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8416041 No.8416041 [Reply] [Original]

GTA 3 before GTA 3

>> No.8416048
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Nice reconstructed cover.

>> No.8416062
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What did he mean by this?

>> No.8416151

Is this one good? I couldn't get into Driver 1. Got hard filtered by police literally spawning out of nowhere once i managed to escape the other ones that were tailing me literally a second ago

>> No.8416156

I rented 1 and bought 2.
Big mistake.

>> No.8416162

People treating the Driver series as if they’re not all kusoge cracks me up. The only thing the first 2 had going for them was muh open world, but it’s archaic. I suppose if you were reeeeeally into gritty low budget 70s cop movies they’d be worth it for kitsch factor.
Driv3r was just shit all around.

>t. owned them all

>> No.8416180

aight. I'll probably just take a look and see if it clicks with me. I kinda want them to be really good because Driver: San Fransisco was absolute fire. Can't believe that shit was made by Ubisoft

>> No.8416204

Remember renting Driver 2. Me and a friend had a little bit of fun basically playing tag freeroaming the city in co-op. That's the only positive thing I can say about it.

>> No.8416214

But GTA 3 was actually good.
Might've been GTA 1-2 influences. Vice City and San Andreas got somewhat less focused and worse though.

>> No.8416220

>get out of car
>nothing to do except wander around and get into a car
bravo infogrames

>> No.8416360

Not him, but it's pretty clear some sort of upscaling filter was applied to the OP image.
>shadow Tanner's hand and head look like a mess
>the Infogrames font is clear in contrast to the blurry logo right above it
>the Reflections logo looks a little wobbly and the name itself is nearly unreadable
>the ID number or whatever beneath the PlayStation title on the bottom is a little distorted
>pretty much the whole car closeup and following city structures look like a neuro-AI got its hands on it
While yes there was pretty much nothing to do on-foot, there's a secret unlockable vehicle in each level that requires pressing a hidden switch when out of a vehicle (notably the Havana secret area would instantly wreck you with early versions of REDRIVER2 using data from v1.1 discs), I think a couple of unlockable minigames in Rio require it too, and Tanner can sit on benches possibly for immersion purposes.

>> No.8416436

And was mocked in GTA 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SynkklMinnY

>> No.8416447

Just emmelate

>> No.8416458

To be fair both the driver crew and rockstar would throw jabs at each other in some form, but it was always playful in nature, more of a pissing contest.

This lasted until Drivthreer and GTA IV by which point Rockstar had essentially curbstomped and skullfucked the Driver crew in front of a worldwide audience.

>> No.8416668

I was an N64 kid and my cousin had a PSX and Driver 2 an I was very impressed with the open world at the time. Might look ugly today and even at the time, but totally works as intended. I enjoy 2 more than 1 because you can change cars and evade the police on free ride mode, also the cities are more organic instead of just square blocks and more varied.
You can get out of a damaged car to get a new car, and you can evade the police by changing cars. On Driver 1 the police is always on the hunt for your car and just crash into you until you lose. If you think about it the cities are so archaic that there's not much to do in a car too other than the missions, drive real gast or watch the scenery.

>> No.8416736

No, it truly pushes PS1 to its limits so it has shitty framerate and the mission difficulty is even more aggravating than in the first game, that mission where you chase a truck is the worst

>> No.8418015

>that mission where you chase a truck is the worst
Driver 2 has a few hard missions. Outrunning the train in Las Vegas, Escaping from Las Vegas, and chasing Jericho to the hut in Rio where it's mostly on a thin mountain trail. Which one was this? Havana somewhere? Cause a lot of those missions sucked due to the crappy cars.

>> No.8418029

The final mission fcked me up as a kid.

>> No.8419021

>it truly pushes PS1 to its limits so it has shitty framerate
You need to play ReDriver 2. It upgraded the framerate, resolution, and view distance.

>> No.8419030

Martin Edmondson, the creator and director of all Driver games, is a former DMA Designs (now Rockstar Studios) veteran. He made and worked on most of the studio's best games. After the company went huge and Leslie Benzies took over, him and the other veterans were kicked out. I think he also hates the trashy and mean spirited nature of the GTA 1 and 2 sequels. Rockstar is nothing like what DMA Designs used to be.

>> No.8419034

GTA was always trashy and mean spirited, revisionist
In GTA2 there is a mission where you help grind up people into hotdogs

>> No.8419046

So they weren't being playful then? I stand corrected.
Still, that dude should have focused more on making Drivthreer a good game rather than taking pot shots at Tommy Vercetti not being able to swim. Oh and the the paid reviews scandal was just icing on the shit cake.

>> No.8419048

>grind up people into hotdogs
That's a very cartoon violence though. I know what GTA 1 and 2 were like. GTA 3 was a much more grim, edgy, and mean spirited game compared to its predecessors. VC, SA, and eventually 4 and 5 took that change further. They also made other edgy games for the sake of controversy like Manhunt, DMA Designs wouldn't do that.

>> No.8419052

Driv3r's failure wasn't his fault, it was Atari's. They rushed the game and cut the production budget during the development.

>> No.8419060
File: 19 KB, 266x375, Stuntman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spent a lot of time on this game as a kid. I have this bittersweet memory of this time when one of my older relatives was in hospital with terminal cancer, and my parents had to rush out one day. I was scared to go with them so they left me home alone, if not for the first time, then one of the earliest times. I spent like 4-5 hours just playing Driver 2, until it got dark, and I didn't even get up to put the lights on.

Anyway. The main point of this game was the replay mode desu. You were supposed to make epic car chases with tons of jumps and long handbrake drifts and shit, then watch it play out. It helped that the graphics were pretty good for their time, and the car handling physics were great compared to its contemporaries.

The "story mode" was a kinda cool mash up of Starsky and Hutch and 70s action cop exploitation movie kinda stuff, which for me is weird because I know exactly the vibe it's going for, even though I've never actually seen any of those old movies or TV shows. But basically it just acted as a long tutorial to make you drive good, so you could make sick replays in free roam.

I mean yeah, it's aged like complete shit, but so have a lot of games from this era. It's a victim of being a pioneer, one of the very first 3D sandbox games, so if you can't put yourself back in the mindset of the late 90s, there's really nothing for you to appreciate here.

If you want something with a similar focus on driving but not necessarily racing, the same dev made pic related, which is a very unique game I never hear anyone talk about.

>> No.8419065

Stuntman was a gorgeous game with groundbreaking physics. The engine was reused for Driv3r but due to development issues it didn't look as good. Sony should've hired the devs to make Gran Turismo games.

>> No.8419294

If you're playing it on an original PSX, it's pretty hard to play since it pushed the PSX to it's absolute limit. Framerate and draw distance is fucking horrible. Emulating it for better performance makes it more playable.

I believe there's a mod called ReDriver 2 that ports it to PC as well. Not sure how good it is though.

>> No.8419469

I get GTA 3 being much more grim, when you really think about all the shit Claude goes through. I would say it's more melancholic rather than grim.
But I really question if it was that much edgier than GTA 2? And what makes it mean spirited in your opinion?

>> No.8419504

SA was pretty soft, you play as more of a goofy anti-hero than a villain protagonist like the other games.

>> No.8419643

>Martin Edmondson, the creator and director of all Driver games, is a former DMA Designs (now Rockstar Studios) veteran

No he isn't, he worked for Reflections, not DMA.

>> No.8419667


>> No.8419680

The GBA version is unironically better than the original

>> No.8419908

i didnt even kniw this was a thing thanks anon time to ruin my fond memories

>> No.8420341
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You can find a cafe or some other place with chairs and sit down

>> No.8420360

That does not look like a happy customer.

>> No.8420370

Driver one was a blast. It was just focused on the chases and driving missions. Mini games were fun too. The second you could leave the car I stopped giving a shit about the series.
>that mission with the explosives in the back of the truck
Driver 1 was good.

>> No.8420379
File: 2.47 MB, 480x360, cpa.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Driver 1 was good.
Until mission 13. After that it's dogshit. Cop cars spawning right in front of you and timed missions everywhere.

>> No.8420385

Shits like that matrix reloaded scene

>> No.8420401

It was talked about a bunch back in its day, notorious for its difficulty.

It's a fucking bitch to even beat a level but it feels satisfying as hell when you do.

>> No.8421661

Filtered. Driver has no shame in being reliant on random events and luck at times. That's just the nature of police chases.

>> No.8421672
File: 524 KB, 952x714, fuck you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually beat the game and I can talk shit about it as much as I want. Its nature is bad design just as much as it is your nature to suck cocks.

>> No.8421691

I beat it like 3 times. I think the police do spawn a bit too close to you, but that's probably due to the technical limitations of the PS1. Other than that, I don't have an issue with it. That last level was supposed to be an over the top boss level, it's hard but not impossible, and it did make me feel awesome after beating the game.

>playing the PS1 port instead of the vastly superior PC port, which runs flawlessly on windows 10
You done goofed.

>> No.8421710

It's the fucking original game. The PC port is 10x easier.

>> No.8422479


>> No.8423135

That's exactly what you're supposed to do, you can exit one car just to get another car. The fuck did you expect in a game named "Driver"?

>> No.8423264

>playing console games on pc
yikes and soulless af

>> No.8423285

I'll agree that San Andreas got unfocused a lot after Los Santos, but I don't really see how Vice City did.

>> No.8424696

It's not what I meant.
GTA 3 was really dedicated to driving and everything around driving. Maps were great for that, there were some nice roads, unique jumps were actually great, off-road (checkpoint) missions were fun and everything was good.
Then in VC and SA Rockstar decided to focus on everything else. As much as I adore how the city of Vice City feels, it's map isn't as fun to traverse. And then SA introduced a bunch of new mechanics that feel impressive and all, but place the game in a different category. It's not a simple game about driving, going on rampage and running from cops anymore.
Like, I get that maybe that arcade feel isn't for everyone and that SA is good for what it is, but I don't really like the shift in the series identity and, I guess, what it brought to the modern gaming.

>> No.8426548
File: 94 KB, 748x604, worlds-scariest-police-chases-ps1-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that the best Driver game wasn't even a Driver game

>> No.8427902


>> No.8428323

Driv3r is better than anything Cockstar has EVER put out. Don't @ me

>> No.8428516

Shame it was released half baked and underfunded. The missions are fucking tight, challenging, and exciting. It could use some more polishing I don't think I've ever played a driving game with such tight mission design, they took useful notes from Stuntman. And even though it came out half baked, at least it's absolutely more playable than cyperbunk and gta defective edition, somehow.

Speaking of kekstar, gta games are so fucking easy and casual. Everyone says vice city is hard but it's a walk in the park for me. The only thing that made old GTA challenging are the paramedic, taxi, pizza, driving/flying/boating school, and police missions, but they're more boring, repetitive, barely rewarding, and annoying than hard. You'll fail the missions to boredom 95% of the time.

>> No.8428540

>but it’s archaic.
Redditor regulars in this board have no subtlety trying to b8

>> No.8428574

1 was a great game, 2 sucked because of two things:
>terrible mission design
Some missions are pretty cool, but the majority is just awful. They clearly did not know what to do, for example, to make "chase and wreck car" missions tuned for difficulty. There are two kinds of missions like that, one which play normally and are too easy because the AI enemy car is not railroaded into a fixed route and will start to fuck up and get lost while driving pretty easily crashing into shit, and ultra hard ones where the "AI" enemy car goes through the same exact millimetric route no matter what and cannot be stopped by other cars crashing on it, including yours that goes flying off road if you don't hit it just right, and you have to since the mission is based around damaging the enemy car. Most egregious example of the unstoppable car is the James Bond esque pursuit in Rio's cliffside that involves incredible precision and RNG.
The missions are all over the place, with 10+ minute easy ones mixed in with almost impossible tier missions, boring "tail from a distance" and short 2 minute missions... variety is cool but again, it seemed to be a very poorly directed game.
>terrible engine performance
A surprising amount of care was put into the maps to have lots of recognizable and semi-obscure landmarks in the 4 cities of the game, but it's all fairly spartan and in-game the poor engine can't keep up and most of the time you'll be playing a slideshow for a game. At least Redriver fixes that but man this was fucking disappointing, and it made the tougher missions even more rage inducing.

Honestly I think Driver 2 would have been a much better game if the devs had another half year to work into it, and ideally the option to choose a better platform to work with (DC or PS2), they bit off much more than they could chew with this one.

>> No.8428901

Dude, it felt archaic back in 2001, as did a lot of 5th gen games when the 6th gen started. This applies also to the first 2 GTAs, mind. The zoomer revisionism is really getting out of hand.

>> No.8429003
File: 1.68 MB, 1280x1080, SLUS-01161_2021-12-17_14-19-26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just so you all know, this is one of those games that goes from shit-tastic to hidden gem with emulator enhancements.

Overclocking the CPU makes the framefrate will give you buttery smooth 60 FPS, and upscaling/correcting geometry makes the graphics actually look pretty nice.

>> No.8429010

How did it feel archaic? GTA 3 had shit brainless police AI.

>> No.8429093

>cut the production budget during the development
something that Atari was absolutely infamous for

>> No.8429183

murrican hands typed this post

>> No.8429205

>Most egregious example of the unstoppable car is the James Bond esque pursuit in Rio's cliffside that involves incredible precision and RNG.
Yeah, that mission before the final mission was beyond brutal. If you hit from behind, almost no damage at all. If you hit on the right, you'll bounce into the cliff and possibly far enough down it to fail instantly. If you hit on the left, you'll bounce into the mountain wall or other cars and get stuck, and Jericho gets away. Friend and I played through the entire game when it came out. We occasionally spent some time stuck on a mission(30 minutes, an hour), but not for very long. We spent about two weeks stuck on this mission.
One mission where they did difficulty right was the leaving Las Vegas mission. You start off with the cops already on you, and you have two passengers so you can't switch to another car and dump the heat. You have to go all the way across town and be clear of the police when you arrive at the airport. It's almost a callback to the last mission of Driver 1, except you aren't driving a slow boat of a car.

>> No.8429212

I pirated the first game when it was released and got filtered hard by the tutorial.

>> No.8430182

>The only thing the first 2 had going for them was muh open world, but it’s archaic.
First also had great physics for simulating tail happy pony cars. Movie mode was great too, but it think it was present in many games.
>low budget 70s cop movies
Wasn't and isn't the terribly overdone aesthetic in vidya.