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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8453295 No.8453295 [Reply] [Original]

What was your favorite /vr/ related Christmas present? Also, merry christmas you faggots

>> No.8453302

Getting my GBA probably. Might be overshadowed by getting a N64 in a few hours though.

>> No.8453309
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I got a ps vita for christmas once. I only ever got 2 games on that son of a bitch. Maybe I'll get that sd card adapter and emulate some stuff

>> No.8453347

Donkey Kong 64

>> No.8453387

Got DK64 for my 10th birthday. Got a SNES with DKC1 for Christmas 1995 and still have it on my shelf. Really wish I kept the boxes and game manuals. I took that manual to school so much that it got ripped up over time.

>> No.8453425

My N64.

>> No.8453428

Got Kids Next Door for the GameCube when I was 4 or 5

>> No.8453432

i did get a few games for some Christmases. I think I was mostly hyped for the tg16 even though I had no clue it even existed before I opened the box

>> No.8453435


Virtual Boy with Teleroboxer. People give VB a lot of shit, but Teleroboxer is great even today.

>> No.8453439

Got the platinum GameCube bundle that came with Metroid Prime. Also yes I'm 26 years old. I'm sure it was a couple years after the GameCube released.

>> No.8453572

Probably Rogue Squadron for N64 or Oracle of Ages.

>> No.8453647

n64 or gameboy color with pokemon yellow

>> No.8453697
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Craptop by far. It was so bad too. Some bottom of the barrel refurbished chrome shell shit. It could play games that had been out for years at less than 10 FPS and forget about playing any new releases. It's kinda a soulless answer, but it was a complete game changer for me. Video games were banned in my house thanks to Fox News. Any game console I got was taken away. There are some I bought with money I saved that I still haven't seen today.

>> No.8453705
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this Game Boy with Kirby's Dreamland

following year I got Pokémon Blue for it

>> No.8453735

I think it was christmas 1999. I got a game boy color in turquoise with links awakening dx. Was in first grade back then and I don't think Ive ever felt so happy again. The gameboy got robbed from me from a guy in school and the teachers did nothing about it. I started to get sad at this point. I miss this gameboy color so badly. Merry Christmas.

>> No.8453930
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I will always remember christmas of 94 when I asked for a genesis game and opened up a brand new saturn instead.

>> No.8453949

PS1 w/ Tony Hawk's Pro Skater, Christmas '99

>> No.8453954

not retro

>> No.8453964

Probably secret of mana in 94 (i think it was). I remember i had a little cry upstairs because my sister was playing as the hero at the start. I didn't think it was a two player game.

Or a few years later, getting an n64 for Christmas with goldeneye. Played two player all day with my older brother

>> No.8453992


if your firmware is below a certain version you can mod the thing and ram it full of emulators, homebrews and whatnot. i did mine like that a few years ago and i've got Neo Geo Pocket games on there, game boy, SNES, Genesis, and loads of ports of shooters (Duke, Quake, Quake II) and stuff

>> No.8453994

It's pretty weird, but I don't think video games were often xmas presents for me.
I was lucky I guess and my parents bought me games during the year at random weekends, some of my best memories getting new games are like that.
Xmas was always more for toys, figures, cars and stuff like that.
I do remember, however, one xmas, 1996, where I already had the PS1 and the N64, but received a copy of DKC3, which was brand new, on xmas. I remember comfily playing it, and honestly it's the one video game-related memory that I have from childhood. Maybe there were some others but I don't remember.
Merry christmas, /vr/

>> No.8453995

Firmware version doesn't matter these days actually, they're all hackable.

>> No.8453998

>What was your favorite /vr/ related Christmas present?

getting a PSX for xmas 97.

i had resigned myself to the certainty that i would not be getting one, and would have to hope i'd get money for xmas, save up for a long time and buy one when it went on sale some time in the future

when i tore the wrapping and saw the "PL" i went absolutely ballistic

similar experience: getting a Mega Drive for Xmas a few years prior, albeit second hand

>> No.8454032

This is the best answer. Even a shitty computer is a gateway to countless hobbies and social opportunities. I remember my first computer, it sucked too, but I learned so much from it.

My favorite console I got on Christmas was my PlayStation 1. I got Megaman 8 and Crash Bandicoot 3. While those were awesome, I used the money I got from my grandparents to buy a second hand copy of Final Fantasy VII the next day from the nearby rental store. Best choice ever.

>> No.8454040

Your parents are fucking retards.

>> No.8454046

>Open Nintendo Entertainment System
>Play SMB and Duck Hunt with Dad
>Yells at my cousin to get away from my Nintendo when she tries to hog it because lol Nintendo better than Barbie Dream House
>Goes to store day after Christmas and buys Tiger Heli
>Spend the next few days playing vidya
>Nothing will ever top that memory.

>> No.8454105

I'm not sure if Doom II was a Christmas present or a B-day present for me back then. I did get Diablo with the Hellfire expansion from my dad one year and man I loved that. I played the hell out of it. I remember my father hid the gifts outside in his broken down truck. Keep in mind this is during winter. Imagine keeping all your kids Christmas gifts in an unlocked truck outside these days? They'd probably be stolen. lol Anyway, I snuck out and used a sharp little pocketknife to open all my gifts and carefully rewrapped and sealed them with tape. My father only found out because I guessed every present that year. He was kind of a mix of pissed and amused. I miss dad. He died a few feet away from where that truck was about a decade ago. He was crushed under a horse trailer. That's a weird mix of memory for a patch of dirt to have.

>> No.8454126

Not OP, but the older I get the more I understand why my mother was against video games and many other things. I feel like an argument could be made for games that are purely skill based and take dedication to defeat because that teaches kids valuable lessons, but the way most games are now, I wouldn't want my kid playing them any more than I would want them to start buying lottery scratch tickets or take up smoking. I'm realistic though. The modern world is just shitty in general if you want to reach adulthood without some serious addiction issues.

>> No.8454131

>I was lucky I guess and my parents bought me games during the year at random weekends, some of my best memories getting new games are like that.
I never had that. Christmas and birthdays were the only time of year I got games.

>> No.8454132

More to do with Anon buying things with their own money and being forbidden to use them.

>> No.8454148
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Playing Perfect Dark on my new, (used) N64 for the first time, let alone on a CRT is pretty magical.

>> No.8454320

a psx in Christmas 1998

>> No.8454324
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begged for a genesis in 2009 (i was just getting into sonic because of unleashed still being the new thing people were talking about in my school)
>it came in a toilet plunger box, mfw

>> No.8454327

Super Mario Bros 3
Final Fantasy VI

>> No.8454336

Final Fantasy VI or Link To The Past

>> No.8454350

My SNES + Mario World, mainly for the circumstances surrounding it
My parents tricked me into thinking it had been stolen that year (They had the empty box and a bunch of tattered wrapping paper thrown about in the front lawn), and while I was bawling my eyes out/opening my other gifts, they secretly hooked it up to a TV in my room.

Still a great memory, so thanks Mom and Dad.

>> No.8454357

Super mario bros 3 1991
TMNT: The Arcade Game 1992
Mega man 4 1993

Non /vr/ related
RC car 1989
Mountainbike 1993

>> No.8454365
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Pac Man World 2
I also got a scooter that year

Only thing that sucked was all my games got stolen when our basement got broken into a few years later and that was one of my games

>> No.8454367

486DX2 in 1994
at first, it had just W3D and Blake Stone, but I was mesmerized anyway

>> No.8454395
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Zhiliton-738-A with a few yellow cartridges from a market, one was 999-1, so Contra, TMNT, etc. That Christmas was the best.

>> No.8454421
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based and SOULpilled

>> No.8454521

This. Got a DualShock PSX with Resident Evil 2 and a copy of OPM.

>> No.8454556


Maaaan OP, your pic reminds of a little homey from around the way back in they day

But of course, different dude, this was WAY before N64

Good stuff tho

Oh um NES for sure.

>> No.8454568

from which favela are you from? uma delicia

>> No.8454583

And then for the next five years you were sad.

>> No.8454585

Saturn released in 1994 only in Japan. USA and Europe was 1995.

>> No.8454728

Yeah. Too many things to count. The biggest thing is it's how I learned to code because I was modding games. Even though I was able to buy my own PC way later and play games at a reasonable FPS without I still have my fondest memories on that thing. Just feeling a shitty membrane keyboard with a fat base like every 2000s laptop gives me a good feeling.

>> No.8454820

His uncle worked for Nintendo, so he got one early.

>> No.8454876

Good memories of dad. Send love to him.

>> No.8454880

Great mom and dad!

>> No.8454885

Hi! I'm his uncle! Yes, it's true. I made a bet with some Sega guy that giving my nephew a Saturn would ruin his Christmas, but the guy was "hell, no! Sega is the best!". The dumbass went and gave me an unreleased Saturn for free, and I didn't have to spend a dime buying a present for the kid. Good times!

>> No.8455207


Imports didn't exist back then eh

>> No.8455215

why would a kid receive an imported japanese Saturn so close to its release? it seems unlikely, not impossible though.

>> No.8455278

My Zelda double screen game and watch.

>> No.8455315

Brazilians are Polystation chads, get your shit checked.

>> No.8455331

This. The supply was so retardedly low for N64 that first Christmas that the few of us who actually got one really felt how special it was. It was an unrivaled Christmas magic even though my dad had to go out and buy an adapter to get it working properly

>> No.8455336

You could still buy from ebay and NCS back then.

>> No.8455346


>why would a kid receive an imported japanese Saturn

Gift-buyer seeking out what is truly 'hot', or sought-after or rare? Somebody legit, you know the type.

>> No.8455371

OR the guy forgot the year he got the Saturn and all this speculation is over nothing

>> No.8455426
File: 2.12 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_4716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s a warm Christmas photo from my youth

>> No.8455491

Got super punch out and mortal kombat 2 one Christmas. Good times.

>> No.8455536


Nice. Good games, good peoples. Now me myself, I had to mow grass to get MKII. And now I want to play Sunshine again.

>> No.8455658

Absolutely lovely. And your mom is hot too.

>> No.8455719

I got a psx, opm wiht some demos and adidas power soccer

>> No.8455827


Got any more of your mom?

>> No.8455832

i will always remember that my parents gave my SISTER a copy of ultima 2 (yeah, i'm old) because they thought that since she was the older of the two of us, she'd appreciate it more.

my sister was immediately like after xmas was over, "this shit is for you; i'm going back to flirting with boys until mom screams at me loud enough to alert the soviets."

>> No.8455835


fuck i miss being a kid

merry christmas you fags

>> No.8456046

Great photo! I liked it!

>> No.8456434
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My Ps2 with like 30 playstation 1 games ive been wanting but the local renting place never had. Its a bit bittwer sweet but that was the last christmas with my entire family participating and over all at once. My uncle knew what my parents got me and he came through as the GOAT for giving me DoA as a surprise since my folks didnt know what ps2 games were good. This christmas is bad, at my gfs grandmas sleeping in the guest bedroom with her. Merry Christmas to all and happy new years. wagtmi bros

>> No.8456531
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>leave your gameboy in the sun for like 2 weeks
>submerge it in $2 worth of peroxide and let it sit in the sun for a few hours

>> No.8456560

>not damaging the console
>spending money to damage it

>> No.8456620

she hasn't looked like that in 20 years anons
i'm quite used to hearing this from my childhood though, as you can imagine

>> No.8456660
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Surprisingly, I don't remember. Christmas has always been a really nice time because my mum would always go out of her way to make sure my brothers and I had things. So whenever I think back to any Christmas I just remember the sea of gifts I was given over any individual one. Even this year she still gave us gifts (although it was just a lot of money).

I guess one memory that I remember fondly was Christmas of 2004 where a few days after Christmas we were cleaning around the tree and Minish Cap fucking fell out of it somehow. Which was actually my gift (since my mum would position gifts in certain places so we each knew which was which) that had somehow found itself in the tree. Either my mum dropped it in there by accident when sorting the gifts on Christmas Eve or she made me clean the tree since she forgot to give it to me and made it seem special for it to fall out of it or something.

I love Christmas bros. It's such a great time of year.

>> No.8456707
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Dreamcast with Sonic Adventure and House of the Dead 2<span class="fortune" style="color:#01aad0">

Your fortune: You got an extra thick slice of fruitcake.[/spoiler]

>> No.8457212

Getting a Saturn with sonic 3D blast and that 3 in one pack-in was by far my favorite Christmas present. The game sucked but I was 6 years old and didn't know better and played the hell out of it.

>> No.8457239

Getting a NES back in 89

>> No.8457248

Ocarina of Time
Dreamcast with Sonic, CVS, Crazy Taxi.

>> No.8457548
File: 750 KB, 1286x1703, page0454[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say my persona would be Super Mario Bros 3. I was huge on Nintendo and Mario then, and while the Nintendo being in the house was due to it being "for the family" and shared between everyone in the house it also didn't get in there until the Super Mario Bros/Duck Hunt bundle because we were so poor. So as an adult I can appreciate that we got Super Mario Bros 3 that year it came out. I remember asking my parents the question "how does Santa make video games".

The only other notable Christmas gift was when in 1998 we got a Playstation and both Parasite Eve and Tomb Raider 3. Those weren't gifts to me though, but again under the nebulous umbrella of "the family", but it was nice to finally have a new console that wasn't just the old NES we'd been playing for the better part of a decade.

>> No.8457560

Demo discs were the shit

>> No.8458184

Merry Christmas, anon

>> No.8458195

In 2002 I was given two more controllers for my Xbox, and a passive switch that let you use multiple xbox consoles together. The amount of fucking LAN we did with that switch was unreal.

I had four controllers but we always had people with consoles and not enough controllers and I wanted the S controller too.

>> No.8458197

You are totally delusional on gaming. What the fuck are you doing on /v/ or /vr/?

>> No.8458202

>The sun didn't fully work, and damaged it more than your retarded ass can comprehend.