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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8431408 No.8431408 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a long time user of retroarch on PC.
I could build a mini-PC, but nothing for the specs the Series X offers at retail price.
What are you experiences using it? Is it as stable as retroarch PC? Can it do everything retroarch on PC does? Is there a good chance this functionality could ever be removed?
My main reason for even considering purchasing this horrid NuConsole is for having a powerful dedicated machine for use on a large 4K flat panel and using shaders. I'd like to emulate up to 6th gen (yes, I'm aware 6th gen isn't quite perfect on RA yet) using crt-royale at 4K (internally rendering at 240p/480p), and this seems like a viable option.
Any and all details would be appreciated.

Captcha: OOOOK

>> No.8431417 [DELETED] 

I'm curious about this too.

>> No.8431428

For the cost of that retarded shit you could stop being a hipster poser and just get the original consoles.

>> No.8431432

I'm 29 years old and I don't want tons of manbaby toys in my house faggot. I want a nice clean all-in-one setup that can transport me back in time.

>> No.8431439

A real hipster would game on a real FM Towns Marty with a pretentious aftermarket wooden case

>> No.8431440

whoops I meant to say start not stop

>> No.8431443

what's the series x do that the series s doesn't?

>> No.8431445

You are a manchild if you want to play these games period, don't act like you're above reddit.

>> No.8431454

Gotcha chief.
Yes, playing video games is a useless surrogate activity, but it's far less embarrassing visually to have a simple emulation box in your home rather than a series of baby toys. I am getting the feeling you spend a lot of money on colorful plastic and I hope you are offended.

>> No.8431458

If somebody wants to chill with some comfortable PS1 games after a day at work, what's the sin? You're such a fucking sad cunt

>> No.8431505

play discs
have more memory
more teraflops I guess

Series S is easier to find though. you can actually see that shit in stores on occasion

>> No.8431517

>far less embarrassing visually
To who? Busting out the SNES and playing Mario Kart is cooler than an emulation box. You think Chad cares if a bunch of faggots think his SNES looks stupid?

>> No.8431523

emulation rarely if ever catches up to hardware. Especially when it's crowdsourced and FOSS
it's not going to play the original psx/ps2/etc disks either

so why the need for the series x?

>> No.8431531

>and FOSS
most commercial emus don't hold a candle to the foss ones other than the xbox ones,those emus are actually great.

>> No.8431537

Can xboneS play pirated OG Xbox games?

>> No.8431565

then get a PC dummy

>> No.8431703
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>it's not going to play the original psx/ps2/etc disks either
Yes it can. Why do you faggots that have never used retroarch talk as if you're experts about it? Shut the fuck up.

>> No.8431753

Where did you take that screenshot from? Retroarch on Xbox is very different from Retroarch on PC or other platforms which aren't locked down.

>> No.8431781
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>> No.8432007

Having a shitload of consoles in your house is far, far more embarassing than wanting to play an old video game anon

>> No.8432009

>To who?
To women who might be coming over. Did you not even fathom that this might be the case? Why is your default option "a bunch of faggots" thinking it? Are there so few women in your life that this didn't even occur to you as an explanation?

>> No.8432014

why do you care about roastie opinions? are you a christcuck?

>> No.8432041

Not really. Just say they are childhood items you got through various means and don't be a video game addict. If you are forced to throw them away, then she found her fool anyways.

>> No.8432051

video games are more important than fickle women

>> No.8432052

I'm someone who actually has sex

>> No.8432057


>> No.8432058

get a girlfriend to have it with then

>> No.8432073

I dunno, man. If it does what you want and is cheaper than making a pc then maybe you should get one.
I understand some of your concerns about it butwhatever happens just don't meme yourself into blowing loads of cash on a hipster box just because a series x is 'nu'.

>> No.8432174

It's really not. The disc feature works on Xbox, by the way.

>> No.8432470

I would say at least half of /vr/ are permavirgins, so no this did not occur to them. Let them live as permababies, they are clueless.
Lol that doesn’t matter, your house is still loaded with toys. Even if women didn’t exist that’s embarrassing. Much rather have a clean box and controllers hooked up to the entertainment system that can do everything.
I’m not sure what’s hipster about Microsoft nuconsole. It’s more plebeian than anything. My concern is how RA functions on it compared to a traditional PC, because I’ve heard it’s slightly different.

>> No.8432478

Men won the war. Women under 30 love video games, most of the ones that were bitchy about them are old now lel

>> No.8432482

t. has only spoken to ugly nerd girls and bpd e-thots
a tinder stacey will do a 180 as soon as she sees your massive array of child's toys in your living room anon, you will look like cwc to her

>> No.8432489

LOL women forever hate video games anon, nothing has changed. They only play them for attention, which is why they do anything. They are barely human.
Men lost the war, letting women into the “hobby” has destroyed video games forever as new games now have to pander to their crystal worshiping, astrology believing, drag queen loving stinky asses.

>> No.8432495

>new westacuck games

>> No.8432542

In the west, games are made for brown people, women, and trannies
In the east, games are made for Hikikomori and incels.
Video games are dead no matter where you turn which is why retro is your lord and savior. Almost everything out of Japan is annoying anime softcore porn and everything from the west is just pure evil psyop.
The only new game I even give half a fuck about is ooooooooooh elden ring.
If you play new games outside of the very rare exceptions you are a tasteless plebeian.

Can someone tell me if this stupid Xbox is worth getting as an emulation machine?

>> No.8432548

obviously not, it's a blatant marketing campaign by microcock

>> No.8432771

Last time I used it filesystem access was extremely limited and I couldn't access anything using the builtin disc drive. I suspected a USB disc drive would work but never tried it. Has something changed?

>> No.8432779

Probably because you come across like a whiny cunt who goes "muh... muh old video games"
Any woman who looks down at you for playing it isn't worth being with and will just be a screeching harpy at you later in life, you know.

>> No.8432782

You are an utter mong if you think it's long-term relationships being discussed.

>> No.8432789

They're still not worth being around, idiot. If she doesn't like video games you may as well not get involved with her. A woman has nothing a fleshlight doesn't have.

>> No.8432791

Shut up poser, all the pawgs with chokers love nintendo

>> No.8432792

You say this but there's a pretty good chance you have at least one lolicon wall scroll

>> No.8432794

I don't watch anime

>> No.8432795

>he can only get fat chicks with bpd
You're not part of the discussion.


>> No.8432805

you apparently can't get a good looking woman who likes Nintendo games and would go "SNES? My dad had one while we were growing up!" and bam its strip Mario Kart.

>> No.8432808

>just hope your random tinder hookup recognises the fucking snes
>from when she was growing up
>when she was born in 2001
>oh and if this fails she'll just leave
You seem so fucking out of touch with reality anon

>> No.8432813

>fucking random tinder hookups

>> No.8432814

>not fucking random tinder hookups

>> No.8432836

The sin is splitting hairs like an insincere faggot.

>> No.8432840

"Yeah it's an SNES, I've had it since I was a kid"
enjoy your herpes

>> No.8432849

>fat chicks
Pawg just means they have a nice ass

>> No.8432970

>a tinder stacey will do a 180 as soon as she sees your massive array of child's toys in your living room anon, you will look like cwc to her
Are you fucking retarded?
Being into nintendo and nerd shit is basically normiecore 101
And you could have the most embarrassing hobbies of all time as a dude so long as you're hot enough women don't give a shit

>> No.8432986

Again, you are incredibly out of touch with society if you think retro gaming is cool among stacies

>> No.8433001

1. I have actually seen a vagina
2. In college I had an n64 in my dorm and would have mario party/mario kart sessions with people on my floor. Even the girls who didn't play games as kids ended up enjoying it. Also alcohol was involved.

Did I get laid because of my n64? Probably not. But I certainly got laid in spite of it, which is what you're attempting to say is impossible.

>> No.8433016

>But I certainly got laid in spite of it, which is what you're attempting to say is impossible.
Nah, I didn't say that. I'm just pointing out that you're an absolute retard for thinking there isn't a subset of women (mostly the very attractive ones, really) who think video games are for manchildren and view you like you view CWC. Gonna stop replying now.

>> No.8433064


"I'm not owned I'm not owned" he says as he turns into a corncob
Nigger go fuck a better kind of woman. Stacey is boring. Stacey is a dumb cunt and not worth your time. Get Janet or Becky; at least then you'll get some good head instead of "I'll spit if you cum in my mouth"

>> No.8433478

Who frequents /vr ...

Nice Larp child.

>> No.8433483

I ain't buying no fuckin' arcade PCBs and superguns just to play Golden Axe.

>> No.8433486

>just gonna out-insecure you bro
>nothing personnel kid

>> No.8433506

Girls love Vidya. I guarantee you are a virgin

>> No.8433563

>enjoy your herpes

These days it's more likely the cancer causing HPV, Hence why 'Zoomer' rhymes with 'Tumour'.

>> No.8434262

Well this thread went off the rails and stayed off them completely.
Is there anyone out there with a Series X who can speak to weather or not retroarch performs well on it?

>> No.8434279

Stay on topic, dick

>> No.8434448

Nah you can get a supportive girlfriend that will keep you company while you play games. If a girl is really interested, there's a very solid chance that she will pretend to like video games even if she previously had distaste for them. Women seem much more concerned with being agreeable than men. I've seen quite a few of them go from hating games to be agreeable with their friends to loving games to be agreeable with their boyfriend.
That said, I bet you that most of the women who really hate video games associate them with an ex. No different from back in school, when some girl would suddenly get really interested in a band, play their music non-stop, and wear all their merch once she found out that her crush liked them. Once they break up, she hates the band and pretends she never liked it. Beyond idle chatter and strongly emotional non-opinions, it's all some goofy larp because they're often very insecure and volatile.
You do make a point though. Beta men lost and are at an increasing disadvantage. Alphas are winning more than ever. They made women love/pretend to love video games. Then when women showed up, betas either took the honorable route (sperging out about game quality) or the shameful one and simped - idolizing grl gamers and letting blue haired feminists take over dev studios in hopes that they might get a chance at some strange (they didn't). Meanwhile at a certain level of Chaddom and above you can show-off a glass duck collection and leave women hanging on every word.
Break free of the mental prison lads and have a laugh. We live in a gynocentric world where physical violence is the devil and years of emotional/psychological manipulation are okay as long as someone explains how they were feeling. This hyper-feminist society makes women and betas under even more pressure to conform and be agreeable. Additionally, it makes men who don't care and have a sense of humor more powerful than ever.

>> No.8434542
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Yeah, I can vouch in. Series X is strong but because it doesn't have all the video drivers PC has some cores don't work the same as they do. It's progressively getting better though and practically everything besides N64 is running real damn good. I'm using it myself to emulate because like OP I have a 4k TV but not a 4k PC monitor and I wanted to use CRT-Royale.

Recently installing Retroarch became even easier, as easy as entering the console browser and installing it. Only real downside is that Retroarch updates have a small chance of wiping your saves and configs but if you turn off auto-updates and backup before updating it's a no issue.

TL;DR This shit is awesome aside from N64 and slightly worse PS2 on specific games

>> No.8434594

Have they figured out a way to do netplay? That's pretty much the only thing missing that'll push me to buy a SX.

>> No.8434597

>that can transport me back in time
Possibly the most reddit post I've seen all month

>> No.8434885

>massive retard essay
no-one is talking about a girlfriend, autist

>> No.8435406

The post I’ve been looking for, thanks anon. Why would N64 have trouble of all things?
That’s what playing/watching something from your childhood does if you actually grew up with it. You probably have 20 consoles under the tv in your parent’s basement and needed that “oh yeah well….well… you are REDDIT!!!”

>> No.8435514

what are u poor

>> No.8435692

>the passive aggressive beta male vibes in this post
be free anon

>> No.8435712

i literally just didn't read past the point where he said girlfriend when i'm talking about tinder hookups lol

>> No.8435719

>Why would N64 have trouble of all things?
Just issues with the drivers or whatever. It's only a matter of time before it gets better but for now I think you're better off on PC for N64.

>> No.8435808

Well I don’t plan on getting one until they are readily in stock which will probably be about next year, so hopefully they overcome that by then. No ParaLLEl is a dealbreaker.

>> No.8436675

>don't play video games because tinder thots fresh out of the dumpster might scowl at you
betamax in human form

>> No.8436703

>has to compeltely strawman it to pretend his pikachu edition n64 on display in his living room isn't cwc-tier

>> No.8437118

My wife will sit right beside me and listen to me ramble about why we need a CRT in our living room with a smile on her face. She’ll hop in too if I’m playing something up her alley.
Keep living your life the way you think others want you too, see how that works out for ya.

>> No.8437126

>that grip

>> No.8437147

let me save everyone some time. people will tell OP it isn't necessary for a lot of reasons, and OP will reply in defense of the purchase every time. if you want your toy, buy your toy. we don't care.

>> No.8437186

>everything that doesn't appease the imaginary roasties in my head is cwc
ok beta

>> No.8437232

I’m OP and I’ve only made maybe 3 or 4 responses.