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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8454207 No.8454207 [Reply] [Original]

Call me a lunatic if you want but I find the Gamecube controller absolutely ideal for 2D games.
The layout makes it so that the controls stick don't get in the way of the D-pad unlike the dualshock. and the C-stick is small enough for it to be negligible in this regard too.
and honestly, I love the dpad on this thing. it's the perfect balance between rigidness and mushiness.

what are some of your unpopular /vr/ opinions?

>> No.8454213

I 100% agree with you. The GameCube controller is unironically the best controller ever made.

>> No.8454229

The only thing that prevents it from being perfect is the fact it lacks enough buttons for many newer titles, although I mostly only play retro games so it isn't that big of a deal either.

>> No.8454230

I disagree, but I'm the kind of insane-o who likes super clicky d-pads like the one on the DSi. Neo Geo microswitch directional input thing also takes the cake, that thing's awesome. But even so, I believe that the gamecube controller is pretty stellar. It's a shame that Nintendo didn't stick with analog triggers because those would be great on some of their modern titles, especially the Sunshine re-release on Switch.

>> No.8454234

The d-pad is in the wrong position for 2D games.

>> No.8454249

And in general.

>> No.8454256

"The gamecube has the best controller of all time!" exclaimed the Nintendrone who has only ever owned a Gamecube, DS lite, Wii, 3ds, and Switch.

>> No.8454262


>> No.8454269
File: 191 KB, 1280x801, 773D4709-1A5B-4348-AF93-6E6B5B54F645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

False because the Wii has a controller that slaps the shit out of the GCN for 2D games

>> No.8454270

You're not a lunatic, just wrong.

>> No.8454278

I can understand the complaints about the d-pad and z-button, but everything else compensates to make it the best controller ever created.

>> No.8454279

What a stupid thread

GameCube blows lol

(Except for their usual post NES library of 5 playable games)

Everything after snes was just lazy. Even snes was lazy compared to NES.

They're realizing it now and charging you $50 a month to play other consoles lolwtf

>> No.8454295

I don't give a fuck about Gamecube games or even most Nintendo IPs, I just like the controller that's all.

>Glossy plastic that gets smudgy after a single use
No thanks.

>> No.8454301
File: 1.19 MB, 1432x462, n64 grip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It feels very vestigial.
You get the impression that Nintendo still didn't believe that anyone would ever need or want to use both the analog stick and the d pad at the same time, but without making the two as explicitly mutually exclusive as they did on the N64

>> No.8454306

How does it feel to be the dumbest human alive?

>> No.8454308

I basic button layout is a stroke of genius. Most games, if you think about how they control, have one button you press a lot, one button you press about half as much, and a couple of buttons you press every now and again.
I think it's a real shame Nintendo walked back on this design mentality, because I really like it. It only really poses a problem when it comes to fighting games, but people who are serious about that genre prefer to play with an arcade stick anyway.

>> No.8454351
File: 1.15 MB, 1280x1280, Digital_Controller_compatible_with_Nintendo_Gamecube_Gameboy_Player_Old_Skool_3__27054.1615329289.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like where the A and B buttons are, for an NES style jump/run configuration it's great. It does break down for SNES style B/Y jump/run though.

A lot of modern 2D games allow for remaps which help that.

Then X and Y being in accessory locations out of the way is perfect.

Lately I've been playing all the 2D games that I can with a HORI digital controller knockoff. I'm really surprised at the quality, the buttons actually feel good and the dpad is spot on to what a SNES pad feels like.

>> No.8454376

Its only a matter of time before someone repaints these as Hori lol.

>> No.8454402

The D-pad is unironically the worst D-pad I've ever used. It's stiff and uncomfortable and constantly registers incorrect inputs. (I've used it for debugging and navigating a menu with it is fucking miserable.)
That being said the rest of the controller is top tier and most people will never have to deal with the D-pad.
I don't know why controllers stopped having notches on the joystick, I miss that the most.

>> No.8454423

>Oh no bros my controller is smudgy I can’t play like this

>> No.8454434

I actually used the GC d-pad a lot, and I never really noticed it was bad at the time. In retrospect, sure, I guess it's not the best d-pad, but it's not a travesty like the Xbox 360 one.

>> No.8454492

I find the cube controller to be bad for every game

>> No.8454804

>but I find the Gamecube controller absolutely ideal for 2D games.
low-effort troll, 2/10

>> No.8454830

What are some good alternatives to the regular Gamecube controller for 2D games? I'm particularly looking for something with a different dpad.

>> No.8454927

nah, it's just a shit dpad, position is a meme, you ha opposable thumbs
if you hate having a dpad there you should equally hate having an analog stick there

>> No.8454958

I never really put much stock into it until recently, but I think the A/B/X/Y button layout for the GameCube controller is absolutely phenomenal, probably one of the best aspects of it. The button shapes and sizes are purposeful, with the A being the "sun" with B, X, and Y orbiting it so your thumb doesn't have to bend at the knuckle as often or as steeply. Would love to see that kind of layout make a comeback

>> No.8454962

the layout sucks ass for games that use 3 face buttons and require different combinations to be pressed at the same time.
Try Super Mario World for instance either a running spin-jump or running normal jump is going to be akward no matter what since B is just too far away from anything that is not A. Same goes for Super Metroid with running/jumping/shooting for instance

>> No.8454973

Maybe try not playing games when your fingers are covered in grease and dorito dust, anon

>> No.8454976

I use my N64 controller via an adaptor for 2D games

>> No.8455093

>Try Super Mario World for instance either a running spin-jump or running normal jump
It's not much of a problem to me because I grew up with Advance, and thus prefer spin jumping with the Z-button, which feels more akin to how it was on advance.
it's only a hindrance depending on the game you're playing really.

>> No.8455109

Wii U Pro is probably the most up to date controller that has a really decent d-pad.

>> No.8455165

I buy Wii U pro controllers all the time just to have a decent stock in case one fails, only when they're like $5 bucks on ebay obvs, but yeah, the way they fit my hands and the button placement plus the d-pad being so nice to use... fucking top tier controller, I don't even use the sticks 90% of the time but when I do I'm reminded of how based Nintendo was for putting them on top. It's perfect ergos for me, it's the only controller I never get fatigue from.

>> No.8455217

It's garbage but the GC has no games so it's not really a problem

>> No.8455251

Are these actually good? I've heard nothing but bad things about Old Skool in the past.

>> No.8455269

>win an auction for one of these for $25 last week
>find out they restocked them two weeks ago
I got out played.

>> No.8455307

>nigger has clearly not seen the onboard gba player

>> No.8455454

It's way better than I expected. I really didn't expect it to be good, I thought I'd need to modify it to fix the dpad or whatever else but just out of box it feels great.

>> No.8455475

i miss playing Smash with a big green A button along side two long buttons. Classic or PS4 means i have to use the cross-face same-size buttons which feels inconvenient than it is

>> No.8455718

How do I use that on my Gamecube?

>> No.8455749

>Greasy pork laden amerilard mutt hands.

>> No.8455771

Well the GCN controller is used to play SSB Melee, the most precision demanding 2D game so you're not wrong OP

>> No.8457054

No, just no. The gamecube dpad is inaccurate trash, it's down there with the xbox 360's as some of the worst dpads ever.

>> No.8457065

I prefer the Wii U Pro.

>> No.8457069

It's the only product of theirs that I've used, but I certainly prefer it over the first party pad whenever I use my Game Boy Player. It doesn't feel super high quality but the dpad really isn't bad. Not the best, but better than the tiny one on the regular controller.

>> No.8457070

-3/10 your bait needs more time

>> No.8457081

The only really good thing about the GC pad is that the buttons are immediately distinct to the touch and the embossed letters help with X and Y. It doesn't take memorizing the position to use, and that makes it kino for navigating menus and quick actions. RPGs with a lot of quick menus are great for it, too bad the GC has like 3 good ones.

>> No.8457147

Fourth Post Best Post
GameCube stick is better for 2D than traditional analogue because of the octagonal steps, but inferior to something like a snes or Saturn controller for 2D.
The GameCube has the absolute worst dogshit dpad of any official controller ever and it’s double fail for being a Nintendo product with a shit dpad.
Just like the N64 pad, the GameCube pad is amazing for games that utilized it well and pretty shitty for everything else.

>> No.8457161

Not retro

>> No.8458524

>Dualshock control stick gets in the way of the dpad
If you're retarded I guess

>> No.8460374
File: 28 KB, 624x351, 5e51597304d35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The gamecube controller, paired with a WIii console emulating retro games, is the best.

Unfortunately, for Wii games such as Galaxy 2 and Zelda SKyward sword, you need a motion plus.

Any of you have input on which third party controllers (wiimotion+ / nunchuck) to get? I'M willing to buy used, but I live in the far north of Canada, and getting something else than Amazon gets expensive quickly.

>> No.8460518

Eh, the D-pad is far too small for my liking. I also can't think of many 2D games that actually benefit from that face button layout.

>> No.8460527

I remember trying to play Donkey Kong Country with this thing and I had to make a crab claw in order to run and jump, so I just bought a classic controller.

It was fine for other games though.

>> No.8460538

I would rather use the 360 dpad than that tiny piece of trash. I hate using the GC controller for anything that wasn't made to be a Gamecube game from the ground up.

>> No.8460542

360 dpad is pretty good, just feels a bit stiff, but it controls well far as I remember

>> No.8460654

I think that dude who got some crazy score in Mushihimesama Futari (a bullet hell shmup) just uses a 360 controller

>> No.8460676

I genuinely think the Gamecube controller is perfect other than the horrible D-Pad. It's too small and way too mushy so it feels horrible trying to maneuver around in games that use it. Thankfully not very many games (at least from the ones I played) bother with it. The N64 had a really good D-Pad on the other hand, despite the fact that the amount of games that required it I can count on one hand.

>> No.8460695

that dpad is trash and hinders the gameboy player unless you get an alternative

>> No.8461395

>plebbit spacing
trash bait
better luck next time nigger