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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8411285 No.8411285 [Reply] [Original]

Redpill me. Which one of those is the most based one?

>> No.8411287

gba micro

>> No.8411292

Why though? That thing is so uncomfortable to hold unless you're like 6.

>> No.8411296

>original gb
>clear gbc
based AND redpilled
>regular ass gba
>sp gba
based, redpilled, and the forebear of german idealism
>gb micro
for japanese girls only. if i see a god damn grown ass man with one of these i'm going to burn your house down.

>> No.8411298


>> No.8411306

I have above average male hands and it's not? Are you holding it wrong?
It's the best from factory GB, backlit and best build quality and rechargeable and actually pocketable.

>> No.8411308

GBA because it plays the games for all three

>> No.8411319

they'ren ot working

>> No.8411325

I've seen Ashes cover the GBM and even he said it's surprisingly comfortable to hold even though he has pretty big hands and said even the buttons feel the best

>> No.8411337 [DELETED] 

Fuck off already. You know a nigger coined that phrase, right? A NIGGER! Are you a nigger lover? You must be if you keep saying that.

>> No.8411346

why does that matter?

>> No.8411364

what does onions mean

>> No.8411365 [DELETED] 

Did a nigger fuck your mom or something? Why are you so obsessed with niggers? I've never even seen one in my life (feels good man)

>> No.8411367


What are you, like 80 with arthritis?

>> No.8411369

Onions are bulb vegetables that are closely related to garlic.

>> No.8411380

It means you can safely disregard his entire post.

>> No.8411417

it's a filter word for what op actually wrote which is 's o y', newfriend

>> No.8412572

I actually own every GB model from DMG-001 up through N3DS XL (only missing N2DS).
I have bigger hands, and remember loving the SP as a kid, but today it's fucking awful and cramps my hands after like no time at all. I think SP comes out to be the best, but I don't use it much because no backlight. Believe it or not, the Micro actually is pretty forgiving on my hands and I quite like using it. You don't have to cramp using it, your fingers just kinda, hang over.

>> No.8412602

The gameboy color in that exact color you posted is unquestionably the most red pilled.

>> No.8412610

In terms of library, the Game Boy.

>> No.8412625

Out of those three it's the GBA because it has all GBA games plus backwards compatibility with the whole GB/GBC library also.

>> No.8412724

But the GBA library is somewhat trash, anon.

>> No.8412732

People are always hating on the micro for being tiny, but I was hating on the SP for that very same reason when that thing was released. The only good thing about the SP is the light, as if there weren't lighting options for the GBA, a device which fits into normal-sized human hands. Why was the SP so goddamn tiny?

>> No.8412737

and they say we don't have young people on /vr/.

>> No.8412841

So what? It's a big library, bound to be some turds in there. Just ignore the bad games and play the good ones...

>> No.8412845

The battery life on the SP sucked too.

>> No.8412850

>somewhat trash
Unlike the GBC library which is 99% trash lol.

>> No.8412918

it's also the most ergonomic design. the original at least.

>> No.8412925

I have the opposite SP experience. Hated it as a kid but as I gained finger flexibility in adulthood it's way more tolerable and even comfortable to use.

>> No.8413195
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Same. I also loved by Gameboy Pocket as a kid and now my thumbs hurt after five minutes. My DMGs are the only ones that are still comfortable to use.

>> No.8413417

>based, redpilled, and the forebear of german idealism

>> No.8413667

I like the original game boy because it is the easiest to hold and play because it isn't tiny. the library is fine; the GBC has a few good games that you can't play on the original, but honestly there are plenty of great game oy games.

>> No.8413691

DMG is also pretty goddamn comfy, not gonna lie.

>> No.8413704

he's also full onions, his opinion means shit.

>> No.8413967

The GBC is concentrated SOVL
Fuck Nintendo and its fanbase, but I'll admit they fucking nailed it with Pokemon

>> No.8413983

The two that are actually considered retro

>> No.8413989
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>> No.8413998
File: 393 KB, 800x1077, ERhZoToWsAAkbnK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gameboy pocket.
I thought this model looked so cool and never got it. I'm half tempted to buy it on ebay for 60-80 dollars

>> No.8414007

Original GBA because it filters out people that can't see

>> No.8414602

Briefly /pol/ became obsessed with the fact that s oy has plant estrogen in it (which is not chemically related to human estrogen), and decided it was the thing turning men into women for some reason. They ran with this and had to ask what was the "man" vegetable because the entire board runs on false equivalencies. Onions were decided on. They invaded every other board to call everything they didn't like s oy, so the mods wordfiltered it to the vegetable they had idealized, onions, and now everyone has italian male pattern baldness and back hair because of onions replacing 50% of words on the website at the time.

>> No.8414607


>> No.8414627

gba can play back the others, right? so by default that one. sp /micro looks too small.

>> No.8414637

unlike yourself, a very manly alpha who hangs out on the manchild grandpa board of 4channel dot com

>> No.8414638

>18 hours is shit
then the micro is ultra shit, that thing lasts for like 3 hours.

>> No.8414642

Phytoestrogens and xenoestrogens act on human oestrogen receptors and hence mimic the effects of human oestrodiol. Dietary levels of phytoestrogens can be sufficient to alleviate symptoms of menopause (fulfilling the role of HRT, and runoff of phyto- and/or xenoestrogens into the ocean can partially or completely feminise male fish living near the runoff site.

>> No.8415538

All sounds true, but eating factory farmed chicken pumped full of growth hormones etc probably makes you grow tits as a man too, never saw /pol/ complaining about that...

>> No.8416404

why do people keep shitting on the gba? it's the only one you can comfortably hold with man hands

oh I think I answered my own question, you dainty handed little soft boys

>> No.8416506

Even the GBA is a bit uncomfortable. I've been tempted to attempt a D-Pad mod to add DMG-sized directional buttons.

>> No.8416519

It's not chickens doing that, it's milk. They pump cows fill with estrogen so they produce milk, and this gets filtered down the food chain to humans.

>> No.8416540

I have freakish hueg hands and the micro is fine to hold imo, however I wish the screen were bigger... even relative to the size of the unit it is somewhat small.

vomit LCD screen w/ghosting has the most soul honestly

>> No.8416718

I like the color for how versatile it is, the form factor is literally perfect too. When it comes to GBA my vote goes to the SP, I love the clicky buttons and d-pad, makes each press unambiguous, no more accidentally pressing diagonal instead of down, and clamshell designs are goat overall.

>> No.8417342

This is true. Drinking such milk has been linked to increased serum oestrone and progesterone concentrations, and decreased LH, FSG and testosterone in men, as well as increased urine concentrations of oestrone, oestradiol, oestriol and pregnanediol.
There's also a link to affecting ovulation in women, and some scientists have hypothesised that it could lead to earlier puberty in girls, and potentially perturbed puberty in boys for those that are drinking milk with increased oestrogen levels.

>> No.8417493

Gameboy advance sp

>> No.8418227

They're all progressively better, with the GBA being the greatest system of all time.

>> No.8418242

You Will Never Be Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

>> No.8418243

Shitty stock display.
Throw in a chink IPS display and it becomes God tier.

>> No.8418265
File: 109 KB, 858x658, iceblue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had that one, but the sparkly finish/paint wears off the corners and then it doesn't look as good.

>> No.8418268

still have my gameboy pocket green

>> No.8418603

nice colour
you could probably touch those corners up quite easily, but I assume you want to keep it in its original state

>> No.8418607

I like your post. Aside from using terribad modern memes, you could post this more or less 15 years ago and produce that same kind of lively "ha ha wacky violence" that I enjoyed once upon a time.

>> No.8418609

For me, it's the skeleton DMG with a matching flash cart and eneloop pros. Shit lasts forever and has good visibility (despite some games being a blurry mess due to speed of movement).

>> No.8419490

theres no other GBA thread up right now so ill hijack this one if you dont mind

I got a replacement shell from funnyplaying today instead of HHL because alot of people here told me so. but the shoulder buttons have a completely different approach to the spring to push it back up and i feel like its not nearly strong enough. the fitment is also really bad, i havent put a motherboard in yet but just closing the two halves with the side pieces and shoulder buttons makes them nearly unusable. they are super stiff and barely move in either direction as if they are partially stuck. anyone else have any experience with this? the shell looks and feels very nice otherwise, so im kinda bummed about the shoulder buttons not fitting well

>> No.8419502

scratch that part about that completely different approach to the springs, seems its the same as my HHL shell and buttons.

>> No.8420997

None. WonderSwan was way better.

>> No.8421483

The GBA is like an SNES in your pocket. It blew my mind when I saw one back in the day. I wish I hadn't got rid of mine years ago. I don't think another handheld has ever done that to me. The OG Game Boy was like carrying a pet rock around with you when you were a kid. If a pet rock had another pet rock on a leash with that damn battery adapter. I remember.

>> No.8422291


>> No.8422737

Advance with a screen mod.

>> No.8422741
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Middle, but the Advance SP was fucking tight. In fact I think they could just bring it back and people would buy it.

>> No.8423008
File: 67 KB, 549x775, GBL_POSTER_580x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Game Boy Light is by far the most based Game Boy. The soulful indiglo screen is also less likely to be swapped out for a chinkshit panel by some rabid zoomer. So while they might be less common, the percentage of intact ones you come across is higher compared to other Game Boys.

>> No.8423027

Pokémon was never good faggot

>> No.8423040
File: 1.06 MB, 2736x3648, 1630327244908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8423091

Thank you.

>> No.8423149

>Purple GBC
Based and purplepilled

>> No.8423814

Gotta give to the sp gba and og gb. Both very comfortable to hold for long play sessions. Sp also remedies the backlight issue

>> No.8423829

Built like a tank, battery life for weeks, most soulful games, contrast wheel

>> No.8424012


>> No.8424169


>> No.8424308

GBA with ags 101 pan and the backlit GBC are the most based handhelds clearly. They're all you need.

>> No.8424320
File: 1.49 MB, 540x540, A8F1B395-F4BE-4779-B513-F9D2EFC3704B.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Sega Game Gear.

>> No.8424372

GBA SP. plays everything. backlight. comfortable to hold. rechargeable battery that can be upgraded to a DS battery.
the only negatives is the hybrid audio and power jack, and no IR port

>> No.8424378
File: 257 KB, 1500x988, 5_minutes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8424423

Original GBA since it's battery operated. Rechargeable batteries will die in your lifetime.

>> No.8424662

Another Anon that knows the truth. If you are going to buy electronics, you should always go for something capable of running on disposable batteries, or capable of being modded to use them.

>> No.8424890

I would, a GBA SP and a flash cart is the only time I would get the actual hardware over just emulating

>> No.8424892

The Micro sucks and loses all of its novelty as soon as you have to open one up for a repair then put it back together.

>> No.8424907

I've only used one FP GBA shell in my life, but it's got no issues whatsoever. I hear almost nothing but praise for FP shells from others. If yours has defects, FP should be able to offer you some customer support.