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File: 458 KB, 594x621, 882-8821446_sonic-3-knuckles-sonic-the-hedgehog-3-cartridge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8447473 No.8447473 [Reply] [Original]

What half of Sonic 3 and Knuckles is better and why?

>> No.8447478
File: 32 KB, 512x599, 1640232568189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one without this retarded gay ass sprite.

>> No.8447479

used to like sonic 3 better, now I like s&k better

>> No.8447484

S&K, mainly because I only had Sonic 3 as a kid and played it to death so I'm kind of sick of it.

>> No.8447495
File: 1.88 MB, 2283x2855, 20211217_143114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one with Sonic 2.

>> No.8447516

Angel Island > Mushroom Hill
Hydrocity < Flying Battery
Marble Garden < Sandopolis
Carnival Night > Lava Reef
Ice Cap > Hidden Palace/Sky Sanctuary
Launch Base > Death Egg/Doomsday

3 wins.

>> No.8447517

Flying Battery is kinda linear and boring. The music saves it.

>> No.8447518

This is a ton better than than the 1 and 2 sprite

>> No.8447531

Sonic 3 & Knuckles is the peak of video games.

>> No.8447537

3, though I’m inclined to give & Knuckles the edge purely because Lava Reef Zone is the greatest sanic zone of all

>> No.8447734

3 just for the music.

Ice Cap Zone is my favorite, but shout outs to Hydro City for being an actually good water level.

>> No.8447753

>sonic 3: 10/10 music, 8/10 zones
>sonic and knuckles: 9/10 music, 9/10 zones
>sonic 1: 8/10 music, 9/10 zones
>sonic CD: 10/10 music, 8/10 zones
>sonic 2: 8/10 music, 8/10 zones
s&k wins overall but it's close

>> No.8447759

this is why i hate numeral scores for games. there is absolutely no reason why sonic 2 and sonic cd should be presented as equal terms of the levels, they're nothing alike.

>> No.8447765

tfw have never played sonic cd

>> No.8447770


>> No.8447773

Never had or saw a sega cd until I was already a man. I've played most other sonic games though.

>> No.8447785

>Angel Island: A+
>Hydrocity: A
>Marble Garden: C-
>Carnival Night: D
>Ice Cap: B
>Launch Base: C
Sonic 3 average: B-

>Mushroom Hill: A-
>Flying Battery: A
>Sandopolis: D
>Lava Reef: A
>Hidden Palace/Sky Sanctuary: B-
>Death Egg/Doomsday: B+
Sonic & Knuckles average: B to B+

>> No.8447805

It's a little over a dollar for the best possible version of it on Steam. Check it out, it's alright.

>> No.8447807

I love Sandopolis though. It's the most memorable part if S&K for me.

>> No.8447812

no you dont

>> No.8447846

>the best possible version
wrong https://github.com/Rubberduckycooly/Sonic-CD-11-Decompilation

>> No.8447954

I must be the only person who doesn't like Flying battery

>> No.8447958

>Hydrocity < Flying Battery
>Carnival Night > Lava Reef
Bro I think you might have your meme arrows flipped

>> No.8447973

so you wanna say that all that time i could play the best version of sonic cd natively on linux?

>> No.8448350

for free too

>> No.8448474

I prefer vanilla Sonic 3 desu. A quick game I can play through with some of the better zones.

I don't get the hate for Marble Garden Zone - that's an Internet meme I never adopted. Much better than the light switch puzzles in Sandopolis.

>> No.8448515

Sonic 3 no contest.

>> No.8448517

I guess they don't like the mechanics?

>> No.8448559

carnival night is kinda bad but lava reef suuuuucks.

>> No.8448561

I think Sonic 1 and 2 are better than 3. Also Knuckles is a retarded knuckle dragger.

>> No.8448563

I just want to put out there that Lava Reef zone has the best music In any sonic game, perhaps any game ever. While I prefer three JPN CD soundtrack overall; this one track is the be all end all of vidya music for me. It’s perfect in every way shape and form and whenever I listen to it, all the bad goes away. Whoever composed this, Michael Jackson, Howard Drossin, Jun Senoue, Brad Buxer, Sachio Ogawa, Tatsuyuki Maeda, whoever. They pulled it off. They made the best vidya music of all time


>> No.8448569

Honestly it's a toss-up.
luv me ice cap
luv me launch base
luv me lava reef
luv me sky sanctuary

simple as

>> No.8448571

S&K. The only really bad level is Sandopolis act 2. Meanwhile S3 is full of stinkers (Marble Garden, Carnival Night, Launch Base)

>> No.8448770
File: 23 KB, 924x810, hydrocity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hydrocity < Flying Battery
>Marble Garden < Sandopolis
>Carnival Night > Lava Reef
Switch these.

I don't mind Marble Garden and I've always liked Launch Base. I'm surprised so many people seem to like Mushroom Hill though. For me that one was always just kind of "there".

>> No.8449418

S&K is better. S3 is loaded with gay setpieces and semi-scripted segments.

>> No.8449424

Wrong in every case. Amazing.

>> No.8449426

& knuckles

>> No.8449575
File: 80 KB, 320x224, coolest Robotnik fight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sonic 3 highlights: Angel Island, Hydrocity, Ice Cap, ending sequence in Launch Base with the takeoff, knuckles playing himself, and then the coolest Robotnik fight.
S&K highlights: Flying Battery, Sandopolis' music, Lava Reef, fight against emerald-powered Metallix

As solo games, for me it's Sonic 3.

>> No.8449591

>Flying Battery is kinda linear and boring.

All the levels are once you played the game once or twice. But at least S&K has more interesting levels. Half the levels in S3 are BORING.

>> No.8451384

You got everything in the wrong order, son.

>> No.8451394

Based, fuck that sprite