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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8405289 No.8405289 [Reply] [Original]

How do you enjoy retro games without compelling stories or characters? The gameplay in older games is pretty outdated by today's standards and expectations. I like retro games like Baldurs Gate 2 or DQ6, where there's more going on than just pushing buttons fast

>> No.8405296

The gameplay.

>> No.8405302
File: 45 KB, 1000x750, Dualshock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The gameplay in older games is pretty outdated by today's standards and expectations
This is too vague to be meaningful. Games have been pretty standardized since 2005 or so which is considered "retro".
Hell we are still using the same controller setup from 1997.

>> No.8405334

Compare new Doom eternal to old doom, streets of rage 4 to 2, SMTV to pokemon red,huge differences.

>> No.8405346

Idk how Doom Eternal is necessarily better than old Doom, I disliked it at first but really they're just going for different things and that's fine. If you like old Doom there's a billion wads out there to enjoy, nu-Doom goes for something new but one is not necessarily better than the other.
>SMTV to pokemon red
Ehh, the main draw of monster catching was already there, that's why pokemon took over the world. Anything past that is just icing on the cake.

>> No.8405360

>The gameplay in older games is pretty outdated by today's standards and expectations.
Your opinion is shit.

Go back to /v/ you fucking moron.

>> No.8405409

that's why games like Phantasy Star IV don't age while no one is playing Space Invaders, Duck Hunt or Gradius anymore

>> No.8405413

Wanting "compelling storied and characters" in a video game is for fucking fags. Go watch a movie if you want a good story, games are supposed to be fun.

>> No.8405451

slowly realizing this myself yeah

>> No.8405459

Retro games are more popular than ever. "Today's standards and expectations" is a meaningless phrase with no substance. Straightforward pick up and play games will always be fun.

>> No.8405468

NES jarpigs have definitely aged poorly. Too much grinding, boring battle engines, basic graphics...

>> No.8405473

You can go to /vrpg/ right now and read people complaining that PS4 or BG2 are too old. OP's argument is nonsense.

>> No.8405498
File: 47 KB, 500x492, 57338_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even as a kid I never got the appeal of Duck Hunt or Gradius, they were fun for a few hours then you just drop them and boot up something with more MEAT on the bones.

It's like those were proto-types to actual games that never made it to completion

>> No.8405554

Your zoomer brain is outdated.

>> No.8405635

The main issue with Nu-doom is and always will be the fanbase. Eternal is fine it’s just trying too much and too hard. >>8405289
What kind of question is that? It’s the gameplay you moron.

>> No.8405641

they’re fun, and that’s enough

>> No.8405650

Speak for yourself. This is /vr/.

>> No.8405849

If the game itself is fun enough you can invest in it anyway.

But then I dunno how you're defining "compelling." Like I like Castlevania games and their lore and think it can look impressive when you step back and view the whole series as one continuous story, despite the games themselves not being that deep on an individual basis. But then IDK if you'd personally define that lore as compelling or not.

>> No.8406039


>> No.8406059
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this is true but 6 is still great and worthwhile

>> No.8406318

I avoid anything that would artificially increase my estrogen levels

>> No.8407035
File: 106 KB, 652x1000, DQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jrpgs are full of cute girls, they boost test

>> No.8407092

Not everything needs to be War and Peace, sometimes it can just be a fairy tale

>> No.8407160

I wish I could stand playing jrpgs, I like cute girls.

>> No.8407202

Then why do you need coomer fan art to get it up?

>> No.8407205
File: 363 KB, 895x1180, b8facfc86b5f1dc999e7136a283d24e9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your body gets used to the extra test, so you need even stronger stimuli to get hard.

>> No.8407365

Duck Hunt is basically a novelty game and Gradius is a score attack game of which if you aren't competing with others, you are missing out on most of the actual game.

>> No.8408705

>gradius scoring
doesn't it loop forever making scoring kind of stupid
>compete with others
no one plays that so that's going to be hard unless you move to japan in the 90s

>> No.8408710

because I enjoy strong erections

>> No.8408720

Use to have an arcade machine at work and we'd compete for score in the various 80s games that were on the board. That really is the game for most of them.

>> No.8408779

>doesn't it loop forever making scoring kind of stupid
no, infinite looping games are based and filter the soimales that can only play in short bursts

>> No.8408780

>older games gameplay it outdated
Gameplay wise Daytona is better than any modern racer. Same with Hyper Fighting, Mario 3, Zelda 2 and so on.

>> No.8410470

News to no one. You need to go back.

>> No.8410548

Is that persea?

>> No.8410578

I don't play games for story BECAUSE I like compelling stories and characters.

Games are not an ideal medium to tell the kind of story you'd read in a book. Games like Xenogears or Chrono Trigger have stories I enjoy, but even a decent comic book is put together better, narratively.

When people say they need narrative in videogames I question their ability to appreciate in-depth narratives. Anime is generally not that great in terms of its narratives. It tends to be style over substance. In fact, many anime shows are designed around getting you to keep watching, like how an MMO might be designed to keep you playing so you continue to subscribe.

That's not to say anime can't be fun, but I've never met a weeb who didn't do mental gymnastics to rationalize why their favorite bullshit is so deep. Just admit you like the aesthetic and have low-brow taste in narratives.

>> No.8410587

Funny you mention that, Magical Drop F actually had an rpg mode with """"""compelling""""" storyline

>> No.8410605

Lovers is extremely fucking funny kusogaki. It's everything I could want from anime "story" and if you go back to previous maps you sometimes see an extra scene or gain a different power to simulate some really limited exploration.