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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 248 KB, 1200x802, spyro-reignited-trilogy-ps4-xbox-one_320290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8431593 No.8431593 [Reply] [Original]

How's the remake? Is currently on sale on Xbox and thinking of buying it.

>> No.8431601

People are going to say soulless in the visual department, but it honestly plays fine. I replayed the ps1 versions like a few months before i got this and can't say i noticed any fuck ups. If you are going physical, make sure you get the later printing that actually has all 3 games on the disc.

>> No.8431605

I don't fucking know. I bought this game from Amazon like 2 years ago during a black Friday sale. I live in Japan and it wasn't released here and I as importing the Switch version because it was super cheap during the sale. But when Amazon printed my address they fucked up the label so it was written entirely as question marks except for my name and "JAPAN" so naturally it got sent back to Amazon and they refunded my account. I tried to get them to ship it back to me with my address written in English but they were like "SORRY WE DON'T HAVE IT ANYMORE EVEN THOUGH WE JUST RECEIVED IT"

Fuck Jeff Bezos.

>> No.8431606

oh yeah and it took them like an entire month to even refund my account

>> No.8431612

Not your blog dude but I agree bezos can get fucked.

>> No.8431616

Doesn't matter I missed out on this game and it stayed sold out after that too. They might have it now but I'm not going to waste my time

>> No.8431623
File: 2.93 MB, 942x1080, spyro_remake_leveltransition.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8431627

Switch version doesn't even have all the games on the cart.

>> No.8431638

>Do not remove memory card

>> No.8431720

looks soulless as expected. lazy ass pajeets couldnt even animate gems

>> No.8431726

>no stars
>no animated gems
>no memroy card prompt

>> No.8431728

>notices the one detail missing
>doesn't notice all the details added
I know I'm on /vr/ but this is a good example of nostalgia bias

>> No.8431731

Doesn't seem a deal breaker.

>> No.8431732
File: 2.89 MB, 1600x534, spyro_remake_gemgive.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gem doesnt bounce
>spyro doesnt actually touch gem
>overly dramatic bloom and FX
>no fairy

>> No.8431737

Yeah, so much better when it's just endless shitposts like /v/.

>> No.8431757
File: 25 KB, 452x342, 1580174903057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WHY Why do people go into /vr/ and ask if a remake or remaster is good, the answer will be no 99% of the time. This is the most contrarian community ever, stop asking these morons. Literally anywhere else is better to find the general consensus if something is good or not, for remakes especially

>> No.8431760

soulless NPCs

>> No.8431764

Boomers might be nostalgiafags but zoomers are easily impressed by shinny graphics.

>> No.8431773

>no bonk in the remake

>> No.8431807
File: 440 KB, 960x364, icypeaks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8431814
File: 3.33 MB, 2000x5950, spyro_remake_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we need more piles of rubble and less colr

>> No.8431827

lmao then I didn't miss out on anything. Thanks.

>> No.8431854
File: 1.00 MB, 2039x1393, fastfood-90s-vs-today.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bland color palette
>dumbed down minigames
>epilogue slides removed for gaining all of the skill points
>generic skyboxes
>obnoxious special effects
>overabundance of detail clashes with the dreamlike aesthetic of the original, creates visual clutter, and makes many cute character designs look unappealing
>some of the most offensive motion blur that I have ever encountered, with no option to disable it at release
>terrible remixed soundtracks that loses most of the punch from the originals
But the remakes have more polygons, so normies will lop it up

>> No.8431863
File: 668 KB, 2560x1920, 9A7E91A5-25BB-49E4-BA83-17D8D32A66FA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that the best way to fool an audience is through their other senses. Horror directors worked this out a long time ago - it's why jump scares are so prevalent in horror (especially cheesy horror flicks). It's a good sign that they have included the original OST as usable in game (even if it's just for nostalgia's sake), will probably really help old-school fans connect with it. No original OST was the biggest thing that stopped me from really enjoying the Crash remakes.

>> No.8431869

I don't understand this picture?

>> No.8431875

It’s just a picture anon. Not everything has meaning or is coomerbait, sometimes a picture is just a picture.

>> No.8431928

ignore the haters, its great. I played on PC and because the PC is shit when it comes to 3D platformers the Spyro remake is one of the best ones on it.

>> No.8431950

It's okay. Much like the Crash remakes you can tell that 1 got the lion's share of effort, 3 is kind of alright, while 2 was basically just slapped together overnight. It's worth playing for 1 at least if you can get it for low enough on sale. You're not going to hear much praise toward the game on 4chan's dedicated "old good new bad" board though.

>> No.8432016

Bro... you can just emulate the originals for free.

>> No.8432023 [DELETED] 
File: 3.63 MB, 2533x656, that will be $30 please.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8432038

you can pirate the remaster for free also

>> No.8432039

>Spyro needs to be more photo realistic!
consider suicide

>> No.8432040

beeg teevee

>> No.8432061
File: 1.01 MB, 2533x1371, comparison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, that wasn't the point I was making.

>> No.8432076

They gave Spyro a fat ass in the remake.

>> No.8432163

Impressively ugly.

>> No.8432206

The Spyro 1 remake is legit the best version of the game. Spyro 2 and Spyro 3 your results may vary, it's pretty obvious Spyro 1 got the most love and Spyro 3 got the least.

>> No.8432303

Spyro 1 is the least garbage of the remakes, but it's still trash.

>> No.8433373

I was unironically upset by this after clearing my first level.

>> No.8433505

Several times while playing the remasters I had to stop and marvel at the fact we're now capable of playing games with animated movie graphics. It's quite a pretty game, and the nitpicks are mostly regarding the art style being different than people expected, rather than being actually bad. I completely cleared all of the games except that shitty post game race in 3 because it's unbelievably fucking broken.

>> No.8433514

These pictures already look good, but it looks even better in motion. God damn.

>> No.8433787

It's like they saw the complaints about the Crash remakes' really anemic effects compared to the original and completely overdid the effects

>> No.8433828

Rent it on PC first and see if you like it. Keep in mind that the PC version also has the really good Elora and Bianca mods

>> No.8433857

The PS1 Spyro bumping into the wall gives the top even more SOUL

>> No.8433975
File: 1.60 MB, 1432x945, motionblur.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The original or the remake?

>> No.8434068
File: 311 KB, 1920x1080, s1-1_015-n.T.3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember 3's quality being shaky and the skyboxes in general have failed completely to capture the absolute perfection that are the originals. Aside from that the remakes are as decent as remakes get by modern industry standards. Originals are still worth playing though, by no means is Reignited the go-to choice for Spyro.

>> No.8434223

It's weird and I can't stop staring at it.

>> No.8434228

At least in the remake the portal now shows the correct sky. For maximum soul you need the Spyro 1 seamless transition without any fades to black, though.

>> No.8434363

You just know.

>> No.8434426

Op here just to let you all know that I already bought it.

>> No.8434826

Which should I choose? New music or original.

>> No.8434852

The new music is good. If you never really played the originals it doesn't really matter which you choose. If you have played the originals you should listen to the new music to see how it's different.

I honestly don't know why they had an original music option, it's like they had no confidence in the new soundtrack but I thought it was perfectly good remake music.

>> No.8435019

The original music was perfect. The remixed music is 70% good, but the other 30% of tracks they fucked up beyond belief.
Also kill yourself for buying the game after everything posted in this thread. You are a disgusting person, and you don't belong here.

>> No.8435030

>the really good Elora and Bianca mods
Tell me more?

>> No.8435056

I like how the remake looks, but what details are you talking about? He just floats there.

>> No.8435061


>> No.8435203


>> No.8435234

If you don't have a PS1 or PS2 around your house already it's a decent option, just because you can buy the trilogy for less than the cost of a used PS1/PS2, used discs for all three games and whatever converter you need to plug the old consoles into a modern TV. The Soul/Souless meme is real in that the original character designs had a goofy charm that the remakes don't even attempt to go for, but the gameplay is basically the same and outside of cutscenes the redesigns don't really make a difference.

>> No.8435378

Doesn’t this apply to the disc versions too?

>> No.8435401

Worst part is the indians that did the models made them look indian and even gave the dragons fucking turbans despite them all being welsh in universe. It's not a dreadful game but it's been ruined quite a bit, stick to the original.

>> No.8435498

>Better in motion
lol, not with that awful motion blur

>> No.8435506

>Levels in the original were designed around specific color schemes
>All lost in the remake conversions
This is the worst offender for me

>> No.8435604
File: 248 KB, 2048x2048, 289806dq5wm41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

old hunter: face full of character, voice full of personality, skateboards in his shorts like a cool skater, slays pussy on the regular and doesn't care who knows it
remake hunter: looks like a redditor, generic surf dude voice, wears helmet and pads like a coward, cares about being 'popular' like a fucking high schooler

>> No.8435720

Spyro the Dragon was my favourite game when I was 9 years old, and I liked the remake. I thought it did the original justice perfectly, and the dragon designs especially had a lot of care put into them.

2 and 3 were shit and I don't care about them at all, but I would totally bang that faun chick from 2. Am I alone? Dirty little slut is just walking around with her ass 'n' vageen on show the entire time, goddamn.

>> No.8435941
File: 125 KB, 1440x810, 1618212156807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the answer will be no 99% of the time
This is precisely why. All internet communities suck off every remake, remaster and triple a release EXCEPT for 4chan. It's great to have a site where people actually say something different for once, and in some cases they actually mean it and can argue a point or even prove it with video material. You will never see people on reddit talk about the art direction of the original Shadow of the Colossus for example, since they are too busy cumming over high definition realistic looking graphics.

>> No.8436070


>> No.8436081

Gonna also buy the crash remakes just to make you seethe kek

>> No.8436084
File: 1.23 MB, 1543x1080, Spyro - Year of the Dragon (v1.1)-211219-150238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's actually surprising me how little I remember of YotD. Nearly everything I did remember was in the first hub world or one level of the second, so the next 3/4 of the game is gonna be a trip unless it awakens long forgotten memories. Definitely feels like the weakest in the trilogy, unfortunately.

Can't agree that it did the original justice exactly with all the sky, lighting, style and music changes and such, but they at least got it closer than 2/3's remakes.
>2 and 3 were shit
Them's fighting words!
>Am I alone?
Elora is cute and I'll never be able to accept the remake's model as the same character. So no, you're not alone.

>> No.8436097
File: 2.89 MB, 1000x748, Duckstation 2021.10.29 - [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8436119

what the fuck did they do to that skateboard's proportions

>> No.8436174

the worst part is how when you turn the camera in nu-spyro it has some spinning effect which is really nauseating.
by the way we can agree that spyro 2 was never good right? way too gimmicky

>> No.8436185

2's gimmicks are totally minor compared to 3.

>> No.8436587
File: 188 KB, 685x1143, image (11).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8436845


>> No.8437120
File: 263 KB, 1400x618, spyro_remake_mountain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now listen closely. heres a little lesson in soul

>> No.8437129

The sky is the first thing I noticed, when I played the originals I'd have dreams with beautiful purple skies and everything felt magical and the remake took that away...
Why did they leave the magic behind?

>> No.8437135

If you don't make the magic, it is hard to reproduce. This is the problem with most remakes.

>> No.8437358

that and time constraints. Each spyro game took like a year to make, I guarantee toys for bob weren't spending three years on their remakes, more like a year total for all three. Obviously a lot of the legwork is done from the original but it's the little details that are gonna get lost in the to-do list.

>> No.8437548
File: 39 KB, 621x532, anti piracy string.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but they have the anti-piracy string in the remake!

>> No.8437596

The anti-piracy measures in the original YotD are legendary
>PAL copies of the game will switch between English, French, German, Spanish and Italian.
>The ability to Pause will be removed.
>Various enemies will not give Gems, and various Gems found on the ground will be removed.
>Whilst playing the game, or after resetting the system, various Eggs will be reset to being uncollected, particularly those awarded for reaching a level’s Exit Portal.
>Sparx will be unable to get to Blue and Gold colours, limiting Spyro’s health.
>Sometimes the player will be lifted off the ground and returned to an earlier point in the level for no apparent reason.
>Various areas in levels that require the use of a side-character will be locked off, even if you freed that character.
>Sometimes the game will return you to the wrong Home World or level when using the Return Home Portal.
>The game will randomly kick you from the stage as if you used a Return Home Portal. This compounds with the above note where you can be returned to a completely different level.
>Returning to Sheila’s Alp will require you to pay Moneybags to free her again.
>Using the Transports to other Home Worlds will be disabled if the Egg awarded for completing the local side-character’s world is reset, requiring it to be collected again.
>Sometimes using a Transport won’t work at all.
Once the Rocket is completed in Evening Lake, it will force you to fight in Buzz’s Dungeon again before getting to Midnight Mountain.
>After getting to Midnight Mountain, the Rocket will take to you a random option on the list rather than the one you selected.
>All the Midnight Mountain Portals send you to Sunrise Spring levels instead...
>In the middle of the Sorceress boss fight, the player will be sent back to Sunrise Spring with all their save data wiped.
>The “payback” with Moneybags in Midnight Mountain won’t return all of the Gems you paid him.

>> No.8437835

Antipiracy was soo fucking gay.

>> No.8437936

If any one of you happens to enjoy watching/listening to longplays

>> No.8437990

Truly the most based of anti piracy measures. I love how instead of doing one thing that makes the game totally unplayable, it’s a laundry list of shit that at least lets you experience the game while it bombards you with chaotic changes and gives you a bit of a push to buy the real thing. Only think I can that’s funnier is Earthbound going from a piss easy RPG into SMT hard and then erasing your save on the final boss

>> No.8437996

>t. pirate

>> No.8438000

i'd rather have posts 4x longer than that vs coomers dropping images representing a lack of father figures

>> No.8438631


>> No.8438648

some of those look perfect in remake, but others look less dreamlike somehow?

>> No.8438654

psx hunter: gigachad
ps4 hunter: genderqueer trans

>> No.8438785

they said in some interview that spyro was "too empty" lol

>> No.8440034

Only if you for some reason cant play the originals.

>> No.8440419

Hunter is easily the character they fucked up the hardest in the remakes. He's portrayed like a sporty dude bro hanging out with his little brother in the originals but TFB leaned so hard into the fact that he's basically the main tutorial character that he sounds like a kindergarten teacher in the remakes, he talks to the player like their brain hasn't even fully formed yet.

>> No.8440608

massive downgrade visually and music wise, you're getting a lesser product on that part, but core gameplay is still the same, still fun, so give it a try. I'd recommend you still try out 1 and 2 on ps1.

>> No.8440624

remake look more like a ratchet and clank game, specially 2

>> No.8441069

>Spyro the Dragon was my favourite game when I was 9 years old, and I liked the remake. I thought it did the original justice perfectly, and the dragon designs especially had a lot of care put into them.
The dragon designs are literally someone's furaffinity fetishes, go fuck yourself

>> No.8442898

>fixed polygons and HD
thanks for ruining the soul

>> No.8443704

Don't. Please wait until Activision get their shit together. Or pirate it.

>> No.8444223

Soulless graphics. Plays fine, though.

>> No.8445937
File: 1.21 MB, 739x756, 0CPhdap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did they ask a bunch of furry porn artists to redesign the dragons? In addition to the bara body types, the fact that they added belts and other clothing items makes them look even more naked, in a conspicuously sexual way, than when they were wearing nothing at all. The horny facial expressions don't help either.

>> No.8445953
File: 810 KB, 711x818, latest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really hope only aged reddit millennials ended up playing this and no actual kids. Any kids exposed to this shit are going to develop some even more deviant sexual proclivities than people who grew up playing Sonic.

>> No.8445959
File: 2.72 MB, 1920x1080, dimi-devos-magnus-02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no way on earth the artists didn't 100% know what they were doing here.

>> No.8445965

children's games must include gay sex overtones, it's 2021 (tm) after all.

>> No.8445973

>implying this is a recent thing
Anon. You're showing your naivety

>> No.8445998 [DELETED] 
File: 569 KB, 538x695, boris_reignited.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Thank you for releasing my Spyro. Did you know that reptiles have 2 penises called hemipenes?"

>> No.8446015
File: 569 KB, 538x695, boris_reignited.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Thank you for releasing me Spyro. Did you know that reptiles have 2 penises called hemipenes?"

>> No.8446054

>Did they ask a bunch of furry porn artists to redesign the dragons?
Funny enough, they did. Look up the guy who designed Spyro's model.

>> No.8446075

it's good, but I do miss the old "Looney Tunes" style of character design, compared to the new "Pixar" design. I also feel that the skyboxes of the original were superior in that they resembled beautiful paintings, while the new skyboxes seem more sterile in comparison. I also feel they changed Juliet to having a girl voice instead of sounding and looking like she may or may not he a guy bird in drag. Plus, they changed the level Scorch to not having guns and Bombo's name to Bob, plainly to avoid butthurt Muslims complaining about harmless criticism of the Islamic world's problem with terrorism. Still; I'd say it's a good game, breathes new life into the series, and let's us start over from before Enter the Dragonfly fucked the series.

>> No.8446580
File: 47 KB, 450x750, Rosco_Reignited_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The dragon designs are all soulful as hell, I can't believe people get so upset that dragons that are buff and fat in the originals are still buff and fat in the remake, and complain that they're just some scaliefag's fetish as if anything would ever stop scalies from getting horny over them anyway.

>> No.8446601

Also when the game released on PC, there was a fat spyro mod that released suspiciously quickly.

>> No.8446898

polygon wobble is artificial soul

>> No.8447265

Are there any pc mods that have tweaked the blander aspects of the remaster to make it more like the original?

>> No.8447397

Don't underestimate the desire for expanded Spyro.

>> No.8447429

Genuinely looks like vore/inflation art.

>> No.8447527

based. and that 1%s name? Resident Evil remake

>> No.8447613

I consider myself a pretty decent Spyro autist. My opinion is that, if you can stick with the originals, do it. If you need the remaster, get it on the Switch so you can play it in bed or something. If you’re going through the trouble of setting up your PlayStation or Xbox, you may as well take the extra effort to get your PS3/PS1 and play the originals. It’s fine, I just think the charm is lost in the remakes. The redesigns and colors of the levels are terrible. Mechanically, it’s mostly the same. If you want a slightly different experience and if it’s cheap, sure, but like I said, originals are better. I also want to say, Spyro 3 sucks. When I played the reignited version, it felt so much worse. Not sure why, but beware.

>> No.8447640

So they finally made Spyro good, woah...

>> No.8448034

>If you need the remaster, get it on the Switch so you can play it in bed or something

Na just get a PSP.

>> No.8448480

I recall 3 re using most of 1 and 2s skyboxes. 3was rushed as fuck.

>> No.8448494
File: 772 KB, 999x562, haunted towers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 and 3 both reuse skyboxes from 1. The first game also does a lot of creative things with the skyboxes like the eclipse in Dr. Shemp. Dream Weavers has some of the most interesting ones, Lofty Castle has the skybox upside down, Haunted Towers seems to be positioned directly above the sun, with the bottom of the level being lit up by it and Dark Passage (and also Gnasty Gnorc) has the sky tilted at an angle. I don't recall the other games experimenting with the backgrounds like that.

>> No.8448553

My wife, who doesn’t play video games, played it yesterday (of her own accord) and said it was really nice. I haven’t played it at all, but it seems ok and people have said it’s a pretty faithful recreation. I only say this because it was a highly out of the ordinary event that just took place around 12 hours ago.

>> No.8448702
File: 17 KB, 680x383, 1638904598597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when the remake is so good that all /v/ and /vr/ can whine about is subjective graphics and "muh soul"

>> No.8448707

You can disable the motion blur.

>> No.8448741
File: 19 KB, 315x239, Really, boi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never understood why people were expecting a PS4 game to look exactly like a PS1 game.

>> No.8448747

It's not good though

>> No.8448751

The problem isn't that it's different, the problem is that it's bad.

>> No.8448764

When the remakes play the same and the changes are purely visual (a complete artstyle change at that), what else are you supposed to compare?

>> No.8448765

you realize they can make it look like a ps4 game without shitting all over the artstyle, character designs,color pallete, and skyboxes, right?

>> No.8449175
File: 2.30 MB, 2169x540, Evening Castle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8449204
File: 863 KB, 960x540, SunriseSpring.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

8th gen games are going to age so poorly. Everything looks as if it's made out of clay or plastic.

>> No.8449232

>it's different so it's bad

>> No.8449241

This shit is so weird to me. They had the blueprint for some of the best looking levels in gaming histroy and they made all these arbitrary design changes.

>> No.8449250
File: 74 KB, 407x648, 1526436764037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I'm the only one who thinks both the original and remake look fine in their own ways.
When it comes to remakes, I WANT things to look different to some degree. I don't want it to just be copypasted and upscaled to 1080p. I want to see how they can add detail to the blocky ps1 polygons and flesh everything out. Instead of weird polygonal blobs with muppet mouths, we have fully-detailed character models. Instead of flat colors and everything being overly-bright, we have proper shading and color gradients. etc. etc.

Is it all good? No, there's some things that are worse, like Sparx's model or the Gnorcs being hideous trolls instead of toony-looking goblins, but overall, I like how the remakes look. I wasn't expecting everything to be a 1:1 clone of the original game in 1080p.

>> No.8449749

What kills me about the remake is how bad it runs. My gaming PC is pretty average but it could run DMC5 at max settings with no frame dips no problem, meanwhile this fucking fornite looking piece of ass can't stay at 60 even with half the graphical options turned off.

>> No.8449752
File: 376 KB, 1920x1080, 2658190-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The 'realistic' games look even worse. CryEngine 3 game btw.

>> No.8449938

Finally, someome else who remembers the eclipse. Anyway yeah, 2 and 3 reuse skyboxes a lot and while they still look good, they aren't always as precisely fitting as how they're used in 1, plus 2/3 rarely have level geometry built up to draw you towards certain skybox aspects- moons in ceiling gaps, the eclipse over Shemp, a sunrise between trees, etc.

>> No.8449959

>Instead of flat colors and everything being overly-bright, we have proper shading and color gradients. etc. etc.
Almost nothing in Spyro is a flat color other than certain intentional models: specifically, gems (which also reflect) and the signature silver of objects and enemies that are flameproof. Distant textures do become flat due to LoD, but when close they're all detailed as hell, from brick walls to grass shrubs to the tulips in the first Spyro 1 hub. That's actually where the remake arguably fucks up the hardest, the same way the Crash one did- they over-stylized everything into big chunky blocks of flat color and tried to let shadows and lighting add detail, which doesn't give the same effect at all. Just look at the tower in >>8449175. In the original, there's about four different rock textures in the screenshot- cobblestone, bricks, chamfered roof eaves, and so on. In the new one everything on the right is the same chunky, smooth, huge-brick style, with the same color and lighting as each other as well, with the horizontal layers at the eaves totally gone.

>> No.8450009

Apart from the cave, which people will still get into just by platforming...i don't see what's so bad, it's different, but it's a remake, not exactly the first game.

I actually think it looks pretty and seems a lot of care was put into it rather than redoing the original 100%, seriously, they seem to have tried to put their own spin into the levels.

There are some details missing looking from this thread, like gems not flying after a level ends, but it doesn't look lazy or soulless...sometimes it just feels like people think that anything new is instantly soulless because...well, because.

I get that retro games are what we prefer, but sometimes there are some Soul VS Soulless comparisons where i swear people are joking...this is one of them.

At worst you could say that the pillars are different, i actually prefer the non-golden at the top pillars from PS1 but whatever.

>> No.8450035
File: 3.16 MB, 1802x1022, reignited.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not only are the colors bad compared to the original but everything looks like it's made out of plastic.

>> No.8450037
File: 99 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Original level for reference

>> No.8450046

DMC5 is insanely well optimized

>> No.8450065

I bought it during the summer sale, I enjoyed all 3 on PS1 at their release dates. I thoroughly enjoyed this remake. It's pretty faithful to the original, only the dragons are now furry style characters for some reason. Also if you have a 120hz+ monitor, set the FPS to 60 for some jumps. You can't make certain jumps above 60fps.

>> No.8450078

I think this was addressed in the original game's PAL release. The jump is higher iirc.

>> No.8450093

PAL release? Anon, I was talking about PC.

>> No.8450097

One thing that sucks about Spyro 2 in particular in the remake is they removed the cheat code to give you all 3 abilities early. Shit was based as fuck, meant you didn't have to backtrack in the originals.

>> No.8451050

All I know is that the camera in the original games was garbage and it's worth playing the soulless remake for a better camera. I know this because I own the originals and the remake and prefer playing the remake.

>> No.8451059
