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File: 26 KB, 269x370, QuackShot_-_Starring_Donald_Duck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8407432 No.8407432 [Reply] [Original]

I don't know what it was about Disney in the 90's, but we had so many good video games based on their licenses back then, some based on their classic characters, and some based on their movies at the time. I hope everyone can enjoy this thread, sharing their memories about these classics.

Recently I've been replaying some Donald Duck video games, because he's my favorite classic Disney character by far, and it's been fun, I grew up with QuackShot, on my Mega Drive, however I've been taking a look at titles I missed out on as a kid, like The Lucky Dime Caper and Deep Duck Trouble for Master System and Game Gear, and Goin' Quackers/Quack Attack for PlayStation. All of them have been exceptional experiences, I'm thinking of going for the other versions of Goin' Quackers/Quack Attack in the near future, or maybe finally taking on the beloved and acclaimed Illusion series.

>> No.8408031

Played the modern remake of Micky's Castle of Illusion. Really fun and the graphical upgrade really adds value.

>> No.8409814

It's because in the late 80s and early 90s Disney games were developed by Capcom and Sega over at Japan, so the quality of the games is exceptional. Disney games took a dive when they started working with Virgin and disney's own interactive studio, these games look good but aren't as well designed as the japanese stuff.

>> No.8409820
File: 138 KB, 640x884, worldofillusion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Late 80s/90s Disney games rocked because a lot of them were either made by Sega or Capcom, so actual quality abounded.
Quackshot and World of Illusion were my shit as a kid.

>> No.8410667
File: 83 KB, 500x710, lucky-dime-caper-the-starring-donald-duck-sega-master-system-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anons, what do you think is the best 8-Bit Donald Duck? The Lucky Dime Caper or Deep Duck Trouble? I personally like The Lucky Dime Caper more, but not by much really, and I go back and forth between which one I prefer often, overall what holds Deep Duck Trouble back for me is the slowdown on a few sections and how some parts can feel a little cheap, both of them can have moments where they feel unfair, obviously, but this one is worse in that regard for me.

>> No.8410749

Yeah, that's a good one. I just wish it was a little bit longer and with actual CGI in cutscenes. Or at least proper animation.

DuckTales Remastered was good too.

>> No.8410762 [DELETED] 


>> No.8410773

>I hope everyone can enjoy this thread, sharing their memories about these classics.
liked playing the mega drive games

>> No.8410836

>I don't know what it was about Disney in the 90's, but we had so many good video games based on their licenses back then
Because the majority of them were made by Japanese devs at their (arguable) peeks, Capcom and Sega.

>> No.8411309

I never managed to finish DDT.
I don't remember cheap parts, but after a while I always get bored.
Every level in LDC has a few "fuck you" moments, but it never bored me.

>> No.8411706
File: 845 KB, 1642x1162, Quackshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh that angry angry edgy West.

>> No.8411746

Debating if I should play Fantasia. Everyone ive spoken to about it says it’s horrible as fuck but I want to at least give it a fair try. Am I wasting my time?

>> No.8411785

you'll realize its horrible in the first level which should take you 5 minutes so whatever go ahead

>> No.8411870
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I'd say that from all of these comparasions between western and eastern covers were the main character is angry in the western one and chill in the eastern one, with Kirby being probably the most famous example, this is the one case where it makes sense for the main character to look like that, afterall, it's Donald Duck, he's know for his anger issues.

>> No.8411895

>Am I wasting my time?

No, not at all. if anything you'll understand why everybody says that its horrible as fuck.
its all information in the end, sometimes its good to experience something yourself.

Personally I found the game deliciously sad, because the art and music are good but the gameplay is just so fucking horrible that its actually sad in a "how did they fuck this up??" kinda way.

You should really experience it for yourself, try going in hopeful for an even better understanding of how we felt back then.

>> No.8411905
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> afterall, it's Donald Duck, he's know for his anger issues.

Even more, his angry outburst is special feature in the game which makes him unstoppable for a while
By the way, I really liked when recent DuckTales show made a reference (?) to that. Donald is death machine.

>> No.8411907
File: 154 KB, 640x727, 265725-deep-duck-trouble-starring-donald-duck-game-gear-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd recommend trying to finish it at least once, because at least to me it's a genuinely good time, and it takes less than an hour to beat if you take your time and don't rush, since rushing can cause some avoidable deaths. Of course it's all subjective, but maybe you might enjoy it this time, we never know. I'd go for the Master System version, the Game Gear version really is almost identical, but it's less generous with extra lives and the smaller resolution can make a few parts worse when you're less familiar with the level layouts and don't know what's coming, so it's just an alternative as far as I'm concerned, the Master System has the definitive version for sure, being able to see more is just much better..

>> No.8411916
File: 177 KB, 1600x556, quackshot_fresco_by_orioto_d651tyz-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recall reading once that QuackShot was going to be a DuckTales video game originally, and one of the "evidences" besides the DuckTales font and overall adventure theme of it being that the temper mechanic was used very rarely overall, making it seem like something added in the last second, to make it more related to Donald Duck, and the mechanic really did feel underutilized. I have no way of confirming this, but it's fun to think about really.

P.S. Found the thread where I read this:

>> No.8412115

Emiko Yamamoto was lead designer on most of the Sega made Disney games. She became the head of Disney Interactive in Japan and is in charge of the Kingdom Hearts games.

Fun fact about Castle of Illusion for the Genesis: Mickey's idle animation was put into the game after a Disney animator suggested that Mickey should do something while standing still. Also, when Mickey Mouse gets too close to an pitfall Mickey will look like he's locking balance. Some of these things were later reused in the Sonic games

>> No.8412141

Likely not DuckTales, but more based on all the Barks and Rosa comics that DuckTales only vaguely resembled.

>> No.8412740

still need to play the rest of them

>> No.8412754

Yeah, going around the world, exploring old ruins/castles etc, feels like those adventure stories by Barks

Been a while since I played this so I don't remember - is Scrooge even in the game?

>> No.8412756

What's the best way to replay those old cdrom games from disney? Also where do i get them anymore, i have disney magic artist as a cd but it doesn't work anymore, also i would like to replay the lion king's minigames plus others

>> No.8413631
File: 100 KB, 844x612, Image1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is Scrooge even in the game?

Not in the actual game I think, but he is shown in the intro.

>> No.8413716

Scrooge is in the intro and also pop up in one stage to offer a crucial hint regarding switches.

>> No.8413835

Neat, gonna have to find that in a longplay.

>> No.8413918

>adding a postscript before submitting your post
Just edit your post, fool.

>> No.8413939

I believe Scrooge is only in the intro, the one that offers you the hint regarding the switches was Goofy.

>> No.8413970
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>> No.8414000

It was made by a B-team of Eurojankers
Turn the difficulty down to Easy unless you want to jump on every enemy's head at least twice
The manual makes it sound like you have to collect all the music notes to complete the levels, but you actually only need to score a certain number of points
The second part of level 1 seems like it's looping infinitely because you landed on a treasure chest that gives no indication it's not part of the background

>> No.8414014

NPC decision-making at its finest.
>these games are really popular
>all games are the same regardless of who makes them
>it must be our licenses alone that make them successful
>let's make games ourselves and get tons more money
Funny thing is, they probably did make more money for a while, despite making shittier games.

>> No.8414030

Donald Duck is default pissed off all the time, west is better.

>> No.8414070

If you like the ms/gg mickey mouse games try the first two asterix games on those too. Same devs using what feels like the same engine.

>> No.8414139
File: 54 KB, 345x500, most underrated disney afternoon cartoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why no Quack Pack videogame?

>> No.8414324

a virtual machine running winxp should do it

>> No.8414337

Fuck, kek'd

>> No.8414348

These games were directed by Emiko. She is at Square-Enix working on Kingdom Hearst, if I'm not mistaken. She's pretty good, I'm not sure if she worked on Capcom though.

>> No.8414852
File: 26 KB, 248x348, Castle_of_illusion_Mickey_mouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to play Castle of Illusion for the 1st time ever later on today, and I plan on beating it if I can, what am I in for, anons?

>> No.8414882

An extremely charming and soulful game.
Get ready for some cozy music and some butt-bouncing action.

>> No.8415934

great game until the later stages, the game was rushed, sadly. It's missing a least 2 stages.

>> No.8416060
File: 2.81 MB, 360x360, donald chili pepper temper.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Donald Duck is an actual fucking hothead with a short fuse, him plain fucking losing it is a core part of his character, I can totally see him prowling the jungle in a bad mood, knowing that something is about to piss him the fuck off.
Look at the Chili Pepper Temper in the game itself, man gets so spicy he goes berserk.

>> No.8416095

So, I've managed to play it for a few hours. My first impressions are that the graphics and music, the atmosphere in general, are all phenomenal, I adore it. I also like the simple story that does everything it needs to do to setup the adventure, and the straight forward gameplay and mechanics that anyone can understand. At first I went on Hard, because I'm familiar with Disney video games usually being simple, but I got beat pretty hard here, and there were no continues, so back to the title screen. After that I realized I shouldn't underestimate this, so I went with Normal and made it further ahead, there were continues here, but limited, which took me by surprise since I thought it would have unlimited ones like in QuackShot.

I'll admit, after getting sent to the title screen again, I decided to do Practice, which only has 3 levels, way shorter than the real ones, easier, and without bosses, this one I could beat, obviously, and it made me feel more prepared, so I took on Normal again. I managed to make it to the part of the 3 level with the water coming up and down, and lost all of my lives there due to me being dumb, eventually I gave in and looked it up on a guide what I was doing wrong to try again and realized how stupid I was, so I made it through, then came the boss, and I lost all of my lives on this part this time, this is where I quit yesterday because having to start all of the way back from the beggining can feel tiresome, and I wanted to sleep by then.

I'll try again today, hopefully I can get past the boss, I thought you could only attack him when he did his attack on the ground, but looking the fight up on YouTube I realized I can just attack him whenever, and with my weapon, just have to be faster. I hate using a guide or videos, but in this case I realize I'm not experimenting as much as I'd like because of the limited lives and continues, it makes me play it more safe. Either way, I'll try again soon.

>> No.8416113

God, I would fucking love a Scrooge action adventure game like those old comics, that would be the best, some of the very best shit Disney ever made.
There's the Ducktales games, but they're different.

>> No.8416183
File: 3.17 MB, 2034x1952, SEGA-Illusion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sega carried hard

>> No.8416686

I've made it a lot further this time, but lost all of my lives and continues on the last few levels, ending it on the penultimate boss, but what really messed me up was all of the instant death parts in the last level with the purple instant death liquid, and especially the bats in the part where you have to keep climbing, couldn't stand their placement and movement, especially in sections where they would hide under the foreground. Overall, I might give it another shot later, but now I'm exhausted, getting sent back all the way to the beggining always wears me out, I've gotten too used to playing video games with unlimited continues, so I'm rusty in that regard. Still, enjoying it though.

>> No.8416823

>then came the boss, and I lost all of my lives on this part this time
This boss is hell. lol He's so simple and yet so hard at the same time. But once you "get it" it's hard to lose to him.

>> No.8416831

That Donald slide does feel like the same animation as McDuck diving into his coin pool. When I was a kid I thought it was part of DuckTales.

>> No.8417045

Update: I'm not going through levels 1 and 2 with ease, I know what to do in all level sections and the bosses, it's some good fun. Level 3 I still struggle on some sections, but now I do get how to beat the boss, as long as I have my items then I just have to throw it at them at the right time, without items I'd still struggle to jump on him, but with them I can pull it off. Levels 4 and 5 is where I see that this was indeed rushed, there are 2 gems which you get in a very anticlimatic fashion, instead of getting them after beating a boss, it was clearly meant to have 7 levels instead of 5. Now, going back to level 4, it's not too bad, though I still lose tries here, mostly due to the "A" enemies being fast and unpredictable, the tea cup sessions where I lose 1hp every time still, and, of course, the boss fight, when it behaves normally I can take him on, but when it does that low attack, where its body hurts you, I'm out of luck. Level 5 is also not that bad overall, what messes me up the most are the instant death sections with the purple liquid, though I'm doing better in those, and the bats, which are just the worst. The penultimate boss makes sense now, it's all up to his facial expression, still, he's taller than Mickey by quite a bit so I still miss the jump by a little bit sometimes and get hit. Now, for the last boss, I still haven't figured it out, lost all of my lives there, so I'll have to go back to the beggining.

I'm really enjoying the experience so far, just feel that it's a shame too in a few ways, if they had added the missing couple of levels, and with that maybe some unlimited continues do to it being a longer adventure, similar to QuackShot in a way, I feel that it would've been even better, as it stands it's still phenomenal though, the graphics and especially the music are all spot on, the controls are mostly very good and responsive, and the level design is fair and fun for the most part. I have some issues, but nothing that ruins the fun.

>> No.8417359

Update: Beat it! When things click and you know what you're doing it really isn't too hard at all. I feel that the only parts where, even after beating it, I still can't figure out how I did it, or how to do consistently in the future, is the Level 4 Boss, because when he attacks low there's almost no way to not get hit as far as I know, and of course, the bats, most specifically on the climb in the last segment of Level 5, they just pop up when they're in the mood to do so, sometimes hiding behind the foreground, and move in annoying ways while you're trying to platform on spinning gears and not fall, probably the most difficult enemies to handle, alongside the "A" letter enemies when they start jumping around. Also, regarding the parts I'm still bad at, I'd say the Level 3 Boss, I can beat it, but only with the items, if I had to jump on him due to the items running out I'd be done for, thankfully I always get there with 30 items to throw.

Apart from these parts, I'd say I'm pretty confident in handling most parts of the adventure, so in my next few playthroughs I'll try experimenting more, maybe find more secrets in the levels and stuff, and hopefully master it one day, to the point of being able to beat it on Hard, my next objective, but I'm not on a rush to do it, since I'm sure it'll be genuinely difficult to pull off, I still need to get better on Normal before attempting Hard. Overall, I love it, it's just a shame that it was rushed, since it was clearly supposed to have 7 levels instead of 5, having more beautiful looking levels, with great music and solid gameplay and level design would've been even better, still, what did come out is still phenomenal, and now I finally get the hype around it. I still live QuackShot more, which is what I grew up with, though it may be my own bias, still, it felt more finished and polished, and also had unlimited continues, which I prefer, still, I love this.

>> No.8417430

looking good

>> No.8417973

They really did. You had some good shit with Ducktales on the NES, but man, the Disney games on Genesis were a class of their own.

>> No.8418004

I literally just did a deathless run on Normal, ended up with 10 Tries left, I'm genuinely surprised by this, considering that just yesterday I kept losing all of my lives and getting sent back to the beggining in parts that I now see as pretty simple, it's something I love about retro gaming in general, many of these video games were about an hour long, or in this case even less, it was about getting better and better everytime and eventually making it to the end, I love this kind of grind, especially when you manage to pull through, yes, it can be frustrating getting sent all of the way back, but it's still a short adventure, so as you get better at it you can get back to where you left off faster.

I still can only beat the Level 3 Boss with the Items, but it's because I don't even attempt to do it by jumping really, if I tried maybe I could pull it off with practice. With the Level 4 Boss, there's a pattern, there are 4 gaps in which it can show up, and it goes in an order: Left, Center-Left, Right, Left and Center-Right. Once you know the order, it's more straightforward to get a hit quickly. I'm loving the gameplay and level design, and being more accustomed to it all makes it easier to just sit back, relax and appreciate the atmosphere and everything that goes into it, from the designs to the OST. I'm glad I've finally played Castle of Illusion, it's a masterpiece which I was missing out on, a classic.

>> No.8418007

Angry Donald is canon

>> No.8418034

In the Barks-accurate red jacket, mind you

>> No.8418483

What's your favorite Donald Duck stories? In general, can be the comics, the pocket book comics, the cartoons, etc. Fucking love this dude.

>> No.8418495

I don't know if this counts, but I really liked his development in the Three Muskeeters movie with him, Mickey and Goofy. He starts out as a complete coward, which obviously makes it impossible to be a musketeer, and is about to give it all up, but in the end overcomes his fear so he can help Goofy save Mickey, and later becomes a true musketeer bravely fighting in the climax of the movie, he was hilarious too at many points, love him.

>> No.8418636

Don't forget Traveler's Tales.

>> No.8418641

I've never played this game and that's the funniest shit I've ever seen in a Genesis game. I have to try it now.

>> No.8418871

I'll try that one, tried a windows 95 virtual machine but didn't work

>> No.8419661

Mickey Mania somehow lacked the charm and innocence of the Sega of Japan developed Disney games.

Not sure why, but for example World of Illusion just gives me this giant smile on my face while Mickey Mania is more of a "ugh, looks nice I guess."

Maybe the Sega of Japan Disney games were just TOO perfect.

>> No.8419793

All I want is a Three Caballeros 2d game

>> No.8419795
File: 15 KB, 320x224, mickeymania_04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably because it could be stressful as shit.

>> No.8421230
File: 904 KB, 1000x1366, dc2fu2l-967439f4-4941-4fe4-ad30-5e43c887b91e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, after beating Castle of Illusion, and then beating it again without losing a single one of my Tries, it made sense to go from Normal to Hard and try to beat it that way. I feel that Castle of Illusion is a very sincere video game, when it says that you can play on Hard, it really means it, it's hard, very hard. At times it feels like the developers were in a meeting, trying to think of what could be done to make it harder, and then they had many ideas, but instead of picking a balanced combination of them, they just went with all of them.

No continues. You start with less health than usual and your health doesn't get regenerated to the default when going from one section of the level to another. There are less item pickups, less health pickups and no pickups for Tries at all. Levels have been filled with way more enemies than before, sometimes at difficult placements, especially those that are more difficult to handle, like the flying enemies, which is especially difficult later on with the bats, which are the worst. Bosses also take more hits than before, at least a couple of them do.

I'm starting to think that I genuinely can't beat this on Hard, even though I just beat Normal without losing any of my Tries, this is just on a whole new level of difficulty, it's still fun, but I'd be lying if I said that it's not dissapointing having to go all of the way back everytime I make a little progress, and sometimes without making any progress at all, the furthest I've made to so far has been the 4th level, but didn't manage to get to the boss yet. I'll keep trying, because I genuinely love Castle of Illusion now that I've played it, but it's not going to be easy.

>> No.8421625

I've made it to the clocktower, on Hard, but lost all of the Tries I had thanks to the bats, I seriously can't stand them in this level, I mean, they're the worst in every level they're in, but this one takes the cake, especially with the 2hp you start with everytime you lose, alongside having no Items. I'll try again later, but obviously getting so far only to lose when it seemed like I was finally going to do it has worn me out a little, I'll need a break before trying again, even if the campaign is just over 30 minutes long.

>> No.8421657

>I still live QuackShot more
Quackshot is my favorite one. It gets very linear by the end though.

>> No.8421669

Mickey Mania is a really bad game. They say that the PSX is the good one.

Have you played World of Illusion?

>> No.8421723

>It gets very linear by the end though.
It really does, not that it takes away from the experience too much, since most Disney video games from this time were linear anyway, but considering how QuackShot starts more open ended, with you having to figure out in what order to do things, where to go to get items to unlock new areas, it felt like an adventure, it's very simple, nothing like and RPG or anything like that, but part of me wishes I could play it for the 1st again just so that I don't know the order in which to go, to get that feel back, otherwise it can be linear, though it's still good.

>Have you played World of Illusion?
Never played it either, though it does look fantastic, and it has Donald Duck too, which is my favorite Disney character by far. I'm planning on playing it in the future, alongside the 8-Bit Illusion video games, though at the moment I really want to beat Castle of Illusion on Hard at least once before moving on to its sequel, 8-Bit counterpart or 8-Bit sequels.

>> No.8422031

>8-Bit Illusion video games
They are not directed by Amiko though, only Cast, World and Quackshot are.

>> No.8422056

I know, but I've enjoyed The Lucky Dime Caper and Deep Duck Trouble, so I feel that even if the 8-Bit adaptations and sequels to Castle of Illusion aren't made by the team that made the original, the quality standard set by Disney and SEGA back then was still high enough to ensure that they'll be good in their own ways, so I'm still curious to try them out at some point.

>> No.8422108
File: 2.87 MB, 256x224, mahou no boushi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better mechanics and boss fights. Much better being a badass Donald hammering things than kicking blocks like its a degraded Ducktales and running away from bosses. The Game Gear port of LDC also has different level design, unlike the DDT port. In particular, you can't cheese the final boss in Game Gear LDC.

Speaking of Donald, play the Mega Drive version of Maui Mallard. Find the BR rom version if you can, as it is a later revision than the Euro one. The SNES port changes pretty much everything in level design and mechanics to be worse.

The SNES also has the Japan-exclusive Donald Duck no Mahou no Boushi, which is a fine platformer as well.

>> No.8422117

Note that in World of Illusion, Mickey, Donald AND the multiplayer mode have exclusive levels. Play with a friend if you can.

>> No.8422124

No offense these games are a really good rental when you're 10 but playing this as an old man is a waste of time that goes nowhere.

>> No.8422180
File: 199 KB, 391x458, why do we even do anything anyway.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8422190

Playing this so much back in the day to 100% it, including the driving school missions, but it's actually impossible. The game requires every trophy for easy mode even though that mode cuts off before the final cup.

>> No.8422193

Nigga I'm not trolling.

>> No.8422195
File: 49 KB, 497x500, 9773_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic. Come to think of it, I never played the N64 version.

>> No.8422229

Did another run, since a run to completion takes less than 40 minutes anyway, and it was literally going perfect, until the ending of level 4, in which I lost one of my Tries right before the boss, and then all of them in the boss itself. Always a shame when you do worse than in the previous attempt, never a good feeling, though I'm happy at how better I'm doing in level 3 now, especially with how easily I've been defeating its boss.

I prefer The Lucky Dime Caper too, though I find Deep Duck Trouble to be a good platformer still. I've beat both versions of both of them, the Game Gear ones and Master System ones, Deep Duck Trouble is indeed pretty much identical, while The Lucky Dime Caper has more key diferences between versions, I like the Master System one better, but both are good. Never player Maui Mallard, nor Mahou no Boushi, but both look appealing, especially as a Donald Duck fan, I'll give them a shot for sure, so thanks for the recommendations, anon!

I'll definitely play as both characters to experience as much of the adventure as possible, though multiplayer might be more difficult since I'm playing on an emulator on my PC, I also don't know if anyone here at home would want to play with me, but that's ok, maybe I'm wrong and my sister is feeling nostalgic, since we used to play QuackShot together as kids, trying to beat it, though she's not really into playing anything she didn't play as a kid before for some reason, we'll see if it works out or not, either way I appreciate the information about the levels.

>> No.8422235

i feel the same way about zelda, now what?

>> No.8422237

I remember seeing this game where Mickey would ride a skate on a half-pipe, I think it was a bonus stage. Do you know which game is it? It was 2D. I also remember Pete was there or something.

>> No.8422253

I feel we're all entitled to our opinions on this, but I have to respectfully disagree in this case, I feel that all of these 90's Disney video games were competently made, with appealing visuals, sound, controls and level design, which makes a playthrough of them no different from playing through any other video game that can be considered good for the very same reasons. We play video games to have fun, and as a distraction, in a way all video games we play are a way to waste time, but not in a bad way. One thing I think we can all agree with is that Disney is pretty much universally beloved, not necessarily the company itself or their current state, but their creations through the years, and looking into the development of the Illusion series it's clear that it was all made with care and respect to the source material, by people that were very commited to what they were doing, a love letter to classic Disney in a way, which is something that I feel can be appreciated by anyone who's into Disney, which is most people I'd say. Once again, I must stress, this is all jusy my perspective, but I don't feel us being older makes these experiences worse or less fun in any way, the Disney magic is still there and it can be appreciated by anyone, it is indeed a waste of time, but that can be said for any hobby or interest, which we all have as a way to make us feel joy, so if we can do that, then it wasn't a waste of time at all, because it fulfilled its purpose perfectly.

>> No.8422259 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8422521

Fuck me. I loved this game as a kid.