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8438176 No.8438176 [Reply] [Original]

"Naka came to visit with his team to tour our studio [and] look at our tools and engine; we had a lot of proprietary [and] really phenomenal tech – I would say still to this day, [we had] some stuff that I haven't seen replicated quite at the level we had. [Naka] didn't realize that the people on my team, a lot of them spoke fluent Japanese, including my lead engineer. [Naka] started speaking in Japanese assuming that no one would understand; [he] started talking about what parts of our tech they were going take for Sonic and then basically said as soon as they ship, fire everyone but one of the engineers who knows their system and roll him onto our team for Sonic – and my team heard all that, so you can imagine how they felt. Naka was pretty powerful at Sega at that time."

>> No.8438180

what the fuck was Naka's problem holy shit

>> No.8438182 [DELETED] 

Jewy Naka

>> No.8438183

Source of OP's quote:

>> No.8438185

Because at the time Naka's Sonic Team was in early production for the next-gen sonic game, what would become Sonic Adventure. If you sabotage the other team's efforts to make a sonic game, it looks all the more triumphant later on when you swoop in to "save the day". In other words, didn't want anyone else getting any attention/credit for sonic.
That and of course there's the whole american-vs-japanese thing that has always seemed to plague sega

>> No.8438261 [DELETED] 

nose never lies

>> No.8438284

And here I thought this was going to be another thread full of fake quotes. What a prick.

>> No.8438292

He is a massive faggot. That is his problem.

>> No.8438297

Happy this faggot is finally being outed for the hack "ideas man" he really is.

>> No.8438312

I expected that Geist Force thing to be some shitty flying game but the trailer looked freaking great. Holy shit.

>> No.8438313

Isn't he, like, a super competent programmer himself? He just shouldn't even be allowed to be in control.

>> No.8438334

There is a prototype floating around. Barely into beta phase, but it's playable.

>> No.8438336

If anything it's the exact opposite problems. He's a programmer, not a designer. His claim to fame is developing the physics engine for sonic, not for actually designing a fun game of any kind.

>> No.8438350

Who the fuck cares about the prototype. The trailer looks promising but the game was never released, so it's dead now.

>> No.8438392

It's better than nothing.

>> No.8438395

>Who the fuck cares about the prototype.
motherfucker piece of shit gtfo rn

>> No.8438405

But he directed ChuChu Rocket!, and that was a decent game.

Holy shit, what's wrong with Yuji Naka?

>> No.8438406

I used to care about that garbage twenty years ago too. It's a childish preoccupation that you'll eventually grow out of.

>> No.8438421

I always take any story from Sega of America with a grain of salt. Almost every one of their crazy stories about how bad Sega of Japan was falls apart when you get both sides of the story.

>> No.8438424

And here you are posting on a board dedicated to old games nobody cares about anymore. Pot meet kettle

>> No.8438428

Fake or not. Naka was a crazy fucker. And still is. There's literally decades of first hand accounts of people dealing with him.

Fuck even a while back he was bitching over the people who ported nights on Steam getting credit over him. Never mind the fact he's not even a part of SEGA anymore

>> No.8438442

You just need to read some of the interviews he gave back in the day to see he's a piece of work. He always downplays his coworkers and props himself up.

>> No.8438450

Mmmm... based Naka?

>> No.8438451

>that was a decent game
its a glorified tower defense style game where you interact with a bunch of lemmings.

>> No.8438458 [DELETED] 
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fuck this stupid old prick

>> No.8438463

Engines for me, not for thee

>> No.8438465 [DELETED] 

Not denying Naka can't be an egotistical jerk, I'm just saying a lot of these stories from Sega of America should be taken with a grain of salt. They almost always don't add up and end up being debunked when both sides of the story come up. A good example of this are the stories from Kalinske about the 32X and Saturn launch.

>> No.8438467

Not denying Naka can be an egotistical jerk, I'm just saying a lot of these stories from Sega of America should be taken with a grain of salt. They almost always don't add up and end up being debunked when both sides of the story come up. A good example of this are the stories from Kalinske about the 32X and Saturn launch.

>> No.8438513

With every Naka thread, I grow to hate the man more and more. What a cunt

>> No.8438653

>I'm not going to say we had any amazing ideas [but] we had a cool narrative that was very different and we actually had a very diverse cast; looking back, we were actually ahead of our time.
Sounds like Naka saved us from a shitty game and just wanted to salvage anything technical of any worth before putting their pozzed studio out of its misery.

>> No.8438659

You’re not fooling anyone, Yuji

>> No.8438680
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Naka always seemed like an arrogant ego fag taking too much credit for shit while the rest of the team gets thrown under the bus. Sort of like Keiji Inafune and other in lead rolls.

>> No.8438698

Who "other in lead roles", bitch nigga? Don't bundle them ALL up simply because a furry dipshit from Sega is bad. Shinji Mikami spent his whole life cultivating other people's talents and gave us Hideki Kamiya (DMC), Shu Takumi (Ace Attorney), even Goichi Suda. So shut your bitch mouth.

>> No.8438703

I disagree with everything Yuji Naka did, but I'm gonna say "based" anyway, because, you know... /vr/.

>> No.8438732

>3D Mario
>genre defining 3D platformer
>Yuji Naka's 3D Sonic
>turns the franchise into shit games for dumb little kids who don't know any better, until Sonic Mania is released and it turns into a boomer nostalgia series that just clones the 2d games from the 90s

>> No.8438740

Gameplay-wise, Sonic was never good to begin with, despite being very interesting and memorable aesthetically. It's hard to argue that Adventure, hideous as it is, was much worse than the second half of Sonic 2, for example, let alone most of Sonic 3. Sonic games always had an impressive fist stage, interesting if fiddly second and third ones, and then a steep nosedive, and nothing's changed for Adventure. Unlike Mario games, which were always tight as fuck from start to finish, whether you like them or not.

>> No.8438821

Yep, that's why I think he sabotaged SoA's sonic x-treme attempts in order to make himself look all the better when he delivered Adventure what a cunt

>> No.8438825

I feel that Balan really was a look into Naka's psyche. And I actually liked it, but man, I can see how it's offputting to many people.

>> No.8438847

Who is this quote attributed to?

>> No.8438852 [DELETED] 

zoomer cope

>> No.8438858 [DELETED] 
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>I'm gonna say "based" anyway, because, you know... /vr/.

>> No.8438882
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>> No.8438889

Why was Naka such a fucking dick?

>> No.8438890

Sonic X-treme was doomed long before Naka was ever involved. It pretty much played out like this:

>"Let's let our lone programmer who has never developed a game for a console before work from home developing the game for PC for months without ever checking up on him. Then we'll just recompile what he wrote for Saturn. What could possibly go wrong?"
>Now in complete panic: "Quick! Grab any 3D Saturn code you can find that doesn't run at 1fps and throw our Sonic assets and levels at it!"
>Naka: "Don't you dare attach my engine and team to this trainwreck."

Honestly, complain about Naka all you want here, but the project was doomed for failure long before it got to that point. Whatever talent was at STI had mostly left by the time this project started.

>> No.8438918
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And now Sega hires literal Sanic shitposters for their biggest Sonic projects. How the tables have turned.

>> No.8438925

Every night before bed I kneel down and close my eyes and clasp my hands and thank GOD I wasn't born a Sonic fan.

>> No.8438941

Fuck off nigger sonic Xtreme could have been awesome, I like the fishbowl look

>> No.8438943

I thought god hated fags?

>> No.8438946 [DELETED] 

I didn't understand your post. Please, speak /vr/ with me. Here's a list of words you can use: soul, souless, based, kino, cope, seethe, dilate. Make sure to not express any kind of logic, let the words do all the job.

>> No.8438948

Yes, there's nothing gayer than a Sonic fan.

>> No.8438950

>sonic Xtreme could have been awesome
If it was handled by a competent team and with good project management sure. But it had neither of those things.

>> No.8438972 [DELETED] 

What a girlboss!

>> No.8438985

Based if true, but it probably isn't.
X-treme is just too janky to actually play.
Their 16-bit concept they came up before Sonic Mars project was easily more promising.

>> No.8439005

chris chan

>> No.8439012

America was more successful and creative than Japan.

>> No.8439036

Sonic Xtreme should have been 2D Saturn game with maybe a few pre-rendered backgrounds.

>> No.8439052

your post did not go unappreciated anon, based

>> No.8439062

I prefer to believe that the wanker I was responding to shut off his Internet connection for a year out of shame.

>> No.8439080

No it wasn’t, you retard.

>> No.8439086
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You can tell they realized the story is 100% about Sega, but they had to somehow justify it on a nintendo only site.

>> No.8439094

>Isn't he, like, a super competent programmer himself? He just shouldn't even be allowed to be in control.

These guys, like Igarashi, came up as programmers. Their programming skills are so hilariously out of date they can't have any value as programmers anymore. They could program PC-Engines, Master systems, Mega drives, that sort of console.

>> No.8439109

I like ChuChu Rocket, but it's kind of underwhelming as a famous game designer's "magnum opus". It's just a fun little party puzzle game. Ivy the Kiwi was similar.
Has anyone here played Rodea the Sky Soldier? Heard the Wii version was really good, and I think he was heavily involved in that too.

>> No.8439114




>> No.8439120

Naka’s new thingy is so obviously a programmer’s project. He is not a designer in any way, shape, or form. It feels kind of weird but it’s not bad really

>> No.8439158

Based Naka. Former SoA are probably in this thread right now making shit up and spreading rumors because they're still crying 20 20 years down the line after being shown up by a yellow man

>> No.8439179

Thanks, my friend!


>Naka: That’s right. I wrote up a memo that was basically a “next game I want to make” list, and showed it to my boss. But the one that caught his attention was the very last entry on the list, which said “an action game to challenge Mario”. (laughs) I tried to object, saying “Actually, I wrote them in order of which ones I want to do…” but he didn’t listen to me at all. (laughs)

Shows exactly how Naka had no business talent at all and should've been kept grinded as a programmer. Okay, he could've been pampered and become the honey boy of Sega's... programming team, and only that. However, all creative, marketing and financial decisions wouldn't be even presented to him, unless in its final form: as an order. That way, Naka - humbled as a mere programmer - could actually have time and experience to widen and perfect his vision, raising his chances of becoming an actually decent manager.

>> No.8439186 [DELETED] 

Yuji Naka is a legend and you're a zoomer on HRT. KYS seethe and dilate. I'm sick of you Playstation trannies making Sega hate threads

>> No.8439208 [DELETED] 

You, now, are king of /vr/! Take your crown and command us! Pls, buzzwords only!

>> No.8439294 [DELETED] 

Playstation killed Sega.

>> No.8439376
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Programmers shouldn't be involved with executive decisions

>> No.8439381 [DELETED] 

t. Yuji

>> No.8439396

That was like, his one fuck up.

>> No.8439409

>Moore recounted to Glixel his futile efforts to demonstrate to Sega of Japan that the company’s relevance was declining. Sega’s American division filmed a focus group in late 2001 or early 2002 to get opinions from “a bunch of 18-, 19-year-olds” on how they saw gaming companies. The teens characterized Sega as “your grandad,” said Moore. “Used to be cool, but even he can’t remember why anymore.”
>Yuji Naka, Naka-san, maker of Sonic, is in the room. Now, he and I have a love/hate relationship on a good day. And we show him this, and it’s subtitled in Japanese, and when it comes to that piece he just [slams his hand on the table], ‘This is ridiculous. You have made them say this. Sega is the great brand, nobody would ever say this, you have falsified!’ He just gets in my face.

>> No.8439473

Why did you cut the last part?

>> No.8439539 [DELETED] 
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>Sonic was never good to begin with

>> No.8439545
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>> No.8439559

>Sega is a great brand, that's why I decided to fuck off in 2006!

>> No.8439727

Naka is legitimately one of the biggest pieces of shit in the history of the video game industry. Just a qrd of this dumb fucks career
>make a game engine that would eventually go on to be used in Sonic. Have no input at all on level design, character design, marketing, or overall game design at all besides that
>somehow this makes you the father of Sonic and SoJ immediately elevates you to overall lead of the entire franchise.
>your first experience as lead involves rage quitting the development of Sonic 2 as everyone you're working with disagrees with your ideas and design for the game. Half the team you brought with you from Japan hates you so much they don't even travel back with you and spend the rest of their time at the company with the American branch.
>spend the next couple of years throwing every single person you've ever worked with under the bus, claiming total credit for everything to do with Sonic, despite still never designing a single level and basically being nothing but a code monkey.
>finally after getting half your team fired by backstabbing and lying about them, you're free to make the game you've been waiting to make for years. The title that will lead Sega's new console against Sony and Nintendo's new offerings
>it's a fucking hour long game that still somehow managed to be a boring slog, with mindless repetitive gameplay far more focused on being cinematic and artsy than actually fun, and featuring a bug eyed anime styled medieval jester flying around a rainbow colored world with two 5 year olds, when the entirety of pop culture is going through an edgy gritty phase
>after this you threaten to quit if Americans are allowed to use your engine to make a game that might actually sell, because you're still ass damaged from Sonic 2.

>> No.8439729

>your follow-up to this and the swan song for the Saturn is a game about being an anime firefighter. Despite being a supposedly genius programmer, and having 4 years to learn how to use the Saturn hardware, the game barely breaks double digit FPS, has a 5 foot draw distance, and looks like a blocky pixelated mess.
>Dreamcast launches and you finally have the ability to make the 3D Sonic game everyone has been waiting for. Once again despite being a "genius programmer" the game is a mess of glitches, crashes, and lockups that make the stage unbeatable. Americans have to spend the entire year leading up to to the global launch of the game fixing it.
>You then spend the next 5 years releasing some of the most awful, universally panned games, turning a company's beloved mascot, who during the 90s was more recognizable and popular to children and teens than Mickey fucking Mouse, into a complete joke associated only with autistic furries.
>finally get fired, whine cry and bitch for years about everything and everyone, get back into dev work proclaiming how glad you are to be free and allowed to work as you please and truly make your dream game
>fucking Balan Wonderworld is the result.
Fuck this shitty hack, and fuck the idiots at Sega who ever gave this literal autist any power

>> No.8439769 [DELETED] 

mario is pretty boring if you're not a child, nu-male or tranny.

>> No.8439797
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well at least now I don't have to feel bad about shitposting what a bomb Balan Wonderworld was

what the fuck was Nakas problem?

>> No.8439810

Fuck this faggot gook. Im glad Gayland Wonderland flopped. Piece of shit

>> No.8439815
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What probably happened was Naka, while probably not Carmack levels, was a pretty good programmer in an era when video games were really starting to boom. Being a gifted programmer was a godsend, and being involved with a bunch of hits probably made him move up at SEGA while simultaneously boosting his ego - working on some of the biggest titles in the world, moving to the US to work on Sonic titles, being involved with the top brass at SEGA, making a functional 3D engine for the Saturn; I imagine Naka must have been very pleased with himself.

Essentially a combination of luck and his skill, for programming gave way to a completely runaway ego

>> No.8439824

The Wii U is seen as a failure, but it was sort of like a test to see if something like the switch could work, I think. So it succeeded in that sense.

>> No.8439831

This article was about a Star Fox clone called Geist Force, not Sonic Xtreme. The devs had nothing to do with Sonic beyond Naka deciding he was going to take their shit for himself.

>> No.8439838

>I wish I could play this game
>You can play part of the game

>> No.8439847

I'm tempted to buy a Wii U for emulators desu. It seems like it has good Nintendo console emulation + powerful enough for MAME and classic consoles.

>> No.8439873

It might be good for that, yeah, I haven't looked into it really. I know the regular Wii is pretty good for older game emulation.

>> No.8439881

While there's some truth in this, the stuff during the Saturn era is just nonsense. NiGHTS wasn't all Naka, Oshima and Ikuzia were involved in it as well. It was basically the brain child of the three of them. With Sonic X-treme it's been explained multiple times that the project was a complete trainwreck long before Naka said they couldn't use the NiGHTS engine. The engine wouldn't have saved it by that point. If you want someone to blame for X-Treme, blame the incompetent hacks and terrible management at STI.

Also with Sonic Adventure, it was rushed for the Japanese Dreamcast launch. The "Americans" who had to fix it were actually Japanese Sonic Team members who flew out to the US and formed Sonic Team USA to work on fixing bugs and localizing it. That team later made Sonic Adventure 2 and Sonic Heroes. Naka was involved in both the Japanese team while they made PSO and the US team as they localized Sonic Adventure and made Adventure 2 and Heroes.

>> No.8439884

Wii is better since you can output 240p to a crt + Gamecube. Gen V and later just use a PC

>> No.8439886

The slow and clunky UI kinda ruined that aspect for me honestly. You also can't use the tablet unless you're in the same room as the console. I think you have better options for emulation if that's all you're looking for.

>> No.8439894

I don't have a CRT, nor the room to put one desu. I live in a shoebox. I have a modded PS2, PS3, a Switch, and an Xbox One X. I changed over to using Mac OS as my main operating system because fuck Windows, so I don't have access to the best versions of a lot of emulators.

>> No.8439906

personally i really like the wii u and i think the interface is nice

>> No.8439937

I mean, it's between that and a Pi or Shield, with Shield looking the easier of the two.

>> No.8439953

It baffles me that people think they need all these underpowered gizmos. Just get any shitter Lenovo or Dell off of eBay for like 40$ with a 10$ VGA to HDMI adapter and run an x86 RetroPie setup or Lakka. Boom. Way more powerful than any other weak console or tablet shitters and you will be able to emulate PSP/PS2/GC/WII/N64/DS/3DS

>> No.8439963

Because they cost a lot more than $40 for something serviceable. I'm in britbong land. It's like £100 minimum for a PC with a Haswell i5.

>> No.8440038

>what the fuck was Nakas problem?
He just lucked out. It's like winning the lotto, but thinking you're rich because of your genius financial skills.

>> No.8440063

If you changed OS just because of "fuck Windows", then why didn't you go with a Linux distro? It's way better than Mac for gaming in general. I think that you're gonna hit a wall pretty quickly using a Wii U. If you *really* want to use Mac, then I suggest you to make a list of the essential systems you want to emulate, then look for a current, smaller and more powerful device that could handle them.

>> No.8440069 [DELETED] 

>mario is pretty boring if you're not a child, nu-male or tranny.
Quoted for truth.

>> No.8440072 [DELETED] 

But what if I was all of them? Would Mario be the ultimate game?

>> No.8440109

He literally begged the square-enix top guy to get a chance to make his "million seller game". And left before getting fired anyway.

>> No.8440308

>If you *really* want to use Mac, then I suggest you to make a list of the essential systems you want to emulate, then look for a current, smaller and more powerful device that could handle them.
Such as? I already switched to a Mac. It's better for my work anyway.

>> No.8440326

I'd like to help, but have you already thought about which systems do you consider essential to emulate? If so, then post here.

But if you want to specifically play Wii U games, then you should really get it, because a system that can emulate it decently will probably cost more and be bigger as well.

>> No.8440327


>> No.8440353

As I have a modded PS2/PS3, those aren't needed. I have a Switch, XboneX, and PS5, so modern games aren't really a problem.

I'd like to be able to do classic consoles (Genesis, SNES etc.), N64, GC, and Wii on top of that. I don't think I'm missing much from Saturn/Dreamcast. This is why the Wii U was such an appealing option. I'd also like DS, and if possible 3DS (although that one is less likely).

>> No.8440774

I wasnt lumping all directors together just the shitty ones. There is a difference between a good manager who encourages positive growth and a shitty boss who treats staff like disposable dogs to make themselves look good. bitch.

>> No.8440782

im honestly curious why more of them don't make new games for old consoles. they're some of the last people that understand the assembly for those old consoles as most people nowadays don't bother because they can just release an indie game made in game make more easily

>> No.8440789 [DELETED] 

Nintendo and Sony rules the landscape (which is dominated by trannies and other assorted genderfreaks) while Sega is reduced to a fever dream from your youth
i think you need too cope and seeth, pal

>> No.8440794

literally his only failure and Nintendo still broke even and rescued most of the wii u ips by porting them to their next (mega hit) console

>> No.8440797

>we will never live in a world where Sega still produces consoles that rival the likes of Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft


>> No.8440802 [DELETED] 

post wrist and jaw

>> No.8440819

>So I was involved with every aspect of the original Sonics. Some of the details, like making a map, quite straight-forward stuff, was done by the guy who's working on Jak and Daxter right now. He was involved until Sonic 3, and after that for eight years he didn't do anything in Sega, so he was quite useless in Sega. We really didn't need him. He was really doing nothing with Sonic.

this kind of sums up Naka's attitude. He doesn't realise that level design is what makes or breaks this genre of game, and dismisses the guy as 'doing nothing' after Sonic 3 completely oblivious to the fact that that was the last good sonic game. absolute clown.

>> No.8440854

Naka also killed the dreamcast just so he could make shitty GBA ports.

>> No.8440938

It would be limited and rather gimicky plus people have higher expectations now. Something like Sonic Mania stands out more because it's better than something a Mega Drive can produce. It's kind of "what if they made a 2D Dreamcast Sonic game?".

>> No.8440941

Who's he talking about. Was it a Japanese guy who went on to work on Jax and Daxter?

A programmer not getting how important level design is makes sense. They don't get it and just see it as technical. You need the engine and the hardware as the base, but you need creative people who can do art, music, and game design to have a good game.

>> No.8440953

His problem were a bunch of shit devs thinking their project would be magically saved if he handed them his engine.

>> No.8440957

It is ok. I own every version of Rodea but not because I like, because I have brain problems. I has a bit of soul but is janky and the last boss made me throw the wiimote across the room.

>> No.8441668
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>> No.8441682
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>Who's he talking about
Hirokazu Yasuhara

>> No.8441746
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>unironically begins with "Sonic was never good"
get better bait, faggot

>> No.8441758

Xbox Original, pretty much.

>> No.8441887

but OP's quote is from an article about Geist Force, not Sonic Xtreme

>> No.8441889 [DELETED] 

Speaking as a nu-male and closeted tranny, Mario and the entire Nintendo aesthetic post-1991 are trash.

>> No.8441897

>Isn't he, like, a super competent programmer himself?

Have you played Sonic games? They have a reputation for having broken collission, braindead camera movement, and the controls fritzing out - these even happened to me on Sonic Generations (the last one I bothered playing). Even the 16-bit Sonic games were so bad that they had a blurb in the manual saying that if you get randomly stuck in the wall, it's a result of one of Eggmans evil traps and the only way out is to reset the console.

>> No.8441915

>They almost always don't add up and end up being debunked when both sides of the story come up.

That's because the American side tells the story how it went, while the Japanese are always super polite and never accuse another Japanese of anything bad. It's a cultural context you have to take into account. And given how much Sega gets shafted over time, I'm inclined to believe their side more.

>> No.8441937

But that's not how it went down. The programmer was making the TOOLS to build the game on a PC, and it was the equivalent of a modern map builder, where you could see the map, edit it, and playtest it all at the same time - nothing like that existed in the 90s.
When they ported it, it was a 1:1 retranslation with no optimization that got them 3fps. After some more optimization, they got it working at a stable framerate. We know this because builds have been released that do the fisheye lens at a proper speed.
The "complete panic" was SOJ execs liking the boss engine a lot more, and forcing the team to drop a years worth of work and use the other (incomplete) engine to power another game.
The reason the team asked for the Nights engine is because they were in a tight deadline, an couldn't develop a new engine while creating and playtesting the levels.

But the management of the project was a trainwreck, that I agree. Even the people who managed the project agreed on that.

>> No.8441943 [DELETED] 

Tell it to Detroit, mutt.

>> No.8441951

Based as fuck, anon. These mutts crow about SoA being some kind of perfect bastion for gaming, when SoA was responsible for some of the worst garbage of the 16 bit gen.

>> No.8441956

>typed unironically on a site patterned after an image board created in Japan

>> No.8441969

It's really sad. Pearl Harbor, the economic boom of Japan through the 70-early 90s, U.S. steel and electronics getting trounced, Detroit gets Toyota's and their kids are all Weebs. The mutt can only take so much before cracking.

>> No.8441975
File: 112 KB, 320x240, 320px-SonicAdventureDXReview_SkyChaseCutscene.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So did they actually end up using Geist Force's engine for SA1? Maybe it had something to do with the tornado segments over there?

>> No.8441983

Source for this?

>> No.8441987

You have to understand that Japanese work culture revolves around politeness. It’s common courtesy that if you get fired or if you resign, you say something like ‘I wanted to try something different’ instead of ‘all my coworkers are fucking cunts and the head of department is a raging faggot’, compared to the west where devs and others will gladly tell the world why they left. This also applies to discussing commercial failures too. If a console, let’s say the 32x bombs, the Japanese branch will tell you “oh we jumped the gun a bit, it was a silly idea but it won’t happen again” whereas the American department will give you exact names and dates of the people who gave it the go ahead. That’s just how work culture is. Basically everyone in Japan is slapped a gagging order in name only. They’ll give you a watered down, vague description but they won’t tell you 100% what went wrong

>> No.8442024

yes it was, the fact that you aren't supposed to shoot anything with towers doesn;t change the fact that you are laying down things in a grid and the point is to affect things that automatically move from point A to point B.

>> No.8442036

>Even the 16-bit Sonic games were so bad that they had a blurb in the manual saying that if you get randomly stuck in the wall, it's a result of one of Eggmans evil traps and the only way out is to reset the console.
Sonic 3, which was a rushed half-game that had those issues fixed when lock-on to Sonic & Knuckles.

>> No.8442067

I didn't see your post before, sorry. Systems up to the 4th gen, Ps1 and 2D arcade boards are very well emulated by a myriad of devices now, even the WiiU, but you're also interested in N64, DS and, maybe, 3DS.

For the N64, it isn't hard to emulate it, but things change when you want to do it *well*. Very, very likely, you'll need some sort of x64 device. Since you complain about space, a mini-PC with a decent CPU is just a little more expensive than a well-conserved Wii U, less than U$250 for sure. That's what will give you power and flexibility, because you want to emulate a wide range of systems.

Be aware, I fell for this once: Wii U might seem great for emulating DS, being touchscreen and all, but it isn't that good. The screen is larger and a less responsive, and you'll either have to: hurt you neck looking at the gamepad as the bottom screen, and your TV as the top screen; or crunch both screens onto the vertically small gamepad visor, hampering the experience. In the end, it's not exactly bad, but having had a DS, the experience isn't well recreated and not that different from emulating on a PC.

What I suggest you to do is thinking:

A. If you accept having a hit-or-miss N64 and DS experience, while also letting go of 3DS, then the Wii U will do your other wishes nicely. You may buy it and have a good time.

B. If you don't want to let go of computing power and flexibility, having all the emulators you desire with decent emulation, go for a decent mini PC.

C. If you want to focus on even older games, go for cheap, stable and weaker devices, like used mini PCs and laptops, or ARM boards, which would be the most cost-effective solution for price and size, but at the expense of struggling to emulate newer systems.

If you want to talk more, just ask.

>> No.8442357

i honestly like the wii u

>> No.8443639

Bitch did I fucking ask you that? No. Fuck outta here.

>> No.8443658

This thread is just full of salty, old SoA guys right? Nobody is really this mad about shit that went down in the 90s unless they were directly effected. If not, then dear God this is pathetic.

>> No.8443691

absolutely based shenmue autist

>> No.8444104

sorry I'm new to the fandom but basically naka is no better than iizuka?

>> No.8444108

It's literally linked in the 4th post in this thread. I could link that post here, but instead I'll put as much effort as you did into participating in this discussion.

>> No.8444126

Iizuka can at least admit where he went wrong and try to clean things up next time. Naka is the guy who sticks his fingers in his ears and goes LALALALA while the building around him crumbles

>> No.8444192

Why do americans like to invent stuff about japanese devs so much?

>> No.8444660

No, they used the Nights / Burning Rangers / Sonic Jam engine. In fact they've been using that ever since, heavily upgraded of course. It's why even the modern Sonic games have the same fucking problems: collision, camera, and controls.

I mean they are fixing them more and more but even in the most recent games you can just flat out fall through the floor for no reason.

>> No.8444664

>that had those issues fixed when lock-on to Sonic & Knuckles.

Sonic 1 and 2 and even Knuckles has bugs like that.

>> No.8444923

>He doesn't realise that level design is what makes or breaks this genre of game
Thats how Balan tanked.

>> No.8444959

Another thread said he spent all the money on the cutscenes because he felt that's what sold games and not gameplay.

>> No.8445709

Well, he wasn't that wrong, sadly.

>> No.8445954

It made sense from a purely corporate perspective, though.
The dreamcast was a net negative on their company after the launch of the PS2. Killing it was the only way to prevent Sega from going bankrupt.

>> No.8447575

Iwata was based.
His post-death replacements were cringe.
Die in a fire.

>> No.8449105

After how much worse Nintendo got as of late in terms of business practices and how lazier they got in terms of first party releases, I really love Iwata more in hindsight. He definitely made a mistake with the Wii U, but the guy was absolutely passionate about video games.

Naka wasn't wrong in that sense, but he was a massive idiot because at the end of the day nobody talks about Balan for it's cutscenes, if they talk about it at all.
It's not even a worse NiGHTS, its just a really badly made 3D platformer that'd be PS2-era shovelware at best.

>> No.8449149

2ch was created in the US, believe it or not

>> No.8449192

I got a warning for calling Yuji Naka a girlboss in this thread.

>> No.8449212 [DELETED] 

>checked the archive
lots of deleted posts lol

>> No.8449220


>> No.8449968


>> No.8449992
File: 55 KB, 1080x607, 149021756802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y'know, awful as this cunt was, someone was clearly enabling him to act like such a fucking retard cunt. Makes you really wonder who Naka's advisors were..

Wasn't there a rumour that someone who worked for Sony was involved in some of the marketing branches of Sega during the Dreamcas, andt that he objected to the idea of a DVD Drive in the console, only to end up moving to Sony not long after and sold the Network adapter to the PS2 as an extra peripheral for only play..?

I cant remember his name. But there was definitely somebody with a vendetta against Sega by someone, that much is true.

>> No.8450002

OK, exactly how much of an actual difference is there from the work of a coder to that of a lead designer? Video games start as lines of code firstly, not incisions and jots on scratch paper.

>> No.8450006

Wow, another brother in arms laid to rest too soon. RIP.

>> No.8450382


>> No.8450386

>Video games start as lines of code firstly
Maybe in the 70s and 80s.

>> No.8450406

pray for naka

>> No.8450408

I saw Yuji Naka at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

>> No.8450420
File: 93 KB, 468x286, ace No u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Source: dude trust me

>> No.8450423

Anon, I….

>> No.8451010

lurk moar

>> No.8451017

lol, reads pretty much like the OP

>> No.8451029

lmao wtf is this nonsense, have you ever worked a day in your life? It's considered impolite to publicly shit talk your former employer anywhere and software companies literally have gagging orders in their contracts.

>> No.8451120

>Iwata was based.

>responsible for a decade and a half of shitty casual gimmick consoles full of shovelware
>"b-b-but he made Nintendo a lot of money!"
shut the fuck up

>> No.8451125

I've seen Naka in person and he smells like shit

>> No.8451375

I've smelled Naka in person and he looks like shit

>> No.8451416
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>> No.8451891
File: 1.94 MB, 300x169, 1569107451003.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gif related
>T.gullible dolt who believes just about everything posted on this here site

>> No.8451991

a least Naka has his santa hat.

>> No.8451994
File: 43 KB, 640x448, 1626816649672.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It wouldn't have had the fisheye lens. By the time the project got canned it was looking like this

>> No.8452017

kill yourself niggerfaggot

>> No.8452076

>and the last boss made me throw the wiimote across the room.
I had this exact problem and have been wondering for years if it was the game's fault or if I just sucked. Thank you for the validation. Fuck that boss

>> No.8452189

Mad as fuck about Pearl Harbor and the Japanese economic miracle of the 1980s. Still mad about having their kids turn into weebs that love Nintendo and DBZ.

>> No.8452193

I don't. Thanks for the source.

>> No.8452197

I put as much effort into eyeing that post in equal proportion to this shit thread. Thanks for the spoon-feed regardless. I hope the Starfox guy can get back on his feet.

>> No.8452387

there is not a shred of evidence that xtreme "could have been awesome." everything we've ever seen has looked like dogshit. cancelling that trash and making adventure instead saved the franchise.

>> No.8452402

not even close. completely different audience.

>> No.8452412

i think you're getting confused with the saturn era - either steve race (who fled sega for sony and made the famous "$299" speech at e3) or bernie stolar (who was fired by sony and brought his retarded "no 2d games" policy with him to sega).
sony had nothing to do with the dreamcast. if any company would have sabotaged the dreamcast from within, it would have been microsoft, who had partnered with sega back then and was already well-known for their "embrace, extend, extinguish" schemes.

>> No.8452453

That's still leagues better than the original footage.

>> No.8452570

Not that anon, but there's this very recent book about how Jap culture took over the world, and it has an entire chapter on 2ch and 4chan, and it did indeed mention 2ch was created in a US campus or some shit, forgot the exact details. The book is called Pure Invention, funnily enough, by Matt Alt.

>> No.8452581

>and the Japanese economic miracle of the 1980s
Who is mad about this?

>> No.8452829

Hundreds of thousands of UAW guys that got Toyota'd in the motor city. Ron Howard even made a movie about it.

>> No.8452834

Michael Keaton kino:

>> No.8452860


I forgot all about Geist Force:

I was actually looking forward to it, as well.

>> No.8452878

Not that guy but here's what I got form searching https://web.archive.org/web/20100409055032/http://search.japantimes.co.jp/cgi-bin/nn20100406i1.html

>> No.8452991

To think I saw him yesterday playing the soul of a dead guy possessing a snowman. With Mark Addy (he fucking gets about - Robert Baratheon, Fred Flintstone, the dumb one in Sunnyside Farm...)

>> No.8453003

Jack Frost is high tier Kino. Keaton’s entire career was building up to that moment

>> No.8453139

It's funny because that's what killed Nintendo Software Technologies. Though at least for Balan, it was all done at Square's own CG animation studio, NST outsourced all of their cutscenes.

>> No.8453606

I got banned 4 less m8

>> No.8453616
File: 499 KB, 832x304, nakainafune.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who was worse?

>> No.8453771

It's literally on again right this minute.

>> No.8453773

To naka's credit he left to actually go to his roots and learn what he feels he has forgotten.

Inafune was never good.

>> No.8454048

that does look great graphically

>> No.8454050

They’re both egomaniacs who believe they’re the creators of a certain franchise when they simply helped with it. At least Inafune, to my knowledge, didn’t stab all his coworkers in the back and throw them under the bus

>> No.8454180

Keaton is a holiday miracle.

>> No.8454192

american website made by an american in the english language

>> No.8454193

they have not been using the same engine since lol, absolutely not. In SA1 and 2 when you roll down a hill you gain speed. This was the last time this happened in a 3D sonic game. In Sonic 06 you fucking slow down until you stop

>> No.8454476

>Made by a weebs
>Patterned after a Japanese site
>For weebs
>Currently owned by the Japanese
Stay mad faggot, stay mad.

>> No.8454493
File: 126 KB, 600x811, c5c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound like a zoomer, newfag, so this is probably too old for you or over your head.

>> No.8454495

It's fucking strange, but do young people even care about dinosaur shit like muh pearl harbor? also why the fuck pearl harbor even controversial, it's a military base, not a civilian place.

>> No.8454972

He did to Okamoto, the entirety of Clover.

>> No.8455115

There are still people who think Sonic X-Treme would have been a good game and those people deserve institutionalization

>> No.8455282

That explains how he got into management somehow

>> No.8455362

>Video games start as lines of code firstly, not incisions and jots on scratch paper.
Lol no.
Look at Legend of Zelda, Miyamoto scrabbling dungeon layouts on paper.

>> No.8455370

Young people don't even register what happens around them until a hollyjew movie comes out and update their opinions firmware.

As per Pear Harbour, the thing was that Japan attacked without first declaring war, back then it was bad form.

>> No.8455484

>why don't they make games for old consoles
>budget $10M
>anticipated revenue: $4K

>> No.8455503

2channel was made by Hiroyuki while studying abroad in America in 1999, but functionally it copies almost everything from a Japanese BBS that came out a few years earlier, Amezou World (IIRC).
Anonymous sites are one of the things Japan totally pioneered for some reason, probably because it was a way bigger deal for them to have a place online with no honne/tatemae bullshit so anyone could say whatever they want. Chans could never be big here like they are in Asia simply because there's less demand for them, you're more free to say what you want in the West so there's less need to have them.

>> No.8456469

> you're more free to say what you want in the West so there's less need to have them.
Wait, is that why stormfags took over?

>> No.8456478

Mega Man Legends 3.

>> No.8456489

if you want to know what a game designed by a code monkey looks like, check out balan wonderland.

>> No.8456552

Dead Rising
*drops mic*

>> No.8456570

Great game but how much of it was Inafucking's work?

>> No.8457047
File: 111 KB, 1024x576, GirlsGarden-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a lot of shitting on Yuji on this thread. But the guy was truly based when he was young (pic related). Old age will get everyone of you too and I bet you'll become even more useless than him.

>> No.8457189

a video game starts with an idea
this idea is probably getting written down
it's very likely that someone is making sketches of how it looks or functions

all these things without a single line of code written

without programming, no video game
but the design of the game is hardly the programming
programming is the ability to translate your thoughts and designs into a language the computer understands
that's how I see it