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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 125 KB, 2048x1152, fried chicken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8434350 No.8434350 [Reply] [Original]

Amazing, another two weeks gone by. Have some fried chicken.

Previous: >>8388659

Awesome Downloads:
>OpenRCT2 - Currently the best way to play Rollercoaster Tycoon. We use the stable version for multiplayer unless otherwise noted:

>RCT1 recreations - updated and meticulously crafted in 2013 by Crappage for near-perfect accuracy, right down to available rides and research order (contains "Real" parks and gaming magazine parks):

>/v/ pack - updated to include the latest scenarios and tracks made by 4chan users and some other communities (We're updating this file as more stuff is created, currently has 129 scenarios and 175 tracks, includes sandboxes):

>UCES - includes all objdata files already extracted from each scenario upon loading, and includes tracks:

>RCT2 Extras - includes the official remade RCT1 scenarios and Panda World created by Chris Sawyer/Atari, as well as different color waters and paths, the Windowed mode hack, RCT1 menu music, and some modified .exes if you need them:

>Amazing Earl stuff - adds some custom-made rides and scenery:

>RCTConvert a tool made by Rvnx to convert RCT2's sound files into mp3
Helpful Resources:
>Knowledge Base

>RCT1 Manual
>we made it bros
[YouTube] RollerCoaster Tycoon | Noclip Greatest Hits (embed)

>> No.8434352

>[YouTube] RollerCoaster Tycoon | Noclip Greatest Hits (embed)
I'm a retard

>> No.8434358
File: 2.22 MB, 576x1024, 1594430959505.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8434556

dude is vibing, we've all been there

>> No.8434787
File: 444 KB, 1272x993, jSjyM3B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting an old screenshot. I saved this from a /vr/ct thread years ago because I liked all the inclined turns on this coaster.

>> No.8434795

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ts4BD8AqD9g

>> No.8434831

120% patrician

>> No.8435502
File: 885 KB, 2048x1152, 1612963214826.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8435815

Isn't that the Blackpool Pleasure Beach scenario?

>> No.8435825

Bumbly Beach, Anon. Far too small for it to be BPB

>> No.8435998

thanks doc

>> No.8436175
File: 78 KB, 750x563, crystal-beach-cyclone-9eb41812-d3c3-42eb-b3f7-811a5e807f8-resize-750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of the Cyclone someone posted a while back, apparently a real (but no longer existant) ride.

>> No.8436180

>no blue guest to find

>> No.8436189

Cyclone looks too intense for me!

>> No.8436907

It's worse than it looks, it has a high speed oscillating track segment for some reason.

>> No.8437640

Was this a real thing? A real rollercoaster? I can't imagine it aged well.

>> No.8437657

It was (one of?) the first steel-supported coasters. Not many were built and the product line failed.

>> No.8437664

It was ahead of its time. Today we're finally at the point where twisted hybrid coasters like that are possible.

>> No.8437665

It very much did not. They were apparently so rough on the track that they needed maintenance more often than they were open, after a few years. None exist today.

>> No.8437790
File: 1.63 MB, 4160x2400, Regent Isles 2021-12-20 18-11-49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put this together today after a bit of a break from the game. Probably would be nice as part of a much larger park or project.

Save File: https://files.catbox.moe/1e6dbq.park
Scenario File: https://files.catbox.moe/px9tpz.park

>> No.8437915

It looks great anon. I want to visit this park.

>> No.8438382

>this ride broke all the time and has deaths associated with it
>but it turns out the deaths were from people jumping out, intentionally trying to get off the ride while in motion
RCT peeps aren't dumb enough, apparently if our rides are too scary and uncomfortable the realistic behavior is to force open the restraints and die.

>> No.8438904

That seems rather inaccurate. Modern hybrids are wood with i-box steel track. The cyclone was supported with a rectangular steel lattice like a more recent fairground coaster (zamperla galaxy, mouse, etc) or just modern scaffolding. Its problem was still using laminated track and that was solved decades later with tubular steel.

>> No.8438919

Oh that's nice.

>> No.8439385

So a more accurate statement would be "it was too ambitious for the technology available at the time" rather than "it was ahead of its time"

>> No.8439421

Don't be daft. It was the details that were imprecise.

>> No.8439804
File: 1.02 MB, 2048x1152, 1638520009061.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nearly 2 months since the last /vr/ct server
life is suffering

>> No.8439859

That water feature is neat.

>> No.8439930

Juniors would be really fun if they could bank sloped turns

>> No.8440409

maybe the faggot who was sabotaging the maps is gone now

>> No.8440442
File: 1.18 MB, 1280x720, 1638880795039.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know the source of this? saw it in that last thread and thought it was funny. looking for more funny RCT content. r/rct is full of faggots who can't stand humor.

>> No.8440462


>> No.8440485

>I'd a like-a to make-a da deposit

>> No.8440509

There were a number on youtube from a handful of different users, I think. Google's algorithms have been steadily becoming more and more shit as they try to predict what the common retard might be looking for so I can't find it but I recall a title to the effect of "[x] is a really good value." Seriously, my search attempts turned up absolute nonsense, followed by cooking guides ([burger] [good]: "YOU WANT SUM COOK?") and basic ass RCT tutorials.

>> No.8440517

there's a few good RCT youtube dudes.

>> No.8440556

That's zoomer cringe, mate. The stuff originating from 4chan is where it's at. Youtube accounts with 5 videos type deal.

>> No.8440909

I recall from a previous thread that it was actually deleted, so Google's being shit for a different reason than you thought.

>> No.8441250

lmao I can't believe I posted an mp3 of the file
how the fuck did this get converted to mp3 on my computer anyway?
Here's the full video. https://files.catbox.moe/4r82b4.mp4

It's a QB Mac video, one of the early /vr/ct dudes.

>> No.8441408

QB Mac confirmed someone reported the video for terrorism a while ago and his whole account got purged.

>> No.8442550

well at least some of his RCT stuff is still there.

>> No.8442557

Well shit, it must have just been that video.

>> No.8442590


>> No.8443613

first time I've noticed that

>> No.8445720

No crashing, thread.

>> No.8445918

he wasn't in the last one

>> No.8446362
File: 106 KB, 1419x927, hornet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r8 my first ever block section coaster

>> No.8447005

that was awful man.

>> No.8447018

Jesus Christ that was shit.

>> No.8447528
File: 6 KB, 290x308, CRASHED!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8447571

stuff like this makes me want to make my own content because i know it'd be better

>> No.8447837

Me too.

>> No.8447849

Not bad, would ride/10

>> No.8447935

jesus christ anon what is happening in this park

>> No.8447938
File: 133 KB, 281x333, 1380408390689.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8448230

The thing is I have made content for a different game (Civilization 6) but the process of video editing was just so taxing that I haven't made more since. Really need to find a video editing program that isn't garbage or just settle down and learn one.

Also hard to think of any RCT market that hasn't been cornered by Marcel Vos or watercooler/deurklink highly modded scenery type guys. I'm much more into vanilla-adjacent scenery.

>> No.8449004

I'll have you know anon, I made some hilarious RCT3 funny moments compilation back in 2007
no they don't exist anymore.

>> No.8449325

>I'm much more into vanilla-adjacent scenery.
well they aren't, so... You already have your niche. Also don't let fucking Marcel Vos of all people stop you from making what you want.

>> No.8449405

I mostly meant Marcel as like analytical fact-based videos. There's infinite scenery arrangements but only so many most efficient hyper twister design.

Also I'd never be capable of making the best rct content because it already exists: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BTh-jgDSYU8

>> No.8450850

Is the one unbanked downsloped turn near the top right of the image intentional?

>> No.8450958

yeah but efficiency is overrated, especially seeing as how RCT's scenarios rarely demand max efficiency. It kind of rubs me the wrong way how Marcel's videos imply that you have to always be building the most efficient thing possible and minmax the stats to hell. And his voice is fucking annoying. There's still PLENTY of room for analytics in RCT. We could use a new viewpoint to defend the rollercoasters and rides that Marcel's playstyle neglects.

lateral Gs add character

>> No.8450961

>We could use a new viewpoint to defend the rollercoasters and rides that Marcel's playstyle neglects.
to be fair there's no saving the mini suspended coasters

>> No.8450974

they're comfy in forest settings when weaving in and out of groves of fir and spruce

>> No.8451154 [DELETED] 
File: 321 KB, 823x702, station building vertigo views.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you like my station building?

>> No.8451173
File: 631 KB, 1798x592, vertigo station.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think of my station building and the surrounding area?

>> No.8451196

Nah, that's an oversight.

>> No.8451212

Very nice anon. I love the elevated flowerbeds and hedge walls. I think you should touch up the part where the end of the coaster comes out of the underground and into the station. Make it look less raw and natural.

Just now noticing the seating for guests between the hedge walls. Absolute kino.

>> No.8452238
File: 3 KB, 50x80, crismin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8452341

I can't find it now, but one of the old /vr/ct guys did timelapse videos of his builds

>> No.8452379

Premiere and After Effects are easy to torrent and can work in conjunction (i.e. you can place After Effects project files into the Premiere timeline). So is Vegas Pro, but that program has a tendency to crash like crazy.

>> No.8452523

I don't find that to be accurate. Marcel makes mechanics analyses while saying repeatedly that style and aesthetics can be more important and valuable to rides, it's just that mechanics analyses are going to lean towards that content. When he makes ride overviews or compares ride types he also talks about their uniqueness and what they can bring in flavor when they lack mechanical strength. So he clearly separates max efficiency uses from aesthetic.

>> No.8452553
File: 3.58 MB, 8128x4592, Vertigo Views 2021-12-24 17-24-37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vertigo Views complete. This is a very fun scenario.

>> No.8452686

What's best for just taking game footage + graphics (mostly text and images) + voiceover? I keep running into programs that over complicate with stuff for editing actual live footage and effects. My main inspiration would be the styles of Spirit of the Law/Marcel Vos.

>> No.8452814

Try out Kdenlive if you don't need much in terms of special effects. It's free and open source.

>> No.8452882


>> No.8453094

For just recording, OBS is pretty easy and utilitarian. That's what I've been using.

>> No.8453136

>block positioned where the back of the train is still going uphill
Needs work.

>> No.8453742

I've already been using OBS. Like I said I did make one Civ6 video an enjoyed it, but the editing process I used was such a slog. It was an open source program called Openshot.
I'll look at that. I'm valuing simplicity and speed over all else in the editing so I can focus on delivering a quality product elsewhere.

>> No.8454008
File: 197 KB, 583x643, bd53651b0791fc4a5d8da904ceee191e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on a castle this Christmas morning.

>> No.8454018

I like it

>> No.8454070

Please change the station to the "Castle(Brown)" style

>> No.8454210

They're one of the rides that it's difficult not to cause crashes on if it's lengthy at all (every passenger is a giant weight difference so all cars move at wildly different speeds compared to other rides, and if someone bumps in front of them, they stop and get hit by the next), so I don't even like them for scenic tours. You would have to lift-hill them frequently because they lose speed super quick compared to other coasters, which is more failure points for yet more crashes.

>> No.8454291

It's good-looking, consider using a lift chain after your blocks on the level space so they can be pulled out of it a bit quicker. Also, the lift hill on a gentle-slope-to-level piece, specifically just that track element and not any other point on a lift hill, counts as a block brake anywhere on a coaster, which can serve both aforementioned functions.

>> No.8454414

they work okay as alpine coasters if you coddle them like a child. Have it set so cars only leave fully loaded, have one long lift, and nothing but downhill and curves all the way to the station. Difficult, finicky, but not impossible.

>> No.8454474

Good advice, thanks anon. I wind up giving up after providing a generous minimum waiting time and a terrible throughput, but yeah starting from a drop at highly elevated land and not much else sounds pretty good for at least not needing excess lift hills.

>> No.8454579
File: 279 KB, 978x696, 77d630d0e37f2671ef5eaeb07ab4e040.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What else does it need?

>> No.8454613

Flying buttresses.

>> No.8454620

Looks great. Have you considered anything like balcony gardens for the upper tier? I have no experience with it but if it works it might look majestic.

>> No.8455069
File: 541 KB, 1920x1018, Glacier Bay 2021-12-25 20-04-39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Its a micropark that tricks you into thinking it isnt a micropark.

>> No.8455238

>boundaries that aren't boundaries

>> No.8455239

I cheated

>> No.8455469

Nice castle, dude. It needs a moat.

>> No.8455870
File: 2.31 MB, 1360x2860, small castle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ty. I was thinking about a moat, not sure how to implement it though.
What scenery element could I use for that? I wanted to put some under the garden terrace.
It looks super weird from one angle but I like the idea anon!

Kinda stuck here, need to do something with the two loops of the ride.

>> No.8456468

Put a village in the outside loop. Time to use all of the medieval theme houses.

>> No.8456606
File: 34 KB, 1879x1008, Set Sail for Hail 2021-12-26 14-56-22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Food court

>> No.8456663

Personally I would have some windows to brighten up an eating area

>> No.8456717

I think a fully enclosed building fits the snow theme a bit more. I think it looks like a good place for guests to warm up.

>> No.8456740
File: 102 KB, 1920x1018, Set Sail for Hail 2021-12-26 16-11-03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8456745

Perfectly valid. I see two ways of approaching that. A winter lodge kind that is fully enclosed and plenty of fire indoor which you have in mind. What I like is being able to see outside, the windows visibly separate snow and frozen ice from your comfort zone, for a fortifying feeling. Who doesn't like watching precipitation without needing to deal with its discomfort

>> No.8456750
File: 381 KB, 1920x1018, Set Sail for Hail 2021-12-26 16-14-52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would have put some big glass windows in but everything is underground.

>> No.8457171

>What scenery element could I use for that?
You're gonna have to get a little hacky. If you raise terrain you can place wall pieces on a slope and remove the terrain to leave them floating. Then fill between them with roof pieces.

>> No.8457558

Just bought rct 1 and 2 today again

>> No.8457876
File: 1.21 MB, 2880x1800, Screen Shot 2021-12-27 at 18.13.12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on another little scenario. Preview of a one-way chairlift/nature trail area.

>> No.8458016

>What scenery element could I use for that?
No clue, I suggested it because I wanted to see what you could come up with to achieve it.

>> No.8458053

I only ever had RCT1 so today I started playing 2 through OpenRCT2 and realized two things:
>2 is pretty neat overall
>I actually fucking suck at rollercoaster tycoon

>> No.8458291

Scenarios too difficult?

>> No.8458716
File: 292 KB, 1280x678, Lightning Peaks 2021-12-27 12-44-55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to do a small helix up near the end but gave up. Stats are still good but I think it could look better.

>> No.8458754

Also I suck at building coasters.

>> No.8459165
File: 1.33 MB, 4064x2200, Lightning Peaks 2021-12-27 15-51-41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished the scenario after three or so hours. Lightning Peaks excessive amount of hills made building difficult but it did provide ample opportunity to create rides which went both above and below ground, a great way to increase excitement. The gold looping coaster was finished only three days before the scenario ended so it contributed nothing to my park. A shame too since it turned out pretty well.

>> No.8459815

Lightning Peaks is really difficult to build with any sort of good looks. I find that vertical drop coasters work best on the map.

>> No.8460234
File: 1.03 MB, 2880x1800, Screen Shot 2021-12-28 at 14.12.11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there anything that can be done with cheats/tile editor to get a train to freeze in place on its tracks? I mainly just want this tram to stay on the tracks as scenery since it otherwise returns to the station if closed, and will eventually breakdown (and rendered unfixable if located outside park).

>> No.8460235

Maybe you can merge invisible coaster track to create a block section that it will be held at?

>> No.8460331

What are these scenarios in the OP?

>> No.8460389

The /v/ pack? they're just scenarios that /v/ and /vr/ users have made. As you might expect, the quality for them is all over the place.

>> No.8460608

Yeah, I know there are ways to do it. I've seen people use Car Ride vehicles as scenery before.

>> No.8460737
File: 27 KB, 148x216, 1507605637128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just found out after twenty years just how high you can make ride prices before guests bitch, bros. Life will never be the same.

>> No.8460752
File: 12 KB, 225x225, 1370894162155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8460762

Hey man, I had to make that ten grand from ride tickets in a month.

>> No.8460765

You can micromanage it but I just go with Excitement rounded down so I don't have to bother.

>> No.8460816
File: 2.55 MB, 2880x1800, Screen Shot 2021-12-28 at 20.01.07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting started on a build of this map regardless; will put out both the save and scenario file once it's actually done since there's already been a whole lot of troubleshooting to do.

>> No.8460986

can't leave it on test mode?

>> No.8460990

What about the ones openrct users made?

>> No.8461000
File: 140 KB, 1360x715, Small Town 2021-12-28 08-02-05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With the loops done(ish) I'm now thinking about incorporating another ride into these sections here. Maybe some food stalls as well. What would be a good idea? I know I'm going to put in a maze eventually but what else would look nice. I'm using object selection so I can put anything.

>> No.8461003

It breaks down eventually.

>> No.8461304

The real challenge comes from not deleting the two skyrides. Sure it keeps guests off the path which can be useful in its own way, however due to transport rides not working properly, this came to the detriment of less space to build on the highest peak.

There is rctgo.com and nedesigns.com

>> No.8461351

I thought a ride can't break down in test mode?

>> No.8461694

lemonade stall fits in with the tent scenery objects

>> No.8461796

They can, but a ride that breaks down also doesn't lose the cars on the tracks, so letting it break down should still be fine.

>> No.8462723

Do you mind doing an internal view? Want to see how the Ghost Train is otherwise laid out since they can sometimes be a pain to build. You might want to consider doing something with that back courtyard area. Really liking this otherwise.

>> No.8462729

Yeah but then I constantly get a message about Mechanics being unable to reach the ride which is kind of annoying. Guess I might just have to leave the track itself as scenery.

>> No.8462917

Why not just let mechanics reach the ride?

>> No.8462937

Because it's meant to be outside the park as scenery. I suppose I could use a thin no-entry piece of park land to give them a path to it, but that also doesn't feel like an ideal solution.

>> No.8463312

Ivory Towers has an interesting start causes the player to focus on things over than ride placement. Would be nice to see this tactic adapted into other scenarios. For those who don't know/remember, Ivory Towers starts with a heavily trashed and vandalized park that requires the player to fix before focusing on attracting guest. An idea for a similar scenario from a gameplay perspective would be one that requires new paths to be placed or one with too many broken rides with few mechanics.

>> No.8463327

There's the Action Park reference scenario I always forget the name of that starts with a ride already in the process of crashing.

>> No.8463351

The Rio carnival scenario is the same vein, it's absolutely hemorrhaging money in a variety of ways, has an enormously out of the way transport ride to nowhere pathing guests to it, and a huge area of paved space that guests somehow get lost in. You have to stop at least the costly problems immediately to avoid sinking, and it's a beginner park.

>> No.8463507

There's at least one park in the /v/ pack like that.

>> No.8463795

My parks feel weird and naked if I don't have 'show grid lines on terrain' enabled. Do I have the tism (more, I mean) or am I just too used to RCT1?

>> No.8463953

I also feel this.

>> No.8464087

Fiasco Forest. Probably the hardest scenario in the game if you don't know what you're doing. The way I handle it is

>instadelete death slide and Geriatric Cars
>change the ending of Whiplash so that it has rideable lateral G's
>make one of the hills shorter on the woodie so that it can complete a circuit

After that you should be okay as long as you jack the prices up and never stop the ads.

>> No.8464095

Doesn't Fiasco Forest have prohibited advertising?

>> No.8464101

You might be right, which in that case you should also start metagaming the fuck out of your park. Shit like giving everything a bright color scheme in the hopes you get the Most Dazzling Colors award and launched coasters.

>> No.8464215
File: 597 KB, 2688x1696, Small Castle 2021-12-29 10-03-20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been busy.

>> No.8464330
File: 166 KB, 1360x715, Small Castle 2021-12-29 11-10-49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ghost train isn't that complicated. Just two loops and a return to station It looks like a huge dick lmao

>> No.8464419

I want to go on something more thrilling than Ghost Train 1

>> No.8464672

God damn this looks pretty

>> No.8465143

How much is your excitement raised by all of that scenery?

>> No.8465552
File: 65 KB, 1360x715, Sandy Boxes 2021-12-29 19-02-11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even I was surprised to see how low these things base intensity is.
Not enough lmao

>> No.8465570

Would adding a couple humps on the straightaway to increase drop count help the ghost train's excitement, like a coaster?

>> No.8465663
File: 311 KB, 2032x1132, Ivory Towers 2021-12-29 18-37-24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Ivory Towers. Overall scenario is pretty easy but may look intimidating at the start due to all the trash and vandalism. The parks terrain provides ample opportunity to create large rides. I did change a turn on the suspended swinging coaster to lower its intensity rating which helped make the early game easier. If there was a condition that the preexisting rides could not be edited then this scenario would have been harder. Overall 4/5.

He could but it wouldn't add too much, the problem is Ghost Cars can very easily derail so trying anything too exciting will send the passengers off in their own ghost car so to speak.

>> No.8465774
File: 753 KB, 2048x1152, 1638677237653.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for whatever reason I've always liked replacing the inverted coaster with a woodie
this is a pretty old save file though

>> No.8465852

I made that one track corkscrew coaster Marcel Vos showed in his video but i dont understand how much i should charge for it since peeps always complain sbout the price.
Playing rct 1 btw.

>> No.8465869

you're probably trying to charge for park entry at the same time. The guests pay far less for rides if you try doing this.

>> No.8465973

>If there was a condition that the preexisting rides could not be edited then this scenario would have been harder.

Pretty sure this can be done by placing rides under a preservation order, though obviously the original scenario doesn't do this.

>> No.8466053

I really WANT to like woodies as much as you all seem to but they obstruct so much sight, how can you stand it?

>> No.8466086

you can't ignore their girth

>> No.8466094

There are two primary styles of woodie. The out and back has a lot of peaks but is mostly linear. Just fit one in a reasonable spot and it will only obstruct one angle. The other style is more dense, twisting in on itself and weaving through its own supports. The only obstructing points on that are the lift hill and perhaps the first hill. The rest is lower and clings closely to those.

Basically, if your woodie is overshadowing everything, you're doing it wrong.

>> No.8466358
File: 3.02 MB, 5338x3000, Rainbow Valley 2021-12-29 23-09-04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Rainbow Valley and all I have to say is screw this scenario. I'm fine with the terraforming restriction but forbidding tree removal is a whole other level of ridiculousness. Sure it teaches the player to be mindful of how they place things which is a nice lesson, I just wish it wasn't so frustrating. 4/5 will not play again for a long while.

>> No.8466367

i spammed launched freefalls and jewish launched coasters, pretty much my go-to for no fun allowed restrictions. Harmonic Hills is worlds worse though.

>no tree removal
>can't fuck with land height either
>or build high off the ground

>> No.8466509
File: 667 KB, 2880x1800, Screen Shot 2021-12-30 at 16.34.40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smaller Christmas-themed car ride for younger children. Not an especially thrilling ride type to build or talk about but I like to include always include one in my parks since they're otherwise fun to theme.

>> No.8466660

One way to do it is build it alone, and have it only obstruct itself. An iconic wooden coaster could be the only thing in one area of a park, alone. You could also try working with the terrain, too.

Try shuttle loops instead.

>> No.8466662

I like how it's all coming together.

>> No.8466951

ok, I've never made a timelapse video before but I used to see them on /vr/ sometimes and wanted to try my hand at it. Thoughts?


>> No.8467482

I would make your next video fullscreen so people don't have to see the taskbar, will make your video appear more professional but this is also an incredible minor point so feel free to ignore. Also your station and coaster look nice.

>> No.8468171

I like it

>> No.8468225
File: 234 KB, 4064x2144, Thunder Rock 2021-12-30 15-12-12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Thunder Rock meaning I now have all of the base RCT1 scenarios finished. Despite the space limitations, vertical and horizontal, this scenario was not hard for me but could be harder for other people depending upon how popular your rides are. As I managed to get the guest cap in the second year I spent the latter half of the scenario taking my time on building rides, this did lead me to make my first bobsled coaster which came out pretty decently with an excitement of 5.81. Fun scenario and significantly easier than Rainbow Valley.

>> No.8468256

>I now have all of the base RCT1 scenarios finished
show your Mega Park anon

>> No.8468285

I didn't count that one as it lacks a win condition. Also I do find it funny how a complaint I use to see repeated was that the game lacks a sandbox mode even though beating all of the scenarios unlocks one.

>> No.8468286

>Amity Airfield is completely flat even off of the runways despite being in fields, not even bumps of 1 tile are present
Is that the most boring level?

>> No.8468364

pretty good anon. I would crop out your task bar next time. just have to adjust your OBS settings to do it.

>> No.8468429
File: 182 KB, 1106x690, Rollercoaster Hell 2019-08-19 23-35-19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RCT2's got a lot of pretty lame scenarios. Rollercoaster Heaven's arguably worse, especially in vanilla. 90% of it was shat on by redwoods and you couldn't mass clear them before openrct so you spam rightclick about a billion times.
After that, there's zero point to bother with the park. All that matters are the coasters, and since you have infinite money and don't have to worry about park rating, you just shit coasters with length-filling helixes everywhere until it works

>> No.8468486

Surely the Robin Hood one with the obnoxiously easy scenario goal?

>> No.8468808

It's got style going for that mini golf at least.

>> No.8468820

Alcatraz is my most disappointing, because the layout could have been fun to do something with while the objective is set up to just not give a shit about anything, similar to >>8468429.

10 coasters with 6 excitement, your guests could be on fire or shitting themselves and it doesn't matter, build over the water instead of the terrain if you want.

>> No.8468914

are there actually any decent RCT2 expansion scenarios? I personally have never bothered to touch them, their reputation usually speaks for themselves

>> No.8469048
File: 85 KB, 1015x690, Over The Edge 2021-12-30 19-53-16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In general a lot of them are filler and are plain poorly made in many ways.

>Rio is a hell of bad pathing and 9001 balloon stalls
>Victoria Falls could be cool but you can only build in like 10% of the map, you can't build anywhere near the waterfall, making it a complete waste. I cleared away every tree you can to show the area you're expected to build up over 4 entire years, it's pathetic
>The European Festival has the absolute worst park layout of all time
>not only does the Inca City have a super bland landscape to build on, but the height restrictions the game tells you about are flat out nonexistent
>the Australia park with 2 parks has its concept wasted because you have to blow like $6000 just to build a path towards the second park, making it a better option to just delete everything on the other side of the map
>Renovation looks okay but the best way to play it is to use the scenery clearer to wipe out the entire park because it beats having a handyman take a year to sweep the park up
>the japanese park involves building over water which is tedious at best, but with height restrictions it's fucking awful and not fun in the slightest

And this is just Wacky Worlds. Any park from it that I didn't list here is simply inoffensive and unremarkable.

>> No.8469090
File: 1.59 MB, 2880x1800, Screen Shot 2021-12-31 at 12.08.59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was struck with some minor inspiration this morning. Stupid or brilliant?

Car gets to top of initial hill with insufficient speed, ditto the rear hill. Car then passes booster section, travels through top at moderate speed, then comes back through station for one last trip over the top at slightly higher speed.

Probably could have done this without cheats but I did add Powered Launch using launch to get it that initial speed. I suppose you could do it completely vanilla with extra boosters.

>> No.8469151
File: 139 KB, 1112x689, Gemini City 2019-09-05 20-44-36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As for Time Twister?

>sherwood forest is so easy you can beat it without building any extra rides, and can be beaten in as little as 3 mouse clicks
>the asteroid crater is packed with a shitload of tiny scenery objects that sell for a ton of money, giving you over $45k out of the gate. It's also another park value scenario
>Alcatraz suffers from most of Rollercoaster Heaven's problems, being a coaster-centric scenario with no reason to care about building a real park
>Jurassic Safari starts with two park entrances on either side of the bigass canyon that takes up 80% of the map so you have to spend $7k minimum out of the gate just to connect the sides unless you want guests getting pissed about being lost
>Cradle of Civilization is a park value map that repeats the Asteroid Crater's mistake of placing scenery worth a metric fuckton all over the map. You get roughly 30 grand from clearing it all, more than enough to hit the goal
>Stone Age could be neat if not for the hidden enemy, the rocky cliffs themselves completely blocking your view frequently
>Gemini City looks flashy but due to being a park value park, there's no reason to ever build in the city. At least if you try to delete the city you lose money so you don't start with a massive stock of cash
>Rock n Roll Revival has the worst type of pathing in the game, Flower Power, which makes it near impossible to see vomit or trash. It's honestly easier to nuke the entire park, especially because it's got a bunch of busted rides

There's no true standouts when it comes to looking for good scenarios in the expansions. The expansions are the definition of filler. Unremarkable at best, extremely amateur at best, and this is easily shown by looking at the new scenery and rides, which clash with the rest of the game's artstyle. Some of the scenery can look nice, but the animated stuff just comes off as looking super tacky. The rides are almost all just reskins, with the double-decker carousel the exception.

>> No.8469152

I've done that and there are real coasters that do that.

>> No.8469379

Is it just me or does no source of RCT advice ever mention food stall strategy? It's really really simple and only a couple things, and they're pretty useful, but completely non-obvious and bordering on obtuse.
Putting a unique food/drink type in an area of the park you want to draw more guests to, and advertising that food/drink, helps get guests there because guests who show up with vouchers try to path to that thing. Used together with both types of ride ad, you put guests to that section of the park easier. That's basically the entire point of different types of food/drink, which are otherwise just different amounts of money to decrease Hunger/Thirst by a similar proportion - they don't have a "saltiness" or anything like some people say about fries/pretzels, eating and time just increase Thirst.
If you always build 3 or more different food stalls in your park, you seal off the 'worst food' negative award absolutely. Even if people are starving to death or not buying it at all, this award can't show up as long as 3 types of food exist.

>> No.8469427

It might also bear, in that context, bringing up the random/directional walk and decision point pathing mechanics along with the role of happiness after a ride. Pathing in particular hardly gets talked about. I remember one of the (presumably now defunct) sites covering proper path design, particularly with regard to c-bends and guest trapping.

>> No.8469445

I would unironically prefer to play some of the more meme-scenarios in the /v/pack

>> No.8469531

Did the "didn't find a ride within 5 minutes" thing ever get fixed? It affected how I place food and benches but was also barely known info. I'm pretty sure it was vanilla behavior too. The logic path went: guest enters park hungry enough to buy food right away -> guest cannot find bench to eat at -> guest script demands they enter a ride/queue within 5 minutes or leave -> guest can't do rides with food in hand. Ergo, guests who enter hungry arrive, buy food and leave if you don't have enough benches close to your food.

>> No.8469583

>not making the lower half vegeta colors

>> No.8469980

food stalls are such a small source of money that I kinda don't even put thought into the strategy, I just put food stalls in evenly-spaced food courts around the park where ever I feel guests will get hungry

the variety and mixture of food stalls that I use around the park is more for me than anything

>> No.8469994

>big ass vertical drop coaster
>coasters using the vertical space inside the rock
>coasters tunneling out of and then back into the rock

just what I like to see.

>> No.8470085

god I fucking suck at coaster designing

>> No.8470095

pics or it doesn't happen

>> No.8470097

3.74 excitement

>> No.8470101

congratulations, you outscored the merry go round

>> No.8470158 [DELETED] 

I got an award for 'worst food in the country' since i only had two different foodstalls.

>> No.8470182
File: 76 KB, 345x383, 1419159727465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but not the flying saucers

>> No.8470190

Even reading these summaries makes me wonder how the fuck the people behind the expansions pack (they weren't Sawyer IIRC) messed up so much.

>> No.8470196

They must have been artists and didn't have any programmers whatsoever

>> No.8470203

They didn't need either. All they had to do was come up with some decent scenarios with what was already there. At most they could use a programmer to add some scenario conditions.

>> No.8470414

Alcatraz was a great scenario as a kid. Basically freeplay.

>> No.8470812
File: 790 KB, 2688x1696, Small Castle 2021-12-30 08-32-10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this is where I'll leave it. Other angles incoming.

>> No.8470817
File: 836 KB, 2688x1824, Small Castle 2021-12-30 08-32-12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I specifically designed it with each angle in mind, trying to make whatever perspective you're looking at it with the "Correct" angle.

>> No.8470820
File: 813 KB, 2688x1864, Small Castle 2021-12-30 08-32-14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This also lead to some secrets only viewable from certain angles! I really enjoyed trying to put in subtle little details into this build.

>> No.8470825
File: 842 KB, 2688x1760, Small Castle 2021-12-30 08-32-17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the last one. I can upload a game file if there is interest in it. I think my next project is going to be a pirate cove or jungle area. Or maybe go back to scenarios.

>> No.8471130

That's kind of the point, most people don't know that you use food stalls for more than their tiny income source.

>> No.8471160

Did you fail to meet ride requirements?

>> No.8471169

Show us the ride anon

>> No.8471173

Show us or your beating will be merciless.

>> No.8471178

and? where is that screenshot anon

>> No.8471448

Show us, we can probably tell you what's making it suck ass. A score like that, you're probably failing a requirement.

>> No.8471709

It looks great anon, well done.

>> No.8471812

I like it. I wish more anons here were willing to share what they make.

>> No.8472094

No one will ever see my shame coaster.

>> No.8472986
File: 64 KB, 1280x678, Sandy Boxes 2021-12-31 21-21-11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish the best resources for recreating real life rides weren't pov videos on YouTube. They help a lot but full pictures would be a lot better.

The only shame is in hiding.

>> No.8473007

Trying to match the real-life height of the ride might help you figure out the scale a little more.

>> No.8473015

I like small concept parks like this.

>> No.8473052

That managed to help me quite a bit not only in scale but also increased my excitement by 0.20.

>> No.8473239
File: 2.40 MB, 1920x1080, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it vanilla behavior to be able to make only an entrance at one station of a transport ride? I feel like this is scummier than I remember and it's letting me just dump people at the back of the park one-way.

>> No.8473257

I think you've always been able to entrance-only a station, as long as there's an exit somewhere.

>> No.8473306

I've never used the scenario editor before but have this dumb idea of making scenarios out of various other games' maps. I'm sure other people have already done so but I'm not gonna bother looking it up lest I destroy my drive before I even start. Is it basically just the terrain editor but expanded?

>> No.8473321

The scenario editor is basically a combined terrain editor, scenery object selection, and ride list selection. You can start from a blank slate and customize pretty much everything about the map, down to the research tree and where+how the guests spawn.

>> No.8473330

Sweet. Time to fiddle with it and see what silly stuff I can make.

>> No.8473402

Man all the RCT2 expansion scenery is ugly.

>> No.8473408

it's so fucking disappointing

>> No.8473513

I think the foundational issue is that they've taken 3D models and converted their animation into sprite form. That probably seemed like a pretty innovative use of a new tech in the early 00s but misses the point of the charm being in the fine pixel design of the game itself. It's why I prefer to largely stick with vanilla scenery sets.

>> No.8473645

>can't even change the color of the half decent ones

>> No.8473921

Tile editor is really fun to mess with it turns out, but wow does the game get buggy with sprite order sometimes, or only drawing stuff from one camera angle out of four. Seems it isn't quite foolproof. Only problem now is I broke my cheat menu virginity and have to resist turning it back on in regular scenario play.

>> No.8473932
File: 49 KB, 651x352, 7f84e80e4596033027f689a85642720d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely Disgusting.

>> No.8473939

They look like fucking cartoon props.

>> No.8473957
File: 98 KB, 1360x715, Alcatraz 2022-01-01 09-13-16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Phew, what a tough scenario this was.

>> No.8473961

You just have to laugh at that, it sums up the patheticness of RCT2's expansion scenarios perfectly

>> No.8473972

This kinda highlights why zero-cash scenarios have no real stakes.

>> No.8473984

They only have stakes if it has a park rating. That one is just moronic.

>> No.8473987


Yeah, it's not great. If nothing else I can at least appreciate how accurately they tried to replicate Alcatraz, though. Even has the dock, the burned warden house, and the switchbacks that Neversoft would make me hold a manual down... the year prior? Wow. I never realized Tony Hawk 4 released before RCT2's expansions (and the same month as the base game).

>> No.8473990

Don't you EVER fucking disrespect Extreme Heights like that again anon.

>> No.8473993

Can you read?

>They only have stakes if it has a park rating

>> No.8474006

Oh mb, got park value and park rating backwards.

>> No.8474405

nothing wrong with Extreme Heights
Unless you're trying to actually beat it, then its too fucking tedious

>> No.8474585

Why are log fumes and those other water rides always so popular

>> No.8474794

Every ride's value is some proportion of its Excitement, Intensity and Nausea stats, and it tends to vary (ex: thrill ride about nausea might value it more), but the most common proportion is like 5:3:1 for those stats in order, for how much they add to ride value (and consequently what you can charge). Log Flume and Splash Boats have stat value proportions of something like 8:3:1 and 7:1:1. You'd normally only have proportions like that for a gentle ride most of the time, the kind of ride that cannot even achieve high stats, but for some reason these two which can have full coaster stats have these huge excitement proportion of value.

>> No.8476112

>original vs remake

>> No.8476176

Soul vs soulless

>> No.8476189
File: 72 KB, 1538x974, 1633366111375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the ride reskins are also abysmal

>> No.8476207

Why must you zoom in so far? Those roof seams are triggering me.

>> No.8476367
File: 2.28 MB, 2880x1800, Screen Shot 2022-01-02 at 14.35.10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rounded out the first area of the snow park with a Log Flume/Junior Coaster combo. Not the most inspired setting but still a favourite of mine.

>> No.8476868

I'm sorry but I think people who'd ride a log flume in winter would be insane or Finnish. These rides do get you wet.

>> No.8476873

Looks very comfy, I love it.

>> No.8476884
File: 2.48 MB, 4656x2892, Mount Wellington 2022-01-02 18-22-58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hence the name I suppose.

(slightly reduced) overview of the park so far.

>> No.8476963
File: 226 KB, 862x681, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't say I know what I'm doing but I'm having a giggle doing it.

>> No.8476969
File: 414 KB, 640x480, 2fort.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's the goal? 10 coasters built in 20 years?

>> No.8476970


>> No.8476972

One really long coaster that takes nine years to build but then you can't set a price on it and all your guests turn into Brazilians and robots. Really though I'm just messing around and learning the tools.

That's the reference, yeah.

>> No.8477016

I'm loving it!

>> No.8477073
File: 171 KB, 525x273, Wooden Entrance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you easily replace the original scenery in OpenRCT2 or am I going to have both the original version (with the roof height changing based on view angle) and a fixed version?

>> No.8477765

it looks better than Factory Capers

>> No.8477780

make sure to add plenty of hat stalls.

>> No.8477884

The trees are pretty but I can't actually tell what your layout is behind them, or where the park boundaries are. Are there things built out of bounds?

>> No.8478678

There's a real coaster I have rode at busch gardens tampa that does exactly this.