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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 207 KB, 600x847, ikaruga-pal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8443458 No.8443458 [Reply] [Original]

>Iuchi: "Fuck, we used up all the good boss designs in Silvergun. What are we going to do for its sequel, Ikaruga?"
>Maegawa: "Uhh, just slap a few together and call it a day. I doubt our retarded fanbase will mind. [laughs]"
Was this the point where Treasure went from being full of SOVL and creativity to soulless and trashy?

>> No.8443942
File: 11 KB, 316x202, 0925_-_9AaUuVJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being a contrarian on the internet is annoying.

>> No.8443951

Last boss was great. First and second ones were good. They did fuck up the rest though

>> No.8443964

I know it's a bait thread, but Ikaruga is pretty packed with soul, only thing for me is that the soundtrack sounds kinda bland/generic in my opinion. It's strange because everything else about it feels like it had a lot of effort put into it.

>> No.8443984

Also yeah a couple of the boss designs are kinda forgettable, admittedly.

>> No.8443996
File: 39 KB, 300x426, gradius_v_frontcover_large_tplOLcYooqGVAHq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>to soulless and trashy
Explain this, then.

>> No.8444009
File: 73 KB, 875x552, 1636072849141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it did mind, though

>> No.8444275

kek this is true. Ika is not a shmup and not a puzzle game, it's a memorizer

>> No.8444508

This game was blessed by Chad Daddy

>> No.8444621


>> No.8444629 [DELETED] 
File: 283 KB, 1280x720, tranmaku_is_shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ikaruga isn't a real shmup
>bullet hells aren't real shmups

>> No.8444669

Isn't Ikaruga meant to be a bullet hell though lol? I mean, I know it doesn't play like one, but still

>> No.8444678 [DELETED] 
File: 16 KB, 271x190, alien soldier sega.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They lost their soul when they started developing for Nintendo and Sony. Treasure were only ever good on the Mega Drive, objectively speaking.

>> No.8445240

>bland/generic in my opinion
Holy shit you're retarded. Ikaruga music is the best part of the game. Even to this day you can listen to its OST separately and enjoy it.

>> No.8445254

bullet hell = squeezing through dense patterns with a tiny hitbox, not doable in this game

>> No.8445262

lol next you'll tell me STG are known for their random enemy behaviour

>> No.8445268

>it's a memorizer
I guess you've never played a shmup because they're all memory games

>> No.8445280

there's an intended solution for every fight in Ikaruga. if you execute the intended inputs, you'll win every time. that's what makes it a memorizer. it's a 25 minute fighting game combo.

>> No.8445335

ah, not so in doj of course. sike

>> No.8445357

Retarded for having an opinion, okay... I think you are the retard here lol. It's not terrible but it sure as hell doesn't hold a candle to anything Zuntata made for example. I like the stage 1 theme, other than that I literally can't remember any of the other music, and I did play this game quite a bit back in the day.

>> No.8445367

Opinions can be retarded, yes. Your opinion is retarded and I'm not even going to read the rest of your post.

>> No.8445373

i think we're talking about different things now. games like DOJ can't be autopiloted because they have too many moving parts that were intentionally not used in Ika. i'm not trying to trash the game, it's fun to learn but once you've learned what you're supposed to do it leaves no room for improvisation..

>> No.8445745

>kek this kid has never played a shmup

>> No.8445761

more like Ikarubbish

>> No.8447185

It's more true for some games than others, even some bullet hell games like Dodonpachi actually have a fair bit of RNG to the patterns. But yeah if you want to call one shmup a memorizer, you can kind of make that argument about most of them. Thing is though what kind of games are not 'memorizers'? There's always some kind of fixed level design etc in all genres. I never really understood the criticism that shmups are 'memory games', it's like, well yeah but so are most single player games, certainly anything arcade style will be. I have yet to see a game with totally randomized enemy behaviour and attacks etc.

>> No.8447240

most overrated treasure game for sure

>> No.8447976

possibly the most overrated shmup

>> No.8448086

tracing a set path for months and then uploading "2-ALL Clear No-Miss" for pennies, kek

>> No.8448089

maybe even the most overrated dreamcast game