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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 31 KB, 317x313, Digimonworld2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8422153 No.8422153 [Reply] [Original]

hi /vr/, this is my favorite game of all time. say something nice about digimon world 2

>> No.8423620


>> No.8423625

Never played this one. Is it more like 1 or 3?

>> No.8423754
File: 89 KB, 640x480, digimon-world-2-67cec6f3-6365-4206-88a0-00ce647a73f-resize-750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more like 3 if I had to compare it to either, but its really its own thing. You crawl through randomly generated dungeons and battle 3x3 with your digimon teams. It's hella slow, grindy and very repetitive but I like it a lot. Especially now that I can emulate it at 2x speed

>> No.8425837

One is my favourite game

>> No.8426732

1 is too much like a pet sim and 3 is too much like pokemon, 2 is the sweet spot.

>> No.8426767

I liked this one as a kid, but replaying it recently I hated it. It's insanely slow without a fast forward function or at the very least emulated with increased disc read speed to make attack animations load faster; I'd even go as far as to call it unplayable without that.
Then, you spend the whole game staring at the same dungeon and battle screen environments, which is really what killed my interest. Digimon is so frustrating in that there is a ton of opportunity for creative visuals, but that's where most of the games end up failing. World looked great and had a ton of whimsy, and then 2 flushes that all down the drain anywhere that isn't in the city. The DS games have that same problem and should have aimed for the environments 3 had rather than the boring hallways they had.

I always like Digimon more, even as a kid, but it annoys me to this day that it never had a truly great game (at least those released in English, I haven't played any fan translated titles but probably should).

>> No.8427060

this guy gets it

Yeah, like I said above you the game is much better sped up with emulation. I don't know how i had that much patience as a kid to get multiple megas from dna digivolving a ton. Definitely with you on there never being a truly great Digimon game. You can see the potential the franchise has easy enough, but hopefully they execute it properly one day