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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 42 KB, 250x353, Battle_Raper_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8409660 No.8409660 [Reply] [Original]

What's your favorite retro fap em up?

>> No.8409668

Doukyuusei series
Isaku/Syuusaku/Kisaku series
Lakers series

>> No.8409698
File: 150 KB, 955x1080, Bubble_Bath_Babes_-_1991_-_Panesian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it is the Bubble Bath Babes™ series for the Nintendo Entertainment System.

>> No.8409709

>expect crappy visual novel or centered a sex mini game
>it's soul calibur clone
is this still playable? might give it a try

>> No.8409736

Yes you can get it on sukebei

>> No.8409742

sweet, thanks!

>> No.8409769



>> No.8409773

Post the meme pic.

>> No.8409826

Des Blood series since it has actual gameplay

>> No.8410062

Private Garden

>> No.8410075

>battle raper
So is there actual rape or is it just undressing the enemy?

>> No.8410079

fighting game where you lose clothes

>> No.8410384

Kakyuusei's my favorite game of all time

>> No.8410410
File: 15 KB, 218x225, Poker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hear about pic related and that from classmate, he was kinda "that kid"
>sounds like the spitting definition of schoolyard bullshit
>find out years later it was a real thing, and what he described was verbatim
I'll be damned

>> No.8410414
File: 399 KB, 640x440, Cuckyuusei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8410419

Yeah when the male character wins there's an fmv where he rapes the loser.

>> No.8410439

Based school yard kid
Yes there is. And not the rape that is in most hentai where they enjoy it. They actually cry in this game

>> No.8410441

there's some groping and rubbing too along the way

>> No.8410464

Is there? I only played with one character but it sounded like pretty generic "kyaaa~!! yamete oniichan!" stuff to me.
You can call me a filthy moralfag but I like it better this way anyway.

>> No.8410505

cry in ecstasy?
"no" means "yes" in japanese porn.

>> No.8410549

>fap em up
At least be like the other guy who would at least make up clever names.
... like 'fap and zap' or something.
I'm not clever.

>> No.8410554

>you can facefuck her for brutal damage>>8410441

>> No.8410590

>beat ‘em off

>> No.8410595

Suck and Fuck Em

>> No.8410601

Formerly sneed's

>> No.8411059

Tamaki did nothing wrong

>> No.8411110

>no webms
This thread disappoints

>> No.8411134
File: 61 KB, 463x352, express.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strip Fighter 2, years ahead of its time.

>> No.8411179

Trip n Strip

>> No.8411240

Kill yourself.

>> No.8411270

I never expected Lakers to be the running gag of /vr/.

>> No.8411567
File: 510 KB, 1219x623, Kill Yourself on Steam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not retro

>> No.8411653
File: 2 KB, 176x112, don't.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it was so out of place.

>> No.8412086

This is the proper name

>> No.8412209
File: 41 KB, 384x500, 51SXtZhjjJL._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beat 'em and Eat 'em ups

>> No.8412358


>> No.8412386

Kiss your sister? No thanks your family are inbreds

>> No.8412409

Back then the quality of the porn itself in porn video games (not to mention the game surrounding it) was so sub-par that if I needed fap material I just went looking for straight up porn.

>> No.8412560
File: 16 KB, 224x256, galsnewk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any Gal Panic-esque game

>> No.8412735

>shoot a rope
>root 'em up (must be Australian)
>rooter (again, Australian)

>> No.8413441

Nuts in Guts

>> No.8413459
File: 53 KB, 375x1200, DPKEraQUEAAFWyw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thread
>No Hissatsu Pachinko Collection

>> No.8414049
File: 172 KB, 320x229, image_2021-12-12_213114.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hundreds of excellent exclusives, source for the original versions of just as many classics and this is the game that first got me to try mame.

>> No.8414076

Does anyone else find it funny and quirkily dated how in the old days people could genuinely be aroused by real women?

>> No.8414087
File: 92 KB, 250x166, Super maruo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The forbidden game.

>> No.8414090

These generic playboy magazine models, yes. That doesn't even look like anything to me. I can see they're in good shape and all, but it doesn't get me horny.

>> No.8414095

Who's Dave?

>> No.8414128

that's me

>> No.8414165
File: 48 KB, 640x480, XCHANGE001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a complicated feeling at the time.

>> No.8414223
File: 88 KB, 752x499, yk6z2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8414224


Hey I masturbate to that.

>> No.8414229


Whoops I meant to say "masturbated". It's too tame for me now. I mean, I still would I guess, if I had nothing else.

>> No.8414251
File: 349 KB, 640x400, Vgtb01_19.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, the 1998-2005, the first great invasion of translated eroge.
These are years!
- X-Change
- Crescendo
- Do You Like Horny Bunnies
- Sagara Family
- That game where the MC have to ((((Train)))) three unsatisfied wives
- Tokimeki Check-in!
- Doushin
- The remake of Eve: Burst Error and Desire.
- The remake of the first Lighting Warrior Raidy.
Online you could easily find the few translated titles that had arrived in previous years (Season of Sakura, True Love, Runaway City, etc...); or the images and videos extracted from the various Viper.
The many fanzine (or true magazines), where the screenshot from all these games were placed or even doujins (badly translated or at random).
The only thing I can't recall is if some of the Alicesoft (Rance 1-5+KR; Toushin Toshi 1-2) and Elf titles (Words Worth) were amateurishly translated during these years or in the decade afterwards.

>> No.8414402


>> No.8414405

If anyone has the sukebei torrent downloaded, can you please seed?

>> No.8414446
File: 214 KB, 810x1080, bible-black-eroge-visual-novel_1_76cf0cbf1343f93c3740a21159d816ac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've shot so many loads to the Bible Black games and anime over the years.

>> No.8414601

Incest leading to birth defects was a myth spread by the jews to make it harder for the white race to stay pure.

>> No.8414671
File: 53 KB, 1546x749, qerqweihasdifaspdfhjwieosadgf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon-sama pls help

>> No.8414675

nice try schlomo I'm not gonna marry my cousin

>> No.8414679

Gimme a couple days im on vacation atm. When I get back home in a few days I will seed for a couple weeks

>> No.8414706

This was my first exposure to porn in 2003 at age eight. It was in the SNES romset sitting on my stepdad's modded Xbox.

>> No.8414709
File: 145 KB, 766x668, lion's porno party 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oops, forgot the pic

>> No.8414739


>> No.8414790

I loved all the early Illusion games. I basically spent my entire summer of 2006 downloading eroge from hongfire and hentaishare.

>> No.8414954


>> No.8415154

Have not heard that name in a long time. Spent long summers during my neet years downloading and playing Illusion games and others from there.

>> No.8415178

Fur Fighters

>> No.8415492 [SPOILER] 
File: 277 KB, 700x964, 1639384835206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brave Soul, RPG with Mogudan as the artist.

>> No.8415502
File: 38 KB, 288x430, Biko_2_Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The oldest Illusion 3D game I played was Biko 2, it's released in 2001.
There're some older games but they're not 3D.

>> No.8416135
File: 1.66 MB, 1901x1382, Initiated_from_h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mogudan used to be really good early on when holding back, but quite quickly the proportions got kinda out of control. At least Izurumi kept a high quality style going.

>> No.8416303 [SPOILER] 
File: 276 KB, 1280x1907, 1639416502577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's been drawing Ayanami Rei for more than 20 years and the more he draws Rei, the bigger her breasts are.
Last year's December, Studio Khara released a guideline for fanarts.
Many misunderstood it for prohibition of drawing lewd fanarts, Mogudan stated that he'd stop drawing Rei.
He made a Rei fanart recently (after the guideline) and the title was translated as:
"This is a Collection of Pictures of a Rei-like Character"
She must be one of Rei's clones.

>> No.8416346
File: 2.17 MB, 2016x1512, Tempo_is_slow_waves_come_and_go_just_like_the_rising_tide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>adds dumb hair antennae
instantly worse

Exactly what I meant. Should have maybe done what Illusion did with DesBlood and just be very similar, in Bael.

>> No.8416356
File: 146 KB, 393x500, 44B93B6C-B1A0-48D7-A460-C82BA37C3BC6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8416367

man I'm so out of touch with anime. I didn't even know this shit existed. I thought Gaymax was still producing eva

>> No.8416380

>dumb hair antennae
Remember, she's just someone who looks like Rei.
There's a Rei clone in Season of the Sakura too, forgot her name.
It's a studio made by Hideaki Anno (Eva's creator) in 2006.
>In 2016, Khara sued Gainax for 100 million yen in unpaid royalties from an agreement that Khara would earn royalties from income received on works and properties that founder Hideaki Anno had worked on.

>> No.8416383

ddls for both 1 & 2 can be found on various abandonware sites

>> No.8416391

I also didn't know Khara until that guideline they had published made chaos last year lol.

>> No.8416409

>various abandonware sites
Don't really know any, could you spoonfeed me pls anon?

>> No.8416418

ok fine but try to keep in mind that search engines work pretty well for this type of stuff. also I can't really guarantee anything about this game or site. it's literally just the first legitimate looking result I got when searching for it.

>> No.8416427
File: 1.93 MB, 2016x1512, Browser_games_now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was Ruri in Season of the Sakura. Which was the same name as the Rei clone kind of character in Nadesico.

>> No.8416505
File: 117 KB, 1664x879, 12341wqedswerr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you.
For some reason I can't find it when I search for it.

>> No.8416528

I think myabandonware hide adult games in their search.
Try searching "Season of the sakura", no results.
But it's there:
You can browse adult games if you choose "adult games" in the theme section.

>> No.8416530
File: 12 KB, 183x275, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best I can tell this was only published by illusion and instead made by dreams co but it is older (nov 2000) and 3d. My main non porn memory of this being having to approach the girls through a crowded train car while navigating your way through crowds of people. Fear meter fills if she is looking your way when you move.
Are this and the sequel, interact play VR, still online anywhere? Ive still got my copies from old hongfire and ill share them if they have both since disappeared and anyone gives a shit.

>> No.8416541

>Brave Soul
Okay, this one is actually fucking great.
Especially since it's a RPG maker game.

>> No.8416553

Upload to mega.

>> No.8416634

I remember encountering an image set of Lightning Warrior Raidy that made me rock hard

>> No.8416776

>These generic playboy magazine models, yes.
To be fair those are bargain bin models shot on the cheap, not a playmate of the month centerfold. Go check out some actual high-quality playboy photos from the 70s, 80s, and even into the early-mid 90s and you ought to see the difference in talent.

>> No.8416826

Your mom's early work, really classic stuff.

>> No.8416829

Some were more non-consensual than others. I think the white haired one was the most rapey. But in most cases it was just a few little details that, absent context suggested by the game, would just look like rough sex (and there's even one cowgirl clip).

It was notable enough they toned it down for Battle Raper 2. But it's pretty tame by the standards of an Internet Porn Veteran in 2021 familiar with something like Scourge of the Evil or Night of Revenge.

>> No.8416848

A man of taste, I tip my hat to you sir.

>> No.8416850
File: 252 KB, 640x400, kyankyan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Toushin Toshi 2, the king of 1994, is coming through.

>> No.8416881

Is RapeLay /vr/? It came out in 2006.

>> No.8417018

Yes, according to the sticky thread. The threshold is Dec 2007.

>> No.8418131


>> No.8418459
File: 441 KB, 1044x869, 831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>screen fades to black
>plap plap plap plap
>中出しします!!! <3
>screen fades back in to show naked anime slut covered in semen
>mom walks in asking what that noise was

>> No.8418807

Done. I will keep it live for 5 days. Please reupload somewhere more permeant if you know a suitable place.
Interact Play
Interact Play VR

>> No.8418821

Anon-sama.. I kneel

>> No.8418825

Get mental help.

>> No.8419953


>> No.8420852

I raped all the angels and wondered if it would give me a bad end but it didn't turn out to be much of an issue
I remember there being some sort of sin-removal stone

>> No.8421116

i guess these aren't retro ether then

>> No.8421125

i meant https://store.steampowered.com/app/1655410/Witchaven/

>> No.8421306

Know where one could find it?

>> No.8421332

I honestly feel like old timey slooters get me aroused faster than modern onlyfans heffers. Give me Bettie Paige and Bo Derek over any IG thot anyday.

>> No.8421342


>> No.8422410

You are a King

>> No.8422475

>mom walks in asking what that noise was
HQ, HQ please respond

>> No.8423809

page 10

>> No.8423934

>"aaanoooon... I know you were looking at something dirty"
>turns monitor on


>> No.8425686

Dammit who is that lovely chunker on the right?

>> No.8426038
File: 6 KB, 250x250, oh shit oh fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8426181

qrd on this pic?

>> No.8426202
File: 10 KB, 640x400, a-night-with-troi_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8427016

The main girl is a thot. She cheats on her boyfriend with the player (who thought she was single). And it's not as if the other guy is bad either, he is a very decent man who is a medicine student, but she cheats on him anyway.

If it was me, I would have apologized to the guy. I didn't know.

>> No.8427023

I was not expecting the naked buff dudes.

Brave Soul was actually fun.

>> No.8427029

Des blood 3 and especially 4 have great music but i couldn't find who made it

>> No.8427602

Surprised that there's no translation for these. Seems easy to do considering the dialogue is in text files that you can easily edit (need to use those Japanese English characters to get it to work)

>> No.8428892


>> No.8428898

Fucking nips and ntr. No wonder their birth rate is in the shitter.

>> No.8430728


>> No.8430770

Oh cool I didnt realize it had this

>> No.8430816

>not crusher
gag me with a spoon

>> No.8432417


>> No.8433131

If it makes you feel any better, otaku had a singularly negative reaction, boycotted everything ELF made afterwords, eventually causing the studio to shut down.
Every other company in the entire industry was so scared by the reaction that even two decades later VNs are vastly more focused on pure love/harems than they ever were in the 80s/90s and even NTR-focused games usually require you to consent multiple times to being NTR'd.

>> No.8433205
File: 1012 KB, 800x600, ALCG0001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it'll always be Sengoku Rance.
This sex game has more gameplay and depth to it than most full-length RPGs.
Balancing country management and the geopolitical situation with keeping your units up to date both for the army and commander battles requires a lot of thinking and creativity. The game packs some brutal optional challenges that will push any RPG player to their limits.
The amount of reputability is huge; there are six routes and they're all completely different, and then in a free patch Alicesoft added in a new game mode that's so massive and so different it's essentially an entire extra game for free. You can play Sengoku Rance for thousands of hours and you'll still see new stuff all the time.
The story covers topics as vastly different as the brutality of war and slapstick comedy and everything in between, but is consistently compelling and well written no matter what the topic is.
It has not only one of the best but also the most unique soundtracks I've ever heard, a beautiful and thrilling mix of traditional Japanese and hard rock that will go straight from shamisen and flute into an electric guitar solo.
All that, and it still has titties and sex in it. What a fucking legendary game.

>> No.8433337

Any ero platformers out there, A.K.A. brapformers?

>> No.8433341

>fap em up?
LOL good one.

>> No.8433349

Question: Are deployed units in this game small in number? If I am reading this right, you have barely 12 archers, 17 swordsmen and so on.

>> No.8433375

But I'm afraid it's not quite the ero platform you're looking for.

>> No.8433405

Thank you kind gentleman

>> No.8433535

I had this kino romset which had a fuckton of softcore hentai slideshows, the most unique one being xeno hentai. I think it's GoodSNES, but it only had 3DPD slideshows last time I looked.

>> No.8433539

Hey, this actually looks fun.


>> No.8433608

those numbers in yellow are increment when your units win and survive the battle.
purple means death (2 enemies death at right side)
red means eliminated but survive (4 enemies eliminated at right side), winning side can have eliminated units too.
most units start below 500 at the start, but strong factions might start with bigger units, difficulty also affect their size.
in hardest difficulty, you might face thousands while you're still in hundreds.

>> No.8434871


>> No.8434927

PC-98 Mokkoriman is pretty based too.

>> No.8435252
File: 35 KB, 200x320, akira.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The only thing I can't recall is if some of the Alicesoft (Rance 1-5+KR; Toushin Toshi 1-2) and Elf titles (Words Worth) were amateurishly translated during these years or in the decade afterwards.

I'm sure it started later for the Alicesoft games. I remember playing Kaerunyo Panyon, Persiom and Type:Zero and had to rely on the Alicesoft wiki or faqs to get an idea of what the various menus did, even in the early 2010s. First translated one I played was Dungeons & Dolls in 2013.

Akira a cute!

>> No.8435264
File: 316 KB, 472x471, Bikini Girls (199x) (Excite) (USA).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is one of the most absurd products i've ever seen in my life, look at the fucking price, it's literally a collection of extremely heavily compressed jpgs of bikini girls, it's all extremely tame, anything saucier than a nipple is haphazardly censored with a large white box and i'm pretty sure they just downloaded a bunch of images from usenet, put them on a cd and sold it for 150 dollars, and that's 90s dollars

>> No.8436058

what the hell is turbo duo?

>> No.8436138

>The TurboDuo is a fourth-generation video game console developed by NEC Home Electronics and Hudson Soft for the North American market.
Back when everyone was shitting a console, it appears.

>> No.8436171

TG16/CD all in one bundle

>> No.8436318

This man really lost it somewhere down the line

>> No.8436391

By they time he did the designs for Scrapped Princess he was already gone. A pity, too. I really liked his designs.

>> No.8436550
File: 98 KB, 500x412, kramer hentai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8437167

Solid soundtrack too

>> No.8437226

I'm sure this stretches the definition of 'game' by a lot, and I'm not even sure if it even is 'retro', but I was particularly fond of Zone's Midna 'game', made way back in his weeaboo phase. I was never a fan of the hideous cartoons he liked to animate, or the rape themes in some of them, it really does seem like his best is vidya shit, see Ankha. Shame that he's such a huge /co/cksucker.

>> No.8438045

dokyuusei and the other elf games from that era.

>> No.8438165
File: 33 KB, 265x360, valis3-cover-md-265x360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be me
>I was 10 years old when puberty hit
>Live in rural area, no access to good fap material
>Can only buy video games once a year when I visit big city (Genesis)
>Found Street Fighter II, Golden Axe and Valis
>Playing Cammy or Chun Li, pause at the right time for panty shot or ass shot
>Or use Golden Axe's front cover with muscular bikini girl
>Or use Valis beautiful long legs in front cover
>As fap material

Maybe this is why my fetish is either lanky skinny girl with amazing legs or muscular girl.

>> No.8438175
File: 33 KB, 600x600, HMM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bikini girls for turbo duo use
>excite software

>> No.8438283

I pulled that excuse but
>ran virus scan immediately
>there were actually several viruses
I doubt mom bought it even after showing it to her.

>> No.8438743
File: 29 KB, 323x244, kisaku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Elf protagonist approves this.

>> No.8438832

As I recall, in the saku series one of the brothers got brained, another is on the run, and the last went home to become a beloved grandpa. Am I correct?

>> No.8439567
File: 24 KB, 251x174, itou_bros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isaku: death from, falling from a high place
Shuusaku: death, hit by a car (mention in Kisaku intro, at least in the OVA not sure about the game)
Kisaku: haven't played much, but I've seen the CG and there's a little girl living with him at some point in the game.

>> No.8439582

Man, you really have to wonder how ugly, but fuckable, their mother was.

>> No.8439598

It could be their father's genes.
>same face
Are they triplets?

>> No.8439616
File: 34 KB, 640x480, Kisaku_724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8440707

Ironically the newer generation of ugly bastards can out ugly all three of em

>> No.8440736

They are so hideously deformed and inbred that they repeatedly baffle christendom by continuing to live.

>> No.8441542


>> No.8442709


>> No.8443052

It's time to recommend some Fap Games for Famicom/Nes/Snes/Game Gear/Master System/Mega Drive

>> No.8443065

What do you mean? Those porno slideshow roms they distributedin the late 90s? I recall some guy even managed to recreate invitations from fantastic stories into the SNES. Also, you can play Doukyuusei 2, but it is censored.

>> No.8443406

Yeah I meant those slideshow games, like Divine Sealing for Megadrive or Comic Sakka Series for Famicom

>> No.8443473

>lanky skinny girl with amazing legs

Based. Similar experiences here too.

>> No.8443518

Genius idea.

Internet and porn were still novelties in the 90s, with dial-up internet speeds meaning you could potentially have to wait a long time to download a single 240p video of some bad blowjob. Meanwhile you had this disk with a collection of pictures of women in bikinis. That's a fucking smart business and the people behind it knew how to make bank.

Monetizing sex and male thirst will never not be profitable. The equally profitable counterpart of it is monetizing female existential need for external validation and social approval.

>> No.8443568

>Monetizing sex and male thirst will never not be profitable
Tell that to the countless porn gacha games on DMM that died.

>> No.8443703

Anon, a double negative is a positive.

>> No.8443907

Remind me when back in Junior high when a kid brought a playing card set with nude Japanese girls in it. Thirsty boys can't get enough of it and we got caught by teacher and punished.

>> No.8444036

And what about the countless that are still alive and making big bucks? Some try and fail to hit a niche market. Shitty DMM gacha games are a great proof of that guy's point, retarded shit that makes bank, even worse today where you can probably find all the porn elsewhere without paying.

>> No.8444552

That's a strawman argument, you're using the weakest link as if it's the only way people market porn games today. In reality a lot of developers still developing fap bait games in a more traditional way and sold in Steam, GOG, or more porn focused sites. Yes there are free porn online but for quality and specific fetishes, you still need to pay.

I for example, commissioned a lot of artworks and doujin that that fit the specific criteria that I want, sure I can get them for free but they tend to aim for fapping majority. If I'm more richer I can commisssion a development team to make porn game specifically for me.

>> No.8444575

as a coomissioner I'm often disheartened that a lot of the premier artists don't accept commissions. I don't care if I have to pay *big*, I'd kill to get someone like zone or minus8 to make something specifically for me. Then again, we run into the whole 'labor of love versus job' thing, so what I spent thousands on just lacks that *something*.

>> No.8444601

Can't be helped though, they became popular and they had to cater to fapping majority. I used to commission this guy who got popular after his OC of short haired big boobed office lady became popular. I only commissioned him once before his popularity went off. I tried to contact him again but he's too busy making stuff for his patreon. I wish him for the best tho.

I heard that Jagodibuja is still opening commission tho, I was thinking about saving money so I can commission a personal doujin from him.

>> No.8444625

I know the feeling, I used to commission this 'mrpeculiart' guy every once in a while, and then he just exploded one day. I commissioned him mostly cause he was a friend, his art never particularly resonated with me. Nevertheless I still imagine that if they have an email available for "business inquiries" they'll most certainly give any idea a look, if the price is right. At least on one occasion minus8 did accept commissions, back in April actually, but I was at work and I guess it was a stream thing. Fucking heart sank.

>> No.8444652
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>Monetizing sex and male thirst will never not be profitable
Patreon porn games in nutshell, the amount of them that start out at reason pace content then stagger to a halt the minute they get popular is amazing, I can't blame them there paypig give no incentive to finish that shit as long they get there "bug fixes", a single new sex scene, and the usual "emotional/physical/family" problem update that keep them in line.

>> No.8444665

I did some digging and I like the thicc art but turned off with how some of the fetish aspects. Well good for him, it seems that current trend swing to more cartoony style with ridiculously thicc body compared to more realistic anime body.

>> No.8444732

>compared to more realistic anime body.
So we have finally reached that point huh

>> No.8444740

On a similar subject, I am particularly fond of cartoon-like porn, and this one artist I used to follow (soapmonster) fucking *excelled* at that. He eventually got into projects that are literally killing him and he lost his cartoonishness, instead drawing that 'tumblr porn' style. Ugh.

>> No.8444751
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Daiakuji. It's just a great game all around (music, comedy, gameplay, ero).
Special mention to Shuusaku though for draining my balls completely dry like no other game has.

>> No.8444808
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>> No.8444945

How did your transition work out for you?

>> No.8445206 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8445212
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even with the macabre grotesque body horror, no other game has made me bust more nuts than Saya

>> No.8445371

It's more like cycle though. First when you hit puberty you want body as close as reality, but as you grow older you want some variety. This is when your path forked into two, you either went to more cartoony body and switch back and forth between cartoony or realistic or you take the second path and became a goddamn furry.

>> No.8446374

I never liked anatomically correct bodies, art allows for stylization and to minimize any undesirable traits of the real thing. Though one thing's for sure, when I was younger I was disgusted with penetration, but as I grew older I found it hotter and hotter. I guess my body is trying to tell me something...

>> No.8447440


>> No.8447763


Not at all. If I lived in a world full of women and futanari like we all deserve to and ought to, then I'd want to be one of those - it doesn't really matter which. But in this world, I'm stuck being somebody who I don't personally want to fuck, which really is not right but that's just how it is and one must make the best of it. I couldn't be a sexy girl anyway; my face is not shaped right. And if I did change genders, most actual ladies wouldn't like me, because they are not lesbians. I'd mostly be stuck with guys, and what kind of a weirdo is attracted to those? So I remain male, which I'm basically fine with (since I do not have dysphoria or anything similar), and maintain the women-and-futanari-world fantasy as an unattainable ideal.

>> No.8447978
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I remember this game being very popular on hentai forums back when it was released, being animated and with some quality art.
Now, if you want to get retro, mu soft went by Bitmap Works and released a few PC-98 before, like Nugerun Desu Hi.

>> No.8448040
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Poker Ladies. When I was a kid I stumbled across a MAME emulator full of great arcade classics.

There also was porn on it. This was one of my earliest nuts.

>> No.8448084

Poker Ladies or Mahjong Gakuen has some of the lewdest art as far as Japanese arcade releases go. Fun fact is at it seems to be developed by Capcom and Akiman did the art.

>> No.8448160
File: 111 KB, 640x480, Rumi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bootleg strip poker/blackjack/mahjong/tictoc with notfamous characters.

>> No.8448175

Hey me too! When I was young I actually obsessed with cum covered face or bukkake. I even remember an old edit of James Bond era Halle Berry face covered in cum made me cum buckets. It's not even a full nudity, just cum covered face. As I grow older I found the act of cumming inside and filling her womb with cum and impregnating the girl as the hottest thing. The switch happened so suddenly and I can't go back. It's that damn JAV.

>> No.8448873

There was apparently a Mahjong Gakuen 2 but as far as I can tell it has no Akiman involvement.

Might commission some more extreme stuff for a few of the girls one of these years when I have some money to blow. Literally my earliest lewds here and I think they deserve better.

>> No.8449042
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this one.

>> No.8449061

Mine was more gradual, I find penetration sexier when done to someone with a more petite, lithe body, think of it as a combination of 'flat chest gets you closer to the heart' and 'love making'. It was solidified with the infamous Ankha Zone, even if vaginal penetration was a small section of it. I was introduced to it by a Ricardo parody of it, and he inspired me to get /fit/ to find a cosplay chick, and have her do the same mortified expression Ankha makes towards the end as I accidentally inseminate her and then I 'oh man, oh God oh man, oh God oh man oh God!' afterwards.

Thanks, Ricardo.

>> No.8449550

I don't know who's the designer for Mahjong Gakuen 2, but looks like Yuga (aka not Capcom) is still the publisher.
Anyway, while I remember the mahjong is nearly the same with a rather generous item shop, the scenes are more in line with arcade strip mahjong. So a lot tamer than the first game.

When I got into strip mahjong in MAME a decade ago, the first Mahjong Gakuen really caught my eye, especially how good it looked as a game from the 80s. And how it tested the limits of Japan's censorship laws.

>> No.8449659

Lina, Yuri, Ruri, Skuld, Kei, Deedlit
How'd i do?

>> No.8450278

To be fair petile and lithe girls are amazing especially for big guys like me. I remember when SW: Attack of the Clones came out and I saw Natalie Portman in her tight white costume. Oh so many faps were had.

This is why I love being a South East Asian, so many girls here are short and tiny. When I went to my high school reunion 3 girls I had crush on still look like when they're in high school even when they're already in their mid 30s.

>> No.8451235
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May as well let someone finish it. In the set I found the last 4 mugshots were on the title screen image only so thats why they look different.

>> No.8451496

This thread sucks. My pp didn't even twitch.<span class="fortune" style="color:#117eec">

Your fortune: The poster above you has been very very naughty![/spoiler]

>> No.8451501

How do I play video mahjong lads? all these Japanese coomer games have been denied to me for all these years.

>> No.8451647

It's amazing how things work. Unfortunately the 30s are pretty much the last decade where you're still young, and the 40s the last where you still can look young, afterwards you age quickly and lose your beauty. I'm 32, I'm terrified of my future.

>> No.8451772
File: 193 KB, 800x600, 14324-hong-kong-mahjong-pro-windows-screenshot-night-skies-of-hong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hong Kong Mahjong Pro
Game is in English and it has tutorial mode.
Use hong kong rulesets, once you've learned how to play it, try japanese mahjong.

>> No.8452876

East Asians are really really love Mahjong. Even when Japan, China and Korea hate each other they still care about Mahjong (and Go, but it's more complicated than Mahjong so only played by smarter people).

Also Mahjong slowly crept to western world, it's just that addictive.

>> No.8452902

>Also Mahjong slowly crept to western world, it's just that addictive.
it really hasnt outside weebs
at most people know the tile matching variant which is nowhere close to mahjong

>> No.8452923

I got that compilation CD from Sound Blaster, but didn't bother to play it before one of my friend borrowed it and said it was addictive.
Then it spread like covid, about 10 friends + me got addicted with mahjong.
One of my friend even bought a mahjong set when he visited Singapore.
>Japan, China and Korea
China also has a chess game called Xiangqi.
Japan copied it and modified it as Shogi.
Korea copied it and modified it as Janggi.

>> No.8452930
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It's called mahjong solitaire, a single player game puzzle game using mahjong tiles.
I remember playing one called Taipei in Microsoft Entertainment Pack in mid 90s.
Another one called Kyodai in early 2000s.
There's one called Shanghai but I don't remember if I ever play it or not.

>> No.8452937

Weeb? Bruh Mahjong is pretty much NOT a weeb thing. As far as I remember people who play Mahjong usually middle aged and up. If you go to most major Chinatown in USA you can find people play Mahjong openly or in secret (if it involves illegal gambling) and even non Chinese start to play it.

>> No.8452940

Yeah, but Shogi is not a social game because it's only 2 players. With Mahjong (4 players) I saw housewives playing and gossiping all the time. You can hear the rattle when they shuffle their mahjong blocks.

>> No.8453575

last bump

>> No.8455154
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Maybe I'm missing, but I believe nobody has mentioned this one?<span class="fortune" style="color:#ec117e">

Your fortune: Happy Kwanzaa![/spoiler]

>> No.8455232

The first eroge I played.
Good taste, anon.

>> No.8455850

I played retro h games but I'm not fluent in reading Japanese and I got the games from this CD called King of Games (I guess it's bootlegged CD, probably from Hong Kong?). It's filled with many games from various genres including H games. Two that I remember the most is this basic game where you have choice between 3 girls but I only remember the one with beautiful long black hair. The other game is this weird game where you go to school at night and find a bunch of girls in tattered and ripped clothing and you talk with them and if you're good you can get them all while putting leash on their neck.

There's also one with muscular girls, but I forget most of them, funny since I love muscular girls now.