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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8410920 No.8410920[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Sega: here, enjoy these 3 tracks and 3 cars!
>Sony: here, enjoy these 11 tracks and 140 cars!
no wonder PS1 outsold Saturn 10 to 1

>> No.8410932

GT2 was a more fun rally game than Sgar Rally lol.

>> No.8410948

Sega Rally is more comparable to Ridge Racer and the like. When Gran Turismo arrived it changed the whole paradigm of racing games.
Also Saturn was already almost in its grave by December 1997 when Gran Turismo was released.

>> No.8410956

Sega Rally > GT
t. PS1 owner

>> No.8410967

The two games have entirely different gameplay. The first game was for people who wanted to practice the arcade game at home. Zoomers will never understand the arcade experience.

>> No.8411015

Sega Rally: quality
Gran Tourismo: quantity

>> No.8411020

damn them sony chads are dabbin on the sega fans

>> No.8411027

>Zoomers will never understand the arcade experience.
If arcades had been as good as nostalgiafags claim, they wouldn't have died out so easily the minute home consoles started catching up in hardware specs.

>> No.8411042

>if old games good, then why new games bad????

>> No.8411104

You posted a lame opinion that no one believes is true.
You didn't pwn anything.

>> No.8411138

Does Gran Turismo have a kick ass game over screen like Sega Rally?

>> No.8411171

You're a dumb fucking nigger if you think boring simulators are more fun than peak rally racing. Ridge Racer is also more fun than GT.
Now shut the fuck up.

>> No.8411181

This. So much this. Style and quality defeat bloat every single time.

>> No.8411201

I got easily 400 hours of fun from GT1, and then the madlads go and release a better sequel.

>> No.8411206

My first ps1 gaem wuz v-rally thx sega rally

>> No.8411685

why do you have to bring /v/ faggotry into this board? holy shit what an underage
sega rally, nfs, ridge racer and GT all have different goals and are some of the greatest games ever made

>> No.8411693

never played either

>> No.8411705

Do you want a (You)? Because I’ve got no (You)s to spare. Go bait somewhere else.

>> No.8411742

>all have different goals
They all have one goal, drive car.

>> No.8411764

>Sega: Here, enjoy this actual fun game!
>Sony: Here, "enjoy" this pain in the ass car pokemon shit with bad controls and gameplay, but we'll viral market the hell out of it and pay off reviewers to give it a good score so people will think it's good!
No wonder gaming is fucking dead.

>> No.8411790


>> No.8411796

Sega rally is a coin muncher turd that has nothing on GT's deep gameplay

>> No.8411803

Sega racers are racing games.
GT games are a car-collecting games.

>> No.8411805

Sega racers are just short time wasters, you get no reward for racing

>> No.8411806


>> No.8411860


>> No.8411874

You might as well be comparing F-Zero to Forza. They’re both fundamentally different games outside of being racers

>> No.8411894

Even though comparing it to GT is stupid, OP is still right. Sega Rally is basically a tech demo. I don't know how much that game cost at launch but it was probably a ripoff. Maybe Sega struggled with making quad-base models in 95 and pumped the game out anyway because they wanted a car game out asap

>> No.8411912

FZero is more a party game than it is a racer. If you can't change gears its not a real racer.

>> No.8411914

>Sega Rally
>tech demo
Hardly. Look into the history behind how they made it. It was ground breaking for its time and is still fun today.

>> No.8411925

I agree the driving is fun which only makes it more tragic how barebones it is. It's a demo

>> No.8411952

Sega Rally is only really fun when you're sat in front of a big screen with a steering wheel in your hands on a real arcade machine. The Saturn version gets boring after about 10 minutes without that experience to spice things up.

>> No.8411954

Sega Rally literally pioneered the effect of different road types and terrain in racing games. You have believable dirt tracks and wet tracks in GT games because of Sega Rally.

>> No.8411958


>> No.8411974

I'm not an expert on racing games, but there's no way that's true

>> No.8411992

The tech leap speaks for itself.

>> No.8412004

Not watching that, but there's other racing games other than rally so it wouldnt prove what you're saying anyway

>> No.8412029

>Sega Rally is notable for being the first racing game to allow players to drive on different surfaces, including including asphalt, gravel and mud. Each surface has different friction properties which adjust the car's handling accordingly. Prior to Sega Rally's release, racing games often took a more simplified approach to differing surface types - grass for example might simply reduce the top speed of the car, not affect handling, leading to unrealistic results. These features allow Sega Rally to stand out as a true "rally" game, a sport very much dictated by road surfaces, rather than a generic racing game with rally-esque settings.
Guinness World Records 2009.

>> No.8412051

now compare the soundtracks

>> No.8412828

SR = quality / low quantity
GT = quality / high quantity

>> No.8412830

For me it's Colin McRae 2.0

>> No.8412893

>1997 game has more content than 1995 game


>> No.8412915
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>> No.8412927

>b-b-but reverse courses!!!

>> No.8412938

are you saying GT soundtrack is bad?

>> No.8412942

>why do you have to bring /v/ faggotry into this board?
is it you? same guy who was saying this to me yetsreday in burnout thread?

do you operate on scripts?

>> No.8412950

He wants a reddit-type safe spaces without contrasting opinions, probably.

>> No.8412951

if you think sega rallys a coin muncher you are literally the shittest retard gamer of all time. >>8411805
>i need a carrot for donkey!

the fun racing and times are the reward you fucking stupid cunt.

>i dont believe you!
heres the evidence
k heres more evidence

>.... *crickets*

i fucking hate nerds like you with a passion.

>> No.8412952

Because you need to have standards and stop shitting up this board with threads for games that are clearly deficient, half-ass efforts and acting like they're worth playing.

>> No.8412956

the first GT has one good tune, the rest of it and series are shite, almost as bad as burnout 3.

>> No.8412957

that's a pretty poor opinion to have my dude, I urge you to reconsider

>> No.8412965

No thank you, im far to much of a music fanatic to enjoy such droney cringe garbage.

>> No.8412971

fanatic of shit music because that sega track is terrible and I love 80s japanese music

>> No.8413018

yes there's only me and you in the whole 4chan

>> No.8413036

And actual educated response and not trying to compare apples to pears.
You should compare Daytona to Ridge Racer Revolution.

>> No.8413054

a board where people aren’t baiting each other 24/7 based on YouTube videos would be nice
a board where people just talk about what they like would be nice

>> No.8413079

take your meds

>> No.8413082

>He wants a reddit-type safe spaces without contrasting opinions, probably.

then he is in the right place, 4chan only allows opinions that don't offend the janitors or the advertisers.

>> No.8413116


It's the baiting and deliberate contrarianism for keks that's annoying, not differing opinions. Plus the people on this board who constantly espouse "zoomer" as if I'm not older than your fucking ass.

>> No.8413134
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>1 car
>15 different backgrounds
>20 minutes of gameplay
>Still the superior racing experience

>> No.8413154

imagine the idiot who paid full price for that turd

>> No.8413308

Japanese GT1 music > murrican GT1 music

>> No.8413325

It's called Reddit
Go back.

>> No.8413326

Why are 95% of console war threads always started by playstation fans?

>> No.8413337

Why are some people triggered by console wars? Fact: some consoles are better than others

>> No.8413339

winners write the history

>> No.8413343

And provoke random bursts of hostility?

>> No.8414692

Sega Rally is a significantly more challenging and rewarding game than Gran Turismo simply because you can't overlevel your vehicle like you're in a fucking JRPG to insta-win all the courses.

Hell, even that shovelware Rally Cross is a more worthwhile simulator experience than all of Gran Turismo, because it wasn't afraid to fuck the player over at any given moment.

Polyphony Digital flanderized the entire racing game genre when Gran Turismo was released.

>> No.8414703

GT is the most boring game I've ever played in all of my years of gaming. And I like plenty of sim racers old and new

>> No.8414713

Because if you're an idort you can see through the bullshit
>some consoles are better than others
Subjective, and most of the times console wars are sour grapes.
must be stressful to consider yourself a "winner" but have to constantly be frustrated by people liking the competition as well.

>> No.8414719

I played GT when it first came out for two weeks every single day. Religiously. Was fun for a while. I still play SEGA Rally though.

>> No.8414727

no, not subjective. fact

>> No.8414745

You are not the winner. You are the victim of opinion shaping.

>> No.8414750

subjective, which is why you're angry and not so sure you're a "winner" by constantly having to shit on competition from 30 years ago.

>> No.8414772

I'd take Sega Rally over GT1 honestly.
Ridge Racer Type 4 as well.

>> No.8414778

angry? it's you cucks who go reeee don't console war when this isn't even about consoles, it was about two racing games, one that's basically a tech demo and one that's incredible

>> No.8414795

>isn't even about consoles
Read the OP again.
Also there's no reeee, there's simply rejection to /v/ shit like console wars.
If you're going to be a console warry faggot then eat it up.

>> No.8414814

fine I guess it was about consoles.
still, can't give OP too much flak when he's dead right

>> No.8414823

>and one that's incredible
Playing the SEGA rally arcade coin-op was absolutely incredible. I can assure you that. It was the first time someone made a racing game based on realistic driving physics. The game was innovative, mind blowing and genuinely exciting. Without SEGA Rally there would have been no Gran Tourismo. And even the lesser Saturn port of SEGA Rally still mops the floor with the polygon wobbling Gran Tourismo. Problem with brainlets like you is, you never set a foot in a 90s arcade back then. Never owned a Saturn yourself. Your world extends to the current trend console and emulation.

>> No.8414826

>nobody thought of putting more than 3 tracks and 3 cars in a game until PD
This is why the Sony PlayStation is the greatest console of all time.

>> No.8414854
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>> No.8414865

Meds, please.

>> No.8414867

we're talking about the saturn port
that came a year later and had no rumble or much of any new content
brainlets like you need to accept that even if your childhood game was fun it doesnt mean it wasnt some bs
paying a quarter for sega rally is not the same as paying 50 or whatever (and for an inferior version no less)

>> No.8414894

>And even the lesser Saturn port of SEGA Rally still mops the floor with the polygon wobbling Gran Tourismo.
Reading comprehension retardo?

>> No.8414916
File: 7 KB, 179x282, 364229753i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And even the lesser Saturn port of SEGA Rally still mops the floor with the polygon wobbling Gran Tourismo.

>> No.8414923

Sega Rally = better course design, GT is flat.
SR = better sense of speed. GT is slow in comparison.
SR = better audio. Saturn port has Q Sound and rerecorded music.
SR = better driving physics. GT feels simple in comparison.
SR = steeper challenge. Sega Rally will challenge you for years to improve your mastery of the given courses. GT loses its appeal once the credits roll.

Drumroll: more cars = GT. The game has to cope simehow?

>> No.8414951

Lets hear some arguments frog-posting scum. On why your dumbed down mass appeal playstation racer is "superior". Enlighten us.

>> No.8414952

Opinion discarded, you clearly have no grasp on what constitutes as good

>> No.8415067

GT = better course design. GT1 has timeless track designs that are still loved and used in the series. Deep Forest, Trial Mountain, Autumn Ring etc. Every corner, elevation and banking are made with care and knowledge of what real racing tracks should have. SR tracks are just very short random countryside roads.
GT = realistic sense of speed. SR sense of speed is artifically enhanced via wide fov, typical for arcade games but feels nothing like real driving.
GT = better audio. Real cars engines were recorded + great music by legendary Masahiro Andoh of T-Square.
GT = better gameplay. Car performance customization, car handling mastering, actual AI opponents unlile SR where you always race against the clock and opponents are just obstacles and do not provide any challenge. SR loses its appeal once you finish its three tracks. GT has hundreds of hours of mastering different cars in different configurations and has actually different physics models for 4WD, FR and FF cars.

>> No.8415093

and at the end of the day, GT1 has lost its appeal because theres way better car simulation games these days. theres no reason to play it because of this.

>> No.8415132

You mean, just like Daytona USA and Sega Rally lost their appeal? Because GT1 was just as arcadey as those and nowhere as sophisticated at "simulating" as Papyrus Design games.

>> No.8415141

>once you finish its three tracks
You're admitting you didn't beat the game.

>> No.8415150

Tran Autismo

>> No.8415205

>I must inflict my misery on others with the assumption that others will also try to inflict their misery on me

>> No.8415238

Apples taste like pears but are tougher

>> No.8415257

Based OutRunner

>> No.8415286

Sega Rally is actually closer to GT than Daytona/Ridge Racer. SR is a progenitor of simcade genre, which GT is another early example of. Low content really did hurt SR imo, Sega should had made a late 1996 / early 1997 Saturn exclusive SR sequel with more tracks, cars and actual career mode using the same nice engine they already had running.

>> No.8415441

You aren't a music fanatic if you disregard entire genres for no actual reason, asshat.

>> No.8415457

you two must be dense as fuck if you can't see what OP is doing here