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/vr/ - Retro Games

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842193 No.842193 [Reply] [Original]

This game is fantastic! It even has real life footage movie clips. Holy shit it must have been a bomb back in 96.
I'm playing it on DosBox is there any way to get a full window size?

>> No.842198

have you tried ALT+Enter?

>> No.842207

>Holy shit it must have been a bomb back in 96.
Trust me, it was. It bombed your harddrive

>> No.842208

how old are you , daddy-kun? :3

>> No.842209

i would play it but i dont understand dosbox

>> No.842213

the easiest way is to menu->quick mount

>> No.842214

21 but I still remember the nightmarish stories to this day.

>> No.842215

whats the easiest class for daggerfall?
i figure rogues and thieves to be too hard in sense of controls and narrow dungeons

>> No.842218


>> No.842220

thanks mister anon!

>> No.842232

Thats why there's milions tutorials everywhere.

Look on youtube, or google "dosbox tutorial"

>> No.842241


>> No.842284

Ultima Underworld came out years before TES: Arena. Why does it run so much better?

>> No.842306

Because earlier videogames tend to be less demanding than newer ones. And because it wasn't programmed by Bethesda.

>> No.842320


UU came out two years before Arena. It looks better, has a better frame rate and is just a straight up better game. Bethesda were a joke then and they still are.

Just joking (kind of). I like Daggerfall and Morrowind.

>> No.842323

>Because earlier videogames tend to be less demanding than newer ones

That doesn't really matter when both games are twenty years old. Give or take a year each. Arena is just a poorly made game.

>> No.842338

But Bethesda is still shit.

>> No.842341

Ha ha

>> No.842353

You need to understand Dos, not dosbox.

mount c [path on your hard drive]
>will mount the folder you write the path to as local disc C: in dos

>will move the prompt to drive C

cd [folder name or path]
>will move to the prompt to that folder

>will list files and folders in your current folder

>will launch game.exe

Press TAB to autocomplete, i.e. if you're in the folder with GAME.EXE, you can jsut type GAM and press TAB - it'll autocomplete.

1. Mount your games folder as C
2. c:
3. cd to your game's folder
4. find the executable (normally gamename.exe, sometimes it's a gamename.bat)
5. run it
6. Enjoy.
7. ctrl+F% saves screenshot, ctrl+F11 and ctrl+F12 increase and decrease CPU cycles. alt+Enter = fullscreen.

>> No.842363

For example:

mount c c:\emulators\games\
>mounts path as C:
>goes to that virtual C:
cd eyeofthe (TAB)
>autocompletes the folder name (if it exists, of course) and cds there
>lists files - look for the main executable
>runs the main executable
>game starts

>> No.842371

This is useful for people too lazy to type shit into DOS http://dfendreloaded.sourceforge.net/

>> No.842380

You don't have to type anything into dos if you just add the lines you always need (like your mounting) to the autoexec section in dosbox's cfg.

>> No.842381

Kudos to you! You're improving this board a lot

>> No.842392

Alternatively. You can just create shortcuts which make the whole process easy.


>> No.842393

Where's the "Daggerfall sucks" copypasta guy? Can't let a Daggerfall thread survive!

>> No.842401

Creating these for every game you want to play really is more trouble that just learning three simple prompt commands.

>> No.842410

It takes two seconds and it's a one time thing. I personally prefer having shortcuts on my desktop rather than doing the commands. Not that I don't know how to do them but still.

>> No.842423

First time you hear..
Bricks were shat.

>> No.842684

Lol, bards are pro-mode. Spellsword is pretty noob friendly, taste of combat and magic

>> No.842758

Now what about ".conf" files? Is there a simple way to make those? What should I name them and where should I place them?

>> No.842840

You can make those in notepad. You can make .conf files run by default in notepad.

A good start, is to go where your DOSBox is installed, and copy and paste your .conf file or edit the original.

This is a good tutorial for setting up shortcuts.

>> No.843198

In DAGGERFALL, its main executable is FALL.exe.

The game is free on their website, with instructions.

I could also upload an autoinstaller with shortcuts to an already set up DOSBox to dropbox, if asked.

>> No.843208

Some people get lag and other things with these giant files titled "SKY00 - 31.dat" located in the ARENA2 folder. You can delete those, but you wont have a sky. They are giant files too. Altogether larger than the game. Keep that in mind. Copy and paste them somewhere, incase you want them again,

>> No.843220


You hung about in the gaming scene at 4 years old? Damn nigga

>> No.843879
File: 106 KB, 281x256, idontwantthat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hard Drive size: 1.2 GB
>Daggerfall size: 400 MB

Things were tight for a while. Also fuck loading some of the data from the CD - constant hang-ups on Starcraft and Diablo made me loathe CDs from the get-go.

>> No.843919
File: 353 KB, 655x518, theranis2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stealth/backstabbing with a ranged weapon was terrifying in this game. Longbows had great base damage and every backstab was x3 damage (even if it was at range).

That alone made thief classes worth bothering with, as they didn't have much else going for them. Not even counting the fact that pickpocketing/steal had a negligible success rate no matter what, any dumb asshole could loiter in a shop until it was closed and just load all the merchandise into his wagon then sell it to the same vendor the very next day.

Even the Dark Brotherhood had relatively lame perks when you got up in ranks, not even close to the Mage's Guild in terms of benefits

>> No.843954

I actually did >>843208 because they sky was fucking ridiculous. Picture definitely related. I also used to rip movies from games like Command and Conquer and other 'unnecessary' files because I didn't have the money to upgrade my computer. I still feel like I missed a lot because of this though.

>> No.843961
File: 125 KB, 1023x539, 234534765878564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.844078

>having a 1.2 GB HDD in 1996
You must've been fucking rich, brah.

>> No.844086


I had a 4.8GB and a DVD Player on my PC in 1996.

Not even Rich, just had a mom that thought buying a PC would help with school. All it did was addict me to the internet and PC gaming.

>> No.845690

I wish Ultima Underworlds mouse input wasn't so awful.

>(kind of)
No you weren't. Stop trying to convince yourself the masses are right and start agreeing with the shit you can verify.