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File: 852 KB, 400x400, 753312870_463468.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8428840 No.8428840 [Reply] [Original]

Is Parasite Eve a Christmas game?

>> No.8428853

As close as it gets. Yakuza 1 also takes place in Christmas, which is weird.

>> No.8428869
File: 2.52 MB, 2160x3840, Aya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They should've remade 1 and 2 with 3rd birthday graphics. I love that in game psp look for Aya.

>> No.8428872
File: 71 KB, 1025x1367, namine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8428886

is that christmas Cloud?

>> No.8428887

everything comfy is a christmas game.
bonus points if snow

>> No.8428904

Considering how well Capcom adapted the 90s atmosphere to the RE remakes, I do dream of seeing these games remade. That said, they sort of did the PS2 aesthetic with the FF8 remaster, I'm sure they could muster something similar to this, though I'd honestly settle just for having them get a remaster.

>> No.8428967

Don't forget about Shenmue as well.

>> No.8428994

Yeah it starts around December 20 and ends a little before New Year's doesn't it?
Also I will never stop feeling bad about Aya's date getting incinerated at the start of the game. She doesn't really care, but damn he never got to score.

>> No.8429000

I don't recall Jesus being in it, so no.

>> No.8429032

There isna Christmas tree in the hospital lobby, so it's a Christmas game.

>> No.8429163

Wouldn't surprise me if they reused his body asset. As I was told, Lightning's body has the same proportions as Cloud's with the only difference being that Cloud has a fuller butt and wider hips.

>> No.8429178

thicc Aya > sticc Aya

>> No.8429185

Parasite Eve 2 starts in a Greek themed skyscraper and Santa Claus was Greek, so PE2 is Christmas themed too.

>> No.8429191

Day One takes place on Christmas Eve, so I would call it a Christmas game.

>> No.8429194 [DELETED] 

>Also I will never stop feeling bad about Aya's date getting incinerated at the start of the game. She doesn't really care, but damn he never got to score.
Just started a fresh game last night and I swear he survives. Daniel even jokes that the date ran out screaming and left Aya on her own, or something to that effect. But at the same time the news reporter says Aya is the only survivor I think?

>> No.8429201

>Also I will never stop feeling bad about Aya's date getting incinerated at the start of the game. She doesn't really care, but damn he never got to score.
Just started a fresh game last night and I swear he survives. Daniel even jokes that the date ran out screaming and left Aya on her own, or something to that effect. But at the same time the news reporter says Aya is the only survivor I think?

>> No.8429362
File: 1.68 MB, 608x1080, Aya Brea - Swimwear Costume - 3rd Birthday.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

over the years i've learned to appreciate bromsticcs

>> No.8429369
File: 2.18 MB, 608x1080, Aya Brea - Santa Soldier Gear - 3rd Birthday.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8429376
File: 631 KB, 500x438, AyaDate.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I assumed he survived since Daniel says he ran away.

>Going to the opera packing heat
I guess Aya would have made her displeasure known if the singing was not to her liking.

>> No.8429397
File: 2.46 MB, 854x480, On cam- Off-duty lady cop shoots armed robber trying to attack women, kids.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never relax

>> No.8429406

I could watch these on loop for hours

>> No.8429408

i think it's better if we all forgot Shitmue: the walking simulator ever existed

>> No.8429414
File: 1.90 MB, 608x1080, Aya Brea - Lightning Costume - 3rd Birthday.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8429418
File: 2.01 MB, 608x1080, Aya Brea - Cheongsam Costume - 3rd Birthday.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8429420
File: 50 KB, 640x480, KyleAya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a tragically flat ass.

>> No.8429423
File: 2.27 MB, 608x1080, Aya Brea - Maid Costume - 3rd Birthday.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8429432
File: 1.64 MB, 608x1080, Aya Brea - Business Suit Gear - 3rd Birthday.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8429435
File: 1.09 MB, 498x362, 2EFD018C-CDDB-44A1-8FDC-5A359AB4F552.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8429438
File: 1.65 MB, 608x1080, Aya Brea - White Eider Costume - 3rd Birthday.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8429441
File: 2.07 MB, 608x1080, Aya Brea - Black Leather Costume - 3rd Birthday.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last one

>> No.8429443
File: 1.01 MB, 540x448, DanielAyaLook.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's the best part

>> No.8429448

does she fuck black guys?

>> No.8429494

Thanks for indulging me anon

>> No.8429514
File: 612 KB, 595x1891, Titanium_Bunny (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no worries

>> No.8429524

Not to mention she carries a compact Beretta Cheetah, which is one of the few things that would work with a dress like she wears on day one. Shame the game version is not a double stack, but oh well. I actually ended up buying the same model that she carries, it's a wonderful little weapon.

>> No.8429554

Parasite EVE not parasite STEVE.

>> No.8429642

She was on a date with someone of her own phenotype before the disaster starts. Stop watching porn.

>> No.8429668

mutt's law

>> No.8429961
File: 3.07 MB, 1448x1285, PE xmas card.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8429965
File: 2.67 MB, 1448x1285, PE newyear card.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8430079

>Is Parasite Eve a Christmas game?

It's funny, the first time I ever played Parasite Eve was on Christmas day. My sister actually got it as a Christmas present for her Playstation.

>> No.8430213

I can't believe it took me until day 2 to remember to look up how to use items during battle. I'm rusty as hell, but not using healing items was a bit fun in a strange way.

>> No.8430341


>> No.8430530 [DELETED] 

do people actually believe that this was a better outcome than someone having their phone and purse stolen?

>> No.8430545 [DELETED] 

I do, fuck criminals

>> No.8430559 [DELETED] 

you have to be kidding me, right? fucking degenerate.

>> No.8430564 [DELETED] 

>robber points gun at children
>hold on let's see where this goes
kill yourself you fucking coward

>> No.8430571 [DELETED] 

yes, but the *best* outcome would've been both the robber and you be shot in the head.

>> No.8430578 [DELETED] 

Yep. I feel no sympathy for those that pull guns on kids. I mean it's not like he was some noble criminal either, I doubt he was snatching purses to buy bread for his family. Fuck around and find out. Does not matter if you are a crook, a cop or a normie, you do something stupid you reap the results back tenfold.

>> No.8430613 [DELETED] 


>> No.8430626

I think it's better that we keep liking it to piss joyless people like you off.

>> No.8430690
File: 32 KB, 770x450, Beretta 84FS, Stainless.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post pix, I love the Cheetah pistols, they're so comfortable, just the right kind of compact that still feels really good in the hand, yet conceals easy.

>> No.8430747

Day 3, fuck yeah! Square made some truly amazing FMVs for the Playstation. They have a certain charm that puts newer cinematics to shame.
Not /vr/ related so I'll spoiler my /k/ stuff.
I don't do gun pictures online, sorry man. Makes me nervous, even if I keep the serial censored. It's an '82 (I think. Early '80s but I don't have it on me because I'm not at home due to the holidays.) though, standard black finish with rosewood grips. More or less looks identical to my M9, just as a smaller spaghetti cannon. I swear by Beretta, excellent quality overall.

>> No.8431031
File: 63 KB, 433x650, ayaberetta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw a really cool 84 a few years ago. The best way I can describe it is like a mini Samurai Edge. It was the black double stack model with a stainless barrel, trigger, and hammer and wood grips. Really slick looking little gun.
I wish there was more art of Aya with different guns. It's obviously limited by the PS1's graphics, but you get a ton of cool shit over the course of the game. I always wound up rocking a Sig 550 rifle from the police station for the second half of the game.

>> No.8431038
File: 258 KB, 724x685, 4w3kjm67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are jap westaboos more in to guns than 99% of Americans.

>> No.8431047

>The best way I can describe it is like a mini Samurai Edge. It was the black double stack model with a stainless barrel, trigger, and hammer and wood grips. Really slick looking little gun.
Sounds amazing. All it needs to complete the look is the grip medallions, and also the Brigadier cut slide (even though it would do nothing at all for the Cheetah pistols).

Wanting what you can't have, I guess.

>> No.8431526
File: 734 KB, 1190x878, bigboi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In awe at the size of this lad.

>> No.8431532 [DELETED] 

Top tier bait. I salute you