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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8433139 No.8433139 [Reply] [Original]

Why does emulation for a console as popular as the PS2 suck so immensely? Shitcube emulation is ten times better than this glitchy mess.

>> No.8433145

because the "emotion engine" is a load of shit.
everything even slightly notable works fine in software mode and has for 10 year now though

>> No.8433152

this has been discussed a bajillion times
the ps2 is made out of nipponese black magic that's a mindfuck to program and equally a mindfuck to emualte

>> No.8433154

I'd stake my life on it being correct at native, with a simple setting, or software. In any case oh nooooo a textbox flaw. The poor children. Suck a dick.

>> No.8433162

Native looks like ass even on the low-res CRT I'm using. and the sprite bug is obvious to anyone who isn't literally blind.

>> No.8433167

Then it would look like ass on hardware too. Native is what it is, and those are 2D assets anyway.

>> No.8433173

>Complains about accuracy
>B-but I didn't want to emulate it accurately

>> No.8433175

I don't care that it's low res, but the gaps between the sprites trigger my autism. and the rest of the game is in 3D so I would sacrifice everything else where I to set it to native.

>> No.8433182

It's still playing the game as it's supposed to. That's literally its only job. Enhancements are nice if you can get them but ultimately secondary. Sure there's not some offset or sprite rounding thing you can change regardless?

>> No.8433184

Answer the call, OP. Just get a fucking PS2. There are a jillion of them out there

>> No.8433186

He wants muh high res, though. He already said that isn't good enough.

>> No.8433194

>garbage emulation that prioritizes upscaling over running the games correctly
PS2 emulation is forever stuck at epsxe levels of shittiness, simple as

>> No.8433195

I think he said that the main thing bothering him is the visible seams between sprites.

>> No.8433201

No. Read again. He acknowledged he can change it to native but muh 3D resolution. Bet there's some fix for hardware uprendering anyway.

>> No.8433203

Software has been fine for most games for a long time. A 4th gen i5 does the job for most.

>> No.8433209

Oh, wow. That's incredibly retarded. These are PS2 games that we're talking about here. I hope OP finds their way.

>> No.8433213

I just don't like collecting OK? Plus, CRT TVs just take up too much space in my room. it's much more convenient to just emulate everything.


I wouldn't mind playing it on a TV with an analog signal, but it's unbearble on a CRT monitor with a digital signal. so the resolution has to be higher no matter what. no other console gives me issues like this.
the only thing I can't stand is 3D environments being rendered at a lower resolution than the screen you're playing on. the graphics don't bother me otherwise, because like I said; I wouldn't mind playing it on a TV.

>> No.8433225

>Plus, CRT TVs just take up too much space in my room.
Do you not have a tv with component, composite or s-video around?

>> No.8433230

You're seriously blind if you can tolerate low 3D resolutions on a (relatively) high-res monitor. that's not comparable to playing it the way it was intended at all, because the analog signal makes this less prominent.

>> No.8433236

I really disagree, but to each their own. To me it just looks like a PS2 game without the composite bleeding I grew up with.

>> No.8433242

gamecube has a much simpler hardware design and is capable of much less. PS2 hardware can do certain things that even modern hardware really can't. the benefits of having a 2560-bit bus. That's not a typo by the way. For reference the RTX 3080Ti has a 384-bit bus. Worse yet the high end PS2 games utilize all 16 of those 2560-bit pixel pipelines firing for 60 frames a second. Many games on PS2 run at 60.

>> No.8433246
File: 789 KB, 1200x675, 02a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>PCSX2 gets ported to RetroArch
>finally, we can play with decent frame pacing, lower input lag, use some neat shade-
>it doesn't support software mode

>> No.8433249

All right, but to me it's really just a matter of what screen i'm playing on. But obviously, I would prefer using something that's closest to what it was intended to be played on.
the best I have at the moment is a compact 4:3 CRT monitor.

>> No.8433251

Shit mane, use that. Output at 480p and go to town.

>> No.8433298
File: 207 KB, 460x460, 56ek6867.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the piss did you get Growlanser 6 with the englishes?

>> No.8433310

there's an english patch available now.

>> No.8433315

>playing super monkey ball on dolphin
>notice lots of broken/artifacted sprites on 3D hud elements
>autism kicks in, can't ignore it
>decide to just play the game on my gamecube
>The HUD elements are fucking broken on original hardware

what the fuck, how did I never notice this? what the hell sega

>> No.8433409

Your phone is too slow

>> No.8433435

>everyone dropping cdromance left and right
>oy vey da normies know
Welp guess that's going down some time next year.

>> No.8433447

It really is suffering.

>> No.8433448

It's also jank as shit and doesn't like flipping between APIs and changing games but when it runs it runs reallll good.

>> No.8433469

Use software rendering mode. Fixes 99% of issues.

>> No.8433530
File: 40 KB, 604x404, wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I guess I'll get this, it's the only Growlanser/Langrisser game I haven't gotten on release since 1991.

>> No.8433538

those damned 4chan normies, ruining everything

>> No.8433554

That’s literally the opposite of the truth. Emu-allergic faggots always reveal themselves to be brainlets.

>> No.8433572

PCSX2’s hardware rendering comes with compromises, simple as. That said, you can look at the commit logs and watch it improve every day.

>> No.8433586

Misaligned textures is pure sovl and actually heightens the games, you just wouldn't get it.

>> No.8433765

4chan is hardly as secret club as you think.

>> No.8433784

I don't think it is one, just always found the normies thing funny

>> No.8433789

If PS2 emu is still lackluster after 20 years, imagine the PS3's with Cell

>> No.8433793

ps2 is unironically more of a headache for emudevs than ps3

>> No.8433798

dass crazy man

>> No.8433817

Yeah I'm really shocked that when I emued PS2 this year how much is looked like ass and it's been 10 years.

>> No.8433958

Insanely enough, some PS2 games that were ported to PS3 actually emulate better on RPCS3 than on PCSX2.

>> No.8433965

dass so crazy

>> No.8433998

Would you fucking stop?

>> No.8434002

fuck you bitch

>> No.8434383

Fuck off, you annoying cunt.

>> No.8435112

Yeah, because they have downgraded effects or other graphical bugs in the "HD" version.

>> No.8435123

Get triggered autismo