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/vr/ - Retro Games

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>> No.8424315

The music in this and UT is too good. System Shock 2 soundtrack gives me similar vibes.

>> No.8424339 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 369x250, haven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The game has so many wow moments, but none of them compare to ascending the Sunspire and reaching Na Pali for the first time

>> No.8424341
File: 14 KB, 369x250, haven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The game has so many wow moments, but none of them compare to ascending the Sunspire and reaching Na Pali for the first time

>> No.8424348

I've been meaning to play this for ages and I think this has finally pushed me over the edge. Hopefully I don't run into any issue with windows 10's high DPI scaling, it's been a fucking pain with other retro games lately.

>> No.8424354

Why are the Skaarj so oppressive?

>> No.8424459

I wasn't impressed.

>> No.8424467

That's too bad. What was your favorite moment?

>> No.8424515


>> No.8424518

>still waiting for Firestorm

>> No.8424527

My favorite moment is seeing you filtered so hard by Unreal of all things

>> No.8424532

I can't remember. I suppose escaping the Riker wasn't bad.
I think return to na pali is a more solid experience than base unreal.

>> No.8424536

You are a very interesting person.

>> No.8424540

>I think return to na pali is a more solid experience than base unreal.
That's a very controversial opinion, but I respect it.

>> No.8424780

This statement demands an explanation

>> No.8424786

OG felt like it had more padding whereas return is more streamlined.

>> No.8424848

What padding? I know it's a long game (38 levels), but every level is creative and unique.

>> No.8426467

How long has this been vaporware?

>> No.8426807

Ever since Turboman decided to make the whole mappack 227-only instead of U1/UT compatible.

>> No.8428746


A new mod is out. Something that's not common in the community these days.

>> No.8428836

Are there any fan made expansions for Unreal? The mapping scene seems dead compared to Doom or even Quake.

>> No.8428851
File: 183 KB, 1280x1024, ONP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quite a lot.
>Operation: Na Pali
>Xidia Gold
>Project Zephon
>Deja Vu: Gryphon Revisited
>Seven Bullets
>Project Xenome

The first one was my first Unreal SP experience outside of the first game and those 16 years ago I was amazed with the number of playable levels (on par with the OG game) and their quality - take a look at the screenshot, it still holds up pretty well. However, after all the years I don't think cutscenes fit the game as well as the "so bad it's good" voice acting of a idiot protagonist. The ONP Guy sounds like a douchebag and spews 1337 lingo every now and then in his one-liners while he's on a failed rescue operation on a deadly, alien world. I remember losing my shit when he yelled "Oh my God, I'd BETTER GET THE HELL OUT OF HEEEEREEE!!" while on a collapsing elevator, so funny.

>The mapping scene seems dead
I remember back in 2007-2009 that many big projects were under way, but after 2010 the scene went more and more silent with each year. It's weird considering all Unreal games were shipped with a robust editor that can be used not only to make maps, but whole games based on the engine.

>> No.8428856
File: 372 KB, 1024x768, XenomeInterloper-Skaarj2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also here's a screenshot from Xenome: Interloper. The Skaarj environments by the end of the mappack are H U M O N G U O U S and I'd argue they look better than any other map with the Skaarj theme, official ones included.

>> No.8428858
File: 397 KB, 1024x768, XenomeInterloper-Skybox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And a marvelous skybox from the same pack.

>> No.8428915

>not common

>> No.8428918

Operation na pali is great. Almost as good as base unreal. Deja is a good action map pack too with just the right amount of exploration.

>> No.8429062

Oh my. Thanks anon, looks neat indeed! What will you recommend to start with?

>> No.8429076

I got back into it through Evolution. The ‘key to dodge’ button spoils me. I need to look into if it replaces or updates any of the textures, I’m going through some places unsure if I should be impressed with what they pulled off in 98 or if it’s modded.

>> No.8429085

Same as I did - ONP, then I'd go with Xidia and Seven Bullets, which are more serious in nature, but brutally, almost unfairly hard.

>> No.8429575

I tried to get Operation: Na Pali to work but I kept getting errors. Its a mod for UT99 right and not Gold? I'm new to playing Unreal mods.

>> No.8429581 [DELETED] 

It's for UT'99, and you gotta get OldSkool Amp'd if you want to play SP stuff.

>> No.8429589

i like old build fpses, is it worth playing this one?

>> No.8429591

It's for UT'99, and you gotta get OldSkool Amp'd if you want to play SP stuff.

>> No.8429595

>OldSkool Amp'd
Okay I'll try that when I'm home. Thanks anon.

>> No.8429606

It should have been included with ONP.

>> No.8429620

I prefer UT2004 but yes, I think you'll enjoy any of the Unreal games you try. Even the Dreamcast port of UT is fun, and without a mouse too.

>> No.8429736

Speaking of 2k4, I hate the art direction that feels disconnected from U1/UT'99. Also why didn't Epic continue to hire Alexander Brandon and Michiel Van Den Bos to do music for subsequent entries is beyond me.

>> No.8429810

It's a different kind of 3D shooter than Build games, so I can't really recommend it based on that.
Unreal is worth trying out at the very least though. Both the first game and UT series, which is fun even against bots.
I'll also add that as posters above discussed Operation: Na Pali is something to keep in mind too.

>> No.8429831
File: 271 KB, 1496x559, unreal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Software mode master race.

>> No.8429838
File: 2.68 MB, 640x360, ascended.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8429847
File: 1.31 MB, 1024x768, snap024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Software rendering in the late 90s was poop tier.

>> No.8429871

Unreal was a game born out of the demoscene. By the time Unreal and Epic were taking off, Tim Sweeney had moved beyond, establishing itself as a big name we now all know for its impressive Matrix technology.

The demoscene kind of has an aversion to commercialization.

>> No.8429875

>tim sweeney
nooooo i love steam will never touch this gaben is my lord

>> No.8429893

3D acceleration in the late 90s was poop tier.


>> No.8429897

I played it in coop and it's beatiful

>> No.8429898
File: 187 KB, 512x384, buttsecks imminent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pentium 200MMX with a Voodoo 1 4MB is almost playable. P200MMX software is absolutely unplayable and looks like total ass.

>> No.8429903

Never forget what Fortnite took from you

>> No.8429909


>> No.8429920
File: 165 KB, 512x384, predator shoots lensflares at you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah you cope with your modern day hipsterism of pretending software rendering was good.

>> No.8429952

The stockholm syndrome is real.


Not even a Pentium 3 can save it.

>> No.8429954

>what is a GPU bottleneck
Try it with a Voodoo 2.

>> No.8429960
File: 27 KB, 300x240, goalposts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try it with a Pentium 2 :^)

>> No.8429963

Then you've have the same ugly software rendering but at a higher framerate.

>> No.8429981


At least it has true color, unlike 3dfx's dithered 16-bit poop that lasted even into 1999 with the Voodoo 3.
Not helping is the terrible default gamma that makes half of all videos washed out.
And even then, what good are nice visuals if the game runs like absolute dogshit. It's not a fun experience on an original Voodoo.

>> No.8429992

>It's not a fun experience on an original Voodoo
Or a Pentium 1. The game was clearly made for a P2+Voodoo 2. Especially once they added multitexturing.

>> No.8430007

>Once they added
Oh yeah, it didn't even properly support the Voodoo 2 at launch, which just goes to show what kind of hardware they actually targeted.
>Or a Pentium 1
It's supposedly even "playable" on a non-MMX Pentium, at the cost of everything that gives its software mode an edge.
Judging by what I have seen, its performance is comparable to that of the Voodoo, but software rendering has the hidden advantage of lower potential latency at a given frametime, which is really what matters in terms of playability.

>> No.8430013

Even without multitexturing support the performance and graphical quality increase is massive compared to software rendering.

>> No.8430042

The lack of multitexturing would just have added an even higher driver overhead, which the game suffered from, because it did a lot of software-driven rendering tasks in the background. The fact that you need to combine it with a Pentium 2 kind of defeats the purpose of acceleration in the first place.
Don't make me pull up the Unreal Tournament charts. Those framerate numbers are dismal.

>> No.8430050

>The fact that you need to combine it with a Pentium 2 kind of defeats the purpose of acceleration in the first place.
Compare the performance of the Voodoo 1 to other 3D accelerators released around the same time. It was outdated by the time Unreal came out but it worked well for games closer to its release.

>> No.8430060

>It was outdated by the time Unreal came out but it worked well for games closer to its release.

That can be attributed to its drivers. Other accelerators only had an edge with powerful CPU's. Voodoo was pretty much the best option at the time for assisting with a slow CPU (i.e. Pentium MMX). This is just a testament to how much of a shitshow acceleration was in the late 90's. Thank God for hardware T&L.

>> No.8430139

for me, its dusk horizon

>> No.8430209
File: 2.68 MB, 1280x480, HalfLifeWater.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unreal is built for 3DFX chads. Half-Life on the other hand.

>> No.8430221

If you can't do it on your own, try searching for the .umod version instead of zip. umod are basically installers the game engine unpacks for you in all the right places, it's fool proof.

>> No.8430236

call me crazy, but I think the software render does better water.

>> No.8430272
File: 14 KB, 410x269, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright I tried double clicking on the .umod for the oldskool amp'd but I'm getting an error like when trying to just install ONP. I just reinstalled UT99 on Steam but no luck. What am I doing wrong? I noticed it said I need more space on my hard disk but I have 100GB free.

>> No.8430273

I'm partial to Chizra myself

>> No.8430274

I think it is pretty unreal that this shitty game spawned a massive company

>> No.8430285

This was the only track in Unreal composed by Andrew Sega, and you can tell. Banger!

>> No.8430295

I assume you're using windows 10, it changed so many things I wouldn't be surprised it fucked with malloc. Try launching it with compatibility mode.

>> No.8430298

Win7 actually. I'll try compatibility mode. Win98 mode?

>> No.8430303

It wasn't their first game my little zoom zoom.

>> No.8430305

You're not posting the best track:

>> No.8430308

sure what the hell, can't hurt to try.

>> No.8430314

It's the last track that OP posted

>> No.8430334
File: 24 KB, 530x436, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No dice there but I finally got the installer up via the command prompt thanks to the steam forums.

>> No.8430398

Where did I say it was their first game you retarded nigger? They didn't become massive until the unreal engine started being licensed out

>> No.8430403

They used to be called mega games though.

>> No.8430410

pre unreal - epicmegaganes
post unreal - epic games
so yes, unreal did start it all

>> No.8430412

>only used for a 30 second cutscene
fucking why?

>> No.8430549

>looking down
why is this giving me anxiety? games that look infinitely better don't do this to me

>> No.8430563

It's called 'soul overload'

>> No.8430597
File: 675 KB, 303x282, oh you.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8431190

God i want to do another Unreal Gold

>> No.8431425

i want to drink the software renderer water

>> No.8431487

for me it's

>> No.8431598

Not the opengl sludge?

>> No.8431752

software water just looks way better

>> No.8432409
File: 308 KB, 640x400, Shot0000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God dammit you insufferable assburgers, 3/4 of this thread is sperging about renderers like anybody gives a shit. Personally for me the Software Renderer was the only way to play the game when I had a shitty PC. The translucency is fucked up by default and you can see meshes through translucent and masked surfaces but it was still looking good. Pic related - my oldest surviving screenshot taken in 2006.

>The demoscene kind of has an aversion to commercialization.
Yet these guys made the soundtrack not only for Unreal, but other commercial titles. Hell, even Skaven of Future Crew wrote a track for UT'99 despite FC not being interested in doing work for Epic in pre-Unreal days.

That's not soul, that's taste of soul before you experience the most soulful levels in the game.

>> No.8432416


>> No.8432437

I think that Unreal was a great game

>> No.8434437

Foregone Destruction bump

>> No.8434480

I always preferred the UT soundtrack over Unreal's

>> No.8434492

I think they both have stellar OSTs but I can see where one would prefer UT as Unreal has more ambient type tracks.

>> No.8435040

Comparing a pineapple with a pumpkin

>> No.8436545

So close to being perfect, but that 16-bit color kills it.

It's not even faster than 24-bit when using MMX.