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/vr/ - Retro Games

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844141 No.844141 [Reply] [Original]

Old point and click games thread.

>> No.844148


>> No.844178

>/v/ saying it was never going to happen
>Now that it did happen /pol/ came in and started shitting up the place
C-can I celebrate with you guys for today?

>> No.844181


>> No.844182


>> No.844191

Dear Klaymen,

Please feed my pet fly trap. He eats ring-food.

I do not

Love, willie

>> No.844226

Wait, what's going on?

>> No.844227


>> No.844228

>Wait, what's going on?
Spiritual sequel to >>844182 just hit 900k funding goal on Kickstarter, despite all the nay-saying. Coming to Windows, Linux, and likely Wii U.

>> No.844230
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Wiiu is getting all the good kickstarter games
I'm so fucking get road redemption

>> No.844243
File: 31 KB, 500x375, mfw retro video games.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TeXatquVqAc

>> No.844250 [DELETED] 

Anti-human rights support

>> No.844262

inb4 it sucks

>> No.844261

/v/ were marketing the game every day since this thing was announced. People always complain about v1ral but allow this shit since its "indie"

>> No.844272

Wow, didn't expect the game to get fully funded, can't wait to play it

>> No.844276

Viral marketing is done by employed people, not fans. If they had the money to employ viral marketers then they wouldn't need to make a kickstarter in the first place, no?

>> No.844281

maybe its the creators themselves

>> No.844289

No, dude. It's quite clearly been backers for the game. They've even talked about posting on /v/ in the comments section.

That said, some people have just been making Armikrog threads for the lulz, quite clearly.

>> No.844291

Armikrog god funded?

I'm loving Kickstarter more and more. Yet it does get offset by the dumb bullshit that gets funded. But then offset again by the dumb bullshit that doesn't get funded. Whatever. We Armikrog now.

>> No.844305

Road redemption?

>> No.844325

Road rash spritual suquel

>> No.844334

Er, because we are all talking about a new point and click.

Im glad this game is happening. But I still really dont like Kickstarter.

>> No.844338

yeah but it looks kinda shitty, they tried to make it different so they wouldnt get sued (i assume) and some of the charm is gone. They should just rerelease road rash 3 with higher res sprites same gameplay but compatible with online play with up to like 30 people. Or at least use the 3DO version

>> No.844363


What I'm wondering is what exactly is costing them 900 thousand to produce the game, in all honesty it seems like they took advantage of their fan-base because they knew that they would give them the money and not because it actually is costing that

>> No.844380

Claymation is hugely expensive. The Neverhood cost way more than 900,000, but it was funded by Dreamworks.

Look at it this way - Doug TenNapel isn't even getting paid. So they're cutting corners to get the game made with 900,000.

>> No.844382


Few other point n clicks have been kickstarted too. It's really nice.









I'll throw this one in too since it's made by the quest for glory creators

no real reason to hate kickstarter

>> No.844386

Is Dreamfall Chapters a point and click? I'm 90% sure it's not.

Interesting to note the creator promoted Armikrog, though.

>> No.844394

stop motion and hand drawn animation still costs like 1/3rd of the price of CG, generally.
Although to make good animation is a lot of work so it's pretty expensive

>> No.844397


I don't really know about that dude, the total production costs for the game have never officially been released or stated so we really don't have any rock-solid evidence to say one way or the other

I mean the only thing said about it came from doug tennapel, who has the credibility of a fucking potato when it comes to the things he says

>> No.844408

Will the OST be made in the same way as the original one was? Loved the OST.
Never finished the game because I'm not a big fan of adventure games, gameplay wise

>> No.844410
File: 29 KB, 640x480, A-Close-Shave-wallace-and-gromit-343179_640_480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I mean the only thing said about it came from doug tennapel, who has the credibility of a fucking potato when it comes to the things he says
If he was wrong about the cost, Mike Dietz would have likely corrected him. After all, Mike was the lead dev on Neverhood.

Wallace and Gromit: A Close Shave is 30 mins long, and cost £1.3 million.

>> No.844418


I thought it was still at least in the adventure game genre but after watching the trailer again I don't know. It does look really nice though.

>> No.844434


but thats my point, hes never specified an amount, he just that "it will cost less to produce than the neverhood back in 1997" and ended it there

Theres just too much nostalgia gloating and referencing for me to not find the price-tag suspicious

>> No.844438

What do you mean it looks bad

>> No.844440

Not to mention that a lot of other ks games that had way more money than they asked for, still needed some later on, or made cuts.
I think it happened with Shadowrun

>> No.844451


You must also factor in the cut kickstarter gets and the cost of time/labor and expenses of producing and delivering on rewards. Not to mention, kickstarter charges everyone's card once the funding period ends and I have seen numerous devs come out and say that there are a number of pledges whose payment gets refused.

>> No.844476
File: 24 KB, 640x432, it's ruff in ankh-morpork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

long before Rockstar, we had 'Discworld Noir' set in theTerry Pratchett universe - and it was amazing for a fan to explore his world

i originally played it on the Playstation, and it was buggy as flip - requiring one to save constantly - but i wish i'd held on to that version, cos recently i found it for the PC and it doesn't even save at all

but still, it's one of those games which i would happily play through about 10 hours, because the story and dialogue and even the voice acting is amazing - and the world it immerses you in is multi-layered and fascinating

>> No.844492 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.844523

Most of the rewards are digital

>> No.844526

Goddamn that guy is retarded.

>> No.844686


Neverhood was that bloody expensive mainly because they bought cutting-edge digital photography and video equipment (as well as storage space) in like, 1995. They can buy infinitely superior equipment down at the local Wal-Mart for practically nothing. I'm glad they got their money, but I can't see it costing anywhere near as much as it did in Neverhood's time. I doubt they'll even have the same amount of staff.

>> No.844821
File: 255 KB, 639x862, d2fa8ba80254faf42d7cd670538eb44d_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what? Does that make all of the physical rewards not count?

>> No.844828

>200 bucks for a tshirt

>> No.844834

>No physical release with 200 bucks

>> No.844839


Yes you do.

>> No.844985

The chart says otherwise