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8415162 No.8415162 [Reply] [Original]

>(In GoldenEye 007) He suggested that it might be nice if, at the end of the game, you got to shake hands with all your enemies in the hospital.

>> No.8415174

Based, but consider the following:

>there's no game that has a fake outtake reel during the end credits

Games take themselves too seriously.

>> No.8415176

Silent Hill.

>> No.8415181

They wanted to do that for Conker's Bad Fur Day, but ran out of time.

>> No.8415182

>makes game where you genocide an entire army for princess peach's peach
>makes game where you genocide ganon's army for zelda's peach
>makes game where you genocide alien animals just defending themselves for muh ice beam
>not muh terroristorinos who want to nuke the world though!!!

>> No.8415185

None of those things are humans, anon.

>> No.8415192

>just genocide all the forest animals bro they aren't even human

>> No.8415194

Absolutely nobody likes "none of it was real" endings.

>> No.8415198 [DELETED] 

>using genocide as a verb
>>>/pol/ circa 2015

>> No.8415201 [DELETED] 


>> No.8415214 [DELETED] 

take meds

>> No.8415220


>> No.8415221

Altered Beast.

>> No.8415224

Not as part of the canon game, just goofing off when game is already finished.

>> No.8415229

That's a blast from the past.


>> No.8415232

I don't think he has ever worked on Metroid.

>> No.8415236
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>> No.8415240

Altered Beast

>> No.8415245

Hah, I'd forgotten about that one actually. Mr Tennek is the best, wish he made more videos.

>> No.8415247
File: 82 KB, 641x478, Tbgc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's cool is that the dev team eventually ran with the idea of (fittingly) framing the game as a movie to justify the violence, so they added a fake BBFC-style rating screen and cast roll.

>> No.8415259 [DELETED] 

>Bond meets Boris in the hospital
>Boris nervously swishes his hospital-grade orange juice as the man that put him here approaches
>Bond slaps it out of his hand for a shake
>"Shaken, not stirred, Mr. Grishenko."

>> No.8415269

I like to imagine that Miyamoto hears these sounds in his head when he plays Mario with the same expression on his face as OP's pic

>> No.8415271

He oversaw Metroid Prime's development.
He was the one to suggest a first person game. He also bitched out the development team daily.

>> No.8415606

Not him, but having fake outtakes or a curtain call sort of thing during the credits is not really the same thing as "it was all a dream" endings.
The former is merely just acknowledging that its a work of fiction. The latter can be seen as a canonical way of undoing the story.

>> No.8415614

get the feeling he's not a fan of rare

>> No.8415617

He always worked closely with them though.
>b-but he said on an interview that DKC is graphics over gameplay!
No, he didn't, it was a fake quote, confirmed by both him and a guy who actually found said issue of EGM, it was a lie, the quote is not there.
>implying you don't already know this and just want to keep spreading bullshit

>> No.8415628

even the ones I shot repeatedly in the face?
bit unhygienic desu

>> No.8415635

>Getting worked by this
Nobody likes the business being exposed.
As for OP, that would have been absolutely kino as Bond shook hands with dudes who had bullets lodged into their brains or in wheelchairs and shit as Bond says 'No hard feelings, eh?' Miyamoto had a pure kino idea.

>> No.8415660

It's not that. Japs just have no tact sometimes. They'll make light of war, atrocities, sexual orientation, anything. Once in a great while the Twitter crowd gets worked up about it and the Japs just 100% ignore it and it rolls off. It's pretty amusing.

>> No.8415670


>> No.8415762

Shake their hands at the morgue.

>> No.8415801


>> No.8415842

>Nobody likes the business being exposed.
The credits sequence already does exactly that.

>> No.8416070

>He also bitched out the development team daily
How so?

>> No.8416090

Credits credit people for their work, it does not expose how it was done, you already went thru the work itself also.

>> No.8416096

>>makes game where you genocide alien animals just defending themselves for muh ice beam
but muh parents :((((

>> No.8416102

Some people like violent games, some don't. I guess he just wasn't ready to see realistic violence like that (it was for its time, with the hit locations and all the various animations keyed to them). I assume that he learned how to cope with it, considering there's more violent games than that on the same console.

The violence in all of those games (some which he didn't even work on), is far more toned down and light. Mario stomping a Koopa isn't meant to represent an actual plumber gruesomely crushing a defenseless turtle underneath his feet, it's two cartoon characters fighting, not fucking Doom.
Looking at the Zelda and Metroid games, those aren't much more extreme, being rather sparing when it comes to visceral violence and gore. I can only think of a couple of things in the Metroid series which is truely gruesome.

There's a lot of different ways to depict violence, I think Shiggy being a softie and not finding himself comfortable with Goldeneye's extensive pain and death animations, and then doing some cartoon violence or highly sanitized PG-13 violence in his own games, is a thing which marks him as a hypocrite.

>> No.8416109

>pass by on some platform
>pitworm creature drags you down into lava
>freeze it and gtfo (it doesn't even die)
>wtf bro that was just a totally defenseless creature
Most of the fauna (and even a lot of the flora) in the Metroid games are hostile predators, they can die for all I care.

>> No.8416148

Now I'm imagining 007 sneaking into morgues around places where he operated to go and shake the cold hands of the people he killed.

>> No.8416161

Miyamoto is really out of touch. He's a smart guy but makes a lot of questionable decisions, like turning a Twilight Princess sequel into Link's Crossbow Training

>> No.8416173

Nintendo has sex with all our mothers and forces us to watch.

>> No.8416316

It was never going to be a sequel. Link's Crossbow Training was always going to be a side game with recycled Twilight Princess maps. All that happened was he had to remind the devs that it wouldn't be as story-focused as the mainline games. That's also why they didn't put "The Legend of Zelda" in the title.

>> No.8416332

it's just a fun thing after you beat the game. hating fun things is stupid. you're boring and a stupid.

>> No.8416515

unironically yes

>> No.8416698

In the ending it does show a bond movie styled credits screen that indicates it was just a movie all along, also the fact that the different faces of the goons work like actors that change every time you play instead of having the same generic face, and that the intro showcases the main cast.
You thought you were playing a violent video game and shooting at people but everyone was just acting all along!

>> No.8416741


>> No.8416879

Not him, but all I can find is him telling "What if Samus had the eyes of a bug?" and that led to the Visor system.

>> No.8416887

Rival Schools has exactly, precisely this.

None of the fighting in the game was real. It was a high school movie production.

>> No.8416898
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congratulations you're retarded

>> No.8417037

Fuck I love this game so much

>> No.8417624

Wow cool you’re stupider than a nigger nice work

>> No.8417697

how else is it gonna get food dipshit?

>> No.8417720

I wonder if the cutscene of the Tediz in the laboratory smoking and chatting being in the game instead of the beta cutscene (where instead the Tediz were dissecting a squirrel) was kind of a remnant of that.

>> No.8417975

Not my problem.

>> No.8418345

>Credits credit people for their work
Exactly why your point falls flat on its face.

>> No.8419192

And it's the last game you'd think would have one.

>> No.8419197
File: 26 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shiggy: We should let players shake hands with him.

>> No.8419289

It's been days and this post is still making me lol.

>> No.8419291

That would have been soulful and memorable as fuck.

>> No.8419373

I think a much better idea would just have made some scenes in the end credits showing a few movie set visuals. Stuff like cameras and lights, characters having makeup applied and reading through their lines in the script, effects and props being readied (including showing the blood as fake somehow), and takes being redone, such as stuntmen being shot, the director shouting cut, and then they get up so the scene can be reset.

Given how much unused data wasting space is left inside of the cartridge, and how many years after the movie it came out, I think a sequence like that could be done.

>> No.8419397

>game is so based it has an outtake during the actual game

>> No.8420658

The only thing that made me think "this guy is kinda of a douche" was when one of the oldschool Rare devs commented that when they were working on Japan withing Nintendo headquarters, they were segregated from everyone else, and the dipshit would go there to smoke and talk about trees while everyone tried to work.

>> No.8420991

That was one of the Argonaut Soft guys, didn't it? But that's because they were in their own office, I believe? R&D1 had their own segregated from R&D2.

>> No.8421206

basically sounds like The Sorrow "boss fight" in MGS3