8456651

nice digits (of time)

>> No.8456670
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Adding the ugly Frenchman to Onimusha 3 made it instantly better than the first 2 games. Imagine Capcom thinking, "What western star can we get to make our game even better? We need Jean Reno! "

>> No.8456683

Super hydlide

>> No.8457767

Silent hill 2 is only better in graphics and maybe story.
The first silent hill is the best.

>> No.8458024

RE2 is only better in terms of presentation, in every other way it's worse.

>> No.8458037

Re2 is also so fucking easy and dont get me started on the braindead-tier puzzles.
People shit on re3 for being too action heavy but at least it had way more puzzles than both 1 and 2,1 puzzles were also leagues better than anything in 2.
BUT re2 has the best extra mode (extreme battle)is really fun to play and the pacing and atmosphere are very good,also the soundtrack wich i only found inferior to code veronica

>> No.8458039

I share this opinion, about 1 and 3 too. It would have been better if different characters took over at different stages of the story in adjacent scenarios.

>> No.8458040
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>Everyone hates RE2 and Silent Hill 2 now
Why do survival horror cucks have the worst taste?

>> No.8458049

>Re2 is also so fucking easy and dont get me started on the braindead-tier puzzles.

It's not that easy on the blind run, and it's certianly not that easy on hard mode on PC/dreamcast.

>> No.8458050
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It's just contrarians, anon.

>> No.8458073

Literally every PS1 game is improved in the sequel.
Air Combat compared to AC2 or 3 is a huge step.

>> No.8458078

Don't put France into the same bag as you americans.

>> No.8458086
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>> No.8458087

Stealth is way worse off.

>> No.8458092

I like 1 more than 2 too but I'm totally willing to accept it's nostalgia. I only played through 2 once while I played through 1 multiple times. That mansion is seriously comfy. I have most of it memorized while I barely remember shit from RE2.

>> No.8458236

fuck off

>> No.8458273

Super Mario Bros. is a giant step from Mario Bros
Panzer Dragoon Zwei from Panzer Dragoon
Starfox 64 from Starfox
Galaga from Galaxian
Super Breakout from Breakout
Millipede from Centipede
Donkey Kong Country 2 from DKC
F-zero X from F-zero

Sometimes theres that experimental 2nd game too and then the third is more in line with the first but things have progressed forward. Some examples of this are zelda series, metroid series, castlevania, super mario bros series,

>> No.8458290

>Best gameplay
>Best story
>Best music
>Best characters
>Best design

It was the best selling game of the series for a reason.

>> No.8458964

Honestly i think it's just boomers glorifying everything with a 2 in it's name for nostalgia. And it just happens to be that those games are mostly the ones that blow their formula out of proportion the most and are never fun in the long run. But people back then never considered replaying the same game for fun. Otherwise they would also realized how bad SH2 and RE2 are.
I mean not bad but just not as appealing as people make them to be

>> No.8458965

None. Game sequels are just glorified remakes, and if you're truly /vr/ you hate all remakes.

>> No.8459631

Yea and then it sells infinitely worse. Great job Capcom.
Dawn of Dreams is just straight up a better version of Onimusha. 5 playable characters, super fast hack'n slay gameplay and tons of content in a fairly ok-isch game length. And with all of that it still manages to be fun to replay. It murders the trilogy on sight

>> No.8460667


Same. Silent Hill 2 has the best story of the lot but has the worst gameplay of the entire series by far (survival horror? Lmao James is gonna beat each and everyone of these helpless flashbags to death with a pipe without breaking a sweat. Conserving resources? What's that?).

SH1 exploration actually feels frantic with enemies that can outrun you in the open maps and "dungeon" design that encourages you to actually use your ammunition to clear out the more dangerous rooms while looping around and backtracking.


Don't get me wrong it's a great game and one of my favorite video game STORIES of all time, but it's not an objective improvement in every area and quite frankly I'd say it just has the dumbest trilogy out of the quadrology.

>> No.8460672

Also on that note I'm playing through the Fatal Frame series right now and while I'm only about halfway through (I think) Crimson Butterlfy, so far I'm feeling the first game is superior too.

One thing I really like about the first game is the more resident evil esque "Mansion" environment in combination with the semi-random ghost encounters. The areas in Fatal Frame 2 feel so much more linear, it really sucks a lot of the tension out because it's so much easier to predict when you'll have an encounter...whereas past the early game of 1 I'd often find myself blindly wandering the mansion and never knowing when a ghost was gonna come out of a wall or something.

Plus the ghost designs are a lot less creepy in 2. They feel more like ordinary people in ghost form, whereas the ghosts in 1 cranked up the uncanny valley and body horror pretty hard with broken neck woman, blinded, headless monks, the wandering man/woman, etc.

>> No.8460678

Dumbest GAMEPLAY* out of the trilogy.

My bad.

>> No.8460713

I play on ps1 so normal is all i get and yes its easy on a blind run,the game literally shower you with ammo on the road to the rpd,the licker are easier to kill than hunter and easier to dodge too when you can just walk to not aggro them and you cant deny the fact that re2 is the easiest out of re1 2 3 and code veronica.
Also wich puzzles in re2 required you to retry them or even just use your head a minimum ?

>> No.8460772

We’re in the straight bag, you’re in the stinky faggots bag.

>> No.8460784
File: 138 KB, 640x640, TLAcover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Role reversal with you controlling the "enemy" party from the predecessor
>The old map from the first game is visible on the world map and completely dwarfed as you realize it was just a single continent in an entire world
>Can transfer your characters from the first game which in turn also unlocks unique events depending on if you did some sidequests in 1
>Every single spell, class, weapon, item, Djinni from the first game is here and accounted for, with a metric fuckton of new ones

To my mind, TLA is the ideal sequel and yet to be topped.

On a side note, I think Banjo-Tooie is similar in how it handles a sequel; It took the original game, kept literally EVERYTHING and expanded upon it. Its not always a practical approach for a lot of reasons, but I do love the sense of continuity this design philosophy gives you - Just the fact you start with all the moves from Kazooie really makes the game feel more like an odyssey.

>> No.8462857

RE has a lot of good games, I think video games are interesting in the sense that they actually get better sequels, unlike movies and what not which usually don't. Anyway, my choice that hasn't been mentioned yet is Jet Set Radio Future, although I can see why someone might prefer the original

>> No.8462882
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